Rio Olympics Official Thread - Men's Tennis


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
oh -- that was ROGER. you remember? it was in the AO - dont recall if that was when nole beat him there -- but the parents and group of nole were of course cheering nole on -- but basically much smaller group and probably also serbs and slavs in australia

while of course the ''world" isfor when the parents were shouting their encouragement to nole --

that's when it got to roger and as he passed BY their box -- he turned his head to them and really did say "shut up!" ...and actually made a complaint of it to the umpire.

that was big news at that time. you remember?

I think they reported that incorrectly. He may have actually said, "Be quiet," from what I remember. i think I saw a video on it, but who knows? But there was a big to do about it.
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
REMEMBER how the FRENCH and other 'northern european" powers that be tried to smear RAFA'S name with those doping accusations BUT NEVER PRESENTING REAL EVIDENCE? meaning -- by repeating and repeating and repeating the accusations the accusations would BECOME the evidence and therefore \


rafa is NOT DONE with them yet -- because we all know he has been dragging them to court to prove themselves. LOL!!!

which i MUST point out right now about RIO - being under the cntrol of WADA AND USA ''drug jdges" -- to isolate and exclude and vilify russia --

RUSSIA is not done with them -- with THEIR now exposed accusations of ''russian state doping" -- with NO EVIDENCE whatsoever -- and their ''witnesses" - incouding the bitter russian athletes who WERE kicked out by russia for dopingthemselves and hiding it from russian authorities -- as well ashthe CANADIAN doctor who initiated the accusations -- again -- i emphasize WITHOUT EVIDENCE ..(same tactic as against rafa and nole, you should all notice by now) --

russia is NOT DONE WITH THEM -- and is very , very likely already preparing IRON-CLAD civil and criminal suits against WADA officials, operative,s lawyers, doctors, blahl blahblah

that will hound them for the rest of their lives after this RIO business if over...

just watch -- and SHOW to the world that if THERE IS A CHEATING NATION CHAMPION in this world

it is NONE other than the one that is grabbing tons of golds right now-- the USA itself!

lol dont say i didn't mention this first...because I will COME BACK TO UPDATE ON THIS...and also as a test of all of you whether you are willing to confront by reading what REALLY is going on about ''corruption and cheating" and who REALLY are the countries and entities that ARE the real cheats..

the ones that ACCUSE russia or others about ''cheating" .

this is the same as roger complaining about nole's parents or ''coaching from the sidelines"

and THEN it turns out HIS coaching is done "under the breath" ...and theOFFICIALS PRETEND nothign happened...
REMEMBER how the FRENCH and other 'northern european" powers that be tried to smear RAFA'S name with those doping accusations BUT NEVER PRESENTING REAL EVIDENCE? meaning -- by repeating and repeating and repeating the accusations the accusations would BECOME the evidence and therefore \


rafa is NOT DONE with them yet -- because we all know he has been dragging them to court to prove themselves. LOL!!!

which i MUST point out right now about RIO - being under the cntrol of WADA AND USA ''drug jdges" -- to isolate and exclude and vilify russia --

RUSSIA is not done with them -- with THEIR now exposed accusations of ''russian state doping" -- with NO EVIDENCE whatsoever -- and their ''witnesses" - incouding the bitter russian athletes who WERE kicked out by russia for dopingthemselves and hiding it from russian authorities -- as well ashthe CANADIAN doctor who initiated the accusations -- again -- i emphasize WITHOUT EVIDENCE ..(same tactic as against rafa and nole, you should all notice by now) --

russia is NOT DONE WITH THEM -- and is very , very likely already preparing IRON-CLAD civil and criminal suits against WADA officials, operative,s lawyers, doctors, blahl blahblah

that will hound them for the rest of their lives after this RIO business if over...

just watch -- and SHOW to the world that if THERE IS A CHEATING NATION CHAMPION in this world

it is NONE other than the one that is grabbing tons of golds right now-- the USA itself!

lol dont say i didn't mention this first...because I will COME BACK TO UPDATE ON THIS...and also as a test of all of you whether you are willing to confront by reading what REALLY is going on about ''corruption and cheating" and who REALLY are the countries and entities that ARE the real cheats..

the ones that ACCUSE russia or others about ''cheating" .

this is the same as roger complaining about nole's parents or ''coaching from the sidelines"

and THEN it turns out HIS coaching is done "under the breath" ...and theOFFICIALS PRETEND nothign happened...

I haven't been following the Russian doping scandal, but it's still a bit much to put them all on blast and try to make them look guilty, if there's no evidence as you suggested. Usually when they put someone or something in front of the firing squad they're usually throwing suspicion off of others. So much garbage all the time.

You think the USA is cheating? Anything is possible so I can't say, "No, I don't believe that." You never know, people are pretty bold when they lie.

I'll have to read up on this Russian thing. It sounds intriguing. I'm waiting to hear more.

It's a fact that they'll vilify some and ignore others. They prove that on a daily basis.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Andy Murray, stand-up man: When a commentator said he was the first person to win 2 gold medals he said, "I think Venus and Serena have 4." Ha!

