Game of Thrones (TV Show)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Pretty slow episode like BB said. I wouldn't be surprised if next week builds it up more and then it gets explosive for the last 5 episodes. Best scene was definitely the first one especially because you knew what was coming when you saw the "old fella"

Hey man, Ed Sheeran has really copped some flak for that cameo role he took on. Not sure what the problem was, he was only in it for a couple of minutes and the role had no importance. Sheeran closed his Twitter account because he was copping so much abuse.

You might be right on next week's episode - could be more of the same - setting the scene, before the whole thing erupts. Some of the actors have alluded to this being the most fieresome and bloody of them all... so don't think it will take too long to explode.

I liked the scene with Arya at the Twins, bringing forward an early winter for House Frey. I was expecting her to head toward Winterfell though for a Stark reunion with Sansa and John, yet she said she was going to King's Landing...

Bran's at the wall... not sure if he stays there or goes further south to join John and Sansa. My guess is that he might stay there - as his focus is purely on the great war to come, and less so on the internal battling for the Iron crown.


Apr 14, 2013
Hey man, Ed Sheeran has really copped some flak for that cameo role he took on. Not sure what the problem was, he was only in it for a couple of minutes and the role had no importance. Sheeran closed his Twitter account because he was copping so much abuse.

You might be right on next week's episode - could be more of the same - setting the scene, before the whole thing erupts. Some of the actors have alluded to this being the most fieresome and bloody of them all... so don't think it will take too long to explode.

I liked the scene with Arya at the Twins, bringing forward an early winter for House Frey. I was expecting her to head toward Winterfell though for a Stark reunion with Sansa and John, yet she said she was going to King's Landing...

Bran's at the wall... not sure if he stays there or goes further south to join John and Sansa. My guess is that he might stay there - as his focus is purely on the great war to come, and less so on the internal battling for the Iron crown.

I was wondering that too about Sheeran. I initially thought him taking down Twitter was meant as a joke. Not sure what people were criticizing him for but Twitter can be ruthless when people start piling on.

I thought the action with the Stark girls was the most relevant. We didn't know where Aria was heading until this episode. I highly doubt she ends up taking out Cersei. It'd actually be anticlimactic in a way because I fully expect Jaime to have some role in it especially as Cersei becomes more and more the "Mad Queen"

And with Sansa I think it's clear she is going to break off with Jon. It might not be an outright betrayal but I think she is going to use the Finger and his men and go off on her own. I'm thinking/hoping she completely plays Littlefinger and then discards him at the absolute worst time for him.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
This is a really short trailer for Episode 2.

Hidden in a very brief flashpoint was Theon's sister kissing that Dornish chick (the one who was hooked up with Oberyn, the Viper) and Littlefinger looking severely distressed. I think Littlefinger tries to play Sansa once too often and now she takes care of business. If it doesn't happen now, then it will happen this season. I think Littlefinger is toast either in Episode 2 or 3.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
The first episode was exactly what was expected and it sets the stage for the upcoming fireworks. In many ways, it's probably one of the episodes that gave us the least to discuss in the show's history in terms of what actually happened during the episode itself, but it was perfect.


Apr 14, 2013
What'd everyone think of Episode 2? I thought it was excellent, the good mix of continuing to build it up until the end when there was some serious action. I won't say anymore so as to not spoil anything.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
I too will refrain from going into the details yet as to give everyone a chance to watch it, but it's clear this season is building in intensity and the ending of episode 2 is surely a taste of the fireworks to come. I loved it.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I'm guessing any big fan of GoT will probably have seen it by now. It was a good one - I was expecting a slightly calmer episode, probably the Stark reunion, but that looks like it's pegged for next week's episode.

Well, Missandei getting her kit off was a pleasant surprise. @DarthFed and @the AntiPusher will have particularly enjoyed that. Grey Worm must have called in sick when they running the testicle removal workshop for the unsullied. It wasn't really confirmed, but I suspect he's going in with full tackle.

I think the main marker laid was that this isn't going to be a pushover for Dany and her allies... The sea battle was good. At least two of the Dorne sisters are dead... not sure about the other and her mother, I reckon they may be hostage. Not sure about Theon's sister either, dead or alive? Theon's experiences at the hands of Ramseys gave him some flashback and he decides to jump ship... Cersei's team are also developing anti-Dragon warfare defences... There are some good battles ahead.

Next week, I guess Arya misses Jon as he rides for Dragonstone but a reunion with Sansa is definitely on the cards.

