kskate2 said:
Moxie629 said:
kskate2 said:
I'd rather start w/ a great first serve and have to build a ground game than the other way around.
However, the other way around worked for Nadal.

But the guy has panache and guts, and I'd rather do either than have to find that where it doesn't exist.
Point taken. But Nadal's serve wasn't a liability in the early days.
Mostly because his ground game was so strong, and because he had so little confidence in his serve that he kind of rather spun it in. He didn't DF often, because he didn't have enough faith in it to go for it. So it wasn't a liability, but it wasn't a weapon. He DFs more often now, I'm pretty sure, now that it is.
Anyway, a serve is a great tool, but we've seen the ones who seem only to have that. I don't think Herbert has only that. He moves OK. I think he needs to improve on his foot-work, and he needs a money-shot.