US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Assuming you mean endorsements for President only, because otherwise your statement isn't true. And for the record, the Washington Post only started endorsing in the Presidential race in 1976, when it was 99 years old, so it overstates to say "in its history."

Yes, I was talking about presidential election endorsements.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015




Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
So non Western media is better then? Otherwise just say media. Besides, intentionally or not you seem not comprehend my point. Ugh.. who cares!

We really can't win with the likes of you, can we? West has their own agenda, East has their own, fine if you don't like RT and the likes but WikiLeaks is not media!!! they just leak raw data that their hackers and sources steal. You seem to think that WikiLeaks withheld some important data regarding the republican candidate and just concentrated on the democratic one. And that somehow WikiLeaks works for the Russians. Is that your point?

Just think rationally, we got so many articles and videos about Trump going back years ago, a lot of prominent Republicans don't like him and were quite open against him, these are not secrets, it was all plain out in the open for all of us to see. I didn't see anybody doing him many favors, on the contrary I haven't seen more ridicule about an American candidate than what I saw about Trump so I really don't think that there could be any more damaging things about him to "find". Maybe there was no big things and secrets to find about Trump anymore than it was already said, did it ever occur to you that this could be the case?

If Podesta was really that stupid and got hacked on a phishing scam then it serves them right and their leaks are fair game imo.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Trump's Showdown With the CIA
The CIA – America’s foremost intelligence apparatus set up after the Second World War by then President Harry Truman – is supposed to be the guiding light for occupants of the White House on all matters geopolitical.

And here we have aspiring White House occupant Donald Trump telling the CIA to shut up.

© AP Photo/ J. Scott Applewhite

Over the last week, the spy agency was

by both the Washington Post and New York Times as having informed anonymous government officials that there was “high confidence” that Russian-sponsored hackers had interfered in the US presidential election in favor of Trump over his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton.

The alleged modus operandi to sway the election was the leaking of private emails to whistleblower site Wikileaks which implicated Clinton in big business corruption and fomenting foreign wars, among other scandals.

It’s a sensational claim, especially given that the CIA or its unnamed official conduits quoted by the US’ two most prominent newspapers have provided zero evidence to support their contention of Russian malfeasance. Russia has flatly denied the accusations. As has Wikileaks.

© AP Photo/ Carolyn Kaster

In effect, the explosive insinuation is that Trump’s election last month is invalid because voting

was marred by foreign manipulation

In his subsequent slap-down of the CIA, Trump was clearly implying that the supposedly prestigious spy agency was far from competent. He said that the hacking of the Democrat party’s emails could have been carried out by anybody, including “someone sitting in their bed somewhere”. He also expressed skepticism on the specific claim that Russia was to blame. His campaign team went even further in its dismissal of the CIA, saying: “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”

Adding insult to injury, Trump also disclosed that he is reducing the daily briefings customarily received by presidents to weekly meetings. “I don’t need to hear the same words every day,” he said, adding that “when something changes” then the CIA and can call him.

In a previous edition of this

it was speculated that the CIA and its secretive Deep State networks might pull off a “digital 9/11” on the day of the November 8 election to scupper a Trump victory. During the long run-up to the ballot, it was abundantly evident that the US political establishment, including the CIA and mass media, favored Clinton to win. Her belligerent foreign policy towards Russia was certainly something that former CIA officials were endorsing.

As it turned out, Trump’s election blindsided the US establishment. The latter were sure Clinton was a shoo-in. The bolt from nowhere may be why the powers-that-be appeared slow to react on Trump’s election.

The latest dredging up of allegations about Russian hackers getting Trump into the White House seems to be part of a retrospective action by the Deep State to call the presidential election in the way that it sees fit.

It is worth noting that from a constitutional viewpoint Trump’s inauguration as 45th president is not finalized. Legal challenges are underway aimed at forcing the decisive Electoral College to overturn earlier votes for Trump.

If enough brouhaha is whipped up over alleged Russian interference in the US election – and large sections of the US corporate media seem all too willing to do that – then a critical number of Electoral College votes might be revoked in Clinton’s favor.

Trump appears to be aware of this stealth agenda. As well as lambasting the CIA’s “Russian hacker” claims as rubbish, he also said that it was a brazen partisan effort by his Democrat rival and her powerful backers to overturn an election result that they did not accept. In short, Trump is inferring an electoral coup attempt.

But even if the CIA and its spooks fail to thwart Trump in taking the White House, an alternative, less controversial option is to smear the next president as a Russian stooge. That charge has already been made during the election campaign when Trump was denigrated by Clinton and media pundits for being a “puppet” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Following Trump’s election victory, those charges notably disappeared from public discourse.

© REUTERS/ Carlo Allegri/File Photo

However, the recent resurfacing of CIA claims that Russia interfered in the election serves to recall earlier smears. That in turn seems designed to curtail Trump’s stated foreign policy objective of normalizing US-Russia relations. In particular, Trump has said he wants to work with Russia on resolving the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts.

In recent days, Trump has flagged the possibility of appointing ExxonMobil boss Rex Tillerson as the next Secretary of State. The oil tycoon has extensive industry links with Russia as well as reportedly cordial personal relations with president Putin. He has publicly opposed the erstwhile US sanctions policy on Russia as counterproductive. Trump’s consideration of Rex Tillerson for the top diplomat position has provoked disapproving media headlines that such a choice is “proof” of Russia’s hand in steering the US election.

In the wake of sensational CIA claims that Russia interfered to get Trump elected, one can see how his presidency will be dogged by ongoing aspersions that his policies are somehow hostage to the Kremlin’s orchestration.

One way or another, however, whether the Deep State can succeed in thwarting Trump taking the White House or rather confines itself to warping his foreign policy towards Russia, the reality is that Trump seems to be on a collision course with his top spooks.

© REUTERS/ Stevo Vasiljevic

Trump’s brusque attitude toward the CIA over its claims of Russian subversion suggest that he is prepared for a bruising encounter. So much so that the Washington Post is

that personnel within the agency are anxious that Trump in office will exact retribution with mass sackings at the agency’s Langley headquarters.