Good episode...

Trailer for Episode 3:



Apr 14, 2013
I'm guessing any big fan of GoT will probably have seen it by now. It was a good one - I was expecting a slightly calmer episode, probably the Stark reunion, but that looks like it's pegged for next week's episode.

Well, Missandei getting her kit off was a pleasant surprise. @DarthFed and @the AntiPusher will have particularly enjoyed that. Grey Worm must have called in sick when they running the testicle removal workshop for the unsullied. It wasn't really confirmed, but I suspect he's going in with full tackle.

I think the main marker laid was that this isn't going to be a pushover for Dany and her allies... The sea battle was good. At least two of the Dorne sisters are dead... not sure about the other and her mother, I reckon they may be hostage. Not sure about Theon's sister either, dead or alive? Theon's experiences at the hands of Ramseys gave him some flashback and he decides to jump ship... Cersei's team are also developing anti-Dragon warfare defences... There are some good battles ahead.

Next week, I guess Arya misses Jon as he rides for Dragonstone but a reunion with Sansa is definitely on the cards.

Good episode...

Trailer for Episode 3:

I think it is implied that Grey Worm suffered what the other Unsullied have. But yes that was a nice scene, damn the T&A on that woman. She should be naked for every scene.

Ellaria Sand and her daughter are the "gift" that Euron is going to give to Cersei. She and her daughter are as good as dead and it will be ugly. I think there was nasty foreshadowing when the sisters were talking about the mountain and one said that he'd smash her head in. And then I think Ellaria will be burned alive by Cersei and that is going to plant the first big seed in Jaime's head that she is going down a path he can't follow.

I am wondering what happens to Theon's sister too. I was surprised he didn't kill her then. Maybe Cersei kills her too, certainly Euron doesn't want her alive in the long run.

Arya will come home but I think it will be very temporary. The visit from her long lost dire wolf was a pretty amazing scene especially when you realize what she meant by "that's not you" (a flashback to season 1 when she told Ned "that's not me" when he talked about her being a proper lady getting married and having kids). Watching the director's commentary definitely helps sometimes as I had not remembered that and was left wondering if she doubted whether that was Nymeria or not. I don't think that's the last we've seen of the beast though!

The episode had another cool flashback to season 1 with Tyrion writing to Jon that "all dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes"

All in all I got major nostalgia watching that episode. It kind of feels like the show's been running for decades, season 1 feels a lot longer than 6 years ago when Ned was losing his head and Jaime was looking like the biggest villain on the show. Sad to think only 11 episodes left in the entire show, it truly has been incredible.
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the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I think it is implied that Grey Worm suffered what the other Unsullied have. But yes that was a nice scene, damn the T&A on that woman. She should be naked for every scene.

Ellaria Sand and her daughter are the "gift" that Euron is going to give to Cersei. She and her daughter are as good as dead and it will be ugly. I think there was nasty foreshadowing when the sisters were talking about the mountain and one said that he'd smash her head in. And then I think Ellaria will be burned alive by Cersei and that is going to plant the first big seed in Jaime's head that she is going down a path he can't follow.

I am wondering what happens to Theon's sister too. I was surprised he didn't kill her then. Maybe Cersei kills her too, certainly Euron doesn't want her alive in the long run.

Arya will come home but I think it will be very temporary. The visit from her long lost dire wolf was a pretty amazing scene especially when you realize what she meant by "that's not you" (a flashback to season 1 when she told Ned "that's not me" when he talked about her being a proper lady getting married and having kids). Watching the director's commentary definitely helps sometimes as I had not remembered that and was left wondering if she doubted whether that was Nymeria or not. I don't think that's the last we've seen of the beast though!

The episode had another cool flashback to season 1 with Tyrion writing to Jon that "all dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes"

All in all I got major nostalgia watching that episode. It kind of feels like the show's been running for decades, season 1 feels a lot longer than 6 years ago when Ned was losing his head and Jaime was looking like the biggest villain on the show. Sad to think only 11 episodes left in the entire show, it truly has been incredible.
The Grey Worm was correct, Missandrei is his toughest battle ever. My Lord, it's bad enough he can't "rise" to the occasion but when she shows that T&A, that's worst than torture. Yes BB, that was the love scene I have been dreaming of but rather hoping I was the body double for the ill equipped Grey Worm..

