"Not since forever" was a rhetorical flourish, which I think you know. I didn't mean that cavemen surgeons were wearing masks. Even
@Federberg agrees that there's no reason to put people off of masking. But then you deflect to "pills, pills, pills." That has nothing to do with masking, which was the only point I was making.
No offense, but I think you follow a lot of weird theories down the rabbit hole. I will not be freaking out about fluoride in my toothpaste.
Fluoride is one of the most abundant elements found in nature. Water is the major dietary source of fluoride. The only known association with low fluoride intake is the risk of dental caries. Initially, fluoride was considered beneficial when given ...
Not really deflecting - just aware that these people don't have your interests at heart. They have
their interests at heart. If masks made a difference, don't you think they'd be wearing them?
The "health" industry doesn't have your interests at heart either. They serve profit-making corporations answerable to shareholders looking for a return on investment. Healthy men and women aren't good customers.
It's rather like calling a plumber to fix a leaking pipe problem. The plumber turns up with a mop, gets rid of the water but doesn't fix the source of the problem. You'll be constantly calling him to come around with mop. Bingo - there's your health industry. Sick people = Unsolved problem at source = Profit.
As for flouride - sure there is natural flouride. This isn't added to the water, it's already there. The stuff added to the water isn't natural and is effectively a poison. Sodium Fluoride.
Pro Tip - if you get a reaction from rubbing something on your skin, then never eat it. Or in this case, rub on your gums.
The wise old grannies from yesteryear always knew their stuff. It's why the old Indian tribes always needed Grandma's wise wisdom of final approval to go to war. Men appreciate the divine feminine. Blokes wearing skirts not so much.
Thanks for your link. I'll raise you this one - the supressed docs where 18 of 19 studies show it lowers IQ. Other docs show the American IQ is the lowest since records began.
The final report of a 6-year National Toxicology Program (NTP) review of fluoride neurotoxicity was blocked from public release by the Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Administrator in May 2022 according to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). But under an agreement reached in an ongoing...
Houston, we have a problem.
If you liken fluoridation to the mop example above - why not tackle the sugar intake rather than the effects? Or at the very least let people buy fluoride pills rather than polluting the entire water system.