That Peterson is a very basic jew puppet, a careerist coward and a huge piece of shit.....
He's the wordpipe of his jewish masters, unoriginal muppet, he says exactly what the jews want to hear, that they are born more intelligent, more talented, they are more intellectual....This guy is trying to spread the jewish superiority theory, that jews were simply born better..... And the well known inherently superior ashkenazi jew intelligence mantra... You know, he's a racist, in a positive way, towards the jews....
Yeah, cause that's what those dumbed down anglo tools are supposed to believe, jews were just born superior, those inferior latinos, blacks and whites should just accept their roles as slaves and servants to the jewish master race......
Luckily, in some non-anglo countries those idiotic theories are laughed at and spat on.... Here's a great writing dismantling the superior ashkenazi intelligence theory and lots of other bullshit.... It also shows how the cause of the jewish "success" is tribal fanaticism instead......
Now that i thought a bit more about these traitor cowards Arnie Schwarzie jumped to mind...
Arnie "careerist, jew butt licking traitor piece of shit" Schwarzie after Charlottesville donated money to the wiesenthal center.....
Arnie "i sold my ass to the jews, literally" Schwarzie (at 12 i read his book "my way to the top" and i was shocked in one part he was washing himself from the allegation he was the toyboy of a jewish big guy to further his career, as a little kid i was shocked, my parents bought me the book cause i wanted to read about sport and training and after i read that part i was 100% convinced he was fucked by the jew), so this Arnie, instead of giving his money to poor latino, black and white people, gave his money to the already filthy rich jewish assassins, just clap clap you complete abomination.....
You know these "nazi hunter" jewish organizations hunt not only "nazis" but anybody who does anything good for the average joes, like JFK, or anybody who gets into any kind of position to do anything good for poor people, these jewish assassins just simply execute him....
Wise place to donate your money to, Arnie, you absolute maggot......