US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The Washington Examiner piece did not verify that he told over 10,000 "lies." It was merely reporting that the Washington Post alleged that. As you like to advise others, read your own article.

Now, of course, the Washington Post calls any claims it does not like to be "false" or "misleading." Their pretense of being objective arbiters of truth is laughable.
True, the Examiner only copped to 8,155 as of last January, but that will have topped 10,000 by now. While "misleading" can be more argued, as you endlessly do, to defend Trump, what is factually false is harder to dispute. And I know you don't like The Washington Post, but it has a long history of journalistic integrity, and they don't just claim things to be false simply because they don't "like" them.
Who the f cares about a crowd? Trump's was big, so was Obama's. If you think that you're morally superior to Trump, then why are you trying to stick your chest out about your side having bigger crowds at the inaugural? You are engaging in the same atavistic hyper-masculine tit-for-tat that you supposedly dislike, aren't you?

Now, if you do want to talk about crowds in general, Trump did do a great job in his 2015-2016 campaign of drawing massive crowds across the country. Maybe you dislike the fact that he has significant popularity, but he does.
I didn't make any comparison to the crowds at Obama's inauguration. You read that in, along with any notion that I was "engaging in the same atavistic hyper-masculine tit-for-tat" that I "supposedly dislike." All of that is a complete projection on your part and has nothing to do with what I said. SMH.

And it doesn't matter if you don't care about the size of a crowd. That is not the point. The point is that he lied about it. Blatantly. It was there on the TV for all to see. And however many crowds he's drawn at rallies are also not the point. This is just misdirection on your part.
This was not something that was disproved. He made a claim that some think is correct and others don't. I personally think that there is a substantial amount of voter fraud that occurs in California, although at this point it does not matter if that's the case. If the Democrats are winning 7 million votes to 2 million votes, it hardly matters if 2 million of their votes are fraudulent or not.

Either way, this isn't a "lie." This is an opinion that has not been definitively proven one way or the other.

Just because you think voter fraud happens in CA doesn't make it true. Trump is the President and he has the power to appoint a committee to investigate voter fraud, and likewise the interference in our elections by Russia, he likes to say...the Ukraine. But he doesn't do it. Why? Because it seems that he'd rather throw mud than get to the bottom of things that may not favor him. You do understand that voter fraud is pretty had to pull off, right? In what way do you think it happens on a grand scale in California? It is my personal opinion that Republicans like to cry "voter fraud" to encourage voter suppression, which serves them in elections. Trump actually recently said that, which was rather an "oops!" too.

That was an inaccurate statement but that wasn't a lie. The essential truth he was getting at was that he had a decisive Electoral College victory, and he did. Why make a big deal out of this statement?

That was a bold promise that ended up not materializing. That was not a "lie."
Those two statements, about his having the biggest EC victory since Reagan, and about Mexico paying for the wall, you are completely underplaying because it suits you. 'Oh..what he meant was...,' or 'well, it didn't work out that way, but it wasn't a lie' are very, very pathetic and flabby ways of covering for him. The first one was a flagrant, inaccurate boast to fluff himself up. (And you say I'm wrong to call him thin-skinned.) Generally, when people make boasts that are inaccurate, we refer to them as "lies." As to Mexico paying for the wall, Mexico has always maintained that it would not. It wasn't a "bold promise," it was an outright lie. But Trump also didn't think he'd get elected, so that it would never matter.

The rest we've debated endlessly here, so no point in addressing.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
True, the Examiner only copped to 8,155 as of last January, but that will have topped 10,000 by now. While "misleading" can be more argued, as you endlessly do, to defend Trump, what is factually false is harder to dispute.

No, we would have to go through every supposed "lie" and discuss each one. What the Washington Post is doing is simply cataloguing a list of statements it did not like the sound of and using its cachet in our society to deem those statements "lies" or "inaccurate." It's nothing more than pretense to objectivity and authoritative judgment.

And I know you don't like The Washington Post, but it has a long history of journalistic integrity, and they don't just claim things to be false simply because they don't "like" them.

I disagree entirely. What's funny when I read "fact-checkers" on all left-wing websites is they don't merely say that something was true or false. They end up engaging in long-winded analyses of how and why a statement was "misleading" or only "partially right." And what does that reveal? That they are simply opinion pieces. This "fact-check" moniker is simply a cover for standard left-wing opinions, only that they are being expressed with the pretense of pseudo-divine objectivity when there is no such thing.

Now, if I may ask: by what divine edict was the Washington Post appointed the final arbiter of what is true and what is not in human affairs? It's funny how you revere it like a Catholic is supposed to revere the teachings of the Church Magisterium. What makes the Washington Post perfect and infallible?