There was a time when no US president would dare take on the CIA, such was the agency’s fearsome reputation for dirty tricks and political assassinations. Only one president pushed that envelope. John F Kennedy threatened to smash the CIA into a “thousand pieces and throw it to the wind” following the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961. Two years later, the CIA and its mafia contractors had JFK murdered in broad daylight in Dallas, Texas.

If Trump follows through on his showdown with the CIA, he will have to tread carefully. But, as with other tentacles of the US empire, the CIA is no longer the same all-powerful agency it once was.

The American public have become more attuned to how the Deep State operates through its fake news media conduits in order to propagandize and manage perception. That is partly why the US media is currently floundering from a credibility crisis.

Significantly too, the US domestic crime agency, the FBI, has pointedly declined to support the CIA’s reported contentions about Russian interference in the US election. Moreover, quite a few senior US lawmakers in Congress have expressed skepticism over the CIA claims.

The time for muzzling the CIA may be at hand.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
We really can't win with the likes of you, can we? West has their own agenda, East has their own, fine if you don't like RT and the likes but WikiLeaks is not media!!! they just leak raw data that their hackers and sources steal. You seem to think that WikiLeaks withheld some important data regarding the republican candidate and just concentrated on the democratic one. And that somehow WikiLeaks works for the Russians. Is that your point?

Just think rationally, we got so many articles and videos about Trump going back years ago, a lot of prominent Republicans don't like him and were quite open against him, these are not secrets, it was all plain out in the open for all of us to see. I didn't see anybody doing him many favors, on the contrary I haven't seen more ridicule about an American candidate than what I saw about Trump so I really don't think that there could be any more damaging things about him to "find". Maybe there was no big things and secrets to find about Trump anymore than it was already said, did it ever occur to you that this could be the case?

If Podesta was really that stupid and got hacked on a phishing scam then it serves them right and their leaks are fair game imo.

Billie -- the trouble with people like Federberg is SIMPLE...

tehir positions are, were fundamentally standing on COMPLETELY ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLES -- and therefore the MORE they are exposed FOR IT -- THEY cling to it like a lifeboat in the ocean ....

they are left with NOTHING but THAT.

just like clinton who l in desperation at her losing numbers and final loss -- THREW her hail mary pass with unfounded , truly desperate MCCARTHYITE - ''red scare" baiting -- just ANYTHING..

the WESTERN MSM -- TRAPPED in the exposure BY THEIR OWN STUPIDITY and crass DECEITFULNESS -- EXPOSED EVEN MORE in HISTORIC terms as the MASTERS OF PROPAGANDA so effective for decdes and even centuries as DEFLECTING THAT FACT (as propagandist and PURE LIARS) BY talking about 'those others and their propaganda" who were the TARGETS of these western propagandists for conquest and THEREFORE must be painted as ''the threat to humanity" (meaning really the thret to THEIR ability to PLUNDER) -


so -- how does one really change THAT/ ? you can't .

all we can do is present the facts and information to back it up.

for instance:

WESTERN PROPAGANDA insists "russia is expanding and going to SWALLOW EUROPE AND THE WEST".


it is THEY that are expanding and ringing russia and china to their doorstes while screaming


that's a FACT.

it is RUSSIA that has extended hands of friendship -- including providing THEM with whatever HELP they needed to FIGHT TERRORISTS LONG BEFORE they METASTASIZED beyond what BUSH INVASION IN IRAQ created -- a cancer that JUMPED across the region an created NEW armies..which they - the westerners EVEN USED AS A TOOL NOW...OPENLY SO...

it is IRAN that was sanctioned , like russia, for DARING TO STAND UP FOR ITS LEGAL RIGHTS on nuclear power -- or nuclear energy PERIOD -- that the west SIGNED TO AND IT IS THEY that VIOLATED every single position ...and THAT following BRITISH AND AMERICAN collusion to DESTABILIZE IRAN in the 1950's for doing the SAME THING it always wanted -- to be LEFT INDEPENDENT AND SOVEREIGN AND stand up FOR ITS PEOPLE and their right to PROSPER from THEIR resources rather than GIVE IT UP FOR NOTHING to BRITISH PETROLEUM , MOBIL, etc...


and it is THEY that cry crocdoile tears of '\'humanitarianism" across the world as they PLANTED CRISIS AFTER CRISIS on the peoples everywhere in continentns and regions that are NOT theirs to begin with - in order to FATTEN their treasuries in EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA. and what they call ''the west" and their collaborating allies. and elites.


\'WAR CRIMES TRIBUNALS' IN the west haul in ''dictators" as they paint them -- of small - defenseless or weaker countries LIKE SERBIA or some african RESOURCE RICH country to execution or even MURDER in prison to HIDE the CRIMINALITY OF THE WESTERNERS...

so how indeed do we actually address such people who are steeped in INSANITY of the criminality their leaderships and societies LIVE IN?


but from among whom MANY are really just EXPERTS AT DOING THIS -- What a youngamerican poet (i can never remember his name now-- as i just stumbled on his blog long ago) --

"WE americans -- (but applies to many westerners and their leaders) -- CAREFULLY NURTURE and attitude of detached indifference to the suffering of others -- EVEN IF WE ARE THE CAUSE OF IT".

with people like THAT billie -- you CAN NOT WIN.

but only show FACTS and information tha tput in stark contrast the SHAMEFULNESS of such people's positions and THINKING.........................
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
I know Teddy, but not even with facts you can get through some people, I am afraid. Some just won't believe even somebody's personal experiences. Such is life. Once misconceptions and lies are construed, it is very hard to clear that up. But we can try as there are always others who will welcome and listen to opposing opinions as long as it is done in a civilized manner.
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Apr 22, 2013
We really can't win with the likes of you, can we? West has their own agenda, East has their own, fine if you don't like RT and the likes but WikiLeaks is not media!!! they just leak raw data that their hackers and sources steal. You seem to think that WikiLeaks withheld some important data regarding the republican candidate and just concentrated on the democratic one. And that somehow WikiLeaks works for the Russians. Is that your point?

