The Castle

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Clay Death said:
lady moxie javi was talking about another forum and not tennis frontier. he was talking about TF (tennis forums) not being his cup of tea.

it is not my cup of tea either. we use the TF (tennis forums) castle strictly as an unmanned military post. he is a very busy man. he will come see us here when he can. he is one of the key founders of the castle. it was our idea. we gave it life and we found a way to make it work. he owns the castle so he can do whatever he pleases.

I'm sorry, but that was not clear that he was talking about another site. In any case, he can't 'do whatever he pleases,' if what he pleases is to use detrimental language. However, he's very welcome here. We'll see if we meet his standards, I guess. :cool:


Masters Champion
Jul 24, 2013
Tomorrow's schedule:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Gulf Coast
Moxie629 said:
Clay Death said:
lady moxie javi was talking about another forum and not tennis frontier. he was talking about TF (tennis forums) not being his cup of tea.

it is not my cup of tea either. we use the TF (tennis forums) castle strictly as an unmanned military post. he is a very busy man. he will come see us here when he can. he is one of the key founders of the castle. it was our idea. we gave it life and we found a way to make it work. he owns the castle so he can do whatever he pleases.

I'm sorry, but that was not clear that he was talking about another site. In any case, he can't 'do whatever he pleases,' if what he pleases is to use detrimental language. However, he's very welcome here. We'll see if we meet his standards, I guess. :cool:

he is Mr MTF and the most popular poster in the world.

shall we say that he is somewhat of a celebrity.

women are lined up to marry him from here to china.

he gets 1000 marriage proposals a month.

lets put it this way: he is the coolest cat you will ever meet.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Moxie629 said:
Clay Death said:
lady moxie javi was talking about another forum and not tennis frontier. he was talking about TF (tennis forums) not being his cup of tea.

it is not my cup of tea either. we use the TF (tennis forums) castle strictly as an unmanned military post. he is a very busy man. he will come see us here when he can. he is one of the key founders of the castle. it was our idea. we gave it life and we found a way to make it work. he owns the castle so he can do whatever he pleases.

I'm sorry, but that was not clear that he was talking about another site. In any case, he can't 'do whatever he pleases,' if what he pleases is to use detrimental language. However, he's very welcome here. We'll see if we meet his standards, I guess. :cool:

Mox, I think CD is referring to and Enrique previously founding the castle there.

I must confess I got a bit confused with reference to the TF Castle. Anyway, I think we should be THE TF Castle now, and the other one should be the "tf" lower case castle ;)


Masters Champion
Jul 24, 2013
Moxie629 said:
Clay Death said:
lady moxie javi was talking about another forum and not tennis frontier. he was talking about TF (tennis forums) not being his cup of tea.

it is not my cup of tea either. we use the TF (tennis forums) castle strictly as an unmanned military post. he is a very busy man. he will come see us here when he can. he is one of the key founders of the castle. it was our idea. we gave it life and we found a way to make it work. he owns the castle so he can do whatever he pleases.

I'm sorry, but that was not clear that he was talking about another site. In any case, he can't 'do whatever he pleases,' if what he pleases is to use detrimental language. However, he's very welcome here. We'll see if we meet his standards, I guess. :cool:

If I am here then all of Javier's standards have been met.

:p @ Jav.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Gulf Coast
javi is the founding father of all castles. nothing could have been achieved without his energy and his intelligence.


Emma said:
EnriqueIG8 said:
Emma said:
Working straight since 7:45am this morning and now finally getting a break. Got a lot done since I didn't have any meetings. Andy's match to start in half an hour or so. I'll have to just follow the scoreboard as I am at work.

Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to Enrique (Javier, Javi etc. :p).

Thanks for the warm welcome Ems. I'll embrace it.

Your boy just escaped in the second set thus far against Marcel Gruntollers.

Straight sets win, baby. That's no escape. That's called a clear win. :p

Speaking of grunts, I've problems with a few and Ferrer is one of them. What do you think?

