I’m not a fan of Russell Brand, always felt he’s overrated and not quite as articulate as he wants to sound. He often gets mistaken for being highly intelligent because he’ll use longer substitute words in place of saying it straight. He sounds like a dumb bloke trying to sound ingenious. Barack Obama was similarly often mistaken for being a great orator, when in fact he was a dull committee level reciter of ordinary things. He gave the world, “yes, we can”, and that’s about it. We always knew we can but we wish he’d be more specific on what it is we can.
However, Russell brand is in the spotlight. So is Obama, funny enough, though not in this post. I get the Sunday Times every week and he’s all over this weeks edition. Accusations, details, all stuff that really belongs in court. Another one bites the dust. Trial by social media, etc. But I think this article hits on something worth thinking on, for his many celeb defenders: