
Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
so if i had to be asked...

HAD I the wisdom years ago when i ALREADY 'played' with the idea of perhaps 'starting over" elsewhere -- ?

and did not take the measures to prepare myself and too late now (i am not that ''young' - but very energetic, let us say but too poor anyway, lol -- and BRITBOX and i had a big discussion about THAT, HEHE but as usual britbox is cool about my harsh retorts, lol) -

i STILL would say -- even MORE SO now that i have been there -- that I would have wished to ''start again" in no other place THAN russia.

THERE is where real HOPE for humanity towards its BEST instincts lie. they are TRULY something as a people than i have ever encountered..and i HAVE encountered PLENTY from different cultures ...

that is why the chinese - a general said it a year ago _

"WE chinese -- have been around as a continuous civilization for at least 5,000 years -- but to US - the RUSSIAN people are held in highest esteem..
"we find in them such a STRENGTH of character - across their own historic challenges and such unbelievable pressure upon them from the outside powers such as the west and many of its allies...
"yet THE RUSSIANS have shown such a capacity to ENDURE the greatest deprivations that would destroy any other country...they have endured such deprivations that none in the west can even imagine...and yet emerge from it stronger than ever - especially in their character...
"they have the spirit of the TRUE warrior as our own ancient SUN TZU would say -- but in defense of their independence and sovereignty as ONE people".
"for this reason -- you can ask just about any ordinary chinese on the street...

and they wil - i assure you -- say:
|"russia good- america -- bad". and for good reason.".


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
...just lost a long post... damn´d. No time retype it all now, sorry. Keep as a silent follower of thread for now...

Not funny but it made me smile. I think this happened only to you.:lol6:


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Thanks for sharing, shame the original got lost. I'm cool with teddy.... he doesn't need to moderate himself on my account and to be honest, I hope he never feels the need to. Like yourself, I like reading different perspectives even if I don't necessarily agree with them.

And this is the reason we all love you BB!!!

I am the same way, I really like teddy's passion and it is good to have different people and different experiences and perspectives. We would be boring if we shared the same views.

Not that I am an expert or anything, but I grew up in a communist country and my take from that kind of society is this: it takes a strong hand to lead it. In our case it was the suppression of anything national in a multinational country. Sometimes I reflect and think especially after some unpleasant news: gosh I wish we never had that, I wish communists never prevailed at the end of WWW2. Because everything that gets suppressed at some point will boil back to the top and things get ugly again when given a chance. With us it all started after Tito died in 1980. And little by little the stronghold on the country was weakening and foreign influences were getting stronger and stronger. Muslims in B&H would never take up arms without the support of the USA. Canadian ambassador at the time attests to this in this video:

As for the Soviet Union and their fall, it was probably similar to what happened to us. Internal and external influences are always at play in these situations.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
And this is the reason we all love you BB!!!

I am the same way, I really like teddy's passion and it is good to have different people and different experiences and perspectives. We would be boring if we shared the same views.

Not that I am an expert or anything, but I grew up in a communist country and my take from that kind of society is this: it takes a strong hand to lead it. In our case it was the suppression of anything national in a multinational country. Sometimes I reflect and think especially after some unpleasant news: gosh I wish we never had that, I wish communists never prevailed at the end of WWW2. Because everything that gets suppressed at some point will boil back to the top and things get ugly again when given a chance. With us it all started after Tito died in 1980. And little by little the stronghold on the country was weakening and foreign influences were getting stronger and stronger. Muslims in B&H would never take up arms without the support of the USA. Canadian ambassador at the time attests to this in this video:

As for the Soviet Union and their fall, it was probably similar to what happened to us. Internal and external influences are always at play in these situations.

AND no on IS NASTIER HERE especially towards BRITBOX -- and i can't for the life of me come close to understanding how ANYONE can be that cool.

it's almost annoying -- but nevermind ...............

but that's also why i ADVERTISE britbox here and there. lol.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
And this is the reason we all love you BB!!!

I am the same way, I really like teddy's passion and it is good to have different people and different experiences and perspectives. We would be boring if we shared the same views.

