

Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013

ONCE MORE -- to clarify -- they are civilians that ONLY RUSSIA AND SYRIA are trying to rescue and bring humanitarian aid to -- REAL ONE -- whose neighborhood and city was INVADED by TERRORISTS ISIL, AL QAEDA


Ummm, you do know that most civilians started fleeing the country before ISIS showed up right? As a result of Assad troops massacring them and forcing them to live in inhuman conditions?

And just a question... Do you think Putin has some kind of super smart baddie only bombs that he drops with Russian air strikes or do you rightly assume that he too, is contributing to killing civilians?

The white knighting of Assad and Russia in this post verges on the offensive.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Ummm, you do know that most civilians started fleeing the country before ISIS showed up right? As a result of Assad troops massacring them and forcing them to live in inhuman conditions?

And just a question... Do you think Putin has some kind of super smart baddie only bombs that he drops with Russian air strikes or do you rightly assume that he too, is contributing to killing civilians?

The white knighting of Assad and Russia in this post verges on the offensive.

and who TOLD you THAT? THE ''FREE SYRIA" JOURNALIST ''resource"

that the western MSM DEPEND ON -- for ''truth?"

you know that BELLINGCAT unemployed bloke in some apartment in london? lol.

you are regurgitating exactly what is supposed to be 'truth"

"assad must go because he massacred his own people"

do you KNOW actual syrians any MORE than anyone HERE does?

i happen to know plenty, plenty, plenty of syrians, lebanese, iraqis --

ALL agree -- the notion promoted about assad "causing" the MASS MIGRATIONS" IS ALL A LIE.
and i am talking about syrians of ALL stripes -..whether alawite, shiite, sunni, etc...who are YOU?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
AS FOR PUTIN -- it is CLEAR that since the RUSSIANS CAME -- THE TERRORISTS -- whom you SEEM to make excuses FOR just like the USA DOES --

TERRORISTS are in miserable shape. what -- are you going to tell us about ''mdoerate rebels" now TOO?



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Ummm, you do know that most civilians started fleeing the country before ISIS showed up right? As a result of Assad troops massacring them and forcing them to live in inhuman conditions?

And just a question... Do you think Putin has some kind of super smart baddie only bombs that he drops with Russian air strikes or do you rightly assume that he too, is contributing to killing civilians?

The white knighting of Assad and Russia in this post verges on the offensive.


CAUSED THE TERRORISTS to bring misery to the ENTIRE middle east.

so tell me Brokenshoelace

WHAT IS YOUR REAL INTEREST IN what can only be impressed from is your RESENTMENT that russia and assad are SUCCEEDING in taking back SYRIA FROM THE TERRORISTS?

DOES YOUR lebanese community in CANADA -- a member of NATO -- have any interest in seeing "assad must go?"

hmmmmmmmmmm? are you one of those ''expatriate" middle easterners LIKE HUMA ABEDIN -- who LICK uncle sam's and the western alliance's IMPERIAL forays into CARVING UP SYRIA into ''zones of influence" -- for CERTAIN commercial ingterests? hmmmm?


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
and who TOLD you THAT? THE ''FREE SYRIA" JOURNALIST ''resource"

that the western MSM DEPEND ON -- for ''truth?"

you know that BELLINGCAT unemployed bloke in some apartment in london? lol.

you are regurgitating exactly what is supposed to be 'truth"

"assad must go because he massacred his own people"

do you KNOW actual syrians any MORE than anyone HERE does?

i happen to know plenty, plenty, plenty of syrians, lebanese, iraqis --

ALL agree -- the notion promoted about assad "causing" the MASS MIGRATIONS" IS ALL A LIE.
and i am talking about syrians of ALL stripes -..whether alawite, shiite, sunni, etc...who are YOU?

You happen to know plenty of Syrians and Lebanese?