He's definitely a stand up guy. I don't understand why they give him so much grief. Today during the broadcast they said, "He's very well-liked in the locker room," and I thought, then why are you guys constantly acting like he's such a horrible person on court every chance you get? You can tell what a nice guy Andy is, but they love to nitpick him, all the time.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I do too. I've always like Andy. He gives off good vibes as a person.

thing i always liked about andy is this:

during interviews - such as mostly after matches of course --

HE ALWAYS LOOKS at the interviewer in the eye when listening...then raises his head to start speaking - and then moves to continuing to speak while looking at the interviewer in the eye -- and waits for the next question to finish , still looking at the person in the eye, intently.

i never say a player -- or maybe just didn't catch -- do that - or at least in a way that really, really caught my attention -- back when he was even just starting.

from now on -- watch him very closely in his interviews, check the videos, check that one in RIO - ANY round. win or lose in tournaments.

HE PAYS ATTENTION TO the person -- even when he like in most cases -- already knowns most of the standard questions and of course the standard answers...but STILL he always gives that really undivided attention.

when i saw that years ago - i immediately said "i like this player" very thoughtful in the way he engages.

and that's really when i started to intently follow almost every move in his playing career. always liked andy murray.

HE IS ANNOYING at Times with his on court antics and his own ''psyche games" but - hey -- that IS part of the whole show - they all have their ''tricks" .

but when match is done -- it's done - and THAT'S when i really, really WAIT if i know i'm not rushing or whatever -- and i really wait to listen to his interview again. it's just pleasing to listen to him engage, u know?

imagine a person who's very busy -- walking to an intended obligation -- and then someone goes up to him on the street to ask something or explain something...

andy - imo -- is the kind of person who would actually STOP ..TURN around focus on the person and take time to listen to what the person has to say .

wait -- he DID that one time -- driving on the country road somewhere in england -- and picked up some lost dog or something?
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
thing i always liked about andy is this:

during interviews - such as mostly after matches of course --

HE ALWAYS LOOKS at the interviewer in the eye when listening...then raises his head to start speaking - and then moves to continuing to speak while looking at the interviewer in the eye -- and waits for the next question to finish , still looking at the person in the eye, intently.

i never say a player -- or maybe just didn't catch -- do that - or at least in a way that really, really caught my attention -- back when he was even just starting.

from now on -- watch him very closely in his interviews, check the videos, check that one in RIO - ANY round. win or lose in tournaments.

HE PAYS ATTENTION TO the person -- even when he like in most cases -- already knowns most of the standard questions and of course the standard answers...but STILL he always gives that really undivided attention.

when i saw that years ago - i immediately said "i like this player" very thoughtful in the way he engages.

and that's really when i started to intently follow almost every move in his playing career. always liked andy murray.

HE IS ANNOYING at Times with his on court antics and his own ''psyche games" but - hey -- that IS part of the whole show - they all have their ''tricks" .

but when match is done -- it's done - and THAT'S when i really, really WAIT if i know i'm not rushing or whatever -- and i really wait to listen to his interview again. it's just pleasing to listen to him engage, u know?

imagine a person who's very busy -- walking to an intended obligation -- and then someone goes up to him on the street to ask something or explain something...

andy - imo -- is the kind of person who would actually STOP ..TURN around focus on the person and take time to listen to what the person has to say .

wait -- he DID that one time -- driving on the country road somewhere in england -- and picked up some lost dog or something?

That's true. He acts like the person he is talking to is important, and he answers truthfully. There doesn't seem to be any spin with Andy. I also like the way he is respectful of his peers. I also love his subtle wit. I love hearing his interviews. He's straightforward, gives others credit, acknowledges his own struggles and doesn't try to appear to be more than he is. Evidently, he's very comfortable with himself. What's not to love about Andy?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Gibraltar......we say that it's "the shame of Spain" , maybe one day the British will be kicked? :spank2: (sorry Britbox if you are reading this) :whistle:

Bring it on Carol, if you think you're hard enough :)

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I haven't been following the Russian doping scandal, but it's still a bit much to put them all on blast and try to make them look guilty, if there's no evidence as you suggested. Usually when they put someone or something in front of the firing squad they're usually throwing suspicion off of others. So much garbage all the time.

You think the USA is cheating? Anything is possible so I can't say, "No, I don't believe that." You never know, people are pretty bold when they lie.

I'll have to read up on this Russian thing. It sounds intriguing. I'm waiting to hear more.

It's a fact that they'll vilify some and ignore others. They prove that on a daily basis.

it takes paying attention to it. and truly reading the details -- this is BIGGER than anything else happening in rio -- because this IS REAL -- a part of the USA'S global total war upon russia. if you think i am just ''exaggerating" you all need to know more . and the irony here is this:

the USA has succeeded in whipping up ''anti-russia" sentiments and beliefs -- even in the audiences in rio - who likely don't know any better and are just sports fans and from sound bites -- but that is exactlywhat the US does...

which amounts to "russia is a state sponsor of illegal doping" (while russia actually has one of the most stringent - even if, like in any country , STILL not perfect -- but it's THOSE imperfections that the USA promotes while ignoring ITS numerous, numerous athlete's and controlling organizations' OWN side-stepping american violations)

in order to ''collectively punish" not just the reputation of a country thathappens to DEFY american dictates everywhere ...and will NOT permit russia to be ''privatized" the way the USA attempted and nearly completed in the 1990's before Putin kicked out the american corporations and the russian oligarchs selling out their own country after the USSR collapsed.