I don't think that Euron killed Yara..he wants her to suffer.,I think he may let his men conquer her since sleeping with males isn't her preference. Theon is absolutely useless. Ramsey's physical torture has damaged him permanently. I wonder if delivering Ellaria fine azz to Cersei will get Euron some personal time with the Queen. Jon is going to meet his natural aunty Dany, that's should be interesting. I think he will kneel to her to rent a one of those dragons to deal with the Night King and his followers.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think it is implied that Grey Worm suffered what the other Unsullied have. But yes that was a nice scene, damn the T&A on that woman. She should be naked for every scene.

Ellaria Sand and her daughter are the "gift" that Euron is going to give to Cersei. She and her daughter are as good as dead and it will be ugly. I think there was nasty foreshadowing when the sisters were talking about the mountain and one said that he'd smash her head in. And then I think Ellaria will be burned alive by Cersei and that is going to plant the first big seed in Jaime's head that she is going down a path he can't follow.

I am wondering what happens to Theon's sister too. I was surprised he didn't kill her then. Maybe Cersei kills her too, certainly Euron doesn't want her alive in the long run.

Arya will come home but I think it will be very temporary. The visit from her long lost dire wolf was a pretty amazing scene especially when you realize what she meant by "that's not you" (a flashback to season 1 when she told Ned "that's not me" when he talked about her being a proper lady getting married and having kids). Watching the director's commentary definitely helps sometimes as I had not remembered that and was left wondering if she doubted whether that was Nymeria or not. I don't think that's the last we've seen of the beast though!

The episode had another cool flashback to season 1 with Tyrion writing to Jon that "all dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes"

All in all I got major nostalgia watching that episode. It kind of feels like the show's been running for decades, season 1 feels a lot longer than 6 years ago when Ned was losing his head and Jaime was looking like the biggest villain on the show. Sad to think only 11 episodes left in the entire show, it truly has been incredible.

Interesting thoughts. I'm not sure about Grey Worm - not enough conclusive evidence.

Never thought of the mountain... but yeah, I get the link know.

Yep, the direwolf was hers but I didn't get the verbal connection, just thought she was burying her head in the sand at the time.

They've got a lot to pack in... great show,


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
The Grey Worm was correct, Missandrei is his toughest battle ever. My Lord, it's bad enough he can't "rise" to the occasion but when she shows that T&A, that's worst than torture. Yes BB, that was the love scene I have been dreaming of but rather hoping I was the body double for the ill equipped Grey Worm..

I don't think that Euron killed Yara..he wants her to suffer.,I think he may let his men conquer her since sleeping with males isn't her preference. Theon is absolutely useless. Ramsey's physical torture has damaged him permanently. I wonder if delivering Ellaria fine azz to Cersei will get Euron some personal time with the Queen. Jon is going to meet his natural aunty Dany, that's should be interesting. I think he will kneel to her to rent a one of those dragons to deal with the Night King and his followers.

I'd be shocked if Cersei married Euron... I think she'll set him new tasks until his usefulness runs out.

Looks like Jon meets Dany next episode looking at the Trailer. Although, it seems Tyrion's message didn't include the "bend the knee" part she asked him to communicate. Jon has allies at Dragonstone with Tyrion and Melisandre.


Apr 14, 2013
I think you're right that Cersei doesn't end up marrying him. They may plan a wedding after the war but it won't happen assuming they lose.

The verbal connection was that Arya told her father that she's not meant to be a proper lady like he envisioned. And when she said "that's not you" about Nymeria she understood that the wolf is no longer meant to be domesticated after all the time it has spent on its own.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I'd be shocked if Cersei married Euron... I think she'll set him new tasks until his usefulness runs out.

Looks like Jon meets Dany next episode looking at the Trailer. Although, it seems Tyrion's message didn't include the "bend the knee" part she asked him to communicate. Jon has allies at Dragonstone with Tyrion and Melisandre.
Euron gonna want and take for now first some booty Cersei..He can marry her later...

Clarification..l the Greyworm is a eunuch ...he maybe the dead Worm soon


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Another dimension to consider is the presence of Melisandre at Dragonstone when Jon arrives.

Melisandre is supportive of Jon and clearly now thinks he is the chosen one according to the prophecies of the the Lord of the Light... but Jon effectively banished her when he heard about the Shireen burning and Davos isn't a fan either. I can't remember, but did Jon say he would kill her if their paths crossed again? Not sure, might have to rewatch that episode.

Euron gonna want and take for now first some booty Cersei..He can marry her later...

