I love that last comparison, LOL.
I wonder who Margot Robbie is in your metaphor????
All jokes aside though, I strongly disagree with your technical skills assessment. One can say, yes, look at all the shots Roger can hit, and how he hits them, you would be a fool not to say he is the most technically skilled out of the three, and any group of players really, I just don't see who could best him in that department.
However, Djokovic at second place?
The man who can't hit a proper volley to save his life? The man who would rather hit 6 safe groundstrokes than hit one solid smash when required.
You my friend, are fooling yourself.
Do you think what, because Novak has strokes which are a bit flatter (not more penetrating, just flatter), you think that makes him more technically skilled?
One could argue with Rafa's limited serve, and such, but all in all, I think Nadal can do more stuff on the court than Novak.