Djokovic Fans thread


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
I don't know how they could keep their faces straight :lol3:



Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
20 questions by Barry Wood:

What’s the one thing Novak Djokovic likes most about himself? He answers 20 big questions.
Twelve Grand Slam titles and long stints as world No.1 are among Novak Djokovic’s many records – but he’d rather be remembered as a quality person than a history-making champion.

What is the greatest benefit of being famous?
The appreciation and respect that you get.

What qualities do you most like in other people?
Honesty. Generosity. Kindness.

What annoys or frustrates you the most?
Dishonesty. Pessimistic approach to life.

What do you most like in yourself?
I don’t usually like answering about myself. That’s for other people but, if you really insist, I’m an optimist. Not just for tennis but for everything in life. I see hope and I see a light when maybe others don’t.

What do you dislike in yourself?
Being late. I need to work on that. And maybe sometimes not being realistic about things that I can and cannot do in life.

What has been your best moment on a tennis court?
Three moments I would say were the highlights of my career. Davis Cup win (over France) 2010, Wimbledon 2011 and 14, and Australian Open 2012 final against (Rafael) Nadal, the longest Grand Slam final.

What has been your worst moment on a tennis court?
There were those as well but I would rather remember the good ones. I had some tough moments. Probably one that comes up to my mind is the quarter final loss against (Jurgen) Melzer in the 2010 French Open, and after that loss it was the first time in my career I had such a strong doubt and fear of continuing to play tennis. That was one of the turning points of my career.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you have given yourself when your career started?
Be patient. Patience is a virtue today and not many people have it. Genuine positive mindset towards tennis and everything in life.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?
Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

Describe your perfect day?
Well, I need to mention tennis somewhere. I really do love playing tennis, so I would have an hour of tennis. I would have an hour of golf. I would have some theatre and the whole afternoon with my family.

Do you have any superstitions?

What has been your most extravagant (most expensive or biggest) purchase?
Wow! My most extravagant purchase would be probably a car. I’m not that extravagant. I didn’t buy a house yet. Soon, soon.

What living person do you most admire?
There are a few. Richard Branson is one. I admire very much one priest from a Serbian Orthodox church that I’ve met in a holy island in Greece.

What is your greatest fear?
I don’t think about fears. Even though I have them I don’t think about them in that way.

What is your most treasured possession?
My baby Stefan.

If you weren’t a tennis player what would you like to be?
It would probably be in sport. I don’t know if I would play it professionally, but … I would probably be involved also in the nature because I love nature. I grew up in the mountains and spent a lot of time outdoors. But I’m not sure which direction my life would take me because I don’t spend much time thinking about what if, what if. I believe in life everything happens for a reason, and for a reason I’m a tennis player.

Where is the best place you’ve been?
My country is my favourite place, obviously Belgrade and Kopaonik, the mountain where I grew up, but there are some beautiful sites in the world that I have visited. The one I would pick is Perito Moreno, the iceberg (glacier) in the south of Patagonia, south of Argentina. It’s one of the most impressive sights I’ve seen in the nature.

Where would you most like to go that you haven’t been to yet?
Himalayas. Tibet, Nepal. I’d love to go there. Africa. South Africa especially but the entire Africa I would like to see. A little bit more of South America, Machu Picchu, this ancient spiritual site.

Who would you most like to have as a dinner guest (can be alive or deceased)?
Nikola Tesla. He is one of the biggest scientists and persons that ever lived, so he’s my guiding star. I would definitely love to have dinner with him.

How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as a good person, as somebody that used the success and the achievement in his own field of life as a tool for helping others.
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Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015


Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
^ I don't believe into any new age things (I was tempted to use another word before I realised there might be those who believe this) and all this makes me pissed off including meditations, wearing amethyst chakra, eating weird food and even publishing videos of giving it to Stefan for breakfast. Yeah, that must be what every toddler longs for, Quinoa crepes with Brussels sprout spreads. And what about all those Bolivian pre-teens who are exploited on quinoa fields by Evo Morales's friends.
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Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
I don't believe in all those things either but believe that some people like and need to go though that and maybe they feel better, each one with his own


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
OMG, I have a photo of me on a beach in exactly the same pose as Jelena. :lol3: Although my arms are turned in a different way and my palms are facing up.

What kind of weird stuff are they up to here?



Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
They are meditating, I guess. I think Marbella is that place we saw on the video posted by Veka couple of weeks ago when Marko was translating into Spanish what No1e was telling the audience.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I thought after reading that article that Becker could actually do with learning from Nole in many areas rather than the other way around. Boris could be his tennis coach but Boom Boom should hire Nole as his life coach.