THAT'S the whole affair here and it has now spread into GLOBAL sports..

which as you ALL remember was with MARIA sharapova as the first ''victim" ...

but MELDONIUM? it's - as these articles reveal - is common among american ATHLETES TOO -- with some ''appropriate tweaking" to pass the tests approved by who ELSE ? american appointed sports honchos of course...

how many athletes of USA rare there right now in RIO wiht REPEAT VIOLATIONS and penalties ? they're there -- winning gold and silver etc...

america the cheat? that's the LEAST of it. it's bigger than even that.

but -- it's up to each of you to -- eventually -- catch up with what i am only saying NOW that will soon enough BE vindicated.

but as far as this wholesale attemtp on erasing the russians away -- and also ''indicting" them as a ''cheating nation" (which is really what the USA is after) --

since the INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COUNCIL which gives the general word --won't go along with what WADA (proven to be under theinfluence of the USA ETC...which i already explained-- and plenty of documentation to show that) -- and had to at least protect its own ICO reputation by at least not going all the way and instead ''pass on the responsibility of deciding" to the separate sports federations -- (such as the track and field ones decided against ALL russians,while others picked and chose in their events, like in tennis for example) --

the WADA people, lawyers, officers the doctor that made the ''witness accusation" (again -- WITHOUT PROOF) - the russian expats whistleblowers who WERE punished by RUSSIA when they were still in russia --

are now SCRAMBLING to back track on their previous remarks and unfounded accusations -- NOW that many russian careers have been destroyed...

because they KNOW -- in due time -- with russia ALWAYS doing its habit -- ''very slowly, very thoroughly" putting together ironclad cases -- russia WILL run after them in global courts - no matter how long it takes in order to AVENGE its reputation and its players for real justice.

many people in the west, particularly in canada and USA and likely also UK- in these organizations are going to have to answer in court civil suits -- and they are already feeling the heat for what THEY know THEY have done...

which is outright CRIMINAL .

u know why"? it is exactly what PUTIN had argued for -- that the GLOBAL SYSTEM of ''sports checking "itself -- is CORRUPT and double standards...and we ALL know that...but HE has had enough of the constant decades long targeting of his country as somehow the devil when it comes to these things

when -- in fact -- AMERICAN ATHLETES are so full of drugs that -- ONCE , not IF, proven in a real global reform should russia have a hold of the proceedings with countries free of intimidation from the USA --

will EXPOSE how it is that the USA is the one that has been RIGGING the entire global sports system and ''testing" in the first place - WHILE PROTECTING its own athletes .

just watch -- i am ALWAYS correct about these things that - unfortunately take a little time to be shown .

but for now -- i am already laughing at all these canadian officials, usa, uk, doctors, chemists, lab workers, lawyers, whatever -- because you can BET on it -- the russians -- so long as they are certain THEY have been unjustly targeted WILL COME AFTER that pound of flesh owed to them - no matter how long it takes.

that's what they are. u know?

as PUTIN said about this flak against russia --

"we are russians -- when it comes to injustices against us -- no matter how long it takes -- we are like elephants in our memory --we NEVER forget".

ERDOGAN of TURKEY that tried to play games against russia -- FOUND THAT OUT AFTER SHOOTING DOWN A RUSSIAN PLANE over syria -- (an american F-16 JET did it wiating in ambush for a russian jet that just finished bombing terrorists that the AMERICANS have been EXPOSED to be the weapons and training suppliers of -lol) -

and with banning of imports from turkey -- in one swift swoop -- russia nearly collapsed turkey's economy- simply by calling home ALL russians from touring turkey.

now -- ERDOGAN --seeing HIMSELF betrayed by the USA in that coup -- no one DOUBTS that --

runs back to russia -- asking

but the point here is this -- even THAT -- WITH RUSSIA agreeing to ''let russian tourists spend their money" in turkey again -- and let turkey sell stuff to russia again (from which loss turkey was cost over 10 billion dollars of earnings) -

and let turkey have the Russian gas on DISCOUNT again as they agreed before turkey betrayed russia (many suspect americans in turkish bases were the ONLY ones capable of giving turkey the radar specs to allow turkish pilots to know the EXACT arrival of the russian jet to shoot it down) -

it DOES NOT MEAN that the russians have already forgiven turkey for the death of that single pilot that was killed parachuting down by the turk/american supported ''moderate rebels" --

the very same ''moderate rebels" you all may have seen on videos savagely beheading that palestinian boy because HIS father wouldn' tjoin THEM.