Just think rationally, we got so many articles and videos about Trump going back years ago, a lot of prominent Republicans don't like him and were quite open against him, these are not secrets, it was all plain out in the open for all of us to see. I didn't see anybody doing him many favors, on the contrary I haven't seen more ridicule about an American candidate than what I saw about Trump so I really don't think that there could be any more damaging things about him to "find". Maybe there was no big things and secrets to find about Trump anymore than it was already said, did it ever occur to you that this could be the case?

If Podesta was really that stupid and got hacked on a phishing scam then it serves them right and their leaks are fair game imo.
Not even sure why I'm bothering to respond but if the media is corrupt non western media is probably as bad. If you are saying otherwise then keep drinking that kool aid.

As for Wikileaks if you don't get my poin already then you probably never will. Not worth my effort
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Not even sure why I'm bothering to respond but if the media is corrupt non western media is probably as bad. If you are saying otherwise then keep drinking that kool aid.

This times 1000000000000000000.

And that is why I really think Teddy is insufferable. I have no issues with calling the Western media biased or corrupt, but to seriously think that this only implies to Western media requires a special kind of naivety.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
I know Teddy, but not even with facts you can get through some people, I am afraid. Some just won't believe even somebody's personal experiences.

The irony of that is truly astounding, considering Teddy lectures me about the Assad regime without having the slightest clue about the atrocities it's committed in Lebanon and when the Syrian army was still occupying us as recently as 2005. The oppression, the torture, the thousands of Lebanese prisoners that were sent to Syrian prisons and never heard from again. The assassination of some of our top political figures. The domination of our political life and overall political corruption... Or is that not enough "personal experiences" for you?

The reason I ultimately think Teddy is an idiotic simpleton who's unable to spot a nuance if it hit him over the head is because he's literally incapable of understanding being caught between a rock and a hard place. You're either a Western zealot who supports terrorism (his words), or you have to back up the Assad regime/Russia and other white knights who hope to liberate the world.

He doesn't understand something as simple as:

Assad is murderous dictator who's committed atrocities at the expense of his own people (and other people) for years. That is a fact. A fact that cannot be disputed.

However, with the current alternative (ISIS) being 10 times worse, it's better for the stability of the region (and the Syrian people) for Assad to emerge victorious.

However, this does not mean that I have to support him, like him, or not hope he dies a painful death.

I mean if you have reasons to hate the Clintons, imagine how many reasons the Lebanese people have for hating Assad.

And that is why ultimately, Teddy is a misinformed idiot who's unable to comprehend these things.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Actually the moment information is disseminated with an agenda it loses a lot of its value. That's the point I'm making. It has always been the responsibility of consumers to digest mainstream media objectively. To act like everything mainstream is false and only offbeat sites like Wikileaks are controllers of the truth is what I find quite alarming in these times. Each to their own. A bit of common sense is all I ask. And proportion too!

Everything mainstream isn't false by any means... I said that already on a previous post, but we know Wikileaks leak raw data that is verified, factual, accurate and not subject to an opinionated narrative. Nobody has seriously questioned the data - because it's factual. If it wasn't then Wikileaks would have been hung out to dry a long time ago.

The thing you pulled me up on was that the mainstream media are more credible... yet you just admitted above that anything that is released with an agenda loses a lot of value... I'm not denying Wikileaks will have one, but I think it's plainly obvious to anyone that the Washington Post has an agenda... so I'm not sure why you were so incredulous about it or put them on a pedestal above Wikileaks.

Considering some of the stuff that Wikileaks have released over the last few years, it's no surprise that Julian Assange is holed up in the Ecuador embassy... and only a buffoon would seriously consider the fake rape charges as being legitimate.

Wikileaks have brought truth out into the public domain that is unpalatable to many... but a great source for others to make more considered choices when developing an opinion.
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Dang! This is hilarious!

Every Single School Marching Band in DC Just Boycotted Trump’s Inauguration

By Christine Branch Posted on December 14, 2016

Donald Trump is so unpopular that not even high school marching bands want the opportunity to perform at his inauguration. Although this is typically an honor for any band asked to participate, there is nothing typical – or honorable – about Trump being named president-elect.

In what has now become a local tradition, a marching band from a public school in DC has had a reserved spot in the parade, and performed over the last five terms, regardless of the president’s political affiliation. This year, however, local schools are claiming everything from budget restrictions to ignorance of an application to just plain, no comment.

Howard University, which also usually participates in the inauguration festivities, has also decided to sit this year out. Band Director, John Newson, commented on the silence and excuses from the local schools, saying, “I think everybody knows why and no one wants to say and lose their job,” Newson said.

It is obvious that the school administration (and no doubt both students and parents) are ethically opposed to Trump, and want nothing to do with swearing him in come January. The Presidential Inaugural Committee would not comment on the amount of applications to perform that were received, as it is doubtful there were many. The application deadline actually had to be extended by a full week, most likely due to lack of replies. Music Celebrations International marketing director Luke Wiscombe described the response as “crickets,” with schools in neighboring Virginia also rejecting the opportunity. “We didn’t get the response that we got the last time, with Obama. Some groups responded, but with some groups it was crickets,” he said.

Also notably, D.C.’s Different Drummers, which is part of The Lesbian and Gay Band Assocation were unafraid to speak out on why they are opting out of parade. The reason is disturbing—it is because they fear for their safety among the hateful droves of Trump supporters. One of the band’s directors described his fears for the band, saying, “While the parade route itself should be a safe zone, we cannot hope to guarantee our safety while traveling, while rehearsing in public or while out and about in the D.C. area during the weekend,” he continued. “All minorities are at risk and any opportunity we give the new administration to co-opt a minority organization will likely be exploited to our detriment.”

So who was Donald Trump able to secure for the main event of the inauguration, the singing of the national anthem, considering that even students—who wait years at the chance at this type of opportunity—are flat out rejecting him? Of course, Trump would never be able to lock-in real talent, like Beyonce, who performed for Obama four years ago. No, Trump had to dig into the trenches of reality TV, an area he actually has expertise in, to poach a sixteen-year-old runner-up of “America’s Got Talent.”

