US Politics Thread

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I think the racism is all over but of course in both sides
What this guy deserves, only the jail?

Carol..a lady I think maybe in the Bay Area pushed man into the tracks of an approaching train. The man luckily was able to find a neutral area and avoiding getting executed. The lady was arrested and is currently in mental institution prison. My point is stuff happens every day and it's typically mental illness is the culprit.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
you absolutely stupid fuck. Why is this relevant? What possible justification does this confer? Fucking moron..

Hey Federberg, don't start talking aggressively as if you actually have a shred of masculinity in you. You're not fooling anyone. I'm sorry that you think John Bolton is an "arch-conservative."

Now, to be fair to you, I'm sure if a Republican male had a history of beating his wife and kids and was on probation for 4 crimes you would have a problem with the media bringing up his history. Oh wait, no you wouldn't. You would love hearing all about it.

The only defense I will offer of Brooks is that, in general, I don't like the idea of DUI arrests. I think there are other ways to handle drunk driving than to arrest people. But that's a discussion for a different time. The fact is right now that the laws on the books state that DUI is illegal and arrest of a drunk driver is mandated. The officers spoke to Brooks for 20 minutes respectfully before informing him that he was under arrest.

if you don't think that the arrest was justified, then take it up with this fellow right here.....

Black Georgia Sheriff Says Rayshard Brooks Shooting Was ‘Completely Justified’
Published June 17, 2020



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And this one?

Carol - watch the feminist Moxie defend the contents of this video, just like she defended Tara Reade.

Moxie is consistent on only one thing - loyalty to the Democratic Party and its constituents. The Democratic Party is her church. Whatever advances its power she will condone.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
There were more black-on-black homicides in 2019 in the United States than the total number of black people killed by the Klu Klax Klan in all of American history.
Your number of 3500 does actually exceed the number of black-on-black homicides in 2019, but I'd question where the number really comes from. How well-documented do you think that really is, this "total number of black people killed by the Ku Klux Klan in all of American history?" I know you're not that naive.
Please chronicle where this "mass hate crime violence" against blacks has occurred and when. Give me specific numbers.

You really are ugly. I thought that there were so many famous cases that I wouldn't have to name them. Besides Dylann Root in Charleston, I thought you would have known about the Greenwood Massacre in Tulsa, OK in 1921. Unknown number of blacks dead (mass graves being investigated even today); no one ever charged. The 1963 church bombing in Birmingham, AL that killed 4 school girls. This one is worth a link for how even J. Edgar Hoover blocked the prosecution of the whites charged.

But there are others:

* Elaine, AK: Sept, 1919:

* 1910 Slocum massacre, between eight and two hundred black residents around Slocum, TX were killed by hundreds of armed white men. Eleven white men were arrested, none went to trial.

Is this not enough for you? I'm sure there are more. Then there are the lynchings. Which kind of adds up to "mass hate crime violence."

When you do look at the numbers, you will see that they hardly even make the cut for notable atrocities in human history. The number of blacks "killed" by "white supremacist hate crime" in American history amounts to nothing more than a couple hours work for one of the Communist dictators that the left defended for decades during the 20th century.

Yes, 3,500 blacks killed by the KKK in 150 years is 3500 too many, but in the history of human atrocities that is a tiny figure. That was a regular day during World War II. 3500 would've have been something Stalin considered a gentle day. And look at what African warlords and dictators (like the kind that the Clintons kissed up to and honored at the Clinton Global Initiative) have done in recent decades.
We're talking about racism and hate crimes in the US. Do the numbers matter less because Stalin was more of a dictator or Pol Pot more of a war criminal? You live here. We can only start with our own. And your diffusing the discussion doesn't make the crimes less heinous. I really do start to worry about your soul.
Yeah, this is nothing. I wonder what you would say if a group of white right-wingers started harassing, kicking, and throwing objects at an Asian-American journalist. But, yeah, you're right. This is nothing:

I watched it. He got harassed. At least he didn't get arrested by the cops for being black.



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Carol - watch the feminist Moxie defend the contents of this video, just like she defended Tara Reade.

Moxie is consistent on only one thing - loyalty to the Democratic Party and its constituents. The Democratic Party is her church. Whatever advances its power she will condone.
I never defended Tara Reade. You keep placing people in boxes and then answering the questions for them, based on your individual echo chamber. You don't even remember the conversation. Having been basically wrong on COVID-19 and the spread in the US, now you're finding yourself increasingly boxed into an argument protecting white supremacists and the Confederacy. If nothing else, you're revealing yourself. So much for you being the person on these boards who understands black people, huh?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I never defended Tara Reade. You keep placing people in boxes and then answering the questions for them, based on your individual echo chamber.