Clarification..l the Greyworm is a eunuch ...he maybe the dead Worm soon

I wouldn't put it past Cersei to give him a taste, but think it more likely that this will become a "12 Labours of Hercules" where she dangles the bait and he's needs to keep proving himself until he's either dead or of no further use. I didn't think much of him as a character initially, but he's definitely starting to evolve into one.
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Apr 14, 2013
I think he threatened to kill Melisandre if she didn't leave Winterfell. I don't think he will push to have her killed but he will definitely try to ignore her and advise Khaleesi not to trust her.

Totally agree about Euron as a character. I didn't like him in his brief time last season but now he has developed into yet another crazy but intriguing villain. He may yet become the next in a long line of unforgettable bad guys in Westeros. I don't know how they dig up these folks but I'm not complaining. It'd be interesting if he does get a taste of Cersei. I can think of a certain incestuous chap that would be quite hurt by it.

Anyone else kind of already trying to figure out how the ruling guard in Kings Landing gets killed assuming it happens?

1. Who kills Cersei?
2. Who or what kills the zombified Mountain?
3. Who kills Euron?
4. If Jaime is killed who does it?
5. What major characters from the "good" side get killed off?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think he threatened to kill Melisandre if she didn't leave Winterfell. I don't think he will push to have her killed but he will definitely try to ignore her and advise Khaleesi not to trust her.

Totally agree about Euron as a character. I didn't like him in his brief time last season but now he has developed into yet another crazy but intriguing villain. He may yet become the next in a long line of unforgettable bad guys in Westeros. I don't know how they dig up these folks but I'm not complaining. It'd be interesting if he does get a taste of Cersei. I can think of a certain incestuous chap that would be quite hurt by it.

Anyone else kind of already trying to figure out how the ruling guard in Kings Landing gets killed assuming it happens?

1. Who kills Cersei?
2. Who or what kills the zombified Mountain?
3. Who kills Euron?
4. If Jaime is killed who does it?
5. What major characters from the "good" side get killed off?

Who kills Cersei? I'd have a shortlist of Tyrion, Jaime and Arya... maybe even add Sansa to the list. It will probably be another Lannister or a Stark. I think there will have to be some twist to it, can't see it being Dany as there isn't really much of a back story.

Mountain - My money is still on the Hound. Or maybe the Mountain will kill the Hound. Either way, I think they have unfinished business and will clash at some stage. He was also on Arya's shortlist of death.

Euron - Anyone's guess, but I feel Theon still has a part to play in this somewhere. Theon isn't beating him in a one on one, so maybe Theon will kill him as Euron is trying to kill somebody else.

Jaime - I think it will be Arya, Brienne or Jon. Arya would kill him in a heartbeat... Brienne might kill him reluctantly in respect to another oath. Jon might kill him in battle. Cersei of course, is another favourite. Long shot would be Bran.

The good side... Well, Dany is getting more blood thirsty... slight hints of the Targaryen madness setting in before she's even assumed the throne... IF she assumes the throne. My gut feeling is Dany doesn't end up on the throne when all is done. She might have a stint on there... but by the close of play, I don't think she's ruling the kingdom.

There has to be a major Lannister plot line somewhere with Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime. All three at risk, so Tyrion could bit the bullet. Something tells me he survives.

Davos will die, Grey Worm will die, Littlefinger will die (can we put Littlefinger on the good side? He's always a scheming villain!), probably Missendei, and Theon at some point after a few plot lines.


Apr 14, 2013
Who kills Cersei? I'd have a shortlist of Tyrion, Jaime and Arya... maybe even add Sansa to the list. It will probably be another Lannister or a Stark. I think there will have to be some twist to it, can't see it being Dany as there isn't really much of a back story.

Mountain - My money is still on the Hound. Or maybe the Mountain will kill the Hound. Either way, I think they have unfinished business and will clash at some stage. He was also on Arya's shortlist of death.

Euron - Anyone's guess, but I feel Theon still has a part to play in this somewhere. Theon isn't beating him in a one on one, so maybe Theon will kill him as Euron is trying to kill somebody else.

Jaime - I think it will be Arya, Brienne or Jon. Arya would kill him in a heartbeat... Brienne might kill him reluctantly in respect to another oath. Jon might kill him in battle. Cersei of course, is another favourite. Long shot would be Bran.

The good side... Well, Dany is getting more blood thirsty... slight hints of the Targaryen madness setting in before she's even assumed the throne... IF she assumes the throne. My gut feeling is Dany doesn't end up on the throne when all is done. She might have a stint on there... but by the close of play, I don't think she's ruling the kingdom.

