Federer, Nadal, and the question of GOATness in general...


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Thanks for the nice words, EquineAnn. Anyway I basically went along the lines of the OP. And yes, it goes down to a matter of opinion, but there are results out there for one to be based on... but people can always chose what they give more emphasis too, as posters were discussing above. So they eye-test is on one hand should be the ultimate criteria -- but, again, if the "eyes" are not trained... we get nowhere.
You're welcome, Mrzz. You know I always tell the truth & say exactly what I think albeit euphemistically. I noticed. I always thought an op was an operation. I got the message from the above but was worried about saying something wrong & flustered so I watched my words & held back especially as I was walking in relatively unknown territory (for me) & tried to stick more-or-less to what I knew while saying what I thought & showing I had the gist of everything. I'm used to talk about things I don't know about or know much about. An example is 1 of the times I went to Durham I went in this marquee in the market thinking it was a market stall as we have a few market stalls looking like that & was collared for an hour discussion on what I thought about designer babies for the purposes of saving siblings lives. I always thought eye tests were what you had in opticians to determine whether you needed spectacles or contact lenses. Lol. Yes, I get you. Thank you very much for your thorough, in-depth & informative answers. I found them interesting & useful as well as thoughtful & well-written.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Regarding specifically Fedal, I agree with @Moxie that history unfolded in a way that tied them up. Even if you call one of them GOAT, in the next phrase you will mention the other. On the other hand, I understand (and agree) with Broken's argument that Federer is the GOAT -- basically because my eye-test tells me exactly this. But GOATness is on the eye of the beholder... if I would favor just a bit more some things instead of others, maybe I could end up thinking Nadal is the GOAT -- but, yes, I do believe that the would need a little better resume outside clay to really have his foot in this conversation. Obviously he doesn't have a bad one, just not a GOAT one.

Anyway, both of them have shown one thing that no one else could, which is the ability to stay on top -- and I mean the very top -- for such a long stretch.
Thanks for getting my point that Roger and Rafa are entwined in tennis history. I know that this is a GOAT thread, but this era will definitely be defined as the Fedal years. Remarkably, nearly 13 years after they were first #1/#2 in the world, they're still back to trading the top 2 spots. I do think in this era, they are co-GOATs. That's not me trying to shoe-horn in Rafa. It's the way I see it. I have already conceded the GOAT to Roger, and, as I said, I don't see anyone getting above him in this generation.


Apr 14, 2013
Who is this Peel guy you’re talking about?

The only person to ever win three world cups as a player. The guys who scored most goals in football history. The clear, obvious, undisputable GOAT of football. By the way, Roger Federer knows that well.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The only person to ever win three world cups as a player. The guys who scored most goals in football history. The clear, obvious, undisputable GOAT of football. By the way, Roger Federer knows that well.
Sorry, dude, that was a set-up date by sponsors. (Note the Gillette on Roger's collar.)

But serious question on the general GOAT topic: can a player in a team sport really be a GOAT? (I mean, besides Michael Jordan.) Don't too many of the various criteria have to do what the team helped him/her do? And isn't the preference for the flashier positions?


Major Winner
Feb 2, 2018
In order to avoid the OP being 3 pages long, I'll post my reply to @El Dude here, as well as a general take on the issue of GOATness.

Let me start off by saying that my stance on this has actually changed throughout the years, and has been influenced by watching other sports significantly, and the GOAT debates that entailed in those sports.

I used to think it simply boils down to major wins, which is something relatively unique about tennis (I guess this also applies in golf? I don't follow that sport so I'm not sure). It's easy to understand why: Players put more emphasis on slams. So naturally, they're trying more in majors, they're more focused, give it their all, etc... it's what separates the men from the boys. Yes, it's a cliche, but it's true. There's a reason why the same guys have dominated them over the past 13 years (which is insane).

This however, raises a number of other issues, some valid, some less so:

1) Majors weren't considered the end-all be all until maybe the mid-80's (post-Borg). Players used to skip the Australian Open, for example.
2) If we're looking exclusively at majors, and look at no other thing as long as there is no tie, then are we saying all these other tournaments don't matter?
3) Say two players are separated by one major, but the one with one fewer major is much more accomplished in almost every other category, is the one with more majors really greater? Is that ONE major really THIS valuable? I'm not talking about what the media will say, or the general consensus, but I'm asking what YOU, the fine folks of tennis.com/tennisdigital/tennisfrontier/tennis-prose/TennisFrontierAgain think... In other words, how to quantify a major in terms of currency: 1 major = how many Masters 1000 events/weeks at number 1/WTF's/etc...?

