Rafa needs to put it into 5th gear now....or it can be all over...crazy game. Matchpoint escaped for now.
Fiero, Rafanoy, and Moxie....aka the biased haters and infidels...
While football is a TEAM sport, the QB is what holds the team together, it is the one position you analyze the field in a split second, read coverages and react. All while escaping rushing linesman. Relative to all who played that position Brady excelling at AGE 44 is completely unheard of. Imagine Pancho Gonzales winning Wimbledon at age 43. His career PAST 40 is a hall of fame career in itself.
And no, Rafanoy, being crushed by opposing football players is unique to the NFL QB.
You are welcome to you opinions but I state in my own unbiased , objective and unemotional observation: You are all categorically, flat out, delusionally wrong.