Just because you think voter fraud happens in CA doesn't make it true. Trump is the President and he has the power to appoint a committee to investigate voter fraud, and likewise the interference in our elections by Russia, he likes to say...the Ukraine. But he doesn't do it. Why? Because it seems that he'd rather throw mud than get to the bottom of things that may not favor him.

Moxie.....what in the f--k are you talking about? Donald Trump just went through 2.5 years of harassment at the hands of the Mueller team over alleged Russian interference (which the Mueller report did not even prove the existence of). Did that investigation not satisfy you? Trump was more than cooperative throughout the entire process and the investigation turned up much less than your sacred Washington Post originally promised. According to NBC News, this is what the investigation entailed:

-2,800 subpoenas
- 500 search warrants
- 500 witness interviews
- 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence
- 19 lawyers

So after all that - specifically the 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, and 500 witness interviews - you are still going to say that Trump needs to appoint a committee to investigate interference in our elections by Russia? Lol.....are you insane?

More to say later.....I'll cut it off here because I am finding that most people on here have ADHD attention spans.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
For people saying that Trump downplayed the coronavirus threat (even though he enacted a travel ban at the end of January while the Democrats were consumed by impeachment talk and even though Trump was simply repeating Dr. Fauci's words), take a look at these tweets. This is why New York City is the epicenter of the outbreak. The words of these idiots speak for themselves. Mayor Billy De Blasio and NYC Councilman/Chair of the Council Committee on Health Mark Levine both downplayed the threat to NYC. They emphatically up to the last minute made the case that any concerns about coronavirus were xenophobic toward Chinese-Americans:

Since I don't feel like going back and re-tweeting all this.....because the low-information Lebanese fool attacked Trump for the NYC disaster, I recommend that he look at the tweets from leading NYC officials that I posted above. I'm not sure he has the attention span to read more than 2 of them, but maybe he will. We'll see.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Sure you'll cut it off because you have to regroup on the actual lies called out. You can holler about The Washington Post, The NY Times and others because hey, what stops you? I didn't say that they were "infallible." All print and broadcast media have to come up with retractions sometimes, esp. since we joined the 24-hour news cycle, and since they've cut staff. But you have to separate editorial from news, and these do it well. Even Fox finds a separation from news and editorial, at least sometimes. It is on discerning viewers to make the distinction. But if you pretend that some of these very valuable journalists at time-honored outlets are just tools, I think you underrate them, and you also give yourself permission to just listen to the loudest voice that says what you want to hear.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And by the way I'm not by any means playing the race card to score points. Cali, by his own admission, is anti-Muslim, gays, and is insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanely misogynistic

I have much less of a problem with Islam than you do with Christianity or probably Islam for that matter. I mostly hate white left-wing male atheists, if there is one religious group that I actually hate. But I would argue that I have very good reason to. So if you just want to play the bigotry card on religion, well you are clearly anti-Christian and also in large part anti-Muslim and definitely anti-Jewish. So there are plenty of "anti-s" to go around for everyone. But I would definitely say you are more of a religious bigot because I have far more nice things to say about Islam than you do about Christianity (or likely any other long-standing religion for that matter).

Regarding gay rights: there is no scientific evidence whatsoever for a gay gene. I also see no rational reason to glorify homosexuality. In fact, I stand with the president of Kenya in defiance of the half-white Obama's push to impose gay rights on Kenya. I agree with the Kenyan president that Obama is trying to impose Western (i.e. white) values on Kenyans and not respecting their culture. Bwoken does not notice this because he has an inferiority complex toward white leftists who he idolizes (I'll post more videos on how Africans react to the white West's push to glorify homsexuality on the PC thread shortly):

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Sure you'll cut it off because you have to regroup on the actual lies called out. You can holler about The Washington Post, The NY Times and others because hey, what stops you? I didn't say that they were "infallible." All print and broadcast media have to come up with retractions sometimes, esp. since we joined the 24-hour news cycle, and since they've cut staff. But you have to separate editorial from news, and these do it well. Even Fox finds a separation from news and editorial, at least sometimes. It is on discerning viewers to make the distinction. But if you pretend that some of these very valuable journalists at time-honored outlets are just tools, I think you underrate them, and you also give yourself permission to just listen to the loudest voice that says what you want to hear.

Before I answer that directly, why did you ignore the question on the (non-)findings of the Mueller report? If we're going to have a civilized discussion, we should at least have the courtesy to directly answer each other's questions, shouldn't we?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Before I answer that directly, why did you ignore the question on the (non-)findings of the Mueller report? If we're going to have a civilized discussion, we should at least have the courtesy to directly answer each other's questions, shouldn't we?
The Mueller report finds for Russian interference "in a sweeping and systematic fashion," and that it "violated US criminal law."