IT ONLY means russia has simply allowed turkey to do some business again which is good for both countries and needed -- BUT THE ORIGINAL SIN MUST STILL be repaid -- andONE DAY russia will get its payment.

that' is how RUSSIANS are. they NEVER forget debts unpaid.

and THAT isgoing to happen to every government or officials or entities that have ever done any kind of injustice to these russians. it's how they are -- i know a lot of them.

and WADA -- AND canadian officials, americans -- and that includes THESE athletes who humiliated one of their own -- WILL meet some kind of payback for what they have done, one way or another.

very likely -- imo -- in the form of JUST COURT CASES to remind them that they messed with the WRONG country and its people who - really -- didn't do them any harm.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
That's true. He acts like the person he is talking to is important, and he answers truthfully. There doesn't seem to be any spin with Andy. I also like the way he is respectful of his peers. I also love his subtle wit. I love hearing his interviews. He's straightforward, gives others credit, acknowledges his own struggles and doesn't try to appear to be more than he is. Evidently, he's very comfortable with himself. What's not to love about Andy?

remember how hard it was for him before his wimbledon title?

i mean 80 plus years of disappointment -- and of course ''andy will NEVER make it -- look at him slouch"

he just plodded on -- politely answering and one day -- BOOM -- it happened!

i LOOOOOOOVED that day he won the olymnpics then and THEN USO...and the year after finally his own wimbledon.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
it takes paying attention to it. and truly reading the details -- this is BIGGER than anything else happening in rio -- because this IS REAL -- a part of the USA'S global total war upon russia. if you think i am just ''exaggerating" you all need to know more . and the irony here is this:

the USA has succeeded in whipping up ''anti-russia" sentiments and beliefs -- even in the audiences in rio - who likely don't know any better and are just sports fans and from sound bites -- but that is exactlywhat the US does...

which amounts to "russia is a state sponsor of illegal doping" (while russia actually has one of the most stringent - even if, like in any country , STILL not perfect -- but it's THOSE imperfections that the USA promotes while ignoring ITS numerous, numerous athlete's and controlling organizations' OWN side-stepping american violations)

in order to ''collectively punish" not just the reputation of a country thathappens to DEFY american dictates everywhere ...and will NOT permit russia to be ''privatized" the way the USA attempted and nearly completed in the 1990's before Putin kicked out the american corporations and the russian oligarchs selling out their own country after the USSR collapsed.

THAT'S the whole affair here and it has now spread into GLOBAL sports..

which as you ALL remember was with MARIA sharapova as the first ''victim" ...

but MELDONIUM? it's - as these articles reveal - is common among american ATHLETES TOO -- with some ''appropriate tweaking" to pass the tests approved by who ELSE ? american appointed sports honchos of course...

how many athletes of USA rare there right now in RIO wiht REPEAT VIOLATIONS and penalties ? they're there -- winning gold and silver etc...

america the cheat? that's the LEAST of it. it's bigger than even that.

but -- it's up to each of you to -- eventually -- catch up with what i am only saying NOW that will soon enough BE vindicated.

but as far as this wholesale attemtp on erasing the russians away -- and also ''indicting" them as a ''cheating nation" (which is really what the USA is after) --

since the INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COUNCIL which gives the general word --won't go along with what WADA (proven to be under theinfluence of the USA ETC...which i already explained-- and plenty of documentation to show that) -- and had to at least protect its own ICO reputation by at least not going all the way and instead ''pass on the responsibility of deciding" to the separate sports federations -- (such as the track and field ones decided against ALL russians,while others picked and chose in their events, like in tennis for example) --

the WADA people, lawyers, officers the doctor that made the ''witness accusation" (again -- WITHOUT PROOF) - the russian expats whistleblowers who WERE punished by RUSSIA when they were still in russia --

are now SCRAMBLING to back track on their previous remarks and unfounded accusations -- NOW that many russian careers have been destroyed...

because they KNOW -- in due time -- with russia ALWAYS doing its habit -- ''very slowly, very thoroughly" putting together ironclad cases -- russia WILL run after them in global courts - no matter how long it takes in order to AVENGE its reputation and its players for real justice.

many people in the west, particularly in canada and USA and likely also UK- in these organizations are going to have to answer in court civil suits -- and they are already feeling the heat for what THEY know THEY have done...

which is outright CRIMINAL .

u know why"? it is exactly what PUTIN had argued for -- that the GLOBAL SYSTEM of ''sports checking "itself -- is CORRUPT and double standards...and we ALL know that...but HE has had enough of the constant decades long targeting of his country as somehow the devil when it comes to these things

when -- in fact -- AMERICAN ATHLETES are so full of drugs that -- ONCE , not IF, proven in a real global reform should russia have a hold of the proceedings with countries free of intimidation from the USA --

will EXPOSE how it is that the USA is the one that has been RIGGING the entire global sports system and ''testing" in the first place - WHILE PROTECTING its own athletes .

just watch -- i am ALWAYS correct about these things that - unfortunately take a little time to be shown .

but for now -- i am already laughing at all these canadian officials, usa, uk, doctors, chemists, lab workers, lawyers, whatever -- because you can BET on it -- the russians -- so long as they are certain THEY have been unjustly targeted WILL COME AFTER that pound of flesh owed to them - no matter how long it takes.

that's what they are. u know?

as PUTIN said about this flak against russia --

"we are russians -- when it comes to injustices against us -- no matter how long it takes -- we are like elephants in our memory --we NEVER forget".