I guess you missed the sarcasm about Tara Reade. I was poking fun at your double standards.

Having been basically wrong on COVID-19 and the spread in the US, now you're finding yourself increasingly boxed into an argument protecting white supremacists and the Confederacy.

Actually I was the most right on this board about the manufactured "Covid" crisis - one of the biggest shams in the history of this country. As I said in an earlier post, the 115,000 figure is absolute bullshit. It is totally fraudulent. But even if was accurate, it would place me far closer to the truth than Birx and Fauci, who justified the lockdown policy to Trump by citing the Imperial College model in the UK, which predicted 2.4 million deaths by now. What's closer to 115,000 - the sub-50,000 figure that I predicted (which is the actual range, btw) or 2.4 million? Yeah, you know the answer to that one.

Also, it's not my fault that your idiot governor sent COVID patients into nursing homes and essentially killed thousands of old people in New York out of incompetence. The Democrat idiots Wolf, Murphy, and Whitmer did the same in Pa, NJ, and Michigan. It's not my fault these Democratic governors are morons while an intelligent Republican like DeSantis did a fabulous job of handling Florida and protecting the elderly population there.

Regarding the Confederacy - virtually all Americans, north and south, have defended or praised numerous Confederate leaders - especially Robert E. Lee - for well over 100 years since the war. That includes the Clintons. And as I have said multiple times on this thread, both Presidents Roosevelt were native New Yorkers and spoke glowingly of Robert E. Lee. So I am not the radical one for defending certain Confederate figures. You and the other left-wing cretins who demonize them are the deranged, fact-free cretins.

So much for you being the person on these boards who understands black people, huh?

Yes, I am. I certainly understand black people and black society far better than you and your ilk, who are the most responsible people in America for black society being in the condition that it is in. It is remarkable how self-righteous you are after your ideas have failed miserably for over 50 years, time after time. Yet you apparently have no sense of just how wrong and ridiculous your ideas are.

To take one of a million examples, the city of Chicago is Democrat-run. It is ruled by people who think just like you. And just over a week ago it had the most violent day it has had in 60 years, with 85 people shot and 24 killed. That is the result of YOUR ideas for black people: suffering, death, and failure.

That said, let me address how you define "black".....

If you define "black" as the millions of regular black people with everyday concerns, then yes, I am the one who understands them best on this board and my ideas would help black America the most. And my black allies are the likes of Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Bob Woodson (who marched with King in the 60s), Ben Carson, and Vernon Jones.

On the other hand, if you define "black" as the class of race-hustling, white-leftist-flattering, white-hating con artists such as Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson, then yes, you are more of an ally to "black" people.

But my definition of "black" encompasses the majority of regular black people and is therefore far more sensible. Your definition of "black" is confined to a small class of race-hustling, truly racist knaves like Sharpton, Dyson, and Maxine Waters.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I guess you missed the sarcasm about Tara Reade. I was poking fun at your double standards.

There was no sarcasm in that remark. You are the most humorless bastard on these forums, and the least ironic. (Except when you don't mean to be, and that's just the rest of us snickering behind our hands at you.) It was just flat-out bullshit, and I called you on it, so you plead "sarcasm." You'll say anything you like to favor your argument, however fallacious, you spineless worm, and then just hope you get away with it, in the flurry of the rest of your quoting other people, rather than having an opinion of your own.
That said, let me address how you define "black".....

What do you say you let people define themselves for a change? You're really not that good at it. You could do with a lot more listening and a lot less preaching. Um, or of just quoting other people.
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  • Haha
Reactions: Federberg


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
There was no sarcasm in that remark. You are the most humorless bastard on these forums, and the least ironic. (Except when you don't mean to be, and that's just the rest of us snickering behind our hands at you.) It was just flat-out bullshit, and I called you on it, so you plead "sarcasm."

Your definition of “humorless” is, again, self-serving, just as your definition of “black” is. For you, having humor means sharing your prejudices. If someone, for example, makes fun of Cuomo for sending COVID patients into nursing homes (which are really the only places where the virus is a significant danger), or of Democrats for harassing people about the need for social distancing before engaging for days in mass protests/riot-fests once their mood changes, or of Federturd for making the idiotic remark that John Bolton is an “arch-conservative,” you will not find that funny. But again, that is simply a matter of what your prejudices are.

As for the remark about Tara Reade, trust me, I remember very well your absolutely hypocritical stance on that question. I did not misremember anything. I remember you saying that despite all the evidence against Biden in this case, you would get behind Biden because you believe many of the evidence-free allegations against Trump and whatever it takes to defeat Trump, you’ll support. You made your hypocrisy completely clear. I knew where you stood. I could see that you had reversed yourself entirely from the position taken during the Kavanaugh battle just a year and a half prior. We could all see that.

