What on Earth is going on in the world today? It's gone mad


Apr 14, 2013
Musk posted this, which has led to the controversy, but has now remained silent.

Ah I get ya, thanks. I kinda feel that there’s not much he can do in Saudi Arabia, even before they killed this man, but yeah, he could at least have said something…


Apr 14, 2013
it occurs to me that the non-Brits here probably don't know who David Icke is. He was a BBC news presenter in the 80s, which at the time was as institutional a position as you can imagine. Then one day he went nuts. It was like he thought he was the 2nd coming of Jesus. He may actually have said that. I'll never forget the evening when he was interviewed on the Terry Wogan show. Think Johnny Carson. Everyone was talking about it. It was as much water cooler talk as the 'it was all a dream' switch back on Dallas :D

Anyway... that's the guy in the TikTok. It's a bit alarming when you see the clip, in that context and he calls the future quite well!

Forgot to add this...

I must say, these turquoise lizard people speak very good English! But yeah, he’s definitely predicted some things that I’m surprised by. He was dismissed as a doolally loon at the time..


Apr 14, 2013
fook me.. ok I'm spooked! :astonished-face:

Unreal. Had been meaning to watch but was on holiday and finally listened to it now. I've watched quite a few of his videos but this is nuts and shows he really can see the future when he was laughed at by so many before.


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
I was going to put this in the US Politics thread, but its message is broader than that. (8.5 minutes)



Apr 14, 2013
I’m not a fan of Russell Brand, always felt he’s overrated and not quite as articulate as he wants to sound. He often gets mistaken for being highly intelligent because he’ll use longer substitute words in place of saying it straight. He sounds like a dumb bloke trying to sound ingenious. Barack Obama was similarly often mistaken for being a great orator, when in fact he was a dull committee level reciter of ordinary things. He gave the world, “yes, we can”, and that’s about it. We always knew we can but we wish he’d be more specific on what it is we can.

However, Russell brand is in the spotlight. So is Obama, funny enough, though not in this post. I get the Sunday Times every week and he’s all over this weeks edition. Accusations, details, all stuff that really belongs in court. Another one bites the dust. Trial by social media, etc. But I think this article hits on something worth thinking on, for his many celeb defenders:

The ‘naive cynicism’ of Russell Brand’s hasty defenders

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Apr 14, 2013
I’m not a fan of Russell Brand, always felt he’s overrated and not quite as articulate as he wants to sound. He often gets mistaken for being highly intelligent because he’ll use longer substitute words in place of saying it straight. He sounds like a dumb bloke trying to sound ingenious. Barack Obama was similarly often mistaken for being a great orator, when in fact he was a dull committee level reciter of ordinary things. He gave the world, “yes, we can”, and that’s about it. We always knew we can but we wish he’d be more specific on what it is we can.

However, Russell brand is in the spotlight. So is Obama, funny enough, though not in this post. I get the Sunday Times every week and he’s all over this weeks edition. Accusations, details, all stuff that really belongs in court. Another one bites the dust. Trial by social media, etc. But I think this article hits on something worth thinking on, for his many celeb defenders:

The ‘naive cynicism’ of Russell Brand’s hasty defenders

Been meaning to post on this but didn't get the chance. Total and utter witch hunt imo same as they did to Andrew Tate. I've watched enough of Brand's YouTube channel to be well convinced this is left wing nut job scum trying to take him down as he poses a threat to their narrative. They label him a conspiracy theorist which means he's a conspiracy factualist and that's not accepted on this fucked up planet. Less than 5 minutes into the Channel 4 nonsense aired about him and it seemed so clearly fabricated and downright bs to me. The main give away is people now filing reports of supposed assault from 2003. Sorry but who the hell waits 20 years to report this?! An obvious and disgusting witch hunt by these sick people as Trump would (correctly) say. Same with Tate, regardless of what people think of him, they have ZERO convictions on him. ZERO. This is a classic modern day example of making someone's name dirt via "trial" via corrupt media and the NPCs just lap that shit up. Regardless of no proof, there are millions who'll believe it despite zero proof and not having the grey matter to put 2 and 2 together and realize if there was any truth to this they wouldn't have waited this long to report it.

His YouTube channel has over 1.2 billion views so he has massive influential reach and had to be taken down in their eyes. I'll be keeping a close eye to see if he actually gets MORE subscribers now as he's got just as much support as abusive comments. Opening people's eyes to the corruption of Big Pharma, the US, Ukraine etc is not tolerated by mainstream media so he had to go.

I have no doubt that Neil Oliver and Dr. John Campbell are on these disgusting people's radar too to take down.