Uh buddy, I LIVE in Lebanon (not in Canada, at least not for the past 3 years). Which means I also live in a country with 1.4 million Syrian refugees. So yeah, I think I'm more qualified to tell you what Syrians think than you do.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
as for bombing in aleppo and elsewhere --



AND WHEN TERRORISTS -- including the ''moderate rebels" who DON'T EXIST --

REFUSE to stop their OCCUPATION of aleppo and neighborhoods -- and lik ein MOSUL

hold HOSTAGE the civilians no matter what the russians do -- to entice them and ask them to lay down their arms or even LEAVE WITH their arms nd have SOME dignity --

ther eis NOTHING LEFT than to BOMB THEM - and if tha tmeans some civilians die -- that is what happens.

THE USA on the other hand in mosul SUDDENLY has NO problem with ''civilian casualties" -- just like it NEVER has -- and you are SILENT ABOUT IT



SO NOW -- YOU are complaining that the russians might end up having civilian casualties of HOSTAGES the TERRORISTS OF THE USA brought -

what ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE HERE brokenshoelace?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
ALL WARS end up punishing civilians.

the TERRORISTS CREATED AND BROUGHT BY THE USA - and its allies CAUSED the civilians to be so disrupted in their lives -- NO MATTER how the likes of brokenshoelace APING the western LINE OF ''assad caused it - he must go" -- say --

and the russians are WIPING OUT the terrorism scourge in syria -- area by area . las the SYRIAN ARMY now goes street by street to take them out...

and brokenshoelace COMPLAINS that the russian bombs might hit civilians that TERRRORISTS OF THE USA HAVE KIDNAPPED AND HELD HOSTAGE AND USE AS HUMAN SHIELDS...

make your choice BROKENSHOELACE...

are you interested in syria's taking BACK it terroritory FROM TERRORISTS OR NOT?

IF YOU SAY YES -- IT includes civilians who will die if that is what it takes to DESTROY the terrorists who haved HOSTAGED them in their neighborhoods...and won't let them ESCAPE after the russians offered SEVERAL times to let terrorists stop and WON'T.

IF YOU SAY OTHERWISE -- ONLY one conclusion is left

it is YOU that cares LITTLE for civilians and only want the SHINING WHITE KNIGHT USA AND ALLIES TO CARVE UP SYRIA

for YOUR unstated ingterests or sentiments. and THAT means



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
AS PLENTY of my syrian friends tell me -- who KNOW their neighborhoods and HAVE relatives there --

"it is a matter of time -- we know exactly which neighborhoods these terrorists are in - and left -- the reason the USA and its allies want this to go on and on is they are trying to establish THEIR piece of SOIL from which to SET UP some GO VERNMENT OF THEIR own and go bck to saying assad must go -- it is NONE of their business. they are tgerrorists and terrrorist supporters -- we know wwhat is at stake for our country".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
in any case -- it appears THAT NOT ONLY has china been ''involved" in a backstage way - due to china's far less advanced experience in ''extra-territorial" warfare and is still ''learning" --

it is however involved in arming and support and repairs for the SYRIAN ARMY - and coordinated with the russians and iran -- that is the ''unspoken" deal.

but china has been open about it sconcern that MANY thousands of CHINESE CITIZENS from central asia -- who have been radicalized to join these TERRORISTS OF THE USA AND ITS ALLIES -- that brokenshoelace HERE is trying very hard to DIMINISH their role


AND this MEANS that soon -- when the time is ripe or A 'TRIGGER" is crossed by the USA -- SHOULD TRUMP follow obama's FILTHY ways --

that the chinese are preparing to ''take the war to the terrorists" right where they ARFE in syria to destroy them right where they chose to be in destroying syria.

they will NOT be allowed to go back to china to cause more havoc ther e-- just as the same goes for russia and its radicalized citizens..who are involved in the USA'S WAR OF TERROR against countries and the world..

so -- watch closely -- becuse IF THE USA insists on ''carving out" its piece of territory INSIDE syria using TERRORISTS as its army --

it WILL be met by a triangle of russia, iran, china -- and of course syria.

and it and its terrorists re going to be DESTROYED.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Obama Tries to Cover Tracks by Ordering a Mop Up of Jabhat al-Nusra Leaders | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Grete Mautner
If you might have the impression that Barack Obama was the first US president that established close ties with various terrorist organizations across the world, you would be bitterly disappointed when you learn the truth. Even though Washington has always been pretty vocal about fighting terrorism, as a matter of fact, it nurtured various terrorist groups across the globe to undermine unwanted governments, seeking destabilization and consequent toppling of those governments that refused to bow to the so-called Western champions of democracy.