Jackie Evancho, who no one has heard of and who cannot vote herself, will sing to the nation. Unsurprisingly, she is white. Evancho’s response for singing for Trump is opinion-less and ignorant, “It’s going to be awesome,” she told the Today Show.

It’s embarrassing that Trump cannot get an adult to perform the National Anthem, and is unable to recruit children to play in their bands for him. This is by far the most disliked president; no one able to reasonably think for themselves wants anything to do with Donald Trump. His inauguration will no doubt be a hate-filled disaster and with his far right supporters clashing with protesters, he is almost guaranteed to be inaugurated in front of a nation, both divided and violent.


Futures Player
Apr 15, 2013
Somewhere on the edge of society.
So what! There's probably 5,000 marching bands in Texas alone that would love to go to DC for the inauguration.

Nice try!

Dang! This is hilarious!

Every Single School Marching Band in DC Just Boycotted Trump’s Inauguration

By Christine Branch Posted on December 14, 2016

Donald Trump is so unpopular that not even high school marching bands want the opportunity to perform at his inauguration. Although this is typically an honor for any band asked to participate, there is nothing typical – or honorable – about Trump being named president-elect.

In what has now become a local tradition, a marching band from a public school in DC has had a reserved spot in the parade, and performed over the last five terms, regardless of the president’s political affiliation. This year, however, local schools are claiming everything from budget restrictions to ignorance of an application to just plain, no comment.

Howard University, which also usually participates in the inauguration festivities, has also decided to sit this year out. Band Director, John Newson, commented on the silence and excuses from the local schools, saying, “I think everybody knows why and no one wants to say and lose their job,” Newson said.

It is obvious that the school administration (and no doubt both students and parents) are ethically opposed to Trump, and want nothing to do with swearing him in come January. The Presidential Inaugural Committee would not comment on the amount of applications to perform that were received, as it is doubtful there were many. The application deadline actually had to be extended by a full week, most likely due to lack of replies. Music Celebrations International marketing director Luke Wiscombe described the response as “crickets,” with schools in neighboring Virginia also rejecting the opportunity. “We didn’t get the response that we got the last time, with Obama. Some groups responded, but with some groups it was crickets,” he said.

Also notably, D.C.’s Different Drummers, which is part of The Lesbian and Gay Band Assocation were unafraid to speak out on why they are opting out of parade. The reason is disturbing—it is because they fear for their safety among the hateful droves of Trump supporters. One of the band’s directors described his fears for the band, saying, “While the parade route itself should be a safe zone, we cannot hope to guarantee our safety while traveling, while rehearsing in public or while out and about in the D.C. area during the weekend,” he continued. “All minorities are at risk and any opportunity we give the new administration to co-opt a minority organization will likely be exploited to our detriment.”

So who was Donald Trump able to secure for the main event of the inauguration, the singing of the national anthem, considering that even students—who wait years at the chance at this type of opportunity—are flat out rejecting him? Of course, Trump would never be able to lock-in real talent, like Beyonce, who performed for Obama four years ago. No, Trump had to dig into the trenches of reality TV, an area he actually has expertise in, to poach a sixteen-year-old runner-up of “America’s Got Talent.”

Jackie Evancho, who no one has heard of and who cannot vote herself, will sing to the nation. Unsurprisingly, she is white. Evancho’s response for singing for Trump is opinion-less and ignorant, “It’s going to be awesome,” she told the Today Show.

It’s embarrassing that Trump cannot get an adult to perform the National Anthem, and is unable to recruit children to play in their bands for him. This is by far the most disliked president; no one able to reasonably think for themselves wants anything to do with Donald Trump. His inauguration will no doubt be a hate-filled disaster and with his far right supporters clashing with protesters, he is almost guaranteed to be inaugurated in front of a nation, both divided and violent.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
This times 1000000000000000000.

And that is why I really think Teddy is insufferable. I have no issues with calling the Western media biased or corrupt, but to seriously think that this only implies to Western media requires a special kind of naivety.

It doesn't only imply to Western media, but you might have not noticed that any time anybody tries to put up articles that are not Western mainstream media, they are deemed unreliable, fake, manufactured and skipped over. Mainstream media follows the actual policies of the current government, in ANY country, and they tend to mold the truth to suit their purpose. That goes for every country. I think that it comes down to our beliefs: people whose intellect accepts only 1 side and 1 count of events, will be very unwilling to even attempt a read of different opinion.

I still fail to see what WikiLeaks have to do with media anyway? They are not west or east, north or south. They publish what they can get their hands on by people who hack into wherever they can.


Apr 22, 2013
Everything mainstream isn't false by any means... I said that already on a previous post, but we know Wikileaks leak raw data that is verified, factual, accurate and not subject to an opinionated narrative. Nobody has seriously questioned the data - because it's factual. If it wasn't then Wikileaks would have been hung out to dry a long time ago.

The thing you pulled me up on was that the mainstream media are more credible... yet you just admitted above that anything that is released with an agenda loses a lot of value... I'm not denying Wikileaks will have one, but I think it's plainly obvious to anyone that the Washington Post has an agenda... so I'm not sure why you were so incredulous about it or put them on a pedestal above Wikileaks.

Considering some of the stuff that Wikileaks have released over the last few years, it's no surprise that Julian Assange is holed up in the Ecuador embassy... and only a buffoon would seriously consider the fake rape charges as being legitimate.

Wikileaks have brought truth out into the public domain that is unpalatable to many... but a great source for others to make more considered choices when developing an opinion.

I don't know if the rape claims are legitimate or not so I won't comment.

I will not assign a higher value to what Wikileaks publishes because it is not clear to me that they publish everything. If you only publish the truths that further your agenda you're just another type of liar to me. There is no doubt in my mind that Assange has personal animosity towards HRC, so why on earth am I going to buy his shtick?

I find it hard to believe that he had absolutely nothing to reveal about Trump. Don't talk to me about an operation that was so explicit about its bias from the get go! I mean... seriously?? If he had at least made a credible attempt at balance he would have made a deeper impression

No better or worse than the mainstream media. At the very least they make an attempt to cover everything and it's up to intelligent consumers to exercise due caution. Anyone who swallows Wikileaks whole has abdicated their democratic responsibilities in my view.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Not even sure why I'm bothering to respond but if the media is corrupt non western media is probably as bad. If you are saying otherwise then keep drinking that kool aid.

