Rio Olympics Official Thread - Men's Tennis

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
there's one thing i noticed in andy's playing this past week ...

he was using - in previous rounds a bit more front court ''finishing " shots. depending of course on the player. but THAT is something i always wanted to see more from him -- a bit more use of his hands with his volleys because when he does that

that's when i love watching him best.

he looks GRAND when he does that. i think. i hope he brings up the percentage of that tactic more in the coming months and years. because he's got one of the best net games anyway.

Totally agree, and I noticed it too. Hopefully, with Lendl at his side Andy will accomplish many of his dreams. I have waited for Andy to fully utilize his potential for years, but confidently thought he'd get there. I am beyond excited with these last few months performances. He's a great guy and it would be nice to see him reach his goals.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
remember also when andy had to let amelie mauresmo go?

we can understand he realized the intensity probably was not the same as with lendl -- but that's his right .

BUT WHEN THE PRESS started to insinuate that IT'S MAURESMO'S FAULT or lacking - andy SWIFTLY

defended her?

"i've been hearing that amelie's being blamed -- but that's just so wrong...she's given me so much and ihave improved even more -- and if anyones lacking -- it's ME -- for failing to execute what she taught me 0 so please leave her alone"!!

I remember that. I thought he handled the situation beautifully, but it was no more than I expected.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
all i can say is - since i recentlyu visited russia for the first time last month -- in ST PETERSBURG --

for some classical music even gathering of pianists that just basically want to share music and discussions -- from many countries and russia of course..and was there 2weeks -- i got to really learnabout them .

they are so friendly -- so helpful - and there never was a day when i walked around letting myself get lost in the streets and areas of the great city -- with map -- that some russian would not help me with directins whther or not they spoke english -- old or young -- EVERY SINGLE happened the 2 weeks i was there.

a number of them actually would WALK ME several blocks to make sure i didn't get even went OUT of his little electronic repari shop he shares with a friend -- in their 20's -- and struggling with his own english -- walked with me

3 blocks - first to a cell phone local carrier -- making sure they understood i only wanted one month - their minimum -- coverage -- 4 dollars --
-- THEN ''more ? need do something? help?"

and walked me 2 more blocks to thebank to change money -- taking the customer number to stand in line withme --

then "anything else? go to store? musuem? take bus? i go with you ".

i had to beg off because it was just too much...alll that after fixing me up with a local electric current transformer for my cell phone which he and his friend turned over their little shop's drawers and cabinets to come with something that could fit and rig it up !! andthen

saying "maybe too much? expensive"
\because he showed in his cell phone their charge when i asked:

a measly 10 dollars!

AND IT was an OLD man - IN BUSINESS attire crossing the street that walked back and forth down a long block looking for the exact shop sign that LED me to that young man's shop !

you see what i mean?

and THESE are the people that america and clinton say

''are a threat to democracy and freedom and peace".

but WHY? REALLY? BECAUSE RUSSIA will NOT PERMIT the USA and the west TO PLUNDER their country LIKE THE usa TRIED and almost completely succeeded to slice apart that big land in the 1990's when russia was so vulnerable.


Interesting experience. That type of behavior is foreign in many other cultures.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Interesting experience. That type of behavior is foreign in many other cultures.
maybe -- but it was EVERY DAY i was there for 2 weeks --

i actually sort of intentionally did it? being 'lost?' -- but what i mean is

I just really like going around myself and discovering -- and of course actually losing your way - especially when i was supposed to arrive at a certain appointed time and location for the music even -- you get nervous right

but i like to do that -- just go and see where this or that street leads in the ''general direction" i am aiming most days i walked around with that purpose as opposed to just exploring wherever...

NOT A DAY PASSED THAT A local would help me if i asked. not a day. and even a handful of times -- while standing by a building (their buildings are of course old and HUGE - as big as a small city block elsewhere with several buildings like that in just one block-- ) -

usually younger people -- like college-age or in their 30's would approach gently and ask "are you alright? are you lost? do you need help?"

happened to me several times. and i show them the address i wanted and my map ''can i see? " and then study it with me - etc..they're like that.

my 3rd day i decided to learn how to take the bus instead of walking --
and someone on the block woudl walk me to the street bus stop to show me how to recognize the ''BUS" icon ..

in the bus -- (their local buses are electric cable ) so there's hardly any smog, very clean city everywhere -- as i was nervously waving my map to the oncoming bus that just crossed a river bridge -

i could see the bus driver already SMILING at me...and whisked open the wide door...and in russian greeted me - and pointed back to a matronly lady with an APRON with her bag of change and tickets - who rushed to meet me -- and instantly everyone knew i was a stranger (i am filipino by the way -- so that is about as recognizably NON-slavic to anyone up norht - haha) -
and were all NODDING in silent greetings..

as the matron spoke in her rushing tone whatever it was..and i showed my palm with my ruble bills not know what the prices were..and she picked out the correct bills - gave me my coin changes - Definitely teaching me

"adjim -- dva - tri.......pesh!!" one two 3 .....5!!"

gave me my little ticket...andTHEN HELD MY HAND to bring me to sit across from her so she could keep an eye on me...while telling me

ONE -- block- TWO - blocks - three BLOCKS fourth BLOCK to get off and THAT WAY -- WITH A BIG wave of her hand to go left ...and find my address..

and with all that - the others in the bus -- were all smiling at me and nodding like assuring me i'll be ok.

THAT'S how russians really are.

JUST DO NOT MESS WITH THEM or try to TRICK them BECAUSE they WILL make you pay one way or another where-ever you are in this world. lo.l.

and SO HEALTHY and fit and athletic -- my goodness -- it was shocking to see them walk around -- so fast walkers they are -- but not in a hurrying way -- they just move their legs FAST!! SO healthy and athletic looking, men and women alike.

and lots and lots of HUGGING and holding hands among them that i saw. couples, families, friends both male and females - they walk like that - holding hands...the complete opposite of what they are portrayed as by the likes of

obama and hillary ...and when they WORK? OH MY god -- they are SO FAST like lightning When they do their work. and so thorough --and then i't sdone..

whether it's fixing down electric cables fishing them out from the river because of very hard and strong wind the day before (they are that fast in fixing things) - or river ferries with party groups disembarking and the ferry being cleaned and readied for the next - the sailors work on the ropes , repairing, cleaning, setting the chairs again -- DONE lke lightning and THEN they lie down under the sun or swim in the river!

simply an amazing wonderful people -- so i am biased yes -- but all the more reason I RESENT -- and even feel very defensive of them -- that the USA does these things just to smear their country because russia and putin WILL NOT KNEEL

to the american empire. THAT'S the bottom line.