What I don't like about majors being the one and only factor (unless there's a tie) is that I think it's a fairly rigid concept, that detracts from what should be a much more interesting and rich debate. Because we're simply boiling it down to numbers. Now, just to be clear, this is not a Nadal fan's attempt at downplaying major wins just to give Rafa a chance at GOATness. I consider Roger Federer to be the greatest tennis player of all time, but it goes beyond the number of Grand Slam wins (more on that in a second).

And this is where other sports' influences have shifted my views on this debate. Though I always considered Roger to be the GOAT, I have a major bombshell to drop on you fine folks:

I think Roger Federer will be the GOAT even if Nadal does tie him (I mean in my eyes, not what the media will say), or surpasses him by a single major win (for the record neither event will happen, but this is to answer @El Dude's question, and to explain my stance on the GOAT issue).

For starters, and this will sound very subjective and vague (and it is), but I just think Federer is simply...better at tennis. I don't know how else to explain this, but I've watched them their entire careers, and have seen a combined hundreds of matches of each player, and in my mind, one is just better at his craft than the other. This is the dreaded "eye-test." I fully understand how subjective this is, but I can't get past this. I've watched their respective peaks, and Federer was just more dominant, more in control, less vulnerable, and played at an even higher level on average (though I agree with something that @GameSetAndMath stated in the other thread: Nadal is better on clay than Federer is anywhere else and I don't think it's particularly close).

I think a major part in determining who a better player is (which I understand may not exactly be the same as who the "GREATER" player is), is looking at how they perform at their peaks. To me, that's why Messi is the best football (soccer) player ever (he played at a higher level over 4 seasons between 2009-2012 than anyone did in history), that's why Jordan is the best basketball player ever despite not winning the most rings, and why Federer is the best tennis player ever.

Of course, team sports are different, because wins are not completely in one player's hand (which is why I think it's stupid to claim a player can't be the GOAT b/c they haven't won an event that occurs once every 4 years and there are like 295 other variables in play that affect the result). Tennis is simpler: Two guys square off and the better player usually wins (yes I realize the irony of this statement since Nadal holds the h2h edge over Roger).

As such, yes, longevity matters, especially when assessing greatness, and you can't just look at peaks (for instance Djokovic, to me, had a better peak than Nadal and played a higher level of tennis. But there's no doubt Rafa's been the greater player so far). So if Nadal were to surpass Roger in terms of major count, it would mean he's been even better than Roger has been in the tail end of his career, which would be HUGELY impressive given that they're separated by 4 slams at the moment. And while there is no denying the impressiveness of guys dominating in their 30's, there are just so many factors determining who wins a major, that just using them as the sole barometer takes away from the nuances and interesting variables of tennis.

Doesn't it seem silly to someone that we can claim one player to be better than the other for winning ONE more major? I've become a firm believer in diminishing marginal returns. As stupid as this may sound, the more majors you win, the less the difference one major makes in terms of greatness. Yes, I realize how counter-intuitive this sounds but let me explain.

20 slams and 21 slams are both INSANE numbers. Isn't it nuts to claim player A is unequivocally greater than player B for winning 1 more slam, without taking into account all the factors that may have contributed to that slam (or any other slam that they may have won). Injuries, draws, level of competition, injuries to rivals, surfaces, etc... are all factors that may come into play. I know many of these issues are taboo around here because they're equated to excuse making, but are we really pretending they don't influence outcome of matches and tournaments? Keep in mind, a player who wins 3 slams being considered better than a player with only 2, makes some sense, but once we've reached obscene double digit amounts, it becomes less clear.

Also, what if as @El Dude pointed out, all of Nadal's upcoming slam wins are at the FO? Now, I've always thought saying "yeah but he's mainly only won on clay" is silly. Yeah, and Djokovic has mainly won on hards (not to mention Nadal has a great non-clay resume). It's just more accepted because more majors are played on hards, which is a complete arbitrary happenstance. The powers that be decided that the majority of tennis is played on hards so it is. It's not like hards are a better surface or more indicative of tennis skills. Hell, there used to be no majors played on hards at one point in the past. What if two majors were played on clay all along? So that argument to me doesn't hold up in general. However, for the purposes of this debate, it would matter a little, as there is very clear evidence that Roger's game is more suited for all surface play than Nadal's. And that deserves recognition and reward. The results have come accordingly anyway.