You'll say anything you like to favor your argument, however fallacious, you spineless worm, and then just hope you get away with it, in the flurry of the rest of your quoting other people, rather than having an opinion of your own.

Lol.....this is quite rich coming from someone who has been repeating the Democratic Party cult line every year of her life the last 20 years, and as someone who has never called out Federturd for posting CNN and Atlantic links constantly, with nothing else accompanying them. When I post links, I usually have my own analysis accompanying it, whereas Federturd posts the links either by themselves or with little else attached. Of course, you never have a problem with it because you agree with the garbage links that Federturd posts. Not to mention that you have criticized me for making my posts too long, while being able to say in the next breath that I am not typing enough of my own message or hypocritically accusing me of not responding in full to everything that is said to me (while you constantly ignore inconvenient information for your case that others post).

Also, it is quite funny to see you talk about me posting links when Federturd has stooped so low as to cite David Frum. Despite all your railing against George Bush and the Iraq war for years, you never once called Federturd out for this, not even a single time. That’s because you are not consistent, to put it mildly.

As a final point, one reason that I post links is because I understand how low-information and underexposed to basic information you and other Democrats are. There is so much going on in the world that you guys are unaware of. I am just trying to help you stay up to speed because I know how much your media sources keep you in the dark. Did you know about the two black Chicago cops recently shooting a white man? No. Did you know about the Somali cop in Minneapolis killing a white woman in 2017? No. So I was just bringing these things to your attention, knowing that you had never heard of those stories. Part of the reason I post links is to enlighten the ignorant. Another part of the reason is that I know you and others have absolutely zero exposure to right-wing media.

Of course, I understand that one reason you are objecting to me posting links is that you had nothing to say to refute Heather MacDonald, who is a far more knowledgeable and rational woman than you are. The truths she pointed out pissed you off, so you ignored them, just as you ignored the contents of the videos and tweets that Carol and I recently posted.

What do you say you let people define themselves for a change? you do with black people, who for you are nothing more than predesigned characters in a political morality play?

Your definition of “black” is limited to one thing and one thing only: left-wing political activism and ideological victimhood aligned with the Democratic Party. There is absolutely nothing else to blackness in your one-dimensional, one-track view of race and life overall.

Speaking of irony, I would like to thank you, in the spirit of friendly dialogue, for addressing my points about Robert E Lee being revered for generations by numerous prominent Americans, including both Presidents Roosevelt, who were each from New York. I would also like to thank you for admitting that the Democratic governors were complete morons for allowing Covid patients into nursing homes, and for acknowledging that your stupid ideas have reigned supreme for over half a century in Democrat-run cities with little to show for blacks, except the race-hustling left-wing activist class that has been empowered through your efforts while the black masses have had their communities destroyed in city after city.

Thanks also for addressing all the points made by Heather MacDonald about race, crime, and policing. I’m sure that with your profound sense of irony, you will know that my gratitude is heartfelt in this case.

Now why don’t you focus on substance for a change? You’re not very good at it. You should drop the preaching and trying to sticking to substance.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Your number of 3500 does actually exceed the number of black-on-black homicides in 2019

I’ll address the rest of that post later, but for now, let’s get some basic numbers right, courtesy of a black man who does not fit into the narrow box of how you define what it means to be “black” in the world, since he isn’t a race-hustling left-wing activist who flatters the sensibilities of white leftists:



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
but I'd question where the number really comes from. How well-documented do you think that really is, this "total number of black people killed by the Ku Klux Klan in all of American history?" I know you're not that naive. have to be kidding. Virtually every history department at every major university in this country is obsessed with RACISM. Part of the reason they never talk about the death total from the Klan is that there isn’t much there compared to other historical atrocities. Every school child in America learns at least one number about history: 6 million. What is that number? An estimate of how many Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

So why don’t we hear about the numbers of blacks that the Klan killed? Because in the scope of human history - especially in the 20th century - a few thousand lynchings over an 80-year period doesn’t even make the cut for honorable mention. 3,000 dead was a couple hours’ work in the Armenian Genocide, for example.

Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the 20th century knows that we are talking about deaths in the hundreds of thousands and millions. The Klan’s killing is kindergarten stuff compared to what most left-wing regimes did in the 20th century.