AND WHEN i finally got the balls to ask some of them that i get more close to how 'do you feel about what you hear the USA and west keep saying that your country is a threat -- that you are aggressive and europe is in danger from your plans to invade and all that? "

they show a very sad face...and say> with a shrug :

"what can we really do? we have nothing against them - we are not interested in the lands of europe -- what for? our land is so big and we are going to develop russia towards the far east -- so what do we need poland or germany or estonia or finland for? if they don't want to be friends with us -- we can not force them ...but we will never permit anyone to cross our lands without our permission because we -- not they in europe -- are the ones that have been invaded so many times for over a thousand years because it is they that wanted our lands...if they can not respect us for who we are -- there are others that can be our friends".

and when i was there -- i only felt from them nothing but CALM and peace and harmony between their very varied ethnicities actually. so manydifferent cultures actually.

and one of the most ''disappearing" things in the west is this:

russian men and women? couples?

the men STILL hold their arms and elbows UP very high in that awkward position so that the girl can rest HER hand or arm on the crook of his arm very comfortably -- when it RAINS? AND A man and woman are walking with one umbrella? the man holds it -- for the woman and HE walks soaked in the rain but not her.

in gatherings -- when men (like some of us in our event_ were talking too loudly that i might disturb a musical performance inside the hall behond the door -- ONE LOOK from a woman and the russian men SHUT UP like little lambs!!

and compare THAT with the wild-eyed -- war crazy , blood lusting likes of samantha powers, hillary ,madeleine albright etc..screaming like banshees about WAR, WAR WAR with russian ''the aggressive russians"\!!

so - yea -- damn right i am WAITING for the day when the russians pay back the americans and these crooked WADA people for what they have done -- an INJUSTICE to the russians

while EXCUSING their own DOPED up athletes from their own past violations and goodness knows they probably have such advanced ways today they get away with it in RIO while screaming USA USA USA and ''cheating russians".

and even whipping up the brazilian crowds about it - like literally getting them to BOO a russian athlete like EFIMOVA when it was her turn to take the podium for her silver...or to perform...

how LOW can you get? really? just because a country says "we have OUR independent way of doing things -- we can make friends and trade with anyone we please withotu YOUR permission usa -- and OUR country and OUR neighborhood is OURS -- not YOURS we do not meddle in your affairs -- do not meddle in ours or even that of others who have already started to run to US for protection from YOU".

which IS what syria , iran , even CHINA have been doing. because they'v eALL seen what the USA and its western and other collaborators have done

to iraq,libya, afganistan, yemen, north africa, syria, accept ''american democracy"

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
maybe -- but it was EVERY DAY i was there for 2 weeks --

i actually sort of intentionally did it? being 'lost?' -- but what i mean is

I just really like going around myself and discovering -- and of course actually losing your way - especially when i was supposed to arrive at a certain appointed time and location for the music even -- you get nervous right

but i like to do that -- just go and see where this or that street leads in the ''general direction" i am aiming most days i walked around with that purpose as opposed to just exploring wherever...

NOT A DAY PASSED THAT A local would help me if i asked. not a day. and even a handful of times -- while standing by a building (their buildings are of course old and HUGE - as big as a small city block elsewhere with several buildings like that in just one block-- ) -

usually younger people -- like college-age or in their 30's would approach gently and ask "are you alright? are you lost? do you need help?"

happened to me several times. and i show them the address i wanted and my map ''can i see? " and then study it with me - etc..they're like that.

my 3rd day i decided to learn how to take the bus instead of walking --
and someone on the block woudl walk me to the street bus stop to show me how to recognize the ''BUS" icon ..

in the bus -- (their local buses are electric cable ) so there's hardly any smog, very clean city everywhere -- as i was nervously waving my map to the oncoming bus that just crossed a river bridge -

i could see the bus driver already SMILING at me...and whisked open the wide door...and in russian greeted me - and pointed back to a matronly lady with an APRON with her bag of change and tickets - who rushed to meet me -- and instantly everyone knew i was a stranger (i am filipino by the way -- so that is about as recognizably NON-slavic to anyone up norht - haha) -
and were all NODDING in silent greetings..

as the matron spoke in her rushing tone whatever it was..and i showed my palm with my ruble bills not know what the prices were..and she picked out the correct bills - gave me my coin changes - Definitely teaching me

"adjim -- dva - tri.......pesh!!" one two 3 .....5!!"

gave me my little ticket...andTHEN HELD MY HAND to bring me to sit across from her so she could keep an eye on me...while telling me

ONE -- block- TWO - blocks - three BLOCKS fourth BLOCK to get off and THAT WAY -- WITH A BIG wave of her hand to go left ...and find my address..

and with all that - the others in the bus -- were all smiling at me and nodding like assuring me i'll be ok.

THAT'S how russians really are.

JUST DO NOT MESS WITH THEM or try to TRICK them BECAUSE they WILL make you pay one way or another where-ever you are in this world. lo.l.

and SO HEALTHY and fit and athletic -- my goodness -- it was shocking to see them walk around -- so fast walkers they are -- but not in a hurrying way -- they just move their legs FAST!! SO healthy and athletic looking, men and women alike.

and lots and lots of HUGGING and holding hands among them that i saw. couples, families, friends both male and females - they walk like that - holding hands...the complete opposite of what they are portrayed as by the likes of

obama and hillary ...and when they WORK? OH MY god -- they are SO FAST like lightning When they do their work. and so thorough --and then i't sdone..

whether it's fixing down electric cables fishing them out from the river because of very hard and strong wind the day before (they are that fast in fixing things) - or river ferries with party groups disembarking and the ferry being cleaned and readied for the next - the sailors work on the ropes , repairing, cleaning, setting the chairs again -- DONE lke lightning and THEN they lie down under the sun or swim in the river!

simply an amazing wonderful people -- so i am biased yes -- but all the more reason I RESENT -- and even feel very defensive of them -- that the USA does these things just to smear their country because russia and putin WILL NOT KNEEL

to the american empire. THAT'S the bottom line.