Hell, maybe it's none of the factors above, maybe the player with 20 slams had one bad day at the office in a final of a major he was expected to win (or any other round), and they didn't win it. OK, they only have themselves to blame to be sure, as they weren't good enough on the day, but it's absolutely bonkers that ONE match essentially ends up being the reason some consider one to be better than the other in a career in which they've played a thousand match or so. For example, do you remember Nadal's missed backhand against Novak at the 2012 AO final? The one that would have put him 4-2 40-15 up on serve in the final set? He makes that and he's likely 5-2 up, one game away from the championship. Imagine if that ends up being a reason he doesn't tie Roger in the slam tally. If you're in the "majors are the only deciding factor" camp, isn't it crazy that literally a few inches are deciding the debate? I understand that's how tennis works, and it is a game of inches. But it's a game of inches on the micro level, ie who wins a point or a match...not who's the better player between two players who've won a combined 40 majors (which would be the case in case Rafa ties Roger or surpasses him).

Now, the gap between Roger and Rafa at the moment is 4 slams. That's significant. You don't win 4 slams simply due to external factors, injuries, luck, etc... Therefore, if someone were to claim Roger is better because of those 4 extra slams, I get it. You don't need to go through all the other factors when there's a clear gap that's indicative of one player simply being better than the other over his career so far. But, my point is, if the numbers end up being closer, it's simply not black and white anymore.
Not everyone whats to read a book man? With that being said, nadal will go down as goat no matter that you say if he passes federer, then people look back at history they not going to care who had the better skills, played at a higher level which is way off the mark and just your opinion, No we going to care about the facts+ feats and that's going to decide goat. Also, your higher level thing is just way off the mark nadal played at high or higher level than federer in he's best seasons 08,10 13,17+ every other year on clay, federer more dominate finally something true, better tennis player no way, their games are on par man, and by I never seen federer play the level that nadal plays on clay, which is that you was saying and yes you was talking about any surface at the highest level.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Not everyone whats to read a book man?

Luckily, they can just scroll down and ignore my post. I don't think you get banned for that.

With that being said, nadal will go down as goat no matter that you say if he passes federer,

I agree, which is why I specified that the media will consider him the GOAT, but I was asking what you guys think, and what you guys' criteria is, which is the main purpose of this thread. But you'd have known I said that if you were willing to read a book.

No we going to care about the facts+ feats and that's going to decide goat.

Well, the OP is NOT a book (my second post is) and if you had read that, you can clearly see that this is not the purpose of the thread. The purpose of the thread was to use some critical thinking and apply it to the GOAT debate because it's much more interesting, instead of using rigid criteria. If you opt for the latter however, that's your prerogative. Good for you.

Also, your higher level thing is just way off the mark nadal played at high or higher level than federer in he's best seasons 08,10 13,17+ every other year on clay, federer more dominate finally something true, better tennis player no way, their games are on par man, and by I never seen federer play the level that nadal plays on clay, which is that you was saying and yes you was talking about any surface at the highest level.

Luckily, I did state that Nadal on clay is better than Federer is anywhere. Again, read the book, or wait for the HBO series.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Who is this Peel guy you’re talking about?

The Rod Laver of football...a guy who made a career out of beating amateurs in a terrible era in which the game wasn't close to the level or depth it's at now, but with 6 times' Laver's ego and delusions of grandeur, and about 12 times the insecurity (one for each Laver slam win I suppose).
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Apr 14, 2013
Sorry, dude, that was a set-up date by sponsors. (Note the Gillette on Roger's collar.)

I knew that. By that time Pelé just had surgery, and the meeting was cancelled. Later more than one person commented that Federer insisted on it. But anyway I wanted to called attention to the Federer quote in the end rather than the meeting. It takes a GOAT to recognize another.

But serious question on the general GOAT topic: can a player in a team sport really be a GOAT? (I mean, besides Michael Jordan.) Don't too many of the various criteria have to do what the team helped him/her do? And isn't the preference for the flashier positions?