You really are ugly. I thought that there were so many famous cases that I wouldn't have to name them. Besides Dylann Root in Charleston, I thought you would have known about the Greenwood Massacre in Tulsa, OK in 1921. Unknown number of blacks dead (mass graves being investigated even today)

Actually Wikipedia has some specific numbers: “A 2001 state commission examination of events was able to confirm 36 dead, 26 black and 10 white, based on contemporary autopsy reports, death certificates and other records.[1]:114 The commission gave overall estimates from 75–100 to 150–300 dead.[1]:13, 23”

So let’s take the high end of those estimates and say 300 died (combination of black and white). During that same time the left-wing revolutionary VI Lenin was killing over 2 million Russians during the Russian civil war.

What’s worse - a couple hundred or 2 million?

The 1963 church bombing in Birmingham, AL that killed 4 school girls.

The Muslim group Boko Haram in Nigeria has raped and killed hundreds of black Christian schoolgirls in recent years. There were 18 blacks under the age of 14 killed in St. Louis in black-on-black crime last year. Barack Obama authorized the bombing of a wedding in Yemen in which over 10 people died.

In the scope of human atrocities, 4 is a minuscule number. Is that seriously the best you have?

Like I have said, the actual death counts of blacks at the hands of whites in the USA are so tiny when compared to atrocities throughout human history and especially in the 20th century that they barely even make the cut to be mentioned.

While left-wing regimes were killing millions of people, white Southerners made blacks drink from different water fountains and eat at a different lunch counter. The latter may have been unwelcoming and unkind, but it doesn’t even come close to the level of evil of the former. But, of course, the left has whitewashed its history of violence, just as you and Federturd whitewash Antifa’s violence.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Here is another tweet, this one from Brandon Tatum, a black man that Moxie wouldn’t consider “black” because he doesn’t fit Moxie’s narrow stereotype of blacks being left-wing race-hustlers:



Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Can you please explain what do you mean about "And this one"?
Well, you can see the aggressiveness and bad instincts of some young people and it´s not only because the racism but very bad education and then so much violence and bulling in the schools and when they are getting older even worse. That´s why to be a police here has to be very difficult

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Well, you can see the aggressiveness and bad instincts of some young people and it´s not only because the racism but very bad education and then so much violence and bulling in the schools and when they are getting older even worse. That´s why to be a police here has to be very difficult
WOW.. before I go into this..Are you saying that it's only Black are harming whites because this is all that you are attaching? Are you saying that the police enforcement is justified?


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
WOW.. before I go into this..Are you saying that it's only Black are harming whites because this is all that you are attaching? Are you saying that the police enforcement is justified?
Nope, the police enforcement is NOT justified and those three polices (Floyd case) are a criminals. But it doesn't mean all of them are the same , there are many good ones too and like I said it has to be very difficult to be a perfect police under so much violence

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Nope, the police enforcement is NOT justified and those three polices (Floyd case) are a criminals. But it doesn't mean all of them are the same , there are many good ones too and like I said it has to be very difficult to be a perfect police under so much violence
However..why are you just showing blacks harming whites? Also, you mentioned bad education which is a small segment of the issue. The one of the primary factors as I mentioned before is mental illness. As for there's good police as well as bad police, that's not the issue. I have a lot of members of my immediate family and friends that are and previously worked as policemen. However, that's not the issue. The issue is a large numbers of unarmed blacks are getting executed by Policemen which is really modern day lynching. Are you comprehening this or do you still want to say "Good Cop Bad Cop"?
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Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
However..why are you just showing blacks harming whites?
Because the black ones always are accusing the whites ones as racists and they are the same. Of course we know through the History that black people have suffered a lot, first as slaves and later under some stupid people like KKK and other groups which is unforgivable and all this things have made them at the present to act that way and also to be as racists as the white ones. Anyway I don´t think we are going to change anything and you have your own opinion and I have mine

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Because the black ones always are accusing the whites ones as racists and they are the same. Of course we know through the History that black people have suffered a lot, first as slaves and later under some stupid people like KKK and other groups which is unforgivable and all this things have made them at the present to act that way and also to be as racists as the white ones. Anyway I don´t think we are going to change anything and you have your own opinion and I have mine
So you have issues with Blacks accusing whites of systemic racism? Are you saying that Blacks are the Oppresser and some whites are the oppressed? Are you saying that in corporate America and the present US community environment that the opportunity are the same or Equal? Are you saying that Blacks should be quiet or silent? Are you saying that the atrocities that Blacks have historically (400 years Plus) are just the same as what the whites have? Are you saying that there's really isn't discrimination but just one group misinterpretation of what has been happening socially in America? Are you saying that violations of civil rights are being misrepresented? Are you saying that in the south "Jim Crow" laws doesn't or have never existed? Can you please clarify what your stance because it appears to be more specific than just your opinion?
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