There's a lot of Fedfan silliness goes on, which is understandable. They find Rafa hard to take, because he's shown up the absurdities of them thinking their guy is better than he is.
And of course, they mistake a scowl for a pout, because they can nervously mock a pout, but a defiant scowl is more masculine, and their metrosexual hero balks at such forceful stuff. No matter!
Rafa scowls, he 'bukes and scorns, he's the Sulphur, the bully, and the bully club, Thor's hammer, the force of nature, Old Lefty (except when he's called Old Righty Who Plays With His Lefty), The Terrible One, Hellboy, Ye Olde Bass Turd, Nemesis, Lord Wedgie -
Or whatever boot boy nickname you wanna give him.
Save yourself some time: he's the greatest player you've seen until now. Enjoy him, because it's much better to do that than to resist him...