I hear a lot of people talking about Lebron as the GOAT in basketball (and you know it is real). There will be never consensus.

What, is he a quarterback or running back or wide receiver?

This is so Trump...

The Rod Laver of football...a guy who made a career out of beating amateurs in a terrible era in which the game wasn't close to the level or depth it's at now, but with 6 times' Laver's ego and delusions of grandeur, and about 12 times the insecurity (one for each Laver slam win I suppose).

Oh, the weak era argument coupled with some personal jabs... it did not took long to get to that, BocaJuniorsLace.... (yes, I know your secret, hermano!).
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Apr 14, 2013
On a serious note, there will never be a consensus. Player X on sport Y could have the all the numbers and stats in the world, there will always be someone insisting that he had an unfair advantage, weak competition, a conspiracy theory behind him or whatever. If you think a bit, you will see that there is always a sport for which you are personally absolutely sure who the GOAT is -- and if you look around you find a lot of people who passionately disagree with you. The world "passionately" maybe explains a lot...

But back to tennis, again, I agree both with the Opening Post and the following "book". But (one of the) consequences of it -- which I am sure Broken is pretty well aware off -- is the odd place it leads Nadal too. Even if Fedal play each other 10 more times, and Federer wins those, history cannot be changed. Nadal was the guy that first challenged and then later dethroned him. It is not only the rivalry, is this strange kryptonite effect. The fact that Nadal has an unbalanced resume, an unique playing style (hell, he is not even sure if he is lefty or not) is so out of the usual script that he will get in the conversation no matter what. I bet that for any occasion that the word "Federer" is written, on average, 10 words later you find "Nadal" (and probably the other way around too) -- which is basically Moxie's point, at least history-wise.
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Major Winner
Feb 2, 2018
Luckily, they can just scroll down and ignore my post. I don't think you get banned for that.

I agree, which is why I specified that the media will consider him the GOAT, but I was asking what you guys think, and what you guys' criteria is, which is the main purpose of this thread. But you'd have known I said that if you were willing to read a book.

Well, the OP is NOT a book (my second post is) and if you had read that, you can clearly see that this is not the purpose of the thread. The purpose of the thread was to use some critical thinking and apply it to the GOAT debate because it's much more interesting, instead of using rigid criteria. If you opt for the latter however, that's your prerogative. Good for you.

Luckily, I did state that Nadal on clay is better than Federer is anywhere. Again, read the book, or wait for the HBO series.
well yea I'm sure I will read your book at some stage, as for your reply, good enough.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
On a serious note, there will never be a consensus. Player X on sport Y could have the all the numbers and stats in the world, there will always be someone insisting that he had an unfair advantage, weak competition, a conspiracy theory behind him or whatever. If you think a bit, you will see that there is always a sport for which you are personally absolutely sure who the GOAT is -- and if you look around you find a lot of people who passionately disagree with you. The world "passionately" maybe explains a lot...

But back to tennis, again, I agree both with the Opening Post and the following "book". But (one of the) consequences of it -- which I am sure Broken is pretty well aware off -- is the odd place it leads Nadal too. Even if Fedal play each other 10 more times, and Federer wins those, history cannot be changed. Nadal was the guy that first challenged and then later dethroned him. It is not only the rivalry, is this strange kryptonite effect. The fact that Nadal has an unbalanced resume, an unique playing style (hell, he is not even sure if he is lefty or not) is so out of the usual script that he will get in the conversation no matter what. I bet that for any occasion that the word "Federer" is written, on average, 10 words later you find "Nadal" (and probably the other way around too) -- which is basically Moxie's point, at least history-wise.
I agree with what you said about there always being a sport for which we are personally absolutely sure who the GOAT is. I'd say the greatest racehorse is Redrum. I'll now test whether the 2nd part of that long sentence is true & whether anyone disagrees with me. Lol.

I actually enjoyed Broken's pieces of writing as I found them interesting, informative & well-written. I like to see people's writing especially the longer pieces. I have to credit the fact that I'm a bookworm though like a lot of people. I agree history can't be changed & in some cases it would be nice if it could & in others it wouldn't but in another way we have to see that history has made things as they are.


