Damn, PM, I was salivating for one of your rants -- I really like them -- and you chose to be ironic! Damn again!
Anyway, I will go out in huge limb and say Berdych wins. Reasons:
1) If it wasn't for the other 25 matches, the H2H would be 2x0 Berdych.
2) Ok, now seriously: I do not think Djokovic is back at his best just yet. In fact, apart from the attitude, I do not think his level has changed substantially. His recent "run" is simply (IMO) due to facing weaker competition (for his standards). Even with the H2H and the huge mental handicap that Berdych has, he is overall level is way higher than what Djokovic has faced so far. At the time Djokovic adjusts, Berdych would already have a good lead. Then he will blow it, but then he will have some giant luck for a change and my prediction will happen to be right.
Oh, and before people jump in Djokovic's defense: you don't need it. I always said I am sure he will be back at a high level at some point. I just don't think this is happening already.
I am glad that my rants are acquiring a decent fandom, if they haven't already.
But I won't go in the Fiero direction. I don't want to be predictable, unlike Berdych. I will try to add new stuff while keeping my original theme going.
I don't share your opinion on the match today though. As much as I'd like, all those losses are burried deep down. Engraved in his brain. Even if the score does get tight at some point Tomas just won't shake his addiction of big 4 cucking. It's like heroin for him. He works so hard to get to the quarters/semis (these days quarters at best), only to get his fix of big 4 beatdown, and he just loves it. I wish I was wrong though.
I already made this joke, but if his wife Ester, said something along the lines of:
Tomas, if you lose today, no hoohoo tonight.
I know what I would do in that situation. My knees would disintegrate from the sheer effort in my sprints. I would tear my shoulder again with each stroke I hit, but I wouldn't disappoint Ester. Not if it cost me my life.

But the man has his priorities, I guess.