Wait...has Rafa won 3 tournaments in a row, number 10 in 2 of them plus his 10 RG and of course playing superb and like a Master like he is? yep and that's the reason why I see some posters a little nervous and upset

same old same old but it means that Nadal is playing well and he is not "done" like someones liked to say repeatedly and when I said he was just going through a bad patch then they called me " a fan girl" LOL, my boots! I was right and it's time to enjoy Rafa's fans. I don't know if he will do well in Wimbledon or not (it's not my priority) if he does great if not I hope he will do a well in HC, he has game to do that and more with all the improvements. But of course meanwhile we should were a "shield" to protect ourselves the constantly attack from the others fan boys , but who cares? it's going to be fun