AND WHEN i finally got the balls to ask some of them that i get more close to how 'do you feel about what you hear the USA and west keep saying that your country is a threat -- that you are aggressive and europe is in danger from your plans to invade and all that? "

they show a very sad face...and say> with a shrug :

"what can we really do? we have nothing against them - we are not interested in the lands of europe -- what for? our land is so big and we are going to develop russia towards the far east -- so what do we need poland or germany or estonia or finland for? if they don't want to be friends with us -- we can not force them ...but we will never permit anyone to cross our lands without our permission because we -- not they in europe -- are the ones that have been invaded so many times for over a thousand years because it is they that wanted our lands...if they can not respect us for who we are -- there are others that can be our friends".

and when i was there -- i only felt from them nothing but CALM and peace and harmony between their very varied ethnicities actually. so manydifferent cultures actually.

and one of the most ''disappearing" things in the west is this:

russian men and women? couples?

the men STILL hold their arms and elbows UP very high in that awkward position so that the girl can rest HER hand or arm on the crook of his arm very comfortably -- when it RAINS? AND A man and woman are walking with one umbrella? the man holds it -- for the woman and HE walks soaked in the rain but not her.

in gatherings -- when men (like some of us in our event_ were talking too loudly that i might disturb a musical performance inside the hall behond the door -- ONE LOOK from a woman and the russian men SHUT UP like little lambs!!

and compare THAT with the wild-eyed -- war crazy , blood lusting likes of samantha powers, hillary ,madeleine albright etc..screaming like banshees about WAR, WAR WAR with russian ''the aggressive russians"\!!

so - yea -- damn right i am WAITING for the day when the russians pay back the americans and these crooked WADA people for what they have done -- an INJUSTICE to the russians

while EXCUSING their own DOPED up athletes from their own past violations and goodness knows they probably have such advanced ways today they get away with it in RIO while screaming USA USA USA and ''cheating russians".

and even whipping up the brazilian crowds about it - like literally getting them to BOO a russian athlete like EFIMOVA when it was her turn to take the podium for her silver...or to perform...

how LOW can you get? really? just because a country says "we have OUR independent way of doing things -- we can make friends and trade with anyone we please withotu YOUR permission usa -- and OUR country and OUR neighborhood is OURS -- not YOURS we do not meddle in your affairs -- do not meddle in ours or even that of others who have already started to run to US for protection from YOU".

which IS what syria , iran , even CHINA have been doing. because they'v eALL seen what the USA and its western and other collaborators have done

to iraq,libya, afganistan, yemen, north africa, syria, accept ''american democracy"

You really don't like Hillary and President Obama, LOL. Their culture sounds wonderful from what you've experienced. It's nice hearing about other cultures from first hand experience.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
You really don't like Hillary and President Obama, LOL. Their culture sounds wonderful from what you've experienced. It's nice hearing about other cultures from first hand experience.

i don't like ANY of them .

what americans -- youprobably are -- do not seem to realize -- since you live in a 'bubble" with an echo chamber -- is the rest of the world sees the USA as THE main threat TO THEIR existence -- while what obama, hillary, even trump and your media tells you are ''the saviors of the world -- the world needs us -- we bring order and peace and prosperity"./

so -- what is obama ? he has been nothing but a water boy for his white masters who rule from wall street, the corporations, the PRIVATE owned ''FEDERAL CENTRAL' bank of the USA -- whose private owners -- who are really owners of the few biggest banks like chase, citicorpt, chicago banks, etc...

print dollar bills -- ''lend" them to your US treasury (which gave up its constitutional power to BE the real printer of money) - and extracts a ''lending fee" (that's profit right there) -

and then every dollar thatis used by anyone on earth -- that private cartel earns more ''user fee"

that's who your obama, hillary represent -- while they tell all of you "we are the greatest nation on earth in history --e veryone follows us because we are exceptional and we are the GOOD GUYS"

really? how many countries has obama alone ATTACKED? who really couldn't even feed their own children let alone INVADE the usa with a huge army to ''destroy the american way of life?"

how many countries did HILLARY line up at the head to vote to attack and supply terrorists with american money and weapons while PRETENDING to ''fight terrorism?"

these are things you have to starte KNOWING and confront about your own country -- that -- to much of the world it IS A rogue nation, not at all what americans like to believe it to be.

hillary's OWN disdain for logging into the special e mail government account she was SUPPOSED to follow to protect USA secrets -- CAUSED her own e mail to be open to just about anybody on earth -- no need for russia to hack it...

yet she blames RUSSIA for it -- because as she claims "russia is interfering in our elections".

oh really?

in 2004 or something -- the very, very important MAYORAL ELECTIONS of MOSCOW which is such a huge metropolis now-- larger than new york city really -- had american ambassador pyatt marching in the streets of moscow LITERALLY CAMPAIGNING for an ''opposition" funded by the USA ''non-governmental organizations" --

of course russians were just laughing at the whole thing and saw right through the sordid little tale...your CIA agents are all over russia -- so many of them caught - in humiliating circumstances because russians could easily spot them in their clumsy attempts -- heck -- one even tried to ignore the russian security guard outside the US EMBASSY in one city -- probably didn't want to have his things checked as was required -- and ended up pinned down by the russian in 2 seconds flat! right outside the door until the russian felt sorry for hiom and let him in -- CRAWLING through the door into the

and whatis their purpose ? same as everywhere american ''operatives" go for

control of the governments of countries -- and if necessary to replace them as the USA government sees fit --

it's going on RIGHT NOW in THAILAND - because the military there got rid of a very, very corrupt dictatorial CLAN that is in the pockets of YOUR own CIA And state the usa is starting a ''fire" of ''protests" to create - as usual chaos..
just like obama did in ukraine , just like he did in syria, just like he did in libya with hillary's insistence THAT KILLED YOUR OWN AMBASSADORS there as a result of HER criminal scheming and negligecne for their safety from the already chaotic resultsBECAUSE they bombed libya to kingdom and let the terrorists unleashed by it to literally murderer with a bayonet to his ass KADAFFI..

and why? BECAUSE -- kadaffi ''the dictator" -- was starting to put together a NEW currency -- the AFRICAN DINAR based on GOLD to make africa independnet from having to be blackmailed by using the US DOLLAR!

the biggest no no ...

and on and on and on it goes.

so -- unless your'e all ok with that -- it's time to wake up to what your own leaders REALLY are.

imagine -- hillary -- being so irresponsibile with HER security clearance -- then things get hacked -- and HER e mails are somehow incomplete? - in the days of NIXON that was JAIL TIME, BABY.

and DNC getting hacked -- FBI INSISTS "'WE KNOW IT'S THE RUSSIANS...we just don't know HOW".

eh? did i just hear that right? you dont' know HOW you have no evidence - just conjecture so you are SURE?



and if itboils down to a choice between hillary and billionaire- uncouth trump

what do you think that is to the rest of the world?

lowlifes. that's the height of american ''democracy" and ''civilization" .

and they insist - as obama insisted in a speech IN asia:
oh really? who are YOU ? know your place -- your country has violated rules everywhere ...

