DarthFed said:
Moxie629 said:
DarthFed said:
Moxie629 said:
Not to get into a question over "fake," but what injury TOs are you even remembering? I've got blisters v. Ferrero in Rome in 2008. And I don't remember hearing about coaching before 2009 or later. It's OK you don't like the guy, but you can't revise history. I don't remember any of those knocks coming against him before around 08-09, earliest. Feel free to remind me.
2006 Monte Carlo, 2008 Hamburg were matches where Rafa took MTO's out of nowhere, the former right after dropping a set and the latter came at 5-1 when he was getting his ass kicked. He showed no sign of injury before or after as he won both matches following the "unintentional" break of momentum.
And the coaching was constant since the get go. Everyone knows it but it's one of those things that is very rarely called now (and there is a lot of players getting on-court coaching).
Well, alright then. I won't look them up or debate them, but I'll put you in the category of "never liked Nadal, and didn't start inventing excuses to dislike him just because he was beating my guy."
You give me too little credit Moxie. I'm not petty enough to only dislike a player for beating Roger. There'd be a whole hell of a lot of players I'd hate the last few years, no? As a lesser example of players who are now beating Roger more often than not, I like Berdych and Djokovic.
I always think you're a fair person, Darth. And clearly I picked the wrong day to question how you feel about Rafa's behavior, and when you think that started. :s I didn't see the match, but have to trust Kieran's account, if Rafa was tetchy and rude to the ball kids. That, specifically, however, doesn't seem normal to me. I expect he'll get an earful from Toni.
Kieran said:
JesuslookslikeBorg. said:
^^ drama queen rafa..??
did captain vamos really bark out "Banana" to a ballboy ??, uncool goings on ?..I think so.
Yeah. For about 3 successive changes he was cranky and tetchy. Blamed the ballboy for the warnings he got for being slow between points. Refused towels that were placed for him, then turned on a ballboy who gave him water - he wanted the bottle with the red label instead and almost tore the door off the freezer to show the kid.
Then he muttered "banana" with the same intensity he brings to baseline fist pumps. His bag was literally a small lean to the side away from him...

This is aberrant behavior. I've never seen him act the way you describe. Overworked? Jet-lagged? The fact that Kohlscreiber pressures him, and he's got the stress to get to the final and #1? Whatever people think about his supposed "antics" and slow-play, I've never seen him abuse the ball kids. And he usually doesn't get flustered by a time-violation warning. But if he's pissing off a faithful like Kieran, I have to hope he cleans up his act next round, and going forward. :nono