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Sure you'll cut it off because you have to regroup on the actual lies called out. You can holler about The Washington Post, The NY Times and others because hey, what stops you? I didn't say that they were "infallible."

When it comes to any dispute of fact, you refer to them as if they could never be wrong, even though they have been countless times.

But you have to separate editorial from news, and these do it well. Even Fox finds a separation from news and editorial, at least sometimes. It is on discerning viewers to make the distinction.

You're not one of them if you think that the New York Times and Washington Post separate news and editorial. Their news headlines are clearly infused with bias and an agenda.

But if you pretend that some of these very valuable journalists at time-honored outlets are just tools, I think you underrate them, and you also give yourself permission to just listen to the loudest voice that says what you want to hear.

Listening to the loudest voices that say what you want to hear is exactly what you do. Your sources just happen to be left-wing and you delude yourself into thinking that you are rising above the fray and being "objective" when in fact both you and your sources are the most tendentious and unbalanced observers there are.

But, since you mentioned the New York Times, do your sources at the moment include Alex Berenson, the former NYT reporter who has been citing Breitbart on Twitter and calling out the current outlandish COVID projections for their inaccuracies? :-)2


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The Mueller report finds for Russian interference "in a sweeping and systematic fashion," and that it "violated US criminal law."

Nope honey, sorry. You should read the Bernie supporter Aaron Mate, who writes for the left-leaning Nation Magazine. He went on both the Young Turk and Tucker Carlson's show in recent years to blow up that whole narrative. After the Mueller report, he wrote an excellent and very lengthy piece showing how the Mueller report did not prove Russian interference and actually threw in all kinds of qualifying phrases like "it appears that the Russians hacked" or "it seems."

The idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia and that there was even Russian interference is a pure left-wing conspiracy theory. It is sad that all too many Republicans have caved on the second part.

Here are two brief videos. I would post the Young Turk video with Mate but it is about 30 minutes long so I doubt anyone would watch it. And please keep in mind that Mate supports Sanders and opposes Trump:

Aaron Mate on the Very Shaky "Certainty" of Russian Interference (May 29, 2019)

Aaron Maté destroys Mueller's narrative. Russia does not equal Russian Government. (July 9, 2019)



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Generally, when people make boasts that are inaccurate, we refer to them as "lies." As to Mexico paying for the wall, Mexico has always maintained that it would not. It wasn't a "bold promise," it was an outright lie.

A lie is a statement that the speaker or writer knows for sure to be untrue but says it anyway. For example, if I was to say to you that Broken is 3 feet tall when I know he is actually 4 feet tall, then I would be lying to you about his height. But if I was to predict to you that Broken would grow 2 inches over the summer and become 4 feet, 2 inches in height and then he did not grow at all, that would simply be a prediction that didn't pan out. That wouldn't be a lie.

When Trump said that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, what he meant is that he was going to coax them through diplomatic pressure and economic negotiations into paying for it. That isn't what happened (for a multitude of reasons), but it wasn't a "lie." It would have been a lie if he had said something like "The president of Mexico told me privately that he would pay for it" when no such thing occurred.

If making bad predictions or having bold expectations that didn't pan out made someone a liar, then you would be a huge liar every year around Wimbledon time. You always think that Nadal is going to win Wimbledon so does it make you a liar that he usually doesn't?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The Mueller Report, however much you want to slather other spin on top of it, did find that the Russians interfered in our elections. It also found that there was likely an interference of justice by the Trump White House. The fact that the Dems were too incompetent to bring that home doesn't change what the Mueller report had to say.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The Mueller Report, however much you want to slather other spin on top of it, did find that the Russians interfered in our elections.


Watch those two short Aaron Mate videos I posted. They are not long at all. He explains that the Mueller report proved no such thing.

It also found that there was likely an interference of justice by the Trump White House.

Yes, the Trump White House was so uncooperative. It coughed up over 1 million documents and allowed over 500 search warrants to be executed and 500 witness interviews to be conducted. You're right Moxie. Trump and everyone in the White House should have handed the Mueller team every personal file in their offices and homes and even suggested to the Mueller team lawyers how they could be incriminated. Anything short of that was "obstruction of justice." Absolutely right. 500 search warrants and 500 witness interviews over two and a half years was not enough.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
A lie is a statement that the speaker or writer knows for sure to be untrue but says it anyway. For example, if I was to say to you that Broken is 3 feet tall when I know he is actually 4 feet tall, then I would be lying to you about his height. But if I was to predict to you that Broken would grow 2 inches over the summer and become 4 feet, 2 inches in height but then he did not grow at all, that would simply be a prediction that didn't work out. That wouldn't be a lie.