BUT HERE'S A beautiful little nugget...

2015 early part -- obama made this big proud speech in , i think, san diego -- to the naval personnel there -- probably to stiffen their spine at obama/hillary's project to 'PIVOT TO ASIA and show who's boss" .

saying proudly:

"WE are a pacific nation -- THEREFORE we are ALSO an asian nation ..

"and we INTEND to remain THE asian LEADER".

mull that over for a moment -- and the grammatical , logical magic and sleight of hand right there. in a LOGIC formulation it doens't ADD UP. it would FAIL at once in a class of logic and reasoning and socratic method of thinking.

at which CHINA -- naturally follows everything too - responded by issuing an ''editoriaL" rather than in the same clumsy way of obama himself personally proclaiming it -- across the pacific mind you - as if to symbolize the pacific is OUR lake...and that far shore asia - WE are leaders...

china's editorial paper said:

'we have taken note of the ameican president's recent statemtn: we disagree:
"america MAY be a pacific nation -- but tha does NOT mean it is also an asian nation and has NO business thnking of itself as THE asian leader".

that alone ought to explain what your country and governemnt really are about -- ARROGANT FOOLS who think the universe revolves around USA , USA USA

AND WHEN it can't get what it wants -- proceeds to create destabilization everywhere --regime change, etc..and if need be BOMB countries while LYING ABOUT IT...AND THEN say ''we're the good guys".

and its OWN failures -- such as the bankrupt - utterly corrupt rigging of the democrat selection gets EXPOSED -- A CRIMINALITY in and of itself --

with NO evidence whatsoever -- they BLAME RUSSIA? to distract from the fact that hillary's OWN 'presidential candidacy" is nothing BUT a criminal , illegal, unconstitutional ,UNdemocratic horror show?

she SHOULD have been in jail many times over - and so obama FOR THEIR war crimes - and their rigging of the election process itself - AND covering up for each other.

but why? because they are the warlords OF your war and money racketeering country .

and i didn't originate that idea.

those are exact words of the most decorated and respected american marine general --

general smedley butler, jr --

"OUR foreign policy has nothing to do with democracy, liberty justice, or fairness and human has always been geared towards gathering as much of the world's resources unto ourselves at the expense of others..

"the trouble with US - americans is this: when our OWN privately printed and owned dollar can't buy more than 5% percent of ITS own value at home --
'' WE get uneasy at our discomfort as a result - and we go abroad so we can force weaker countries to let our dollar buy 100 percent more than it is really worth".

"and where our dollar goes -- our FLAG follows -- where our flag goes -- there go our soldiers and armed forces...

"we are a nation of war and money racketeers and gangsters for our big boss "our super nationalistic capitalism and our cultural and economic assault upon the world --
"we have our big finance, big, banks, big, industries, big corporations and chambers of commerce...who have their Big Brains -- people who idnetify and decide who shall be destroyed that gets in our way
|"you want to make a latin american country safe for our banana and fruit companies? i'lll make it safe for you|"\'
you want our eneergy corporatons to run unmolested and do busienss anyway they like in china ? i'll do it for you\
"you want to pacify dominican republic so our banks can take over? i'll do it for you" |
"i've participated and led in our dirty work in over a dozen latin american countries -- in asia and africa --
in order to increase the profits of our banks and corporations
"there is no corruption that the US ARMED forces are not part of...
"and i was what you'd call our CHIEF HIGH CLASS MUSCLE ENFORCER of our army ..
"i could teach al capone a thing or two about racketeering - he only had 3 big american cities -- i did mine in 3 CONTINENTS...

"FOR OVER 30 years i served ....suspending my own conscience KNOWING that what we do is EVIL...and i will have nothing more to do with it:. "

that has not changed -- in fact it has now -- with hillary in her eagerness to take on TWO NUCLEAR POWERS that can WIPe AMERICA OFF the face o the earth ...

to the brink of nuclear war...

because as OBAMA said

"WE ARE THE EXCEPTIONAL NATION -- we are the leaders of the world -we WRITE the rules "

AND hillary now adds to the same above:

"russia is a threat!! china is a threat" - and WE ''MUST BE THE LEADERS of the world because we ARE GOOD"!!

oh -- really??!!

SO -- no -- i don't like them at all.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
You really don't like Hillary and President Obama, LOL. Their culture sounds wonderful from what you've experienced. It's nice hearing about other cultures from first hand experience.

well -- at least with THAT musica event -- i found out i was a 'newbie" in terms of that annual event -- which is basically also part of their city's cultural events - because it is a highloy , highly cultured city -- arts festivals, museums in just about every city block youwont' believe. schools everywhere - institues of technology, culture, arts, education, economics, agriculture, science ...- huge ones - college students all over the streets --
but most of he other fellow musicians i got to know were always going there every year because they love it so much.

i even flew back to NYC with a latina in her 70's from california..we so much, lol. and she's going back next year - same with so manyothers they said.

from poland, czech republic, france, england, scotland, germany, belarus (where VIKAcomes from) and still also ukraine, italy, hongkong, japan, iran. as the 'foreigners"

and the rest from all over rusisa's big expanse - and many from central asia former soviet republics who -- despite the USSR dissolving toLD me -- ''we consider russia still and always as OUR country too -- we feel no different - even if our nationalities are diffierent now -- we consider ourselves part of the Russian world - it is very important to us this world is our home".

in my hotel -- which was right next to a big street with pathways and railings over a big river (they have many rivers all through the city - which is why they are very fond of ferry parties, and speed boats - ) it seemed it was popular with tourists -- so every 3 or so days with those group packages HUGE buses would come with foreigners -- germans , french, spaniards, portuguese, chinese, ..i asked the spanish group one morning -- and they said in spanish as they realized i could understand a little bit -- "we come here every year -- we love russia so much - next year moscow!!"

and they'd be having a big party every evening in another conference room with all the dancing - lol...and they'd ask the young good looking russian waiters and waitresses to dance with them , lol.

lots and lots of educational and cultural events and institutions for children everywhere - posters about children events everywhere - VERY, very family oriented - it was a shock to me...where families were so devoted their children

on weekends - i could see (i was there 2 weekends after all- )

young families coming out of the huge buildings of apartments where theylived
the children early saturday morning with their picnic boxes squealing in delight

weddings weddings weddings everywhere - parties on river ferryboats RAIN OR SHINE -- russians don't RUN from rain - they walk like nothing was the matter regardless they were dressed in chic clothes or business attire or laborer or butcher...hey even stand and sit going on talking unbothered by it all. lol.