VERY good points.

when you think about it -- boris just might already have become a BETTER PERSON on his own account -- from being around hole, actually.

in many ways -- there is nothing wrong about an older person STILL learning -- including from someone younger who has a rapid maturity as a person...

and you are probably right that this something happening with boris right now.

it's almost like NOLE - his dedication - professionalism, sense of responsibility to everyone and everything around him, clarity about the priorities in life.. -

must be like fresh water when you are parched, u know?

and for boris -- who of course has his own achievements and life acocmplishments -- it must still be a learning experience , a new perspective that brings to boris -- beyond his being a good coach - and as a fellow tennis champ -- a renewed sense of direction in his own life.

nole just gives off that aura, i think.

it's actually the most important thing that attracted me to him as a fan...

i remember very clearly that moment many years ago...

he was of course just entering the first year of his professional career...they showed a little clip also about this young guy winning a match (it was hardcourt in the USA a small one) -
and of course the way he played was already something...

but something else caught my attention:

the way he held himself - in that 'erect" , knowing, purposeful , quiet way he had -- and i thought to myself;

"this is a somebody -- a very dignified way about him that's hard to know WHY so for such a young he is carrying a big responsibility on those shoulders and he wants to do RIGHT by whoever he is...i'm going to be his fan too".

thyat's how i became a fan of Nole long ago. i think it must have been 2003, or 2002...still many, many months before he'd be more noticed..

and that was it.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
They are meditating, I guess. I think Marbella is that place we saw on the video posted by Veka couple of weeks ago when Marko was translating into Spanish what No1e was telling the audience.

by the way did all of you see some of those wedding pictures they had? and their house if it was that?

it was beautiful in the way it is built -- like trees all around it -- the porch around the house just touching the trees and ferns..loike they built it in a way that it grows out of the forest around beautiful.

nole and his family deserve such a place.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
VERY good points.

when you think about it -- boris just might already have become a BETTER PERSON on his own account -- from being around hole, actually.

in many ways -- there is nothing wrong about an older person STILL learning -- including from someone younger who has a rapid maturity as a person...

and you are probably right that this something happening with boris right now.

it's almost like NOLE - his dedication - professionalism, sense of responsibility to everyone and everything around him, clarity about the priorities in life.. -

must be like fresh water when you are parched, u know?

and for boris -- who of course has his own achievements and life acocmplishments -- it must still be a learning experience , a new perspective that brings to boris -- beyond his being a good coach - and as a fellow tennis champ -- a renewed sense of direction in his own life.

nole just gives off that aura, i think.

it's actually the most important thing that attracted me to him as a fan...

i remember very clearly that moment many years ago...

he was of course just entering the first year of his professional career...they showed a little clip also about this young guy winning a match (it was hardcourt in the USA a small one) -
and of course the way he played was already something...

but something else caught my attention:

the way he held himself - in that 'erect" , knowing, purposeful , quiet way he had -- and i thought to myself;

"this is a somebody -- a very dignified way about him that's hard to know WHY so for such a young he is carrying a big responsibility on those shoulders and he wants to do RIGHT by whoever he is...i'm going to be his fan too".

thyat's how i became a fan of Nole long ago. i think it must have been 2003, or 2002...still many, many months before he'd be more noticed..

and that was it.

He makes me want to be a better person. His mom also said the same about Nole. They constantly learn from him. I know many fans, Nole fans included, think that he is all about tennis, but they have to understand that he is not tennis only.

Here is a touching message for a special girl, the video is in Serbian, but NovakIndiaFans have a nice article with translated words that Nole sent to Dejana.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
He makes me want to be a better person. His mom also said the same about Nole. They constantly learn from him. I know many fans, Nole fans included, think that he is all about tennis, but they have to understand that he is not tennis only.

Here is a touching message for a special girl, the video is in Serbian, but NovakIndiaFans have a nice article with translated words that Nole sent to Dejana.

NOLE is the ONE player for whom tennis -- as it happens to his personal talent and passion -- is only a means to something BIGGER than himself -- SERBIA and his people. .

he said something like this long ago _for which he WAS vilified --

"i want to be number one someday too -- i want to show i also have some quality...
and I want to be the best i can be to show the world that there is a DIFFERENT SERBIA than what most people have been told about".

and we know what that ''have been told about" is -- certain you know who...

and because of that - i consider NOLE as the most COURAGEOUS and dignified of ALL

tennis players...for

simply by VOICING what he said -- in reference to his country and people being written about WRONGLY -- and to make his entire career a demonstration to the world that

"there is a DIFFERENT SERBIA" from what was told the world -- (including on events leading to the first world war) -

NOLE - in word and career actually - if people REALLY think about it -- has issued a DEFIANCE TO THE EMPIRE...and you don't DO THAT without attracting a 'close watch' from the empire ..............which is one of the western gang-leaders of writing ''THE STORY of the BAD SERBIANS" --

with a frowning attention........