Not that I am an expert or anything, but I grew up in a communist country and my take from that kind of society is this: it takes a strong hand to lead it. In our case it was the suppression of anything national in a multinational country. Sometimes I reflect and think especially after some unpleasant news: gosh I wish we never had that, I wish communists never prevailed at the end of WWW2. Because everything that gets suppressed at some point will boil back to the top and things get ugly again when given a chance. With us it all started after Tito died in 1980. And little by little the stronghold on the country was weakening and foreign influences were getting stronger and stronger. Muslims in B&H would never take up arms without the support of the USA. Canadian ambassador at the time attests to this in this video:

As for the Soviet Union and their fall, it was probably similar to what happened to us. Internal and external influences are always at play in these situations.

like BRITBOX made the point -- it is -- i agree -- both internal and external.

countries DON'T just collapse on THEIR OWN - or JUST from outside forces if they are at least of a certain power - such as russia USSR was.

even the russians know that - more than anyone -- but the difference is on WHICH particularities or set of complexities people can understand , explain - and then find ways to learn FROM it.

and with RUSSIA -- the main point is -- THEIR polls -- regardless of whether it is ''LEVADA" (which is western funded) -- OR domestic polls --

the great, great majority of russians ARE united - and clearly KNOW what went wrong..and THERE IS practically universal agreement - from FAR RIGHT, AND EVEN RACIST SUPER NATIONALISTS, (THEY ACTUALLY do have marginalized fascists, ) -

to the most communist and far left -

that GORBACHEV AND YELTSIN AND THOSE around them ALLOWED themselves to be SEDUCED by the western ''offers of friendship" which TURNED OUT to be anything BUT...and the russian PEOPLE suffered as a result -- ..that's because russians -- while ACKNOWLEDGING , even being very engrossed in studying the re-assessing their his=tory (my experience in st petersburg showed me they ARE avery historic-minded people, and DO NOT hesitate to discuss ''the times of trouble" -- gulags, periods of strife, why, what were the conditions -- they are NOT afraid of confronting such things)

whatever imperfections, failures and atrocities within their own history in their own struggle to built a BETTER society--

the ONE thing that they ALL unite in is SOVEREIGNTY.

and that is why - DESPITE the early , initial atrocities caused by the BOLSHEVIKS -- largely jewish dictated - that caused deaths across the political differences -- millions and millions in fact..and stalin's own ''necessary policies" in the face of so much threat to the very fabric of the russian state's viability, the world war, etc -- and the decades after when things were loosened even more -- until the gorbachev 'perestroika" -- which - -BIG MISTAKE actually just LET IN PLUNDERERS conniving with INTERNAL plunderers --

the russians invariably - TO THIS VERY DAY - including the younger generation as they understand more of their history and OF COURSE remain in their cultural characteristics underlying everything else --

NEVER CONSIDERED the dissolution as even a necessary thing -- but that it borught on MORE misery than they had ever experienced WITH its presence -- and feel that more freeomds were VERY achievable BUT WITHIN the preservation of that Union. -

but they also understand - 'it is different russia now" - survived through the 1990's NEAR - DISINTEGRATION of russia itself -- which was and REMAINS the GOAL of the NEOCONS-- NEOLIBERALS like BRZEZINSKI, SOROS, ALBRIGHT AND their accolytes and followers of empire...(after all what COULD be a bigger TROPHY than to CONQUER russia/ eh?)

that there is no sense to ''go back" - PRESERVE or even REGAIN some of itS features -- SOCIAL programs REMAIN a priority for russians, free or very affordable education and health care REMAINS a CORE principle of russians other words - MANYof the same socialist principles of the USSR THAT THEY DID ENJOY and benefited FROM ..are what to russians JUST AS IMPORTANT as ever...they are in fact -- from what I HAVE gathered in my conversations with them -- quite PROUD of it as they see that in the west -- things are unaffordable that are BASIC necessities of a decent life...


Apr 14, 2013
Not funny but it made me smile. I think this happened only to you.:lol6:

Ha! Lucky you! I had a lot of awful things written in that post...

