Clay Death said:
well general nekro you always have innovative ideas.
if you think it can help us in the long run scheme of things and at least bring the castle concept more exposure then go ahead and do it mate.
I know you have wanted to do this.
you, slasher, and masterclass can run it.
I can see some positive things from my own vantage point: I can just think of it as a frontier military post that will be lightly manned.
I use the tennis forums castle to have some added exposure and to recruit.
people land at t4u and at tennis forums when they get banned or perma banned from mtf.
so we can go there to recruit.
my primary focus now is help bring about growth here.
if you have the time then go ahead general.
keep in mind that we need you here also. you and betty are integral parts of the castle.
do it general. you have wanted to do it for a long time now.
OFC it helps us, there's a castle even on the WTA board and we rarely go there.....
ok we wait for Slasher and mc to show up and discuss the details and ofc someone has to sticky the thread there, and fire up our new volume on monday at max.....
I don't think the girls will post there as long as that abomination Alex is there but it's tot ok to have a castle there too, maybe it will be a bit slower first but maybe it will bring back some people like Nick and others..... and ofc we got lots of volumes in only 6 months, we can rebuild again

the real strength is in getting back up after a setback

and many people will be happy to see you there

we'll just ignore the detractors, let them mouth away, in the long run we defeat them all