As for Wikileaks if you don't get my poin already then you probably never will. Not worth my effort

now that is one of the UN-intelligent responses.

it goes

"IF (a) western media -- IS corrupt -- (b) non-western MUST be AS bad".

HOW did you come up with that kind of equation?

by simply PROJECTION.


but that is CHILDISH thinking completelydevoid of intelligence.


WESTERN MEDIA IS CORRUPT by exposed demonstrated facts -- IT HAS LIED REPEATEDLY -- EVEN SO OBVIOUSLY -- with countless examples...painting TERRORISTS as 'moderate rebels" for instance who DO NOT EXIST - and which they could NOT produce...

RUSSIAN MEDIA said "there are no such things as moderate rebels -- we have shown repeated evidence, videos, etc. etc. etc that these are the SAME people as TERRORISTS -- please show the REAL moderate rebels if they are around -- and NONE have been presented ". THAT'S real news. therefore

CAN NOT BE EQUATED as ''bad as " western media.

THAT of coruse is just a tiny example of such contrasts.

WESTERN MEDIA, BBC, TELEGRAPH, WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK TIMES, GERMAN MEDIA (ADMITTED themselves as CIA stenoraphers - CIA ITSELF exposed as a nest of BUMBLING LIARS -- losing its ''touch'' one might say -- even the other 15 USA intelligence agencies ARE DISTANCING themselves from it) --


THE RUSSIAN SPUTNIK , RT, IRANIAN FARS, AND PRESS AGENCIES AND ALTERNATIVE NEWS ''elsewhere" such as FORT-RUSS, THE SAKER, SOUTHFRONT, THE DURAN..and many more ARE PROPER journalism who actually not JUST give ''different views" but those different views REPORT WHAT ACTUALLY IS HAPPENING. TO COUNTER

THE FAKE NEWS that has been posing as ''journalism" from the WEST.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Aleppo Victory… US and its Crime Partners Suffer ‘Meltdown of Sanity’

The US and its terrorist-sponsoring partners are seeing their criminal regime-change project in ruins, as the Syrian army and its allies win a spectacular victory to retake the strategically important city of Aleppo.

Western governments and their flunkies at the UN are cynically, perversely decrying a «meltdown of humanity».

Closer to the truth is their own «meltdown of sanity». This is because the official Western narrative about the Syrian war is finally being exposed on a glaring scale.

The exposure for the whole world to see is one of a systematic, fake propaganda cover that concealed a criminal enterprise – an enterprise involving terrorist proxies, or fake moderate rebels, whom the Western governments have sponsored for the past six years in a conspiracy to overthrow the government of Syria. The gravity of this systematic crime committed by Washington and its various partners is now unfolding.

Unable to cope with their own cognitive dissonance over the criminality, the Western governments and their complicit corporate news media are resorting to outright denial and to compounding lies with even more lies.

Instead of dealing with the reality that Syrian state forces have recaptured Aleppo from brutal, illegally armed groups, which the West and its regional clients have bankrolled and armed, the West distorts the dramatic victory as the «fall of Aleppo». One report on American channel CNN even referred to the victorious Syrian army and its allies as «persecutors».

With typical unhinged emotion, US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power cited unverified reports of civilians being executed in Aleppo, and slammed Syria and its allies Russia and Iran for having «no shame». It is Power and her Western partners-in-crime, including top UN officials, who should be hanging their heads in shame.

Among the hysterical soundbites about alleged atrocities and slaughter being lobbed around this week was this from UN «humanitarian» official Jens Laerke who said Aleppo was seeing a «meltdown of humanity». Catchy words, but divorced from reality.

Western news media outlets were screaming headlines alleging summary executions of women and children by the Syrian army and its Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies as they moved in to finally retake the whole of the northern city.

Outgoing UN chief Ban Ki-Moon talked in disparaging tones about an «uncompromising military victory», while his underlings Rupert Colville and Jan Egeland decried «hellish» conditions and «war crimes» committed by Syria and Russia.

The problem is that all these sensational, reckless assertions are based on unverified claims by anonymous «activists» or persons involved with militants – militants who are integrated with terror groups like Jaysh al Fatah, Jabhat al Nusra, Ahrar al Sham and Nour al din al Zenki. All of them affiliated with the internationally proscribed Al Qaeda terrorist network – which the Western governments claim to be at war with.

It truly is a grotesque revelation when Western governments and UN officials publicly spout propaganda on behalf of terrorist groups.

Samantha Power and her British counterpart at the UN Matthew Rycroft cited UN «reports» of 82 civilians being executed, including 11 women and 13 children, by the pro-government Syrian forces during the final hours of recapturing Aleppo. But the same UN «reports» were themselves based on unverified sources supposedly embedded among the terrorists. This is not reportage. It is simply recycling rumors aimed at saving the necks of terrorist groups.

The simple fact of the information coming from unverified sources did not stop the UN, Power, Rycroft and the raft of Western media outlets, including the Washington Post, CNN, Guardian, Independent, France 24 etc, presenting the claims as if they were fact.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused Western governments and their dutiful, unquestioning news media of spreading «fake news» about the dramatic events in Syria this week. Lavrov pointed out that none of the alleged atrocities were acknowledged by independent humanitarian groups.

Syria’s ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Assad also refuted the claims of atrocities that Western counterparts appeared to be so perplexed by.

Western governments and media outlets persisted in their gory fantasies despite abundant video footage that even they themselves were broadcasting which showed thousands of civilians calmly walking away from militant-held pockets of Aleppo towards the Syrian state forces. Is that the behavior of people who are being massacred, summarily executed, slaughtered?

One of the most absurd distortions was this from France 24. The state-owned broadcaster of one of the countries that has supplied weapons and propaganda cover to terrorists in Syria over the past six years described this week how «people in government-held areas of Aleppo were celebrating». Given that the Syrian government holds virtually all of Aleppo that means that the vast majority of Syrians were celebrating. Yet France 24 roils its words to contrive a false division between pro and anti-government populations.