But to be fair to the site, in general the drafts are correctly saved, so (answering remarks both from BB and TTF) I do not think I need to edit outside it... just need to pay more attention. I do not want Billie laughing on my face anymore.


Apr 14, 2013
Because everything that gets suppressed at some point will boil back to the top and things get ugly again when given a chance

I could not agree more. This is one of the big differences that I have with "PC culture". PC culture heavily controls the language, imposes a given moral standard on everyone, and, surprise surprise, in some time a lot of suppressed feelings come out as hatred. I have never seen, to give an example, so much hatred against homosexuals in Brazil as I have seen in the last few years. One part is a despicable reaction to new levels of freedom, I agree, but other is people just reacting to being labeled homofobic out of nowhere.

Anyway, back to topic. Very interesting video, Billie, thanks a lot (it answers some questions I would make on the "From 1991..." thread). I guess you have seen this man talking other times, right? Because he seemed a bit nervous, as he knew he would receive dozens of nasty phone calls (to say the least) after the interview... or is it just an impression?

And by the way...

have your TEMER

It is not my Temer, I do not like him and never voted for him or his party. In fact, he is Rousseff´s Temer, as he was her VP....
But, don´t worry, he is bound to fall soon, I guess.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

the USA has NEVER painted ANY of its planes this way. ONLY the russians use the pastel type combinations such as light blue/white colors...PLUS A SINGLE RED STAR ...

since the F-18 resembles in shape the Russian Sukhoi 27 twin fin, as well as the modern Sukhoi 34 s that hav eproven so effective in syria.

anyone THAT knows WHAT THE usa is about -- knows theya re up to something to BLAME on russians. creepy.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
now why would the USA -- ''PROUD" ''greatest military on earth" as it claims WANT TO PAINT its jet in a way that does NOT distinguish ITS proclaimed GREATNESS from RUSSIAN jets ?

and therefore paints thme just about EXACTLY as RUSSIAN JETS ARE FAMOUS and EASILY recognizable for -- light-blue.white cones, real birds in the sky (this is similar to the way the huge very rare legendaryily beautiful and very high flying RUSSIAN CRANES - the real birds - with their famous white crowns and feathers with light blue or other pastel colored streaks) --


ONLY if the USA intends to BLAME RUSSIA for a dEVASTATING operation -- including BOMBING its OWN people or cities.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I could not agree more. This is one of the big differences that I have with "PC culture". PC culture heavily controls the language, imposes a given moral standard on everyone, and, surprise surprise, in some time a lot of suppressed feelings come out as hatred. I have never seen, to give an example, so much hatred against homosexuals in Brazil as I have seen in the last few years. One part is a despicable reaction to new levels of freedom, I agree, but other is people just reacting to being labeled homofobic out of nowhere.

Anyway, back to topic. Very interesting video, Billie, thanks a lot (it answers some questions I would make on the "From 1991..." thread). I guess you have seen this man talking other times, right? Because he seemed a bit nervous, as he knew he would receive dozens of nasty phone calls (to say the least) after the interview... or is it just an impression?

And by the way...

It is not my Temer, I do not like him and never voted for him or his party. In fact, he is Rousseff´s Temer, as he was her VP....
But, don´t worry, he is bound to fall soon, I guess.

speaking of politically correct speech...

as the west dictates it --

there were this group of WESTERN journalists IN russia questioning the

russian FOREIGN MINISTRY'S MARIA ZAKHAROVA -- IN HER press conference weekly...

and as she fielded questions -- a british guy asked her ''i would like to bring a point up to the SPOKES-PERSON"...

at which MARIA -- ever so SHARP -- first corrected him>

"before we go on -- you don't have to be SHY about calling me spokesWOMAN...i am a woman./ in russia -- we are not afraid of calling ourselves a woman or a man as is the case...we are not neuters".



Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
I could not agree more. This is one of the big differences that I have with "PC culture". PC culture heavily controls the language, imposes a given moral standard on everyone, and, surprise surprise, in some time a lot of suppressed feelings come out as hatred. I have never seen, to give an example, so much hatred against homosexuals in Brazil as I have seen in the last few years. One part is a despicable reaction to new levels of freedom, I agree, but other is people just reacting to being labeled homofobic out of nowhere.