Apr 22, 2013
Been meaning to post on this but didn't get the chance. Total and utter witch hunt imo same as they did to Andrew Tate. I've watched enough of Brand's YouTube channel to be well convinced this is left wing nut job scum trying to take him down as he poses a threat to their narrative. They label him a conspiracy theorist which means he's a conspiracy factualist and that's not accepted on this fucked up planet. Less than 5 minutes into the Channel 4 nonsense aired about him and it seemed so clearly fabricated and downright bs to me. The main give away is people now filing reports of supposed assault from 2003. Sorry but who the hell waits 20 years to report this?! An obvious and disgusting witch hunt by these sick people as Trump would (correctly) say. Same with Tate, regardless of what people think of him, they have ZERO convictions on him. ZERO. This is a classic modern day example of making someone's name dirt via "trial" via corrupt media and the NPCs just lap that shit up. Regardless of no proof, there are millions who'll believe it despite zero proof and not having the grey matter to put 2 and 2 together and realize if there was any truth to this they wouldn't have waited this long to report it.

His YouTube channel has over 1.2 billion views so he has massive influential reach and had to be taken down in their eyes. I'll be keeping a close eye to see if he actually gets MORE subscribers now as he's got just as much support as abusive comments. Opening people's eyes to the corruption of Big Pharma, the US, Ukraine etc is not tolerated by mainstream media so he had to go.

I have no doubt that Neil Oliver and Dr. John Campbell are on these disgusting people's radar too to take down.
I have to agree with you on this, and I agree this is similar to the Tate take down. I've seen a number of women who've had situations with Brand, and they turned him down. They said he was a perfect gentleman. Many of them even staying overnight with him but with no sexual activity. I find it highly suspicious that none of these cases were introduced into the documentary for balance. In fact many women who were approached by the journalists but gave supporting representations about Brand were immediately dismissed. These journalists were looking for people to fit their narrative instead of putting together a factual account. All of this is quite terrifying really. I also find it puzzling that the same women who said they reluctant to report their accusations to the police are so willing to communicate with the media. It makes zero sense! I find the MSM increasingly behaving like actors in narratives and not merely reporting them. I don't find Brand funny. I agree he's the worst sort of pseudo-intellectual. Frankly I can't bear to listen him and I find myself uncomfortable when I have to endure him on tv. Last time was on Bill Maher. But... that doesn't mean this thing is right. I look forward to seeing how this thing evolves. I suspect they'll succeed in destroying him or at least seriously damaging him. It's time that false accusers and their media partners get some blow back for this stuff. It's getting silly
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Apr 14, 2013
Just to be clear, the article I posted isn’t discussing if he’s guilty or not. That’ll have to be decided in court. I actually doubt any of it’ll go to court, and if this happens, it’ll be disastrous, in so many ways. It’ll affect how people look at things, it’ll affect women who have been abused. I have no difficulty believing that a woman can be so traumatised by a man’s assault that they internalise it. Both men and women have suffered such unbearable hurt in life that they never can open up about it.

I don’t know if he’s guilty or not. He’s had a wild time and fellas like that get carried away and yet have the ability to persuade themselves that they did nothing wrong. A sort of messiah complex, in reverse. His supporters will obviously claim there’s a conspiracy against him. That’s the gist of the article..


Apr 22, 2013
Just to be clear, the article I posted isn’t discussing if he’s guilty or not. That’ll have to be decided in court. I actually doubt any of it’ll go to court, and if this happens, it’ll be disastrous, in so many ways. It’ll affect how people look at things, it’ll affect women who have been abused. I have no difficulty believing that a woman can be so traumatised by a man’s assault that they internalise it. Both men and women have suffered such unbearable hurt in life that they never can open up about it.

I don’t know if he’s guilty or not. He’s had a wild time and fellas like that get carried away and yet have the ability to persuade themselves that they did nothing wrong. A sort of messiah complex, in reverse. His supporters will obviously claim there’s a conspiracy against him. That’s the gist of the article..
I have no idea whether he's guilty or not. But I don't believe these reports have been designed to determine that. This looks like a massive attack. If there had been a quiet report that the police were investigating him for serious allegations I would have felt differently. I'm more invested in hoping that this sort of thing is curtailed in future. If it turns out that he's innocent, even more so then the false allegations, the journalists need to have their careers terminated
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Apr 14, 2013
I have no idea whether he's guilty or not. But I don't believe these reports have been designed to determine that. This looks like a massive attack. If there had been a quiet report that the police were investigating him for serious allegations I would have felt differently. I'm more invested in hoping that this sort of thing is curtailed in future. If it turns out that he's innocent, even more so then the false allegations, the journalists need to have their careers terminated
It’s getting to the stage now where the damage is largely done by the allegations. Kevin Spacey had his career ruined by them. It’s probably going to be a battlefield now between MSM and other media. But I think Brand won’t be too affected by this - unless some proof drives this show to the courts, which isn’t impossible. I’ve never thought highly of him, so I’m biased to an extent, but I believe we’re talking about the period of his life when he made that phone call to Andrew Sachs? He was out of control back then, I think..


Apr 14, 2013
The more I hear and read about Russell Brand, I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear even more stories about him. He seems to have lived a lowlife celebrity existence where he thinks/thought little of women’s resistance to his ‘charms’. The story seems to have been heavily researched for years. His defenders still say “They’re” coming for him, but to me it’s a mystery who they “They” are, and why they’re coming for him, other than because he’s a lowlife.

Here’s the Brillo Pad scrubbing it clean:

I don’t subscribe to everything he says here but a lot of it’s hard to argue with.