i noticed with shock

TEENAGE BOYS ? with their families? they HOLD THE HAND of their mothers..they actually grab it when catching up or wait for their mom to catch up to hold hands in a protective manner towards their mother. it was a shock to me. you DON'T SEEthat anywhere anymore...

and the FOOD - oh my lord!! such abundance and amazing quality -- NATURAL grown BECAUSE gmo monsanto type food is FORBIDDEN - russia will not allow it to come in. or be grown there. so everythign is fresh and really healthy.

i couldn't even get through all the selections in the breakfast buffet in the hotel every morning because it was just too much ...different kinds of natural yogurt, several kinds of fruits always sliced nicely to swallow perfectly...pastries and pastries and pastries..oh my could eat all you want all morning until its lunch time but you're so full you don't need to eat all

3 - 4 types of cream and sour cream..several types of sausages or cold least 2 types of fish like salmon or sardines, tons of veggies from really great tomatoes to greens...3 or 4 types of bread...blahl blah's too much..and they never have coffee thatis weak - it is ALWAYS ESPRESSO..everywhere. or a choice of at least 3 different teas -- including russian tea from berries. because they are big tea drinkers -- no wonder they are so healthy.

as they say about american nato accusations of ''russian aggression - and will invade poland and baltic nations"

''what do we need their lands for? ours is richer than theirs and five times bigger than all of europe".

lol. andhillary CANT WAIT to take on RUSSIA? AND CHINA? because she and obama say

'we are the leaders of the world?"

she is MAD!!

Last edited:


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
where's an article or JUST ANDY MURRAY GOLD CHAMPION coverage? with pics -- I wanna show it off to a forum on world affairs. to some of the brits fellow posters there and others..

in Russia Insider in the folder on rio olympics there. hehe.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
i don't like ANY of them .

what americans -- youprobably are -- do not seem to realize -- since you live in a 'bubble" with an echo chamber -- is the rest of the world sees the USA as THE main threat TO THEIR existence -- while what obama, hillary, even trump and your media tells you are ''the saviors of the world -- the world needs us -- we bring order and peace and prosperity"./

so -- what is obama ? he has been nothing but a water boy for his white masters who rule from wall street, the corporations, the PRIVATE owned ''FEDERAL CENTRAL' bank of the USA -- whose private owners -- who are really owners of the few biggest banks like chase, citicorpt, chicago banks, etc...

print dollar bills -- ''lend" them to your US treasury (which gave up its constitutional power to BE the real printer of money) - and extracts a ''lending fee" (that's profit right there) -

and then every dollar thatis used by anyone on earth -- that private cartel earns more ''user fee"

that's who your obama, hillary represent -- while they tell all of you "we are the greatest nation on earth in history --e veryone follows us because we are exceptional and we are the GOOD GUYS"

really? how many countries has obama alone ATTACKED? who really couldn't even feed their own children let alone INVADE the usa with a huge army to ''destroy the american way of life?"

how many countries did HILLARY line up at the head to vote to attack and supply terrorists with american money and weapons while PRETENDING to ''fight terrorism?"

these are things you have to starte KNOWING and confront about your own country -- that -- to much of the world it IS A rogue nation, not at all what americans like to believe it to be.

hillary's OWN disdain for logging into the special e mail government account she was SUPPOSED to follow to protect USA secrets -- CAUSED her own e mail to be open to just about anybody on earth -- no need for russia to hack it...

yet she blames RUSSIA for it -- because as she claims "russia is interfering in our elections".

oh really?

in 2004 or something -- the very, very important MAYORAL ELECTIONS of MOSCOW which is such a huge metropolis now-- larger than new york city really -- had american ambassador pyatt marching in the streets of moscow LITERALLY CAMPAIGNING for an ''opposition" funded by the USA ''non-governmental organizations" --

of course russians were just laughing at the whole thing and saw right through the sordid little tale...your CIA agents are all over russia -- so many of them caught - in humiliating circumstances because russians could easily spot them in their clumsy attempts -- heck -- one even tried to ignore the russian security guard outside the US EMBASSY in one city -- probably didn't want to have his things checked as was required -- and ended up pinned down by the russian in 2 seconds flat! right outside the door until the russian felt sorry for hiom and let him in -- CRAWLING through the door into the

and whatis their purpose ? same as everywhere american ''operatives" go for

control of the governments of countries -- and if necessary to replace them as the USA government sees fit --

it's going on RIGHT NOW in THAILAND - because the military there got rid of a very, very corrupt dictatorial CLAN that is in the pockets of YOUR own CIA And state the usa is starting a ''fire" of ''protests" to create - as usual chaos..
just like obama did in ukraine , just like he did in syria, just like he did in libya with hillary's insistence THAT KILLED YOUR OWN AMBASSADORS there as a result of HER criminal scheming and negligecne for their safety from the already chaotic resultsBECAUSE they bombed libya to kingdom and let the terrorists unleashed by it to literally murderer with a bayonet to his ass KADAFFI..

and why? BECAUSE -- kadaffi ''the dictator" -- was starting to put together a NEW currency -- the AFRICAN DINAR based on GOLD to make africa independnet from having to be blackmailed by using the US DOLLAR!

the biggest no no ...

and on and on and on it goes.

so -- unless your'e all ok with that -- it's time to wake up to what your own leaders REALLY are.

imagine -- hillary -- being so irresponsibile with HER security clearance -- then things get hacked -- and HER e mails are somehow incomplete? - in the days of NIXON that was JAIL TIME, BABY.

and DNC getting hacked -- FBI INSISTS "'WE KNOW IT'S THE RUSSIANS...we just don't know HOW".

eh? did i just hear that right? you dont' know HOW you have no evidence - just conjecture so you are SURE?



and if itboils down to a choice between hillary and billionaire- uncouth trump

what do you think that is to the rest of the world?

lowlifes. that's the height of american ''democracy" and ''civilization" .

and they insist - as obama insisted in a speech IN asia:
oh really? who are YOU ? know your place -- your country has violated rules everywhere ...

BUT HERE'S A beautiful little nugget...

2015 early part -- obama made this big proud speech in , i think, san diego -- to the naval personnel there -- probably to stiffen their spine at obama/hillary's project to 'PIVOT TO ASIA and show who's boss" .

saying proudly:

"WE are a pacific nation -- THEREFORE we are ALSO an asian nation ..