Anyway, back to topic. Very interesting video, Billie, thanks a lot (it answers some questions I would make on the "From 1991..." thread). I guess you have seen this man talking other times, right? Because he seemed a bit nervous, as he knew he would receive dozens of nasty phone calls (to say the least) after the interview... or is it just an impression?

I don't think he was nervous, but it is a sensible topic so even though he is a former diplomat, he probably is used to weighing his words and what and how to say. Yes, I have seen him a few times on Canadian TV, you know how they like to invite somebody who was there and sort of an expert. They do the same thing with retired general Lewis Mackenzie, who was the first commander in the UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force) based in Sarajevo. I am sure there are articles and videos of his views on the situation from his point, I've read and seen them before. Canadians, due to the proximity of the USA, really have to follow their policies towards world, but are more even and are willing to listen to other sides in a conflict. I've never had any problems here and I mentioned it before Canada was the only western country to sponsor Serbian refugees during the war.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013

speaking of politically correct speech...

as the west dictates it --

there were this group of WESTERN journalists IN russia questioning the

russian FOREIGN MINISTRY'S MARIA ZAKHAROVA -- IN HER press conference weekly...

and as she fielded questions -- a british guy asked her ''i would like to bring a point up to the SPOKES-PERSON"...

at which MARIA -- ever so SHARP -- first corrected him>

"before we go on -- you don't have to be SHY about calling me spokesWOMAN...i am a woman./ in russia -- we are not afraid of calling ourselves a woman or a man as is the case...we are not neuters".


She is a fiery woman, I like her even though I generally don't like women in politics.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
She is a fiery woman, I like her even though I generally don't like women in politics.
What is that about? You don't like women in politics? Does that mean that there are no female politicians you have ever liked, or that you don't think women belong in politics? Either way, rather a disturbing statement.


Futures Player
Apr 15, 2013
Somewhere on the edge of society.
Have there ever been any 'great' female politicians worth remembering on the level of 'great' male politicians. I'm trying to think of some but I'm coming up short. Perhaps Thatcher, but since she was somewhat conservative I doubt the left would acknowledge her. Any ideas?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Merkel is definitely a heavyweight in the political world. Another worthy of consideration is Benazir Bhutto who was prime minister of Pakistan.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
She is a fiery woman, I like her even though I generally don't like women in politics.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ THIS -- the text beyond the ''BOLD" text
AS it is very personal (although i don't mind if you do if you are curious) -- and it's the only way to respond to BILLIE -- CONCERNING billie's discomfort with ''women in politics".

so the rest can always just SKIP over it - at ONCE before i relate to Billie my personal experience and why my response is as it is:
you can now SKIP anything below the double lines below.....

i think that in the modern world it's just more acceptable. or simply that it's more common...whether particular women who hold high national positions actually are warranted in the exercise of power.

imo -- women are just as capable of leadership -- even truly great leadership in the sense that most societies have expected ''great leaders" to be ...that is:

carrying out well-considered decisions, policies, etc. while it is true that the human society somehow has evolved in such a way that generally ''decisive'' - 'leadership'' positions are ''male" and based on the dichotomy between ''male and femal roles" -- that women are of the more 'supportive role " (without THIS being LESS important - in fact , probably MORE important than it is generally taken) -

there HAVE been women leaders -- right at the highest ''authoritative" levels.

examples abound really in history -- although of course NOT as many as males..but the point is -- regardless of the general history -- women leaders have been around.

even as ancient as egypt -- :

cleopatra, nefertiti (was so powerful and influential that despite the discomfort of a FEMALE to be Pharaoh -- she WAS accepted as such even if the ancient egyptians had to sort of make intellectual jumps to ''think" of her as MALE ..very hard concept) ..