ERDOGAN of TURKEY that tried to play games against russia -- FOUND THAT OUT AFTER SHOOTING DOWN A RUSSIAN PLANE over syria -- (an american F-16 JET did it wiating in ambush for a russian jet that just finished bombing terrorists that the AMERICANS have been EXPOSED to be the weapons and training suppliers of -lol) -

and with banning of imports from turkey -- in one swift swoop -- russia nearly collapsed turkey's economy- simply by calling home ALL russians from touring turkey.

now -- ERDOGAN --seeing HIMSELF betrayed by the USA in that coup -- no one DOUBTS that --

runs back to russia -- asking

but the point here is this -- even THAT -- WITH RUSSIA agreeing to ''let russian tourists spend their money" in turkey again -- and let turkey sell stuff to russia again (from which loss turkey was cost over 10 billion dollars of earnings) -

and let turkey have the Russian gas on DISCOUNT again as they agreed before turkey betrayed russia (many suspect americans in turkish bases were the ONLY ones capable of giving turkey the radar specs to allow turkish pilots to know the EXACT arrival of the russian jet to shoot it down) -

it DOES NOT MEAN that the russians have already forgiven turkey for the death of that single pilot that was killed parachuting down by the turk/american supported ''moderate rebels" --

the very same ''moderate rebels" you all may have seen on videos savagely beheading that palestinian boy because HIS father wouldn' tjoin THEM.

IT ONLY means russia has simply allowed turkey to do some business again which is good for both countries and needed -- BUT THE ORIGINAL SIN MUST STILL be repaid -- andONE DAY russia will get its payment.

that' is how RUSSIANS are. they NEVER forget debts unpaid.

and THAT isgoing to happen to every government or officials or entities that have ever done any kind of injustice to these russians. it's how they are -- i know a lot of them.

and WADA -- AND canadian officials, americans -- and that includes THESE athletes who humiliated one of their own -- WILL meet some kind of payback for what they have done, one way or another.

very likely -- imo -- in the form of JUST COURT CASES to remind them that they messed with the WRONG country and its people who - really -- didn't do them any harm.

My goodness. Heady stuff, Teddy.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
He's definitely a stand up guy. I don't understand why they give him so much grief. Today during the broadcast they said, "He's very well-liked in the locker room," and I thought, then why are you guys constantly acting like he's such a horrible person on court every chance you get? You can tell what a nice guy Andy is, but they love to nitpick him, all the time.

IN many ways -- THAT'S the trouble with the public so dependent or ''captive| with the ''accompanying commentating"

THEY SHAPE WHAT WE SEE - so our own eyes can not be our own judge.

remember that old saying?


icommentating is a matter of shaping people's perceptions on HOW to ''see" or even ''how and what" to look for...and in that single stroke -- you are already a SUBJECT fit to be shaped according to how they want you to ''see" things the way they want.

this is basic mass psychology. put in the particular word here, in that phrase, contextualize it a certain way -- and voila

you can even believe that black is white. and up is down.

and that accusing someone is the same as the evidence of someone's guilt.

and then your opinion is now 'shaped" accordingly.
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
remember how hard it was for him before his wimbledon title?

i mean 80 plus years of disappointment -- and of course ''andy will NEVER make it -- look at him slouch"

he just plodded on -- politely answering and one day -- BOOM -- it happened!

i LOOOOOOOVED that day he won the olymnpics then and THEN USO...and the year after finally his own wimbledon.

So did I. I was a fan of Andy's as soon as he came on the tour. His mother raised them well. He's a class act. I don't care what they say. Me and the commentators, analysts, and pundits are not on the same wave length.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
My goodness. Heady stuff, Teddy.

this is only the TIP of the iceberg . i am just struggling to actually summarize it in rough terms. but that actual chronology of events -- the years of the patterns, the details - the evidence, the real reports -- the background of who is who and who said what --

including how THESE VERY SAME WADA officials of USA AND CANADA THEMSELVES had very severe histories of violations and corruption...and 'insider deals"

it's all there out that article by that fine IRISH writer, for exmaple THAT I posted here -- mister FINNIAN CUNNINGHAM who just couldn't stand anymore the DEPTH of what the USA does in its global deceits -- which INCLUDES herding people to nuclear war with the ''russian threat" --(another example of UPSIDE DOWN world) -

THAT ARTICLE -- FAIRLY ''Brings you up to pace" so to say of what really has been building up for DECADES.

if you don't believe me or these -- that's up to you - ..

but onething is SURE --

1-3 of russian athletes -- who have majorly BEEN passed as CLEAN -- are smply waved away -- and THAT'S worth - probably - oh -- 10 more golds --

but now their track and field in which they are VERY strong -- as opposed to the americans who are stronger in the swimming, are good also in gymnastics for the last decade so far, -- except for running where americans -- with its black athletes just better than most anyway -- everyone knows that --

that is COSTLY for the russians.