When Trump said that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, what he meant is that he was going to coax them through diplomatic pressure and economic negotiations into paying for it. That isn't what happened (for a multitude of reasons), but it wasn't a "lie." It would have been a lie if he had said something like "The president of Mexico told me privately that he would pay for it" when no such thing occurred.

If making bad predictions or having bold expectations that didn't pan out made someone a liar, then you would be a huge liar every year around Wimbledon time. You always think that Nadal is going to win Wimbledon so does it make you a liar that he usually doesn't?
Are you really going to equate making predictions about a sports event with a politician claiming what he can do? That is apples and oranges, and unlike others here, I don't actually think you're that stupid...just that shady. You can keep telling me what Trump thought he might be able to coax out of Mexico, but it doesn't change the fact that Mexico said it was never going to happen. They even suggested that it might happen, if Mexico got to draw which border with Mexico, historically, we were talking about, which was pretty hilarious. What Trump did was gin up his supporters on the idea of a wall, calling up jingoistic ideas and saying horrible and racist things about Mexicans, making some people feel that they needed a wall, and at the same time telling them it would cost them nothing. This was cold political calculation, with nothing to back it up. In so many ways, including the playing off of racism and fear of "the other." To pretend that Trump was ever going to get that money out of Mexico is to blow smoke up even your own skirt. What "diplomacy" was ever going to make that happen? Trump made Mexicans the 'enemy of the people,' here. He called them rapists and criminals. Excellent diplomacy, right? There aren't a "multitude of reasons" why Mexico didn't agree to pay for the wall, either in fact or in kind. They were never going to, they were never in any way encouraged to, and that amounts to a lie.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013

Watch those two short Aaron Mate videos I posted. They are not long at all. He explains that the Mueller report proved no such thing.

Yes, the Trump White House was so uncooperative. It coughed up over 1 million documents and allowed over 500 search warrants to be executed and 500 witness interviews to be conducted. You're right Moxie. Trump and everyone in the White House should have handed the Mueller team every personal file in their offices and homes and even suggested to the Mueller team lawyers how they could be incriminated. Anything short of that was "obstruction of justice." Absolutely right. 500 search warrants and 500 witness interviews over two and a half years was not enough.
Clearly you've resorted to shouting and hysteria.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Clearly you've resorted to shouting and hysteria.

You said absolutely nothing about the content of Mate's explanations.....but, since you're in a feisty mood tonight, let me ask you a question on a different note.....

The Lebanese Elmer has recently put me in the awkward position of obliquely defending presidents who I cannot stand (Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, George W. Bush, and Obama - all left-wing icons except for Bush who was really a leftist) by alleging that they engaged in "genocidal" foreign policy. Now I understand that Bwoken is a complete imbecile with an elementary school-level vocabulary who is grossly misusing the term "genocidal," but don't you as a left-wing American feel the need to come to the defense of presidents that the American left has glorified for decades? Do you really think these left-wing icons were "genocidal"?

You actually have more invested in whether that allegation is true than I do because Bwoken is attacking left-wing heroes. What's ironic is that he doesn't even know that the people closest to his negative view of U.S. interventions would generally be right-wing libertarians and dissidents that he would throw into the category of "racists" - partially because his 45-word grab bag of vocabulary can't conjure up another epithet and partially because he knows next to nothing about the United States. I am still curious as to why you have not taken issue with his characterization of U.S. foreign policy given that virtually all of the presidents he is attacking have been left-wing icons? Any explanation on that front? Do you think the left-wing presidents of the 20th century have been perpetrators of genocide like Elmer does?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Are you really going to equate making predictions about a sports event with a politician claiming what he can do?

In a sense, yes. If someone is predicting great things that he or she is going to do and then they don't pan out, that doesn't mean they were "lying." The question of whether someone is "lying" is a matter of knowledge and intent. The fundamental question is this: are you saying something that you know to be factually inaccurate? That is the question and it is almost always a reference to the past.

Obama said before the passage of Obamacare that if people liked their plan and their doctor they could keep them. Did that end up happening? No. But I would not say that he lied. I would just say that he and his advisers were unable to live up to their promise.

That is apples and oranges, and unlike others here, I don't actually think you're that stupid...just that shady.