queen victoria certainly ruled during the greatest expansion of the British Empire...
Empress Elizabeth of Russia -- soon followed by Empress Catherine "the Great" (the one who conquered crimea to build Russia's Naval fleet in the black sea almost 400 years ago -- and revered in russia for her tremendous modernizations - education, raising to power representatives of the vast ethnic, cultural, national expanse of the empire's span)..
Indira Gandhi, Israel's Golda Meir (one of the most militaristic in fact) ..

so it's also hard to say if MORE QUANTITY would have produced truly ''great" ones as measured by NOT their ''being women" or their ''novelty" or ''breaking the gender barrier" in the world or in THEIR societies and cultural norms...but simply by BEING A leader -- whether male of female -- because of their particular instinct and intelligence and decisiveness to create a great influence in shaping their societies. ..such as one would also measure MEN with.

i can share, Billie -- my personal , very personal story of it. from my own family .

my mother -- she's passed away long ago now...was indeed one of the most influential individuals in our entire province for decades -- in education, in social, cultural, civic matters...she was an educator, who basically could persuade very powerful people to raise projects that no one else would consider..such as laying the foundations of what became the first 'notre dame" school in the philippines -- and it turns out in all of asia...and this was copied by other towns, which she also becme instrumental in helping put together...gathering the support of the appropriate community leaders, high officials, religious figures, etc. etc. etc- accreditions and all that. the education of teachers...

and then basically gave what even TODAY many decades later the town i gew up in basically remember as ''the town mrs J built"-- based on the passion she had for education - will take too long to list all these matters...but ideas, ideas, ideas -- she always came up with -- including concern for what happens to teachers when they are old -- so - she again worked on getting the school that had now become very influential and established in the province to have funds for investment for pensions -- and very affordable housing...and NOW it is also a thing most others have adopted...

we were all used to seeing ''mommy'' always busy with such matters -- giving lectures, in between her teaching schedules, planning and teaching and rehearsing the cultural presentations that were like the annual ''celebrations" for the town and even other towns when these presentations would be ''bused" by our town and school to OTHER towns - and that TOO became a lkind of tradition through the province (which is LARGE one)

to us at home this was ''normal" as if it was nothign so special and only now i begin to realize "how did mommy find all that time and still pay attention to us at home -- as well as her friends on their relaxing time at the porch just trading jokes?"...

but my point is -- when there came a time that GOVERNORSHIP in this province came around -- people from different factions - villages outside the town - both muslims and christians came to our house to ASK my dad and the fmaily to please "LET your mother run -- she is who we need"...

and then we all had a meeting as family to give our ideas -- and in the end we all agreed -- and my mom agreed too -- NO -- it was going to be DIRTY this time -- and we all felt that her influence and the respect of the province and even beyond was - evne if it means ''losing the chance for " say - a better salary and influence AFTER her very likely officiating -- was too important to allow ''political power" - as there were simply too many interests around. and that it was better that she just continue in her own way-- that she basically ut down to one word in all that she did:

|"encouraging people to learn and to be kind to each other" that was all she was about - as we found out -- behind ALL that huge , unending achievements..she seemed happy enough to still - despite all her very, very busy days - a conference to make a speech here , a convention there, meeting important people next, teaching the subjects, training the choirs, bring her college assistants to the far villages and getting rained on in the mud to reach really backwater areas to encourage and teach villagers about sanitation and avoiding drinking water from the river to prevent diseases, getting the villagers to create their cottage industries and learn how to do their accounting so their earnings are was just hard to undertstand why she did those things -- my dad sometimes even got mad:

"there you go again -- you know its raining hard and those motorcycles you have to ride with your students will not make it in the mud and you have to walk knee deep -- enough!!".

and she'd go quiet -- until my dad's anger would dissipate after a few days and she'd ask his permission again -- and of course he couldn't refuse , lol.......

so -- my point is - WOMEN CAN BE AS GREAT AS LEADERS , organizers, etc...

but a lot depends -- whether male or female WHAT THEY USE their leadership and authority -- and or the respect for that authority -- FOR.