Apr 14, 2013
One thing I do agree with is that the GOAT in individual sports is easier to determine than team sports. However, even in individual sports it is not always cut and dry and tennis is one of those with pre-open era players as well as the fact the AO was not a priority for top players until the mid 80's or later.

I don't follow golf enough to know if things have changed to affect the comparison of Woods to Nicklaus and earlier golfers but I am still surprised so many consider Woods greater. I think the word "better" is more fitting since Woods is far behind in majors and probably isn't catching up but again I don't follow golf.

Team sport GOAT's is very hard to determine usually. The fact Jordan is considered by an overwhelming majority to be the greatest basketball player shows how amazing he was. Yes there are some that will say it's someone else but there aren't many. Football doesn't really have a GOAT though Brady probably gets the nod for quarterbacks and many would say Jerry Rice as an overall player but QB is way more important than WR or any other position and that makes the argument even more difficult.

I do disagree that "eye test" and perceived skill level should play a role in GOAT and I say that as a Federer fan. If Nadal passes Roger in slams he probably should be considered greater while the argument may still remain that Federer was the "better" player given his level of dominance and all-around game. Again there is that key difference.

El Dude

Apr 14, 2013
People obsess about Slam count, but it may be that rankings are an overall better way to assess greatness. Of course it isn't either/or, but consider how many "one Slam wonders" there have been. A pretty good player, even a journeyman, can win a Slam if they get hot at the same time that the cards fall in place, just as a near-elite player can go Slamless their entire career, depending upon the context they played in. There are plenty of examples of Slamless players who were better players than one-Slam players.

Rankings, on the other hand, are not flukey. If you're #1 it takes into account total performance and consistency of dominance. This is not to say that a "rankings only" approach is a good one, but that it is more accurate than "Slams only."

Interesting thing about Ultimate Tennis Statistic's GOAT List: Novak and Rafa are neck and neck at #2 and #3, with Novak at 701 and Rafa at 700 GOAT points. I am not sure, but think Novak went ahead in 2016. Rafa will surpass Novak after Barcelona.

I would agree with that list in that the Bigger Three are the 1-3 on the GOAT List for the Open Era, and i consider them the three greatest players of the Open Era - with apologies to Sampras and Borg, who would be 4 and 5 on my Open Era only list (although are 6 and 8 on the GOAT List).


Major Winner
Dec 23, 2013
OK...I feel like I'm losing what little mind I have left after a month of no Federer. I haven't been here since just before the mess that was Miami and tried the site on Sunday but it wouldn't load. Today I see that the forum is back to Tennis Frontier? Oy! I missed the announcment. This is what happens when you're too lazy to snark...


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
OK...I feel like I'm losing what little mind I have left after a month of no Federer. I haven't been here since just before the mess that was Miami and tried the site on Sunday but it wouldn't load. Today I see that the forum is back to Tennis Frontier? Oy! I missed the announcment. This is what happens when you're too lazy to snark...
I'm glad you managed to get your access problems solved. It happened so quick. At first I thought it was just a name-change & change in layout & thought it was brighter & more vibrant. Then the rules were laid out by admin which I think was necessary because of all the racism & intimidation which was going on but shouldn't have been because we are all supposedly civilised & mature human beings though you could be forgiven for thinking otherwise sometimes. As a result of admin getting authoritative it's a nicer place to be where people can have fun & interesting conversations & a laugh with each other again & we're free to say what we want (within reason) without feeling that we're going to be ribbed by anyone else except in friendly banter of course. This is just my interpretation of what went on though.


Jul 9, 2013
Rankings, on the other hand, are not flukey. If you're #1 it takes into account total performance and consistency of dominance. This is not to say that a "rankings only" approach is a good one, but that it is more accurate than "Slams only."

If a player X finishes runner up in several events, but the winner is different in each one, then X is more likely to end up as YE#1 and
be ranked high throughout the year as well. However, nobody will remember him in a good light. People will only remember him as a big


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
This is why it's such a gray area and we should really remember the details of a career rather than just numbers. You could in theory win 2 slams a season with a bunch of Masters 1000 events and not finish as world number 1. It almost happened to Nadal in 2013 (2 majors and 5 masters, which is huge), and that's because he had missed the AO due to injury and had dropped in the rankings the previous year when he had missed six months. Yet historically, even if he hadn't finished as World Number 1, most of us would have remembered 2013 as "his year."