Multiple Major Winner
Pretty slow episode like BB said. I wouldn't be surprised if next week builds it up more and then it gets explosive for the last 5 episodes. Best scene was definitely the first one especially because you knew what was coming when you saw the "old fella"
Hey man, Ed Sheeran has really copped some flak for that cameo role he took on. Not sure what the problem was, he was only in it for a couple of minutes and the role had no importance. Sheeran closed his Twitter account because he was copping so much abuse.
You might be right on next week's episode - could be more of the same - setting the scene, before the whole thing erupts. Some of the actors have alluded to this being the most fieresome and bloody of them all... so don't think it will take too long to explode.
I liked the scene with Arya at the Twins, bringing forward an early winter for House Frey. I was expecting her to head toward Winterfell though for a Stark reunion with Sansa and John, yet she said she was going to King's Landing...
Bran's at the wall... not sure if he stays there or goes further south to join John and Sansa. My guess is that he might stay there - as his focus is purely on the great war to come, and less so on the internal battling for the Iron crown.