SHE USED it , imo, in such a way (and of cousre why woulnd't i be biased?) -
to - for exmaple : regularly visit some of our neighbors who were really, really poor (we were not ourselves rich at all, just ''medium" - i guess) -

''secretly" push a few pesos to the neighbor once in a while - on her teacher's and dean's salary really - and this is how we were made to understand we could not just have anything we wanted..."there are always those less off then we are" -- she would often say...and then get one of our childhoold playmates who in our more young adult years had , in their own desperation just finding what labor work they could do , turned to robbing - and were shunned by many...and convinced him to change -- and arranged for the school to give him some kind of night school scholarship for some trade or work-study
so that as his own desperate mother who was oly a laundry woman would in her old age need some help , at least his life was not so hellish..

she did those 'little'' things that no one really knew about...while at the same time big names - CEO'S from huge national industries were oftne amazed at her intellgienc ein the high social circles...

yet she never took advantage "for the family" to get ''favors" or anything like tht at all - we remained just ''basic" ...

it's only when i last saw her as she was already in coma from brain cancer on her last months - and i managed to go home after so long (i coulnd't afford to do so more often) -- that as the house was always filled with visitors 24 hours all those months -- i was told -- before and after i stayed home for a month until she died some weeks later after i left due to my own obligations -

that these visitors at all hours - from the town, other towns and cities, and provinces, and not least -- the villages and barrios i never evne heard of...just hundreds, hundres of people coming and going..taking it upon themselves to take turns sleeping in her room to make sure she was comfortable...clean and all that -- flower and orchids that made the house look like a flower shop everywhere, lol...

basically the thousands of people she had inspired --

and it was when these people that i never knew told their stories...
''u know - ted -- your mom is the reason i am a lawyer now..your mom is the reason i realized my ambitions -- and now i have my own business, u know it's your mom that gave me the idea of staring my own orchid farm and now i have a farm supplying world markets..u know ..your mom did this for my family ...u knw, u know...when i was in prison becuse i was a criminal -- your mom came and they arranged for me to do things different -- u know, u know, u know...

i just could not believe it....and these were COMPLETE strangers most of them ........and then one really, really dark night -- when most were not maybe 3 after midnight -- this troop of jeeps, vans, probably five or so of them -- with MUSLIMS bristling with weapons !! came...were were then drinking outside in the porch -- and i got so frightened...and my brothers and friends said "don't worry ted...they know us".

nd they sat with my brothers -- after about an hour - they left after i was introduced and they shook our hands...and left..and my brothers told me>

"ted -- u know who those were? they are the muslim rebels...the high chieftains from different areas and tribes...they fcame here to tell us:
"that should anything worse happen beween the governemnt and muslims...our family is never going to be touched -- and they spread this throughout their villages across the province -- because they said it was mom that dared to go to their villages -- in rain, in mud, when even the government would not go or be trusted -- and she never talked about religion or anything -- but simply to ask them to bring education to their people -- build their schools, cultivate their cottage industries -- find ways to make peace because we are the same people no matter what... and consider the ways to gain the support from the government that their communities felt neglected about...".

so - in a sense i think i saw ''LEADERSHIP" as ONLY perhaps a WOMAN can accomplish.

what i find UNFORTUNATE is when WOMEN USE this privilege of authority and influence to ACT AND DECIDE AS IF THEY ARE MEN !!!


and - that -- imo -- is why , in a sense, someone like yourself, Billie , CAN FEEL uncomfortable about seeing 'women in politics" --

BECAUSE we have mostly seen examples LIKE HILLARY CLINTON -- who wanted tos how '"i have bigger balls than my husband and all the gnerals"!
or condi rice and her ''WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" TO show "who is boss!".

you know what i mean. they do NOT NURTURE AND LEAD AS NURTURERS -- AND TEACH SOCIETY THIS WOMAN'S beautiful way that men are not as EQUIPPED to achieve -- and instead try to be ''the female MAN".

THE FEMALE ''man of wars". of all kinds. rather than the woman who weaves society to come together and help create harmony , balance nd peace...which i think my own mother lived her life for...