The more logical and truthful depiction is that Syrian civilians are at last able to flee from terror gangs that have held them under siege. But in reporting that the whole false Western narrative about what has been going on in Aleppo and Syria for the past six years would implode like a house of cards.

Why aren’t the Western news media interviewing the tens of thousands of civilians who have now managed to flee from the defeated terrorist groups? Why don’t the Western media ask questions about the nature of their captivity? Such as, why could they not escape from militant-held eastern Aleppo until now? What do these civilians think of the Syrian army and its allies who have crushed the militants?

The curious, gaping absence of any testimonies carried by the Western media from the thousands of liberated civilians in Aleppo is mirrored by the same curious, gaping absence of testimonies from thousands of civilians liberated elsewhere in Syria by the army over the past year.

That’s because those civilians are telling media outlets which are willing to report, such as the Syrian state broadcaster SANA, as well as RT, Press TV and Al Manar, that their nightmare siege imposed by the Western-backed terrorists is over. If Western media outlets were to actually bother to conduct real journalism they would go into liberated areas of Aleppo and other towns and villages across Syria and report that life is returning to happy normalcy for these families and communities.

The truth is Aleppo was invaded by Western-backed mercenaries in July 2012, who turned the eastern side of the city into a den ruled under a reign of terror. A twisted, demented caliphate run by head-chopping Wahhabi jihadists was imposed. Like Syria as a whole, these mercenaries were sanitized in the West as «moderate, pro-democracy rebels» – albeit somehow supposedly «intermingled» with jihadi extremists.

If that were the case, then where are these supposed «moderates» now that the last den of the «rebels» in Aleppo has been routed?

The stark absence of «moderate», «pro-democracy», «Western-value-supporting rebels» emerging from the ruins of Aleppo is as stark as the absence of petrified civilians denouncing Syrian army «atrocities» or Russian «war crimes».

In one resounding moment this week, the Western narrative about Aleppo, and the Syrian war more generally, has collapsed in a pile of dust. No amount of denials and further distortions can hide the exposure of Western lies and propaganda fabrications.

So ironically, Western media outlets have recently whipped up the phenomenon of «fake news» in the context of trying to discredit Russia over alleged electoral interference in the US and Europe.

What Syria has demonstrated is that the real culprits of peddling false news, and more gravely false narratives, are the Western governments and their conceited, self-important news media.

Unable to deal with the unbearable truth of criminal complicity, the official West is displaying a meltdown of sanity.

Aleppo and Syria will one day emerge again from the present ruins.

No such recovery from ruins will be made by the ignominious Western governments and their lying, criminally complicit media.




WESTERN GOVERNMENTS, THEIR ''media" , and their other arms have been doing

LYING IN ORDER TO SPREAD THE WESTERN FASCIST EMPIRE across the globe with THEIR terrorists and NGO neoliberalists .


only people like federberg and stupid americans believe they actually HAVE any credibility. even as the REST OF THE WORLD LAUGHS at them for being the IDIOTS AND INTELLECTUAL DWARVES that they really are.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

THE AMERICAN CIA -- responsible for the global creation of terrorists, teaching foreigners how to SUBJUGATE their people to serve the american corporations and empire - in cahoots with the pentagon --


let us see what TRUMP DOES -- if - as indications show -- the CIA has descended to even lower standards shilling for hillary , the NEO-CON, NEO-LIBERALS -- AGAINST the american legitimately president -=elect TRUMP

who reportedly REFUSES to accept 'daily briefings" (instructions is more like it) from the CIA and related WAR CRIMINAL ROGUE american ''intelligence" organizations...they are 'concerned" that their MURDEROUS power will need to be curtailed by TRUMP that HAS OPENLY called them:

"these are the same people , including the MSM, who LIED US into the disastrous wars in iraq, libya and now syria - and work against the american people".

THE SAME people -- who -- likely with the OTHER rogue criminal organization FBI -- and whichever PENTAGON crooks and murderers they had with them - probably KILLED president KENNEDY for wanting to end the vietnam war and NATIONALIZING the FEDERAL BANK FROM THE PRIVATE banker cabals that own it -- and assassinated MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR, AND ROBERT KENNEDY . AND god knows how many more world leaders that wouldn't BOY to the CRIMINAL EMPIRE that theseCIA murderers rule from..


but never mind that -- to certain folks -- INCLUDING some HERE -- think their USA empire is such a goody-goody two even if the REST of the world and its BILLIONS know OTHERWISE --
Donald Trump Will Ruthlessly Decimate the CIA for Turning on Him
Ricky Twisdale 2 hours ago | 1,099 27
NBC and CIA have exceeded all bounds in their attacks on Donald Trump and the Americans who freely elected him their president. They clearly have no idea who they are dealing with

On Wednesday night, NBC released a report, in collusion with a myriad of anonymous sources reputed to be inside the CIA and other intelligence agencies, claiming that Vladimir Putin personally directed the destruction of Hillary Clinton via hacking hers and the DNC's servers before the US presidential election.

Via NBC:

U.S. intelligence officials now believe with "a high level of confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said.

The report does not cite any source by name for its information, other than incorrigible moron Micheal McFaul, one time US ambassador to Russia, as a cheerleader for the report.

I must stress, this is an incredible direct accusation against the President of Russia, which has the potential to provoke both international and domestic crises which could quickly spiral out of control. This is far, far beyond reckless.

Rather than keeping their heads down for the next four years, even trying to exercise some subtle influence on the president's decisions, these infantile flunkies within the CIA and mass media have thrown themselves into the open in this last ditch desperate attack which definitively condemns them to the president-elect's coming wrath.

They apparently have no idea that they have just kicked open a hornets' nest.

Donald J. Trump does not take prisoners. He will not forgive, or forget. And the massacre coming to halls of Langley and to anybody and anywhere else in the executive branch involved in this is going to beggar belief.

Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More...

Trump, who was a protege of the infamously ruthless attorney Roy Cohn, has made it very clear over the years how he deals with his enemies. In "Think Big" he detailed how to handle traitors:

"I always get even...I go out of my way to make [their] life miserable."