AND THERE YOU GO in the medal count --


who -- for 600 hundred years just happen to also have ahd the most OBSESSIVE hatred for ''the barbaric - unlettered, inferior russians' "

you think i am making thatup?

it goes back as far as the days of shakespeare! and the playwright and poet MILTON..

but what DID the russianpeople EVER do to them?

just this -- exemplified today by putin's russia

"AFTER the second war -- there was the cold war -- and the ussr later collapsed because of our own internatl contradictions -- yet we allowed it to happen peacefully -- and were willing to partner with the west but as equals -- we signe dtreaties -- we were given in return for our concerns about OUR sovereignty only verbal promises but we agreed anyway as a matter of gentleman's honor...

but instead of being treated with fairness - as we gave up more and more -- what did we see? NATO violated every single treaty and now are at our doorstep -- do we not have the right to feel threatened rather than the way they say we are threatening them?"

"therefore -- out of the supposed end of the cold war with the triumph of one nation -- which began calling itself the SOLE power on the was supposed to bring democracy and justice and prosperity across the world...

but what have we seen so far? terrorism as WE had predicted because this is something we have experience from in ALL of our history --
but they wouldn't listen to us
we warned them about trying to impose their will on the middle east andnorth africa -- but they said we were just some weak regional power...and what have we seen ? the destruction of iraq and libya on a pack of lies

released a pandora's box of global terrorism that is now washing into the lands of europe they listen to us? no...we are after all just these easterners...

"so what have we seen with the sole power? acting that no rules apply to itself? misery, death, mass homelessness, entire cultures destroyed poverty and hatred...

"i want to ask those in this room about these things: "d you not at least realize now what you have done?"

HE said that in last year's UN speech -- with obama , powers, clinton etc...the masters of the world -- sitting down there and fidgeting for they KNEW he was showing the world ''THESE PEOPLE -- WHO claim AUTHORITY over the world are the ones"

who were also already planning to do to SYRIA what they did to LIBYA AND IRAQ -- ALL 3 countries who had planned to LEAVE the american dollar in global trade payments and use their currencies backed iN GOLD.

which is the BIGGEST no no to the american empire's ability to finance itself by printing money out of thin air with NO real collateral.

so do you understand now how allthese are connected?

including how -- after THAT speech by putin -- 2 days later in september last year''

rssian forces entered SYRIA to save it from that same fate the americans already were preparing to ''replace brutal assad " with someone more obedient to allow americans to have oil pipelines form qatar through syria to italy and europe to muscle in on the energy business where IT doesn't belong...

and forTHAT putin and russia has to be punished

but update:

russia released surveillance info that showed the USA had planned about 600 plus Cruise missiles to hit SYRIA in 2015 if Putin had not stepped in to bomb thos terrorists in syria (imports mostly from radicalized central asians, even russians, libyans iraqis financed of course by saudi arabia and qatar and weaponized by the USA WHICH theycall '''moderate rebels" lol)


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
My goodness. Heady stuff, Teddy.

all i can say is - since i recentlyu visited russia for the first time last month -- in ST PETERSBURG --

for some classical music even gathering of pianists that just basically want to share music and discussions -- from many countries and russia of course..and was there 2weeks -- i got to really learnabout them .

they are so friendly -- so helpful - and there never was a day when i walked around letting myself get lost in the streets and areas of the great city -- with map -- that some russian would not help me with directins whther or not they spoke english -- old or young -- EVERY SINGLE happened the 2 weeks i was there.

a number of them actually would WALK ME several blocks to make sure i didn't get even went OUT of his little electronic repari shop he shares with a friend -- in their 20's -- and struggling with his own english -- walked with me

3 blocks - first to a cell phone local carrier -- making sure they understood i only wanted one month - their minimum -- coverage -- 4 dollars --
-- THEN ''more ? need do something? help?"

and walked me 2 more blocks to thebank to change money -- taking the customer number to stand in line withme --

then "anything else? go to store? musuem? take bus? i go with you ".

i had to beg off because it was just too much...alll that after fixing me up with a local electric current transformer for my cell phone which he and his friend turned over their little shop's drawers and cabinets to come with something that could fit and rig it up !! andthen

saying "maybe too much? expensive"
\because he showed in his cell phone their charge when i asked:

a measly 10 dollars!

AND IT was an OLD man - IN BUSINESS attire crossing the street that walked back and forth down a long block looking for the exact shop sign that LED me to that young man's shop !

you see what i mean?

and THESE are the people that america and clinton say

''are a threat to democracy and freedom and peace".

but WHY? REALLY? BECAUSE RUSSIA will NOT PERMIT the USA and the west TO PLUNDER their country LIKE THE usa TRIED and almost completely succeeded to slice apart that big land in the 1990's when russia was so vulnerable.


Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
IN many ways -- THAT'S the trouble with the public so dependent or ''captive| with the ''accompanying commentating"

THEY SHAPE WHAT WE SEE - so our own eyes can not be our own judge.

remember that old saying?


icommentating is a matter of shaping people's perceptions on HOW to ''see" or even ''how and what" to look for...and in that single stroke -- you are already a SUBJECT fit to be shaped according to how they want you to ''see" things the way they want.

this is basic mass psychology. put in the particular word here, in that phrase, contextualize it a certain way -- and voila

you can even believe that black is white. and up is down.

and that accusing someone is the same as the evidence of someone's guilt.

and then your opinion is now 'shaped" accordingly.