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And yet, he tax shelters in Monaco. Surely, he's the pride of Serbia, but let's keep a bit of perspective on that one. He's not rejecting the EMPIRE if he's using it for tax protection.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
And yet, he tax shelters in Monaco. Surely, he's the pride of Serbia, but let's keep a bit of perspective on that one. He's not rejecting the EMPIRE if he's using it for tax protection.

oh --= is that the BEST you can come up with ?

FIRST of all NOLE as a rich man is WISE to use the EMPIRE'S own outpost such as monaco --

to keep his money to his purse -- rather than pay taxes IN serbia. do you know why?

SERBIA - despite the struggle of the people against being subjugated by the EMPIRE -- is ruled and occupied by the EMPIRE which TAXES the serbian people for NATO/EMPIRE'S occupation of THEM.

taxes are laid on the population that does NOT go to development of their economy, their roads (case inpoint the floods in 2013 late winter in which the EU , NATO , USA did NOTHING -- but it took the russians to come and rescue and help rebuild) -

therefore it is VERY easy to see that NOLE IS NOT going to let the empire USE HIS money by way of 'taxation INSIDE SERBIA"

when serbia is OCCUPIED by the EMPIRE taxing serbian people for the benefit of the EMPIRE.

you are too stupid.

and nole is CLEVER and using the empire's tools to keep SERBIAN MONEY -- HIS winnings -- to SERBIA and bring any contributions he does in his own charities and projects OUTSIDE of the CLAWS of the occupying empire. lol.

if HIS winnings in MADRID IN 2013 were 'reported as serbia residence" -- that MEANT A FLAT-RATE 20 percent tax

which GOES not TO THE ORDINARY SERBIAN PEOPLE - in roads and schools and health care, etc --

it goes to the 'government" who are under the control of the EMPIRE who THEN orders THEM to 'increase your military expenditure with NATO".


you thought you were CLEVER? YOU JUST hit a double-fault.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
But you said above that he wants to tell the story of a "different Serbia," and then you slag them for being corrupt, and that he shouldn't give them his money. You really can't have it both ways. I'm sorry, but paying into the common good isn't only paying into some notion of "empire," (whatever "empire" Serbia is,) it really is also paying for roads and cops and firemen and hospitals. And if the roads are so crap that it takes the Russians to save Serbia, ask about millionaires who pay no taxes. No matter how much gets siphoned off by corruption or wars (??), etc., there is a portion of what we make that is owed to our fellows. If we don't like how it's being spent, then we work to change the society from within. Not from a tax haven on the French riviera.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
you just don't get it Moxie.

NOLE refers to a ''different serbia" THAN WHAT HE WEST has portrayed it as --

meaning the very same serbian peole tht the west said are ''barbarians, committed genocide" etc. etc.

in order to justify the bombing and impose wetsern RULE in serbia.

THAT is the serbia that is DISTINCT from the LEADERSHIP that WASHINGTON has in fact forcing serbians - after the bombings to ''choose" and 'elect' ONLY LEADERS that were coerced by the USA/NATO - SUCH AS an intellectual class given

''scholarships" and privileges in western circles...and when serbians try to elect the leaders that reall are too ''serbian" -- the USA simply foments smearing to elicit a new ''election" until ''the serbians give the right answer" in elections.

this is why the leaders today -- have to be VERY careful ABOUT trying to maintain a certain ''fightning chance" for serbia while NOT incurring the ''wrath" of the empire upon THEIR heads...

such as maintaining relations with their traditional and historic and cultural cousins - russians -- while ''agreeing" to ''eventually entering NATO" AND EU - as th eUSA WORKS its ''culture" into the BODY of serbian society.

THUS -- the LAWS of serbia - since the bombing are basically CONTROLLED by the EMPIRE which IMPOSED such things - inclouding taxation.

but the point is - as an OCCUPIED country - because that is what it IS --

THE BUDGET OF SERBIA is basically under control by EU, NATO, USA.

see the point? and what NOLE and serbians are trying their best to do -- is being UNDER occupation where the institutions of their country have basically been ''ruled" or ''redesigned" by the USA -- WITH A SEMBLANCE OF ''democracy" -

is to try and PRESERVE their society in its TRUE identity.

MASTOOR here - just confirmed to me :
saying as slavic orthodox which IS THE VERY IDENTITY of the serbian people -- it is EVERYTHING to them -

WHICH THE usa ''angl0-society" gradually DIMINISHES with its ''liberalism" etc...(which is ALSO considered an ASSAULT in russian society to which tis western ''liberalism" is ALIEN --

THAT ''this is why we serbians will NEVER want to live WITH THOSE WEST"

it is a completely ALIEN thinking. and THAT is a THREAT to their very identity as a society. their values, their sense of who they are, the ENFORCED ''opening" of their society to the western

neo-liberal, neo-conservative

ANGL0-AMERICAN empire the superimposes its ''american views' on the institutions that have created societies in history. which WEAKENS THEIR very existence to render them subject to

america's SHALLOW ways.