"When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades" and "Go for the jugular so that people watching will not want to mess with you."

In "The Art of the Comeback" Trump wrote:

"I believe in an eye for an eye — like the Old Testament says."

"Some of the people who forgot to lift a finger when I needed them, when I was down, they need my help now, and I'm screwing them against the wall. I'm doing a number.... And I'm having so much fun."

John F. Kennedy famously threatened to "smash the CIA into a thousand pieces." But ultimately, the 35th president lost his solitary battle to completely break the power of the deep state.

Though I respect Kennedy, I believe Donald Trump is a much more serious proposition.

Donald Trump is Michael Corleone. He will keep his friends close, and his enemies closer (including the likes of John Bolton). But those he doesn't keep closer, he will ruthlessly "screw against the wall" for targeting him.

The no-nonsense Mike Pompeo, Trump's nominee for CIA director, will be the hatchet man for this merciless house cleaning operation.

Come January 20th, the reckoning begins.

Let's get ready to rumble.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
From ‘Fake News’ to ‘Fake Intelligence’

Never in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency has it and its surrogates so blatantly and boldly interfered in a U.S. election. The U.S. media, in a matter of hours, altered course from concentrating on «fake news» about innocent pizzerias being linked to child sexual exploitation to spotlighting «fake intelligence» about Russia’s alleged cyber-espionage operation designed to elect Donald Trump president. The CIA leaked to The Washington Post, the owner of which has a $600 million contract with the CIA to provide cloud computing, findings of a secret report on Russia’s alleged «fixing» of the 2016 U.S. presidential election to favor Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The scandal-plagued Mrs. Clinton was defeated by Trump not because of nefarious cyber-sleuths from Moscow but because she and her campaign forgot how Barack Obama’s and her husband’s free trade deals destroyed the economic lifeblood of America, particularly in the «rust belt» Midwestern states. Rather than talk jobs and the economy, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign concentrated on such trivial matters as trans-gender restrooms and a former Miss Venezuela harping in poor housemaid English about how she was insulted over her weight by Trump.

Mrs. Clinton has been reduced to appearing in public dressed in purple outfits looking like the children’s character «Barney» the dinosaur. Clinton’s «purple haze» is a continuation of George Soros’s election-overturning «Purple Revolution». While Soros-paid protesters commit acts of vandalism across the country, the failed presidential candidate is pathetically complaining about «fake news». But when it comes to the CIA’s «fake intelligence» about Russia and the U.S. election, some of Mrs. Clinton’s ardent supporters are demanding that the results of the November 8th election be rejected and that President Obama remain in office indefinitely until a new election can be sorted out. Of course, none of this is constitutional. And the Clintonistas even have a novel solution for dealing with the certain resulting protests by states that voted for Trump and his supporters: Obama must declare martial law and suspend the U.S. Constitution.

The CIA intelligence on Russian involvement in the U.S. presidential election is so sketchy that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in response to questions from members of Congress who were briefed on the CIA report, testified before the House Intelligence Committee that the CIA’s contentions about Russia were «fuzzy and ambiguous». The FBI did not support the CIA’s findings, claiming that the CIA’s conclusions lacked «facts and tangible evidence». Even the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Devin Nunes of California, told The Washington Post that, as far as he was concerned, the CIA conclusions about Russia lacked «clear evidence», adding, «There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it».

But the comments of Nunes and the FBI have not prevented the CIA and their puppet-stringed Democrats and media pundits from complaining about a «rigged» election and even the need for an election «do over». There are no constitutional provisions for election remakes in the United States. Obama, who claims to be a constitutional scholar, did not help matters by ordering the intelligence community to undertake a full-scale investigation of Russia’s alleged involvement in the U.S. election. Chomping at the bit to derail Trump’s selection of Exxon’s CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State are the «all-but-married» neocon duo of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. This political version of «Ken and Barbie» want to turn Tillerson’s Senate confirmation hearing into a Russia-bashing event. McCain, continuing to show classic signs of dementia, declared that Russia waged a form of «warfare» against the United States during the election campaign. This is the same man who thought selecting Alaska’s governor Sarah Palin as his 2008 vice presidential running mate was wise political move.

It is instructive that Obama, by ordering an investigation into foreign interference in the election, helped provide ammunition to the CIA in trying to nullify the election results. Obama’s actions came the same week that Gambia’s dictator president, Yahya Jammeh -- after conceding his re-election loss to his opponent -- reversed course and nullified the election and Ghana’s President John Mahama, dragged his feet on conceding his election loss to his opponent. Obama, who is a friend of both Jammeh and Mahama, was acting more like a tin-pot African dictator than President of the United States in lending official credence to the election conspiracy story involving Russia.

Trump’s transition team dismissed the CIA’s charges and their flimsy report, stating, these are «the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction». It was CIA director George Tenet that told George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in the aftermath of 9/11 that it was a «a slam dunk case» that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The claim was used as prima facie evidence for the U.S. to justify its invasion and occupation of Iraq. Now, the very same CIA and some of the same discredited CIA officials are trying to convince the American people that Russia somehow «selected» Trump as president of the United States.

During the election campaign, it was not Russia, but the CIA that was trying to influence the American people. In August, after Trump’s nomination for president, former acting CIA director Michael Morrel said, «Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security». Morrel then began the CIA’s campaign to link Trump to Russia by telling CBS News that, «we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation». By «we», Morrel was saying the CIA. Those comments, alone, showed a CIA that was not hesitant to play favorites in the U.S. election. The entire meme that Russia interfered with the presidential election is a false one. The real headlines should read: «CIA interfered in presidential election by supporting Clinton over Trump».

Former CIA and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, the architect of NSA’s unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping program, said that Trump was «factually incorrect" in dismissing the CIA’s report about Russia’s alleged hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s emails prior to the election. Five days before the election, Hayden penned an op-ed column for the CIA-linked Washington Post, in which he claimed that Trump was a «polezni durak», or «useful fool», for President Vladimir Putin. Such political commentary by intelligence chiefs, active or retired, is unprecedented in modern times.

