's "50 Greatest Players of Open Era" - who are your top 25?

El Dude

Apr 14, 2013
Federberg, what exactly am I misrepresenting myself about? And how would you know? Do you know me outside of this forum? The only thing I can think of that you've mentioned is that you seem to think I consider myself some tennis expert. This is absurd because I have stated numerous times that I don't know much about the game itself on court, having never played more than casually. My interest in the history and analytics side of things is mostly about my interest in getting to know the game better. I am not an expert nor have I ever claimed to be; I am a student of tennis history and analysis, that is all.

Or is it something else? I'm honestly curious about what you think I'm misrepresenting myself about. You've also called me passive aggressive several times, but that may simply be because I'm not "aggressive aggressive" like you, and prefer not to solve disagreements with insults. ;)

Am I sometimes defensive? Sure, I will own that. I am human, after all. "The most defensive character on this forum?" That is ironic coming from a guy whose "robust debates" often end up with you insulting people. In fact, it seems to be your MO when debates don't go the way you want them to: you resort to flinging shit. Yet you seem unable to own that, at all, and instead insist on getting me to own stuff, most of which is just your projection. To be honest, Federberg, this seems based upon insecurity: you don't like it when someone won't bend to your will, or if you sense is making more sense than you, so you resort to insults.

The reason I call you out is that the above is bullying, obnoxious, and overly aggressive behavior. It detracts from actual real conversation.


Apr 22, 2013
hmmm... so much to deal with. Like a feast :)

You do misrepresent yourself mate. You're doing it again now. You act like you're a rational actor, but frankly you're being dishonest in your own particular style. You're entirely happy trying to disparage others but you try to be inoffensive about it. Be a man, be open about it. You claim to analyse tennis but you don't. You make declarative statements under the guise of opinion. Perhaps the problem is as simple as your inability to communicate clearly - I don't know and I don't care - but I'm far from the only one to notice it. it's just the worst from of pseudo-intellectualism. It amuses me that you get upset when I call you on it. Let me clue you in, posting reams of data and trying to twist a definitive conclusion from it is not analysis. It's just your opinion under the guise of the dissemination of facts. That's not being non-contentious it's just lacking the courage of your own convictions. Your pathetic need to act scholarly might force others to concede to you, but it doesn't impress me in the least, and by the way go and re-read 'Stranger in a Strange Land' and learn what "grok" actually means, if you think it simply means understanding then you're even more what I think you are. I felt genuinely embarrassed for you. I have to believe you're smart enough to know exactly what you're doing, so I'll assume your protestations of innocence are just further evidence of your fraudulence.

Name calling? I'll tell you something for free mate, I'm a counterpuncher. Sure sometimes if I feel something needs to be said that's exactly what I'll do. But let's see.... confronting Ricardo for misogyny? I'm cool with that. He gives as good as he gets (almost) and I'll say this for him, he owns his shit. He might hate my guts for our run in, but we actually agree on a heck of a lot where tennis is concerned. Nekro? An unabashed racist and anti-semite, again... I'm owning going for him and I would do it again. If folks say things that are so far out of bounds I'll say what I feel I need to do to get into their head. Frankly I question people like you who are entirely happy to joke around with people like Nekro purely because they agree with a point you're making. It's disgusting and speaks to your character, I hope you own that. I think you'll find mate that there are precious few others where I've actually resorted to insult, you're confusing volume with targets. But why am I surprised you came to that conclusion? Your inability to make use of the data you yourself collect tells me that this type of misapprehension is inevitable. You might want to delude yourself that I insult lots of people if a debate isn't going my way, but mate that's who you are, not everyone is defensive like you. You're plotting your own narrative which is quite amusing. I will own that I called Carol a dolt, and while I'm not apologising for it, that was genuine temper for constant trolling. I shouldn't have done that, I should simply have done what I ended up doing. Now I don't see anything she posts anymore so life is good. But let's go back to your projection. I think your diagnosis is correct, your defensiveness is about your insecurity. I have no problem being wrong, and I'll man up if I believe my argument is disproved. You don't do that even when it's obvious you've changed your ground and are retreating, you're so desperate to maintain this faultless persona of yours. I don't think you could advertise your insecurity more effectively if you took out an ad on youtube :D

I don't require you to change your behaviour. If you want to come at me that's fine with me. Just be man enough to admit it. The audience isn't dumb, lazy maybe, so you're seen for what you are. Call out whatever you want, I'm not impressed. I would rather be overly aggressive than weaselly and dishonest. The only difference between me and others is that I'm so tired of your shit I'm willing to call you out on it


Apr 22, 2013
and don't bother trying to litigate my response. I'm just going to ignore it. I've said my peace. Carry on... :)

El Dude

Apr 14, 2013
and don't bother trying to litigate my response. I'm just going to ignore it. I've said my peace. Carry on... :)

I think this says it all: you spew shit and then plug your ears. Your hateful rant is just that: just you being hateful and projecting wildly. While there is a grain of truth to some of what you say, you are mostly off on your characterization of me. In fact, some of it is so off and even the exact opposite of what I know to be true about myself that it just makes me scratch my head and wonder how you came up with this stuff.

I’ve done a ton of psychological work, both on myself and with the help of others. I have studied and practiced various psychological and spiritual approaches for decades and have a pretty good grasp on who I am. I know my faults and have faced my shadow, and it has often been quite painful and difficult to see certain truths about myself. But I’ve done the work. I don’t claim to know myself fully and completely, and I am far from perfect; the nature of the shadow is that there are always aspects of ourselves that we cannot see. But I’m fairly certain that most of your vituperative spiel is about you and has little to do with me.

Until you see this about yourself and own it, there’s really no point in having this conversation. This is why I suggested seeing a therapist: someone to help guide you in the process of greater self-awareness, facing your shadow, and coming to terms with that rather nasty temper of yours, which leads to you spewing vitriol everywhere like a hurt little boy and projecting your own issues onto everyone else. For whatever reason I have become the main recipient of it on this board (although not the only one). Frankly, I’m not interested - unless you want to pay me by the hour. What’s the going rate for therapists in the UK?

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