SORRY that i have to use THAT AS example -- but it has always been how I LOOKED at ''authority" or 'influence' or ''example" because it is what i grew up with...

others here don't have to read it -- as this is specially for Billie -- so you can understand that I can somehow understand what YOU mean about ''women in politics".
Last edited:
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
She is a fiery woman, I like her even though I generally don't like women in politics.

just over a month ago -- at the UNSC WHEN - as it was so obvious -- as the russian, syrian army were successfully clearing up aleppo of the INVADER AND CONSCRIPTED TERRORISTS brought to existence by the USA/UK/.FRANCE, SAUDI ARABIA AND QATAR -- to destory yet another country in their project to ''remake the middle east" -- and ''seven countries to reshape"

-- SAMANTHA POWERS was grandstanding, as usual, about 'humanitarianism" -- with HER blood thirsty wars -- like HER LIBYA project - --

and was berating russia about ''concern for human rights" -- "'this is BARBARISM AND SAVAGERY" !!!!

ZAKHAROVA -- sarcastically tweeted and in her press conferece:

"it is bizarre to witness someone whose ideas of humanitarianism led to the destruction of entire countries with the result in terrorism and head-chopping that they call moderate rebels because she and the country she represents likes to bring democracy everywhere...."...

"perhaps we should call her from now on SAMANTHA BARBARA".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Merkel is definitely a heavyweight in the political world. Another worthy of consideration is Benazir Bhutto who was prime minister of Pakistan.

this is true - in its own way of course.

so much so that sometimes it is even described as "germany has won the second world war over europe , after all".


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Merkel is definitely a heavyweight in the political world. Another worthy of consideration is Benazir Bhutto who was prime minister of Pakistan.
Without regard to politics, of course, which Asmo mentions. Golda Meir should be in the conversation. Likewise, Eva Peron. And 3 of the longest-serving and most-influential monarchs in Britain are Elizabeth I, Victoria, and Elizabeth II.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
in very related ways -- Billie's discomfort with ''women in politics"

is also very well-founded...if based on examples so far -- at least in our lifetimes or recent decades -- the results under the authority of such individuals have been DISASTROUS.

if anything -- they have largely been highly militaristic, war-hungry, whether as actual ''deciders" or as ''advisers" or ''acting on behalf of" authority.

a few names will suffice:

JEAN KIRKPATRICK -- began in the last 40 years what can really be said as the ''age of women WAR-LOVING" hawks - US ambassador to UN under reagan.responsible for that MESS of massacred US troops in BEIRUT in the USA attempt to OCCUPY that country -- and ended up WITH UNCLE SAM being sent away TAIL BETWEEN THE a few locals...

MARGARET thatcher -- herself who had to show the world the British empire didn't go off into the sunset at the end of world war 2 -- but got MUSCLE , YAAAAA...nevermind that the money to finance THAT had to come from TREASURY (naturally -- dismantle social service and health care and rail -transport, eh? -- who cares about the ordinary folks anyway? they're , u kow -- ''just individuals without a country" anyway , if you get my meaning)

HILLRY KILLTON -- we all know about..the mistress of american imperial Pivot to EVERYWHERE...damn it -- gotta have me some WAR where ''we came we say -- THEY die"!!!

cCONDI RICE -- she that loved to wear NAZI-STYLE BLACK LEATHER..OH YA!!!show off her TALENT at the PIANO playing BRAHMS whle her empire's storm troopers just descend on IRAQ to ''liberate" its people from the burden of all that OIL condi's CHEVRON is hungry for with a TANKER named after former Board MEMBER condi, eh?

VICKY NULAND/ ? u know the child of EXPAT russians who just believs so much (like quite a few of such russians abroad) that RUSSIANS don't deserve to have their own country -- so better just hand it over to UNCLE SAM? ya -- what's a few COUPS in kiev and put up NAZIS and fascists and call them PEACEFUL democrats? eh?

THERESA MAY -- she may be NEW but , boooooyyyy,,,does she already LOVE her little ''war behind the Saudi/qatari royals" against YEMENIS (WHO , mind you are the REAL owners of much of saudi arabian OIL provinces -- just ask long dead LAWRENCE of arabia where HE and the SAUDI ROYAL boyfriends of his long ago REALLY took it from! lol) ....

