I think I've set an easy 1 to start off with. Enjoy & have fun. Please feel free to join in.
- What did Barnes-Wallace invent?
- Who is the main character of the film "Reach for the stars"?
- What date did Britain enter W.W.2?
- Who declared that Britain was now at war with Germany in 1939?
- What was Winston Churchill's middle name?
- What nationality was Frieze-Green?
- Who designed Edinburgh New Town?
- What did Charles Rennie McIntosh design & make?
- Where was Charles Rennie McIntosh from?
- What was Glasgow famous for?
- Which famous explorer is America named after?
- Davy Crockett was a famous:-
(a) Native American
(b) Mountain Man
(c) Cowboy
(d) Homesteader?
13.Who was the Native American chief whose army fought against General Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn?
14. What nationality were the politicians, David Lloyd George, Nye Bevan & Aneurin Bevin?
15. Who brought Protestantism into England?
16. Who brought Protestantism into Scotland?
17. Who was the Aztec emperor at the time when the Conquistadors conquered Mexico?
18. During which century did the French Revolution take place?
19. Who was Asclepios?
20. What animal did the Ancient Egyptians hold sacred?