Being spontaneous isn't always as easy as it seems.
Spontaneity isn't always the quality of dreams.
Spontaneous people sometimes have the tendency to over-think things.
If you've not done it you won't know the problems this sometimes brings.
It sometimes causes problems that weren't there.
It may cause people to be a bit unfair.
Anxiety then kicks in.
Junk, automatic thoughts need throwing in the bin.
People may wrongly think you're being aggressive or manipulative when you are not.
You get over-emotional & may lose some of the friends you've got.
Then depression sets in & you're always sad.
You think you've done wrong when you haven't & make yourself feel bad.
Society sees emotional difficulties as mental health problems so by admitting & getting help everyone thinks you're mad.
If you don't get help when you need it you can feel like you don't want to be anywhere anymore & some people have done something about it.
With S.S.R.I's or T.M.A.I's &/ counselling, C.B.T., self-esteem, confidence building & assertiveness courses you can be back to your old self & fighting fit.
Some of the smartest & most creative people I know have suffered from mental health issues as well as famous intelligent people like Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens & John Nash.
People don't always take your situation into account before judging & some subjects are taboo, that's why there are so many suicides as there's a stigma attached to mental health issues & they stay strong as long as they can before they just crash.