"and we INTEND to remain THE asian LEADER".

mull that over for a moment -- and the grammatical , logical magic and sleight of hand right there. in a LOGIC formulation it doens't ADD UP. it would FAIL at once in a class of logic and reasoning and socratic method of thinking.

at which CHINA -- naturally follows everything too - responded by issuing an ''editoriaL" rather than in the same clumsy way of obama himself personally proclaiming it -- across the pacific mind you - as if to symbolize the pacific is OUR lake...and that far shore asia - WE are leaders...

china's editorial paper said:

'we have taken note of the ameican president's recent statemtn: we disagree:
"america MAY be a pacific nation -- but tha does NOT mean it is also an asian nation and has NO business thnking of itself as THE asian leader".

that alone ought to explain what your country and governemnt really are about -- ARROGANT FOOLS who think the universe revolves around USA , USA USA

AND WHEN it can't get what it wants -- proceeds to create destabilization everywhere --regime change, etc..and if need be BOMB countries while LYING ABOUT IT...AND THEN say ''we're the good guys".

and its OWN failures -- such as the bankrupt - utterly corrupt rigging of the democrat selection gets EXPOSED -- A CRIMINALITY in and of itself --

with NO evidence whatsoever -- they BLAME RUSSIA? to distract from the fact that hillary's OWN 'presidential candidacy" is nothing BUT a criminal , illegal, unconstitutional ,UNdemocratic horror show?

she SHOULD have been in jail many times over - and so obama FOR THEIR war crimes - and their rigging of the election process itself - AND covering up for each other.

but why? because they are the warlords OF your war and money racketeering country .

and i didn't originate that idea.

those are exact words of the most decorated and respected american marine general --

general smedley butler, jr --

"OUR foreign policy has nothing to do with democracy, liberty justice, or fairness and human has always been geared towards gathering as much of the world's resources unto ourselves at the expense of others..

"the trouble with US - americans is this: when our OWN privately printed and owned dollar can't buy more than 5% percent of ITS own value at home --
'' WE get uneasy at our discomfort as a result - and we go abroad so we can force weaker countries to let our dollar buy 100 percent more than it is really worth".

"and where our dollar goes -- our FLAG follows -- where our flag goes -- there go our soldiers and armed forces...

"we are a nation of war and money racketeers and gangsters for our big boss "our super nationalistic capitalism and our cultural and economic assault upon the world --
"we have our big finance, big, banks, big, industries, big corporations and chambers of commerce...who have their Big Brains -- people who idnetify and decide who shall be destroyed that gets in our way
|"you want to make a latin american country safe for our banana and fruit companies? i'lll make it safe for you|"\'
you want our eneergy corporatons to run unmolested and do busienss anyway they like in china ? i'll do it for you\
"you want to pacify dominican republic so our banks can take over? i'll do it for you" |
"i've participated and led in our dirty work in over a dozen latin american countries -- in asia and africa --
in order to increase the profits of our banks and corporations
"there is no corruption that the US ARMED forces are not part of...
"and i was what you'd call our CHIEF HIGH CLASS MUSCLE ENFORCER of our army ..
"i could teach al capone a thing or two about racketeering - he only had 3 big american cities -- i did mine in 3 CONTINENTS...

"FOR OVER 30 years i served ....suspending my own conscience KNOWING that what we do is EVIL...and i will have nothing more to do with it:. "

that has not changed -- in fact it has now -- with hillary in her eagerness to take on TWO NUCLEAR POWERS that can WIPe AMERICA OFF the face o the earth ...

to the brink of nuclear war...

because as OBAMA said

"WE ARE THE EXCEPTIONAL NATION -- we are the leaders of the world -we WRITE the rules "

AND hillary now adds to the same above:

"russia is a threat!! china is a threat" - and WE ''MUST BE THE LEADERS of the world because we ARE GOOD"!!

oh -- really??!!

SO -- no -- i don't like them at all.
i don't like ANY of them .

what americans -- youprobably are -- do not seem to realize -- since you live in a 'bubble" with an echo chamber -- is the rest of the world sees the USA as THE main threat TO THEIR existence -- while what obama, hillary, even trump and your media tells you are ''the saviors of the world -- the world needs us -- we bring order and peace and prosperity"./

so -- what is obama ? he has been nothing but a water boy for his white masters who rule from wall street, the corporations, the PRIVATE owned ''FEDERAL CENTRAL' bank of the USA -- whose private owners -- who are really owners of the few biggest banks like chase, citicorpt, chicago banks, etc...

print dollar bills -- ''lend" them to your US treasury (which gave up its constitutional power to BE the real printer of money) - and extracts a ''lending fee" (that's profit right there) -

and then every dollar thatis used by anyone on earth -- that private cartel earns more ''user fee"

that's who your obama, hillary represent -- while they tell all of you "we are the greatest nation on earth in history --e veryone follows us because we are exceptional and we are the GOOD GUYS"

really? how many countries has obama alone ATTACKED? who really couldn't even feed their own children let alone INVADE the usa with a huge army to ''destroy the american way of life?"

how many countries did HILLARY line up at the head to vote to attack and supply terrorists with american money and weapons while PRETENDING to ''fight terrorism?"

these are things you have to starte KNOWING and confront about your own country -- that -- to much of the world it IS A rogue nation, not at all what americans like to believe it to be.

hillary's OWN disdain for logging into the special e mail government account she was SUPPOSED to follow to protect USA secrets -- CAUSED her own e mail to be open to just about anybody on earth -- no need for russia to hack it...

yet she blames RUSSIA for it -- because as she claims "russia is interfering in our elections".

oh really?

in 2004 or something -- the very, very important MAYORAL ELECTIONS of MOSCOW which is such a huge metropolis now-- larger than new york city really -- had american ambassador pyatt marching in the streets of moscow LITERALLY CAMPAIGNING for an ''opposition" funded by the USA ''non-governmental organizations" --

of course russians were just laughing at the whole thing and saw right through the sordid little tale...your CIA agents are all over russia -- so many of them caught - in humiliating circumstances because russians could easily spot them in their clumsy attempts -- heck -- one even tried to ignore the russian security guard outside the US EMBASSY in one city -- probably didn't want to have his things checked as was required -- and ended up pinned down by the russian in 2 seconds flat! right outside the door until the russian felt sorry for hiom and let him in -- CRAWLING through the door into the

and whatis their purpose ? same as everywhere american ''operatives" go for

control of the governments of countries -- and if necessary to replace them as the USA government sees fit --

it's going on RIGHT NOW in THAILAND - because the military there got rid of a very, very corrupt dictatorial CLAN that is in the pockets of YOUR own CIA And state the usa is starting a ''fire" of ''protests" to create - as usual chaos..
just like obama did in ukraine , just like he did in syria, just like he did in libya with hillary's insistence THAT KILLED YOUR OWN AMBASSADORS there as a result of HER criminal scheming and negligecne for their safety from the already chaotic resultsBECAUSE they bombed libya to kingdom and let the terrorists unleashed by it to literally murderer with a bayonet to his ass KADAFFI..