Congrats dear! He escaped because he was 2-5 down :p
Gulbis next!

I have a lot of respect for Ferru but he is not my favourite. Guga was also a notorious grunter but he is in my heart forever! :D


Masters Champion
Jul 24, 2013
Clay Death said:
Moxie629 said:
Clay Death said:
lady moxie javi was talking about another forum and not tennis frontier. he was talking about TF (tennis forums) not being his cup of tea.

it is not my cup of tea either. we use the TF (tennis forums) castle strictly as an unmanned military post. he is a very busy man. he will come see us here when he can. he is one of the key founders of the castle. it was our idea. we gave it life and we found a way to make it work. he owns the castle so he can do whatever he pleases.

I'm sorry, but that was not clear that he was talking about another site. In any case, he can't 'do whatever he pleases,' if what he pleases is to use detrimental language. However, he's very welcome here. We'll see if we meet his standards, I guess. :cool:

he is Mr MTF and the most popular poster in the world.

shall we say that he is somewhat of a celebrity.

women are lined up to marry him from here to china.

he gets 1000 marriage proposals a month.

lets put it this way: he is the coolest cat you will ever meet.

herc darling, you know there's exaggerations and then there's exaggerations. I sincerely ask, which is it?


Masters Champion
Jul 24, 2013
I demand a thread to myself called "Emma's Cafe" and I like to challenge herc's Castle.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Gulf Coast
I have a special place in my heart for guga and the mosquito as well. gug`s record speaks for itself.

mosquito was amazing. he was faster than lightening and he played with such ease. he floated around the court.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
britbox said:
Clay Death said:
women are lined up to marry him from here to china.
he gets 1000 marriage proposals a month.


We shall see. Reputation doesn't arrive by proclamation of one. And apparently Emma isn't convinced, either. ;)


Moxie629 said:
EnriqueIG8 said:
Clay Death said:
Javier and I go way back. We are two of kind. We are warriors of the highest order.
General I am out on the road at the moment.
damn good to see you mate.
Baron will show you around.
I will try to catch up with you later this evening if you happen to be around.

I promised that I would visit this forum. The style/lay out is not amazing but I guess it's alright. Does this forum also has an android app like tapatalk or vs sports?

Good to see you pal, our TF Castle is not going to work. Nothing against those people but seems like all they talk about is WTA and gay stuff. Not my cup of tea.

EnriqueIG8 said:
Yeah we kind of brought life to MTF's Castle after some other people f&cked you over there. I don't know in what state it is now since I don't check it that often.

I don't know this Alex dude very well, but judging from what happened he seems like a jerk. Firing racist/discriminatory remarks against you. The stuff he did to Feldman/Clay Death is unacceptable. Did he really lie about having cancer too by the way?

EnriqueIG8/Javi: You are welcome here, but I can understand if we're not your 'cup of tea.' Yes, we have an active WTA forum here. And I'm not sure what you mean by "gay stuff," but that seems a bit surprising coming from someone who then complained about "racist/discriminatory" remarks on another forum. We don't tolerate it here, if that's a concern. We DO tolerate discussion about politics and various other topics, in the appropriate threads. I hope you'll give us a try. If it doesn't work for you, we'll wish you well for landing on a forum that suits you better.

Hey Moxie! Thanks for the welcome.
Let me explain myself here, of course I don't hold a grudge against gay people but on TF there seems to be a lot of drama going on. I'm not saying I associate drama stuff with gay people but outside of the Castle there there are a lot of inappropriate comments and other stuff. I mean, I also don't make these comments as a straight person. You know you have excessive gays as well as straights but that's what I wanted to say.

