What is my agenda, dear Ricardo? You are projecting. Clearly you are still mad at me for pointing out your misogyny, so you look for any chance to get on my case. All I can say is: grow up and learn to look at yourself just a tiny bit. I'm guessing that the irony of you calling for objectivity is lost on you.
As for the topic at hand, clearly you missed the point, which was that Nick is the only young player who has played well against the Big 3. It doesn't matter how close they were to their peaks or not; no other young player has done that. In other words, he's the only young player that is really "bringing it" to the Big 3, at least so far.
you are as cheap as it gets with your misogyny agenda (yet another one), what evidence is there? none what so ever. But i can verifiably say that you are officially a simpleton, an idiot, yeah Nick is so good, he just beat the big 3, all are close to their peak....bla bla bla, yep it is so proven, sure you try and cover up your stupidity with stats often, oh but that didn't hide for you well did it?
again, i ask you, as fashionable as it is these days to throw cheap PC labels around, what evidence have you to call someone's 'misogyny'? i think (now this is me speculating), you are a soft cock who can't score attractive women, you suck up to PC shit and try too hard to impress.
now back to the topic which you seem to drift away from, again you are an idiot saying it doesn't matter how close to their peak. It does in every sense of it, Fed lost to Nick in 3 tiebreaks and was a set and a break up. Now if Fed was a bit higher and closer to his former best, he would've closed out the match, then Nick would still have never beaten him.
Then as we all know, being the bandwagoner and revisionist expert you are, would go on and on about how Nick isn't right mentally and hasn't really got it - which incidentally was where you stood before he suddenly made the push recently against the big 3.
Same thing with Novak, clearly he is still the better player but hugely struggles mentally and with his game too. Bring peak Novak back and Nick racks up two losses and we know what song revisionist El dude sings, oh the young Aussie isn't bringing it to the big 3 and does't have when it matters.
keep going with your 'their level doesn't matter and isn't the point' bs, i am happy to enlighten you in any capacity.