and why? BECAUSE -- kadaffi ''the dictator" -- was starting to put together a NEW currency -- the AFRICAN DINAR based on GOLD to make africa independnet from having to be blackmailed by using the US DOLLAR!

the biggest no no ...

and on and on and on it goes.

so -- unless your'e all ok with that -- it's time to wake up to what your own leaders REALLY are.

imagine -- hillary -- being so irresponsibile with HER security clearance -- then things get hacked -- and HER e mails are somehow incomplete? - in the days of NIXON that was JAIL TIME, BABY.

and DNC getting hacked -- FBI INSISTS "'WE KNOW IT'S THE RUSSIANS...we just don't know HOW".

eh? did i just hear that right? you dont' know HOW you have no evidence - just conjecture so you are SURE?



and if itboils down to a choice between hillary and billionaire- uncouth trump

what do you think that is to the rest of the world?

lowlifes. that's the height of american ''democracy" and ''civilization" .

and they insist - as obama insisted in a speech IN asia:
oh really? who are YOU ? know your place -- your country has violated rules everywhere ...

BUT HERE'S A beautiful little nugget...

2015 early part -- obama made this big proud speech in , i think, san diego -- to the naval personnel there -- probably to stiffen their spine at obama/hillary's project to 'PIVOT TO ASIA and show who's boss" .

saying proudly:

"WE are a pacific nation -- THEREFORE we are ALSO an asian nation ..

"and we INTEND to remain THE asian LEADER".

mull that over for a moment -- and the grammatical , logical magic and sleight of hand right there. in a LOGIC formulation it doens't ADD UP. it would FAIL at once in a class of logic and reasoning and socratic method of thinking.

at which CHINA -- naturally follows everything too - responded by issuing an ''editoriaL" rather than in the same clumsy way of obama himself personally proclaiming it -- across the pacific mind you - as if to symbolize the pacific is OUR lake...and that far shore asia - WE are leaders...

china's editorial paper said:

'we have taken note of the ameican president's recent statemtn: we disagree:
"america MAY be a pacific nation -- but tha does NOT mean it is also an asian nation and has NO business thnking of itself as THE asian leader".

that alone ought to explain what your country and governemnt really are about -- ARROGANT FOOLS who think the universe revolves around USA , USA USA

AND WHEN it can't get what it wants -- proceeds to create destabilization everywhere --regime change, etc..and if need be BOMB countries while LYING ABOUT IT...AND THEN say ''we're the good guys".

and its OWN failures -- such as the bankrupt - utterly corrupt rigging of the democrat selection gets EXPOSED -- A CRIMINALITY in and of itself --

with NO evidence whatsoever -- they BLAME RUSSIA? to distract from the fact that hillary's OWN 'presidential candidacy" is nothing BUT a criminal , illegal, unconstitutional ,UNdemocratic horror show?

she SHOULD have been in jail many times over - and so obama FOR THEIR war crimes - and their rigging of the election process itself - AND covering up for each other.

but why? because they are the warlords OF your war and money racketeering country .

and i didn't originate that idea.

those are exact words of the most decorated and respected american marine general --

general smedley butler, jr --

"OUR foreign policy has nothing to do with democracy, liberty justice, or fairness and human has always been geared towards gathering as much of the world's resources unto ourselves at the expense of others..

"the trouble with US - americans is this: when our OWN privately printed and owned dollar can't buy more than 5% percent of ITS own value at home --
'' WE get uneasy at our discomfort as a result - and we go abroad so we can force weaker countries to let our dollar buy 100 percent more than it is really worth".

"and where our dollar goes -- our FLAG follows -- where our flag goes -- there go our soldiers and armed forces...

"we are a nation of war and money racketeers and gangsters for our big boss "our super nationalistic capitalism and our cultural and economic assault upon the world --
"we have our big finance, big, banks, big, industries, big corporations and chambers of commerce...who have their Big Brains -- people who idnetify and decide who shall be destroyed that gets in our way
|"you want to make a latin american country safe for our banana and fruit companies? i'lll make it safe for you|"\'
you want our eneergy corporatons to run unmolested and do busienss anyway they like in china ? i'll do it for you\
"you want to pacify dominican republic so our banks can take over? i'll do it for you" |
"i've participated and led in our dirty work in over a dozen latin american countries -- in asia and africa --
in order to increase the profits of our banks and corporations
"there is no corruption that the US ARMED forces are not part of...
"and i was what you'd call our CHIEF HIGH CLASS MUSCLE ENFORCER of our army ..
"i could teach al capone a thing or two about racketeering - he only had 3 big american cities -- i did mine in 3 CONTINENTS...

"FOR OVER 30 years i served ....suspending my own conscience KNOWING that what we do is EVIL...and i will have nothing more to do with it:. "

that has not changed -- in fact it has now -- with hillary in her eagerness to take on TWO NUCLEAR POWERS that can WIPe AMERICA OFF the face o the earth ...

to the brink of nuclear war...

because as OBAMA said

"WE ARE THE EXCEPTIONAL NATION -- we are the leaders of the world -we WRITE the rules "

AND hillary now adds to the same above:

"russia is a threat!! china is a threat" - and WE ''MUST BE THE LEADERS of the world because we ARE GOOD"!!

oh -- really??!!

SO -- no -- i don't like them at all.

what americans -- youprobably are -- do not seem to realize -- since you live in a 'bubble" with an echo chamber -- is the rest of the world sees the USA as THE main threat TO THEIR existence -- while what obama, hillary, even trump and your media tells you are ''the saviors of the world -- the world needs us -- we bring order and peace and prosperity"./

Yes, I am an American, but no to the bubble. I'm well aware of how America is viewed in many parts of the world. But, as I said earlier, I don't like history as I think it's very distorted and one would have to be a student in order to debate world issues. I'm not that interested in the process. I read stuff here and there, but I realize how much time it would take to be really informed and that isn't how I choose to use my time; many other things interest me more.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
well -- at least with THAT musica event -- i found out i was a 'newbie" in terms of that annual event -- which is basically also part of their city's cultural events - because it is a highloy , highly cultured city -- arts festivals, museums in just about every city block youwont' believe. schools everywhere - institues of technology, culture, arts, education, economics, agriculture, science ...- huge ones - college students all over the streets --
but most of he other fellow musicians i got to know were always going there every year because they love it so much.

