the AntiPusher said:
Fiero425 said:
Just more reason to HATE RAFA's GUTS! He's such a jerk; a true lack of class and gamesmanship have been his rep from the beginning!

uzzled :nono :cover - - - - - -
Fiero..he didn't see it was out..the linesman called it out.when the umpire overruled and pointed to the mark. It would've been difficult for Rafa overrule it at that point or to give a point when he didn't see the mark. Come on fiero you know you can't give away a point when you didn't see the mark..Rafa is a class act, even Annacone said it. He seen more Rafa matches live then most humans
A poster on made this post "Just lost ALL RESPECT for Rafa nasal. He CHEATED David goofing. No tennis professional doesn't know when he has hit A BALL THAT FAR OUT. Shame on you Rafa".
Very true that any professional tennis player knows damn well they hit a ball out when it's 6 inches wide of the line. This was no mere fraction of a centimeter wide of the line. The replay showed it was well out. The crowd rightfully booed Nadal and he knows it unless his eyesight has become as bad as Mourier's.