ANGIE -- ANGIE, ANGIE -- the great AUNTIE of disastrous 'European union" NEW FASCISM -- and grand plunderer of Greece (and if you let her - portugal, spain, italy..just you wait -- by igiving her another TERM, LOL.

not to mention uncle sam's most LOYAL SERVANT in ''sanctions" to ''stand up to russia' -- ''in defense of western values" -- that everyone can see play in movie theatres near you...with various titles like ''THE COLLAPSE OF EUROPE"

and what about that strange nose looking JILL GILLIGAND something of australia ? what has SHE done ? nothing worth bothering about -- except to poke her pointy nose as hard up uncle sam's ASS - that's what...

and wht has SOUTH KOREA'S ''daughter of park chung hee" done/ ?" why -- just preside over MORE american PERMANENT troops on KOREAN soil and push for WAR against the mainland/-- AND earning with her corruption -- oh -- just 95 percent DEMAND for her to step down by the quite political minded citizens of korea (they do know their politics -- i can tell you that)

and not toe be left out -- what's up with that RACIST GENOCIDAL little tyrant of her own AUNG-SAN-SU-KYII of Burma ? the ''ASIAN joan of arc" so beloved by her Western backers -- that's turned out to be just a blood-thirsty little bitch?

now let's NOT forget the LOVELY MISS SHINAWATRA -- former THAILAND BEAUTY QUEEN and sister of THAKSIN in their ''dynastic" collaboration with the USA/BRITAIN to SELL OUT their country -- destroy their cultur'es CENTURIES OLD REVERED system of the KINGDOM and replace it with THEMSELVES? -- THANK GOODNESS the THAI PEOPLE and military KNEW ENOUGH to kick them out -- as the western ''soft coup" regime that they actually WERE!!

AND I AM NOT ''prejudiced" -- i am NOT leaving out MY home country- philippines' OWN CORY AQUINO of the aquino dynasty of big land-owners (believe me -- i KNOW the inside story of connections on THIS one, lol) - and her husband's MARTYRDOM -- so they say -- as the homecoming "true president in exile" in USA universities professorship

to be 'killed" by marcos henchmen -- when in fact -- it was a SLOW GRINDING CIA operation to ''get rid of out of control marcos the dictator" -- because - in reality MARCOS HAD BEGUN to expand relations with CHINA AND RUSSIA -- and that was the biggest NO NO to uncle sam

HE had to be got rid of (with reagan on telephone saying "'no"" just go into retirement in hawaii -- australian subs will pick you up -- and go quietly and let OUR next replacement take over, ok, BOY? YOU were disobedient -- you making friends with MOSCOW AND BEIJING!! so CORY has to come in with ''people power now" -- and very likely the FIRST of the last 30 year's ''REGIME CHANGE" operations of ''former allies gone disobedient"

NO wonder they're trying it all over again against DUTERTE for the similar reasons and now cultivating his ''lady vice president robredo" ''i don't agree with the president" --

just like getting rid of saddam , gaddafi, milosevich -- with all their SINS of DISOBEDIENCE to uncle sam eh? what's better than bringing in soem WOMEN - like merkel, mogherini, ..............get it, folks?

but cant blame CORY for ''filling in" as the martyred ''widow" just to make sure UNCLE SAM is BOSS in the house of the


and of course let us NOT FORGET THE QUEEN OF CROCODILE humanitarian values -- WAR LOVING BLOODTHIRSTY SAMANTHA BARBARA herself!!! ooooo weeeeee......

now having SUCH examples of women ''in political global power".......oh my god -- no wonder Billie just might have a POINT !!! UNLESS some will say 'it's being sexist"

after all women shoUld hav EQUAL RIGHTS to BE AT THE HELM OF MASS MURDER , PLUNDER AND PILLAGE OF NATIONS -- why let only the men do it?

THAT'S WHAT FEMININISM AND WOMEN'S ''equal right's is all " about anyway -- shouldn't that be so -- according to some very ''progressive " thinkers? like KILLARY KILLTON? and her fellow LADY MACBETHS?

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