i even flew back to NYC with a latina in her 70's from california..we so much, lol. and she's going back next year - same with so manyothers they said.

from poland, czech republic, france, england, scotland, germany, belarus (where VIKAcomes from) and still also ukraine, italy, hongkong, japan, iran. as the 'foreigners"

and the rest from all over rusisa's big expanse - and many from central asia former soviet republics who -- despite the USSR dissolving toLD me -- ''we consider russia still and always as OUR country too -- we feel no different - even if our nationalities are diffierent now -- we consider ourselves part of the Russian world - it is very important to us this world is our home".

in my hotel -- which was right next to a big street with pathways and railings over a big river (they have many rivers all through the city - which is why they are very fond of ferry parties, and speed boats - ) it seemed it was popular with tourists -- so every 3 or so days with those group packages HUGE buses would come with foreigners -- germans , french, spaniards, portuguese, chinese, ..i asked the spanish group one morning -- and they said in spanish as they realized i could understand a little bit -- "we come here every year -- we love russia so much - next year moscow!!"

and they'd be having a big party every evening in another conference room with all the dancing - lol...and they'd ask the young good looking russian waiters and waitresses to dance with them , lol.

lots and lots of educational and cultural events and institutions for children everywhere - posters about children events everywhere - VERY, very family oriented - it was a shock to me...where families were so devoted their children

on weekends - i could see (i was there 2 weekends after all- )

young families coming out of the huge buildings of apartments where theylived
the children early saturday morning with their picnic boxes squealing in delight

weddings weddings weddings everywhere - parties on river ferryboats RAIN OR SHINE -- russians don't RUN from rain - they walk like nothing was the matter regardless they were dressed in chic clothes or business attire or laborer or butcher...hey even stand and sit going on talking unbothered by it all. lol.

i noticed with shock

TEENAGE BOYS ? with their families? they HOLD THE HAND of their mothers..they actually grab it when catching up or wait for their mom to catch up to hold hands in a protective manner towards their mother. it was a shock to me. you DON'T SEEthat anywhere anymore...

and the FOOD - oh my lord!! such abundance and amazing quality -- NATURAL grown BECAUSE gmo monsanto type food is FORBIDDEN - russia will not allow it to come in. or be grown there. so everythign is fresh and really healthy.

i couldn't even get through all the selections in the breakfast buffet in the hotel every morning because it was just too much ...different kinds of natural yogurt, several kinds of fruits always sliced nicely to swallow perfectly...pastries and pastries and pastries..oh my could eat all you want all morning until its lunch time but you're so full you don't need to eat all

3 - 4 types of cream and sour cream..several types of sausages or cold least 2 types of fish like salmon or sardines, tons of veggies from really great tomatoes to greens...3 or 4 types of bread...blahl blah's too much..and they never have coffee thatis weak - it is ALWAYS ESPRESSO..everywhere. or a choice of at least 3 different teas -- including russian tea from berries. because they are big tea drinkers -- no wonder they are so healthy.

as they say about american nato accusations of ''russian aggression - and will invade poland and baltic nations"

''what do we need their lands for? ours is richer than theirs and five times bigger than all of europe".

lol. andhillary CANT WAIT to take on RUSSIA? AND CHINA? because she and obama say

'we are the leaders of the world?"

she is MAD!!


Very interesting stuff about your visit, and I seriously don't care about politics. At all.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Conchita Martinez: Nishikori was in the toilet for 12 mins because he had a shower


So it would seem it was gamesmanship after all. Tut, tut Kei Nishikori.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
haha...if true -- and conchita may have been near enough to hear the splash -- as some of us surmised -- including me -- it was really not ''pee'' break - and therefore -- unquestionably gamesmanship

holding up the opponent -- time out while i catch my breath...

but it's not known for kei to do that -- so - maybe a little forgiveness. it's done -- and rafa will still feel hurt -- but that's how it goes. but a strict protocol needs to be reminded upon kei in subsequent matches IF he asks for a ''pee break" infraction immediately costs him (or an player ) at last a point or even a game.

a severe penalty warning just might make them very ''mindful" ...enough to make them faint in fright ...
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
BRITBOX -- GOOD NEWS -- for once -- for your UK. and fellow brits..


UNEMPLOYMENT FELL -- WAGES ROSE.. BRITS keep active in the economic spending (clearly related to the wages and fallen unemployment) ...

as RUSSIA TODAY reports.

WONDERFUL news for the people!
What Brexit? UK jobless rate falls to 11-yr low
The number of unemployed Britons fell by 52,000 to 1.64 million in July as the country’s labor market showed no signs of adverse effects from the vote to leave the European Union.

Read more

The unemployment rate remained at 4.9 percent in the three months to June, according to official data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on Wednesday.

Average earnings grew 2.4 percent compared with a year earlier, with total pay excluding bonuses rising 2.3 percent, the ONS reports.

READ MORE: UK consumers keep spending despite Brexit uncertainty

The latest data also shows that the claimant count – which measures the number of people claiming for unemployment-related benefits – fell by 8,600 against a previously projected 9,500 increase. Overall, 172,000 people joined the workforce during the period covered.

The unemployment data followed Tuesday’s inflation rate update which revealed consumer prices index (CPI) growth was a higher-than-expected 0.6 percent in July.

Data published by the agency last month showed the unemployment rate in the UK was lower in the three months to May, reaching 4.9 percent – the lowest since 2005 with average wages rising 2.3 percent year-on-year.

The unemployment level, seen as one of the major indicators of Brexit-vote impact on the country’s economy, will be continuously observed by the economists in the coming months. According to analysts, the full effects of the historic decision on employer confidence and hiring prospects are still to be seen.

The pound sterling posted brief gains following the announcement, reaching 1.3069 against the US dollar.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
nice for DELPO!! ALL of tandil and argentina should be very , very proud. for their TOWER OF TANDIL!!

he always said he loves being home in tandil looks to me to still retain that ''provincial" atmosphere ..where people can still know everyone .

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Reactions: Tennis Fan


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
warm welcome in Argentina for Juan, well deserved, and in 2020 he'll come back with gold for sure...we love you Juan

by the way -- Isabelle -- if you are argentinian -- whatever happened with Gabriela Sabatini all these years...? did she continue being active in the ''tennis world" n argentina? I knew an wonderful older lady from argentina many many years ago -- who was once one of the most famous Opera Sopranos of argentina - Delia Rigal ...from the Teatro Colon in those eras of toscanini, Eric Kleiber...Tullio Serafin -- and she knew the sabatini family.

so i always wondered.