Did you even read the article? The FDA only ever corrected that Ivermectin was "only" meant for animals. Show me science that says ivermectin ever did anything for covid.
Meantime...you roll off the Key Bridge where you've got nothing to Nord Stream 2, and now you pivot to Ivermectin. You never met a conspiracy theory you wouldn't embrace. What you're doing right now is trolling. You're slathering this thread with misinformation, rather than conversation.
No, Moxie, it's not trolling, it's showing you why you shouldn't trust your useless mainstream media given they lie day after day shamelessly. How many of what you would incorrectly call conspiracy theories re covid were facts?! Most of them...
I've posted loads of links a long, long time back on the covid thread but here you go. Please see below. Now you show me some "science" that your covid "vaccines" did any good 'cos a massive amount of people are out long term sick with their immune systems absolutely destroyed and the public were warned this would happen. And, no, I don't want the manipulated data the public were given by the "science" you're supporting. No point posting nonsense like Pfizer and Moderna claim their vaccines saved X million number of lives when this is just that, a claim. Many may still be alive if they just had high levels of vitamin D3, K2 and also supplemented with NAC, weren't overweight, exercised, didn't smoke or drink in excess etc. Most who died were over the age of average life expectancy and with multiple comorbidities so not much was gonna help many of them, let alone a useless vaccine that didn't stop transmission and actually INCREASED their chances of contracting it as per the study posted below. And before you retort that it wasn't meant to stop transmission and that the main reason for the supposed vaccine was to lessen the severity of symptoms, well, that's absolute bollocks from what I've seen with my own 2 eyes and all the people I know who took it and got very sick compared to those who didn't and had barely any symptoms whatsoever. So, it failed on every count. It didn't stop people getting it and made them sicker. Pfizer never even tested for
transmission the pos. They were "moving at the speed of science and had to do everything at risk". Great people. I hope you have the sense to realize it was all about money and complete disregard for mankind. That they mandated this crap in so many places and told people to take it to protect granny and grandad when it didn't even stop transmission should show you just how much of a massive and disgusting lie it was all founded on and shaming those who had the sense not to take it or firing them from their jobs or doing their level best to isolate them from society. I just hope for the sake of humanity the number of people fooled won't be suckered in next time which will only be a few years away the way Disease X is being hyped up...
A massive amount of people died globally the first few months these so called "vaccines" came out and it's common knowledge it's done more harm than good with the number of adverse effects and excess deaths. When you have the CEO of Pfizer saying he knows there's going to be a very large increase in turbo cancers in the next few years affecting whole families and then investing all the massive profits from their useless vaccine into cancer treatments, something stinks.
I haven't met any unvaxxed people who regret not taking that crap but plenty who DO regret it and are sick all the time. And, yes, we're all aware you've taken loads of vaccines and boosters for covid as you stated this many times and you're fine still (and once again I'm glad you are), but not all were so lucky with their reaction to it. I know plenty in my office who are in bits. Massive global increase in heart conditions, auto immune diseases, cancers and sudden deaths in the highly vaccinated countries, many of them young and healthy before. Most people were sick as hell after their boosters and if they had bothered to do some research they'd see this was the norm for many and that the
higher the number of vaccines taken, the higher chances of contracting covid. Many people I know including family members caught it immediately or a few weeks later after their jabs. Amazingly effective.. Never trust your government or Bill Gates with your health...
"The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 (Figure 2)."
The low frequency of cases and deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 virus in some countries of Africa has called our attention about the unusual behavior of this disease. The ivermectin is considered a drug of choice for various parasitic and viral ...
(Conclusion) In last week’s column, we wrote about the amazing outcome many states in India like Uttar Pradesh and Delhi have attained with an ivermectin-based multidrug prevention and early treatm…
You want facts about Nord Stream 2 ? Your clown president admitted they'd "bring an end to it" and they did. Don't keep lying to yourself that all the above are conspiracies theories.
On another note, he's also so dumb he claimed to have traveled over the Key Bridge by train many, many times when it doesn't even have a rail link LOL