I don't see how you make the comparison in "gay stuff" being racist/discriminatory but okay. I just made a comment that I didn't really felt comfortable and at ease on TF (so did Clay Death). The fact that I ain't involved with the excessive gay activism doesn't mean I am homophobic :)


Masters Champion
Jul 24, 2013
EnriqueIG8 said:
Emma said:
EnriqueIG8 said:
Emma said:
Working straight since 7:45am this morning and now finally getting a break. Got a lot done since I didn't have any meetings. Andy's match to start in half an hour or so. I'll have to just follow the scoreboard as I am at work.

Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to Enrique (Javier, Javi etc. :p).

Thanks for the warm welcome Ems. I'll embrace it.

Your boy just escaped in the second set thus far against Marcel Gruntollers.

Straight sets win, baby. That's no escape. That's called a clear win. :p

Speaking of grunts, I've problems with a few and Ferrer is one of them. What do you think?

Congrats dear! He escaped because he was 2-5 down :p
Gulbis next!

I have a lot of respect for Ferru but he is not my favourite. Guga was also a notorious grunter but he is in my heart forever! :D

Isn't he always down and then comes back? I can tell you what happens with him typically, or in fact, today. He was very much looking forward to today's match so he got off to a great start and got 2 breaks up. After that he got a bit bored and distracted so gave one break back and then got somewhat serious and took the first set. And now he is really bored and goes down to 2-5 quickly. Finally something interesting is happening so he gets his attention back and breaks him back just in time to force a TB. And now he has enough fun and wants to finish it off rather quickly hence 7-2 result in the TB.

You understand my dear now the difference between 'escaped' and 'clear win'? :p

I loved Guga. Ferrer is no match even gruntwise. I believe we are finally on the same page here.


Masters Champion
Jul 14, 2013
Moxie629 said:
britbox said:
Clay Death said:
women are lined up to marry him from here to china.
he gets 1000 marriage proposals a month.


We shall see. Reputation doesn't arrive by proclamation of one. And apparently Emma isn't convinced, either. ;)



Masters Champion
Jul 24, 2013
Clay Death said:
I have a special place in my heart for guga and the mosquito as well. gug`s record speaks for itself.

mosquito was amazing. he was faster than lightening and he played with such ease. he floated around the court.

I have no idea who this mosquito you speak of. Can I take a guess though? Is it by any chance Muster?


Masters Champion
Jul 14, 2013
With all this rain i think i will say goodnight,it's 2am here.


Clay Death said:
EnriqueIG8 said:
Clay Death said:
Javier and I go way back. We are two of kind. We are warriors of the highest order.

General I am out on the road at the moment.

damn good to see you mate.

Baron will show you around.

I will try to catch up with you later this evening if you happen to be around.

I promised that I would visit this forum. The style/lay out is not amazing but I guess it's alright. Does this forum also has an android app like tapatalk or vs sports?

Good to see you pal, our TF Castle is not going to work. Nothing against those people but seems like all they talk about is WTA and gay stuff. Not my cup of tea.

vamossssssssss generalito. I have missed you man.

that TF castle is just an unmanned outpost. I use it to recruit people.

I agree generalito: its is not my cup of tea either. TF was never going to work for us.

also we are a lot busier these days anyway.

well this is a cool place generalito. baron runs a fine ship.

he is not going to allow lunatics to destroy this forum.

baron and tented care about the castle and us. that is all that matters to us.

they are both ultra intelligent, reasonable, objective, and thoughtful.

that goes a long way in my book.

generalito you and baron have a lot in common. both of you are the ultimate masters of many sports.

Yeah that's what I was talking about it. I never felt comfortable at TF (TennisForum) because of the majority of them talking about WTA and I like ATP much more.

We cannot be seperated right? It took a little longer for me to eventually visit this forum but I have been extremely busy. I am not even at home right now.

Hopefully we can put a renaissance to our beloved Castle. I for one, am not going to post in that abomination of an "Ye Olde Village thing" on T4U. Nothing against Scott and the other but I won't take part of that.

We are the true founders of the Castle concept and if they wanna lynch the founding father they better suit it theirselves.
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