I wish I could "like" this a million times. It has always mystified me how people are mass seduced. I noticed that early in life when I realized that whatever situation was being discussed people typically use the exact same words and phrases as the person who reported the news. I thought, "that's odd." With all of the words in a culture's vernacular, why do the majority of people describe that situation using the exact same words. If the reporter used the word devastating, everyone who repeated it, also used devastating. I also noticed that the repeaters can never back up their assertions with sound logic. They'll filibuster, ignore, but they will never address the question you posed to them. That's because the "opinion" didn't emanate from them, they're just parroting what an "authority" said. You can ask most people the most innocuous question about why they feel a certain way about an issue and all that will come out of their mouth are trite expressions without substance.

But if you question them further by simply asking "Why?" They're flustered. The reason is that they don't know why, it's accepted and they never thought to actually question it; hence, they can't defend their positions.

Ever since my son was young I successfully steered him away from this type of conformist mentality. I made him answer why he personally felt that way, and when he was younger it would eventually come out as "Everybody..." That was not acceptable to me. I believe in critical thinking, not following someone else's thoughts because it does a disservice to yourself and your ability to reason. I made him read both sides of an issue and every day he had to tell me something that he learned that he hadn't known before.

Now, he's totally down with it and I'm telling you, Teddy, I can talk to him better than any adult that I know in my social circle on a variety of different subjects. We're at the point now where we're constantly feeding each other intellectually, more so than I can with people who have decades of life experiences at their disposal, but who know very little, except what they've told.

It's so easy to spot people who are easily influenced and manipulated based on their conversation. The big clue is that you've heard their responses ad nauseum, and it usually comes from the media. I discount people like that, because if I want to know what they think, I'll tweet the person who gave them their opinion; at least maybe they can explain their position, because the majority of parrots cannot.
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
IN many ways -- THAT'S the trouble with the public so dependent or ''captive| with the ''accompanying commentating"

THEY SHAPE WHAT WE SEE - so our own eyes can not be our own judge.

remember that old saying?


icommentating is a matter of shaping people's perceptions on HOW to ''see" or even ''how and what" to look for...and in that single stroke -- you are already a SUBJECT fit to be shaped according to how they want you to ''see" things the way they want.

this is basic mass psychology. put in the particular word here, in that phrase, contextualize it a certain way -- and voila

you can even believe that black is white. and up is down.

and that accusing someone is the same as the evidence of someone's guilt.

and then your opinion is now 'shaped" accordingly.

OK, I did respond to the correct post. Whew!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
He's definitely a stand up guy. I don't understand why they give him so much grief. Today during the broadcast they said, "He's very well-liked in the locker room," and I thought, then why are you guys constantly acting like he's such a horrible person on court every chance you get? You can tell what a nice guy Andy is, but they love to nitpick him, all the time.

remember also when andy had to let amelie mauresmo go?

we can understand he realized the intensity probably was not the same as with lendl -- but that's his right .

BUT WHEN THE PRESS started to insinuate that IT'S MAURESMO'S FAULT or lacking - andy SWIFTLY

defended her?

"i've been hearing that amelie's being blamed -- but that's just so wrong...she's given me so much and ihave improved even more -- and if anyones lacking -- it's ME -- for failing to execute what she taught me 0 so please leave her alone"!!
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I wish I could "like" this a million times. It has always mystified me how people are mass seduced. I noticed that early in life when I realized that whatever situation was being discussed people typically use the exact same words and phrases as the person who reported the news. I thought, "that's odd." With all of the words in a culture's vernacular, why do the majority of people describe that situation using the exact same words. If the reporter used the word devastating, everyone who repeated it, also used devastating. I also noticed that the repeaters can never back up their assertions with sound logic. They'll filibuster, ignore, but they will never address the question you posed to them. That's because the "opinion" didn't emanate from them, they're just parroting what an "authority" said. You can ask most people the most innocuous question about why they feel a certain way about an issue and all that will come out of their mouth are trite expressions without substance.

But if you question them further by simply asking "Why?" They're flustered. The reason is that they don't know why, it's accepted and they never thought to actually question it; hence, they can't defend their positions.

Ever since my son was young I successfully steered him away from this type of conformist mentality. I made him answer why he personally felt that way, and when he was younger it would eventually come out as "Everybody..." That was not acceptable to me. I believe in critical thinking, not following someone else's thoughts because it does a disservice to yourself and your ability to reason. I made him read both sides of an issue and every day he had to tell me something that he learned that he hadn't known before.

Now, he's totally down with it and I'm telling you, Teddy, I can talk to him better than any adult that I know in my social circle on a variety of different subjects. We're at the point now where we're constantly feeding each other intellectually, more so than I can with people who have decades of life experiences at their disposal, but who know very little, except what they've told.

