Well, my dear fellow poster, here we disagree. First, I was going to ask exactly who he follows on Twitter (something your link on the other thread answered, and BB gave a good comment regarding that above). Second, who else does he follow? What if he follows also people with exactly the opposite views?
I mean, c'mon. We are living on complex, divisive times. All political movements and wings have extremists who say a lot of shit. People follow each other on social media in large numbers, if you look it closely everyone will be guilty of something by association. I guess that you kind of jokingly described the guy as a "white supremacist" in the other thread, and that is exactly the problem for me. It is easy to start a fire. A lot of hard questions to answer and the guy is not expected to dissect the racial problem in USA in a press room after a match. He was civil and balanced in his exchanges with Blake and that is good enough for me. Putting a tag on people based on such little grounds is a big problem to my eyes, and believe me when I say that I despise racist assholes as much as anyone.