Former CIA clandestine operative Robert Baer told CNN that he favors an election re-vote, even though there is no constitutional provision for one. Baer said, «It looks like to me, the Russians did interfere in our elections... Having worked in the CIA, if we had been caught interfering in European elections, or Asian elections or anywhere in the world, those countries would call for new elections, and any democracy would». This is where Baer is altering history to suit himself and his Democratic friends. The CIA repeatedly has interfered in elections in Europe and Asia, as well as Latin America, Africa, and Oceania and there were no «do-overs» but plenty of coups engineered by the boys from Langley. Baer continued, «I don't know how it would work constitutionally, I'm not a lawyer, but I’m deeply disturbed by the fact that the Russians interfered, and I would like to see the evidence... If the evidence is there, I don’t see any other way than to vote again as an American citizen».

It is doubtful that Baer would have made his comments had he not been given some sort of green light from the CIA director, the Saudi-loving John Brennan. Brennan spent so much time as the CIA station chief in Riyadh kissing the robes of the Saudi royals that he lost any conception of what a constitutional federal republic is all about. It was Brennan who prevailed on Obama to fire Trump’s national security adviser-designate, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, as chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Flynn concluded that it was Brennan and Obama who authorized the creation of the Islamic State to help topple the Syrian government.

The CIA has learned nothing from its blatant involvement in the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the 1972 set-up of President Richard Nixon in the Watergate break-in and cover-up, the 1980 «October Surprise» that resulted in President Jimmy Carter’s re-election loss, and the 1980s «Iran-contra» scandal that almost forced President Ronald Reagan from office through impeachment and his replacement by the former CIA director, Vice President George H. W. Bush.

The CIA is the actual villain in the 2016 presidential election, just as it has been the villain in every major domestic and foreign scandal involving the United States since 1947. The problem with the CIA is that for the past 70 years it has held sway over almost every facet of America’s political, social, religious, entertainment, and educational life. As described in this author’s newly-released book, «The Almost Classified Guide to CIA Proprietaries, Front Companies & Contractors», the CIA has stamped its insidious imprimatur on every sector of American society, including the media. It is the CIA’s remote-controlled media, with its «fake news» and its pushing of the CIA’s «fake intelligence», that is victimizing the American people. President Trump’s first action as commander-in-chief should be a complete shake-up of the CIA with the goal of doing what President Kennedy vowed to do with the «bastards» who ran the agency: splinter it in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. The CIA were bastards in the early 1960s and they continue to be bastards today. Trump should fire every one of the bastards on January 20, 2017.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Dear CIA: No One Believes You - Time to Put Up or Shut Up About Russia
Caitlin Johnstone (Newslogue) Wed, Dec 14, 2016 | 2,302 30
Thank you sweet baby Mall Santa for The Intercept. The latest state propaganda pieces being circulated by the Washington Post and the New York Times have been producing a face-shaped indent in my desk where I’ve been slamming my head with a percussive intensity to which you could record studio-quality Led Zeppelin covers, so it’s nice to have the brief respite of some occasional journalistic integrity in my world.

This morning The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill and Jon Schwartz published this glorious article titled “Obama Must Declassify Evidence Of Russian Hacking,” arguing that since intelligence agencies have such an extensive record of lying to the American people and getting things so spectacularly bass-ackwards wrong, it is the President’s duty to provide the American people with undeniable proof of the alleged Russian conspiracy to get Donald Trump elected.

But they didn’t stop there. They then proceeded to provide a link to their secure drop with the invitation for a “patriotic whistleblower” to leak proof of Russian election tampering to them, which they will publish once verified.

The Intercept has an extensive history of not only

for whistleblowers, but for working with them. Just

about Glenn Greenwald’s collaboration with Edward Snowden to release the NSA surveillance leaks provides a clear window into how honest, professional and trustworthy these people are, as does the mutual respect Greenwald and Snowden have for each other. A patriotic whistleblower could not possibly ask for a better resource to drop evidence of Russian election tampering, if indeed any such evidence exists.

So there it is. Any of the many, many people involved in the CIA, along with the anonymous source who told the Washington Post about the unproven findings of its “secret assessment”, now has the ability to provide hard substantiation for this extremely serious allegation to the American people. If it was so important that they could share the accusations against Russia with the state media pawns in the Washington Post, it should also be important to them to provide evidence of these accusations to the people Donald Trump will ostensibly be presiding over as of January 20th. It’s really not too much to ask, and anyone can do it.

So put up or shut up, CIA. You’ve got the venue all made up for you. Whoever it is back there who so urgently desires the American public to believe that the Russians successfully conspired to get Donald Trump elected, you’ve now got a wide open door to a great big stage on which to share that. You can share it alone or together, legally or illicitly, officially, unofficially or officially-pretending-to-be-unofficially. No one cares, just share it. Whoever you are, they'll protect your identification.

Because guess what? We don’t believe you right now.
No American with two braincells to rub together will ever believe anything the CIA says for any reason, because they’ve got such an extensive and well-documented record of lying to us at every turn.

Jon Lovitz’s pathological liar character from SNL has more credibility than the CIA at this point, and I’m talking about a fictional character from a pointless season on a routinely dreadful sketch comedy show in a decade we’d all rather forget about.

There is no reason for any American citizen to ever believe anything the CIA says unless they happen to be one of the few powerful elites they send proof of termination to when they assassinate a whistleblower.

Believing something the CIA says is like trusting a meth addict with your car, and trusting the CIA when they’re working with the Washington Post is like trusting a meth addict with your car and leaving your kid in the back seat with the house keys and money for Taco Bell.

There is now no reason for the American people not to demand conclusive evidence for this thing they’re being asked to swallow, and no reason not to dismiss these allegations as one more act of CIA psy-ops if that proof fails to come through.

Quit clowning around, CIA. This is the most powerful political office on earth we’re talking about here, not one of your dorky little tinhorn state operations. Clinton insiders are already hinting at a push for an electoral coup, and Democratic party loyalists are soiling themselves with excitement.

Start treating this thing with the seriousness it deserves or stop pretending your words have relevance to civilians.

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