There has to be a major Lannister plot line somewhere with Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime. All three at risk, so Tyrion could bit the bullet. Something tells me he survives.

Davos will die, Grey Worm will die, Littlefinger will die (can we put Littlefinger on the good side? He's always a scheming villain!), probably Missendei, and Theon at some point after a few plot lines.

I think it will be Jaime that ends up killing Cersei.

As for the mountain I don't know, it could even be Brienne or Jaime somehow but even that seems unrealistic. Arya killing him would be absolutely ridiculous, I don't see that happening. I'm guessing the new maester's armor is completely flame-proof so even one of the dragons might not be enough. The Hound seems to be heading towards the whitewalkers so I doubt he makes it all the way back for a Clegane Bowl.

I don't think Jaime is on Arya's list but she may just want to kill him for being a Lannister. It's interesting that the only ones who knew Jaime pushed Bran out the window are dead (Ned, Rob, and Catelyn). So Jaime isn't as big of a target for Jon, Arya, and Sansa as Cersei is. My money is on Jaime either surviving and being pardoned through Tyrion's pleads or he kills himself. Aside from that maybe Brienne kills him out of mercy.

You may be right about Euron being killed on a surprise ambush by Theon. Otherwise I could see a twist where Euron tries to betray the Lannisters and take the throne for himself and if that happens the Mountain could take him out.

I agree with your list of the "good guys" and Littlefinger definitely isn't a good guy haha. I think he gets taken out this year after overplaying his hand.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Who kills Cersei? I'd have a shortlist of Tyrion, Jaime and Arya... maybe even add Sansa to the list. It will probably be another Lannister or a Stark. I think there will have to be some twist to it, can't see it being Dany as there isn't really much of a back story.

Mountain - My money is still on the Hound. Or maybe the Mountain will kill the Hound. Either way, I think they have unfinished business and will clash at some stage. He was also on Arya's shortlist of death.

Euron - Anyone's guess, but I feel Theon still has a part to play in this somewhere. Theon isn't beating him in a one on one, so maybe Theon will kill him as Euron is trying to kill somebody else.

Jaime - I think it will be Arya, Brienne or Jon. Arya would kill him in a heartbeat... Brienne might kill him reluctantly in respect to another oath. Jon might kill him in battle. Cersei of course, is another favourite. Long shot would be Bran.

The good side... Well, Dany is getting more blood thirsty... slight hints of the Targaryen madness setting in before she's even assumed the throne... IF she assumes the throne. My gut feeling is Dany doesn't end up on the throne when all is done. She might have a stint on there... but by the close of play, I don't think she's ruling the kingdom.

There has to be a major Lannister plot line somewhere with Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime. All three at risk, so Tyrion could bit the bullet. Something tells me he survives.

Davos will die, Grey Worm will die, Littlefinger will die (can we put Littlefinger on the good side? He's always a scheming villain!), probably Missendei, and Theon at some point after a few plot lines.
who would want to kill Sir Davos..he may be the only decent person on the show..,Nah..The game is gonna be decided by LittleFinger and Lord Vargas ..Have we discovered who is littlefingers "friend" that he mentioned in season 3 the climb episode...the Grey Worm is done when he try's to take castle rock.. Arya will kill Cersei..Tyrion and Jamie will kill each other ..Hell I don't know

By the way. A belated Congrats on Roger winning SW19 ..he was masterful...Cilic turned into Theon ..there's no cryin for a man if he isn't injured during a tennis match ..damn it


Apr 14, 2013
I do hope Davos survives. He is probably the only one left on the show that is truly 100% good much like Ramsey was one of the few that was truly 100% evil. I wouldn't put it past Littlefinger surviving Sansa, Arya, and co. but I do think chances are his time is up. Sansa is his weakness much like Cat was. Sansa would be a weakness for me too :yesyes:

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I do hope Davos survives. He is probably the only one left on the show that is truly 100% good much like Ramsey was one of the few that was truly 100% evil. I wouldn't put it past Littlefinger surviving Sansa, Arya, and co. but I do think chances are his time is up. Sansa is his weakness much like Cat was. Sansa would be a weakness for me too :yesyes: strike me as the type of chap that would fancy a night with Dany..Me, I would like to have Dany and Missandei both...I won't spoil it for BB , but I think Sir Davos was tryin to hit on Grey Worm's squeeze while he may be having his Waterloo at Castley Rock..