Well, that's nice to know. Since you're into sharing personal opinions at the moment, allow me to tell you that I don't think you are nearly as well-informed as you think you are (same for teeinted the Beaver), and I think that Bwoken is a low-information bigot who cannot engage in any kind of sophisticated theoretical conversation. He just hurls epithets at anyone who says something he finds unpleasant or too challenging to address. He actually thinks, for instance, that anyone who thinks the United States is not a genocide machine is a red, white, and blue Kool Aid drinker. (For some reason, you don't have a problem with this even though he is targeting left-wing icons of the 20th century with that criticism.) He is a very simple, one-dimensional thinker who believes that anyone who challenges the sacred doctrines of his tiny little mental box is beyond the pale.

You can keep telling me what Trump thought he might be able to coax out of Mexico, but it doesn't change the fact that Mexico said it was never going to happen.

But that wouldn't be a lie. Go look at a dictionary: "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood." Failing to live up to a bold promise is not a "lie."

Also, Trump never said that Mexico had promised to make it So why the f are you bringing up what Mexico said?

What Trump did was gin up his supporters on the idea of a wall, calling up jingoistic ideas and saying horrible and racist things about Mexicans, making some people feel that they needed a wall, and at the same time telling them it would cost them nothing.

Trump was not saying "racist" things about Mexicans unless you define "racism" as any criticism at all of any part of the Mexican population, even if it is justifed. When white people in the State Department criticize African countries for being "homophobic," are they being racist? According to your logic, they are.

All Trump said is that among a certain segment of the massive population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. there were some very hardened criminals. This is absolutely 100% true, given that Mexico has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the world and is run in large part by the cartels. If you follow the news in Mexico at all, you would know this.

This was cold political calculation, with nothing to back it up.

Oh there's a lot to back it up. There is ample crime data from the Southwestern states showing that a large portion of their prison populations consist of illegal aliens. I know you wish to characterize every illegal immigrant as an angel sent by God, but they are human beings just like everyone else - meaning there is good and bad with them, and that they do occasionally (believe it or not) have moral flaws and they're not all perfect saintly creatures looking to scrub tables and pick apples.

In so many ways, including the playing off of racism and fear of "the other." is that why Trump can't go a single rally or speech without touting the lowest Hispanic-American unemployment numbers ever achieved in American history? Is this why he said at the SOTU in 2019 that he wants to increase legal immigration?

To pretend that Trump was ever going to get that money out of Mexico is to blow smoke up even your own skirt. What "diplomacy" was ever going to make that happen?

Threatening tariffs and other economic measures, since Mexico is heavily dependent on the U.S. economically. Trump actually has coaxed some cooperation out of Mexico on the immigration issue by doing this. They have increased their military presence on the border.

Where Trump was wrong was in arguing that Mexico and the Mexican government were the main problem. His main opposition to building the wall was always going to come from white Democrats like yourself, not from Mexico.

Trump made Mexicans the 'enemy of the people,' here.

That's simply ridiculous. He never called out "Mexicans" as a generic group, not even a single time. His references were always to illegal immigration.

He called them rapists and criminals.

No, he was referring to how Mexico has pushed so many of its most troublesome elements to enter the U.S. illegally. This is the exact quote:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Now, as clunky as this particular statement was, his essential point was that the Mexican government has been pushing much of its population to go to the U.S. because it has been unable to deal with major social problems at home. And there is a great deal of truth in that.

There aren't a "multitude of reasons" why Mexico didn't agree to pay for the wall, either in fact or in kind.

Yes there were, and the main reason was how vehement the opposition within the United States to the wall was. Trump was wrong to direct most of his ire at the Mexican government......the main impediment to the wall in the United States was and remains the Democratic Party, especially white Democrats like yourself who don't want to see the wall go up because it would violate your inner moral code.
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Apr 22, 2013
Am I the only one looking at Wisconsin Republicans with disgust?? My goodness, if the only way you can win an election is to suppress the vote then you're not worth voting for. This is one of the problems with US democracy at the moment. If you can't sell your product to the majority of the voting base then you need to develop a more attractive offering. But instead the GOP seems to be doing everything they can to frustrate democracy in the name of sustaining their unpopular beliefs. This is why I could never vote Republican. Trump literally said that if more people vote Republicans will never win. WTF!!! Change your fucking policies and win the hearts and minds of the electorate. Surreal...

Say what you want about the Tories over here, but they have updated their product with a view to maintaining popular support. They are not doctrinal or idealogues, and that's what has made them the most successful centre right political force in the Western world
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
About bloody time....

Tulsi Gabbard's still in, at least technically. But I got one of those emails yesterday from a political group (plea for $ disguised as survey,) asking whether Bernie should drop out, since there were only two people left in the race. So I went to her campaign website. However you feel about it, that's just downright insulting. I haven't heard one mention of her in the news about Bernie dropping out, either.
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