Moxie, you're misrepresenting what I said: both times. First I said "superior," then you equated with "vastly superior," then I corrected you, saying I didn't use the word "vastly," which you misinterpreted as me walking back the word superior. Yes, I mean superior. But I don't mean vastly superior. They are different.
Again, that's not what I said, Moxie. I'm saying that Rafa winning 14 times at RG doesn't significantly make him Clay GOATier than 13 times. Of course it matters to his overall record.
Weeks at #1 is the best metric we have for sustained dominance, week in and week out. All of this is subjective, of course, and that's just my opinion.
And of course I agree that there are many criteria. But you continue to want to frame things in ways that prop up Nadal. I mean, at least
try to approach this question somewhat objectively
See above. Just about everything you say is just another way to spin in Rafa's favor. And I didn't say his record wasn't balanced, at least in this thread, nor did I diminish his accomplishments on clay. Moxie, with all this strawmanning, you're about to be dubbed the Straw Court GOAT!
But yes, I agree that Rafa had it rough, considering his prime years overlapped with both Roger's and Novak's best years. I think that is a valid point. But Roger and Rafa have their own variants on this theme, but you don't mention those.
Some of us are more capable of impartiality than others, just as some are more insistent on defending their guy at all costs, and cherry-pick to do so. I If I was secretly trying to prop up Roger as the singular GOAT, would I have made this thread? I made this thread to say, "I think Novak deserves credit, and has the best chance of being the singular GOAT."
But considering your insistent on forever waging the Fedal War, I can't help but think that you probably think this is some underhanded attempt to prop up Federer, which is just silly given the nature of the thread.