It's so easy to spot people who are easily influenced and manipulated based on their conversation. The big clue is that you've heard their responses ad nauseum, and it usually comes from the media. I discount people like that, because if I want to know what they think, I'll tweet the person who gave them their opinion; at least maybe they can explain their position, because the majority of parrots cannot.

there's one thing i noticed in andy's playing this past week ...

he was using - in previous rounds a bit more front court ''finishing " shots. depending of course on the player. but THAT is something i always wanted to see more from him -- a bit more use of his hands with his volleys because when he does that

that's when i love watching him best.

he looks GRAND when he does that. i think. i hope he brings up the percentage of that tactic more in the coming months and years. because he's got one of the best net games anyway.
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
this is only the TIP of the iceberg . i am just struggling to actually summarize it in rough terms. but that actual chronology of events -- the years of the patterns, the details - the evidence, the real reports -- the background of who is who and who said what --

including how THESE VERY SAME WADA officials of USA AND CANADA THEMSELVES had very severe histories of violations and corruption...and 'insider deals"

it's all there out that article by that fine IRISH writer, for exmaple THAT I posted here -- mister FINNIAN CUNNINGHAM who just couldn't stand anymore the DEPTH of what the USA does in its global deceits -- which INCLUDES herding people to nuclear war with the ''russian threat" --(another example of UPSIDE DOWN world) -

THAT ARTICLE -- FAIRLY ''Brings you up to pace" so to say of what really has been building up for DECADES.

if you don't believe me or these -- that's up to you - ..

but onething is SURE --

1-3 of russian athletes -- who have majorly BEEN passed as CLEAN -- are smply waved away -- and THAT'S worth - probably - oh -- 10 more golds --

but now their track and field in which they are VERY strong -- as opposed to the americans who are stronger in the swimming, are good also in gymnastics for the last decade so far, -- except for running where americans -- with its black athletes just better than most anyway -- everyone knows that --

that is COSTLY for the russians.



AND THERE YOU GO in the medal count --


who -- for 600 hundred years just happen to also have ahd the most OBSESSIVE hatred for ''the barbaric - unlettered, inferior russians' "

you think i am making thatup?

it goes back as far as the days of shakespeare! and the playwright and poet MILTON..

but what DID the russianpeople EVER do to them?

just this -- exemplified today by putin's russia

"AFTER the second war -- there was the cold war -- and the ussr later collapsed because of our own internatl contradictions -- yet we allowed it to happen peacefully -- and were willing to partner with the west but as equals -- we signe dtreaties -- we were given in return for our concerns about OUR sovereignty only verbal promises but we agreed anyway as a matter of gentleman's honor...

but instead of being treated with fairness - as we gave up more and more -- what did we see? NATO violated every single treaty and now are at our doorstep -- do we not have the right to feel threatened rather than the way they say we are threatening them?"

"therefore -- out of the supposed end of the cold war with the triumph of one nation -- which began calling itself the SOLE power on the was supposed to bring democracy and justice and prosperity across the world...

but what have we seen so far? terrorism as WE had predicted because this is something we have experience from in ALL of our history --
but they wouldn't listen to us
we warned them about trying to impose their will on the middle east andnorth africa -- but they said we were just some weak regional power...and what have we seen ? the destruction of iraq and libya on a pack of lies

released a pandora's box of global terrorism that is now washing into the lands of europe they listen to us? no...we are after all just these easterners...

"so what have we seen with the sole power? acting that no rules apply to itself? misery, death, mass homelessness, entire cultures destroyed poverty and hatred...

"i want to ask those in this room about these things: "d you not at least realize now what you have done?"

HE said that in last year's UN speech -- with obama , powers, clinton etc...the masters of the world -- sitting down there and fidgeting for they KNEW he was showing the world ''THESE PEOPLE -- WHO claim AUTHORITY over the world are the ones"

who were also already planning to do to SYRIA what they did to LIBYA AND IRAQ -- ALL 3 countries who had planned to LEAVE the american dollar in global trade payments and use their currencies backed iN GOLD.

which is the BIGGEST no no to the american empire's ability to finance itself by printing money out of thin air with NO real collateral.

so do you understand now how allthese are connected?

including how -- after THAT speech by putin -- 2 days later in september last year''

rssian forces entered SYRIA to save it from that same fate the americans already were preparing to ''replace brutal assad " with someone more obedient to allow americans to have oil pipelines form qatar through syria to italy and europe to muscle in on the energy business where IT doesn't belong...

and forTHAT putin and russia has to be punished

but update:

russia released surveillance info that showed the USA had planned about 600 plus Cruise missiles to hit SYRIA in 2015 if Putin had not stepped in to bomb thos terrorists in syria (imports mostly from radicalized central asians, even russians, libyans iraqis financed of course by saudi arabia and qatar and weaponized by the USA WHICH theycall '''moderate rebels" lol)

This is a lot of stuff. I would have to read and consider each point. I can't truthfully pretend that I understand it completely at this point, but I never discount things as hogwash because it's not my ideology. I've always hated history, at least what was taught in schools, because even as a child the retelling was full of gaping holes. Some things never make sense even as you're reading it, but institutionalized education teaches you what they want you to believe as opposed to what really happened. And questioning the veracity of certain historical events is likened to rebelling against authority. I never discount what people say, especially when they support the data with facts; just so you know.