That’s exactly how Washington created al-Qaeda back in 1988 to fight Soviet influence in Afghanistan. Similarly, a quarter of a century later, the Obama administration created and armed the so-called Syrian opposition, that was later transformed into a dangerous and pretty disgusting weapon – ISIS.

It should also be noted that out of a number of various groups that form the core of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra has always been the most combat-capable one. It would regularly face the Syrian army units on the field of battle in northwest regions of Syria. In turn, Jabhat al-Nusra is formed by 13 different subgroups, that do only share a common command structure among them. But should Washington at some point abandon its support of Jabhat al-Nusra, the fighting capacity of these subgroups would be severely diminished. That’s why the United States refused to abandon its ugly brainchild for years, even when the circumstances would demand otherwise. Back in 2012 the White House was forced into recognizing this group as terrorist organization, but that was pretty much it as far as the War on Terror is concerned.

It’s true that Pentagon has wasted thousands of tons of ordinance, while pretending that it’s trying to destroy ISIS and its affiliates in Iraq and Syria, but there has been no real struggle as it was officially admitted by the US State Department spokesman Mark Toner.

Moreover, according to the revelations made by a Jabhat al-Nusra militant in his interview for the German journal Focus, Washington has been directly supplying the group with TOW systems to increase its fighting capacity.

But when Trump surprised everyone by winning the recent presidential election, the Obama administration has started covering up its criminal activities in the remaining 70 days before the new president is inaugurated. Thus, the group that was engaged in a number of fishy schemes of the neocons over the years has found itself in the “to be cleaned up” list.

Pentagon knows the location of every hiding that shelters terrorist leaders, as it has been been repeatedly stated by US officials, however those hidings remained undamaged for years. Before Trump got elected a single successful operation was carried out that actually resulted in a Jabhat al-Nusra commander being killed, but it remains unclear whether this operation was carried out by the Russians or the Americans, which leads us to the conclusion that Washington is more interested in propaganda wars than in actual struggle against terrorists.

But now the Washington Post would report that President Obama ordered the Pentagon to find and kill the leaders of Jabhat al-Nusra. US officials believe that this decision reflects Obama’s concern that it is turning parts of Syria into a new base of operations for al-Qaeda on Europe’s southern doorstep. Obama’s new order gives the U.S. military’s Joint Specia – Operations Command, or JSOC, wider authority and additional intelligence-collection resources to go after al-Nusra’s broader leadership, not just al-Qaeda veterans or those directly involved in external plotting. Obama’s new order gives the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, wider authority and additional intelligence-collection resources to go after al-Nusra’s broader leadership, not just al-Qaeda veterans or those directly involved in external plotting. The Washington Post notes that Pentagon would deploy additional armed drones and intelligence-collection assets in the airspace over northwestern Syria, an area that had been sparsely covered by the United States until now because of its proximity to advanced Russian air-defense systems and aircraft.

All this looks like an awkward attempt to justify Obama’s prior reluctance to do anything about radical terrorists. Still, most Western media sources remain silent about the fact that Obama’s newfound determination is provoked by the fact that Trump is taking office pretty soon. Should there be an inquiry into the activities of the Obama administration after it’s gone, those terrorist leaders would be able to testify against Obama and his affiliates, that’s why they are being murdered in a hurry now.

Grete Mautner is an indepenent researcher and journalist from Germany, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
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Finian CUNNINGHAM | 14.11.2016 | OPINION
US, British ‘Clean House’ to Delete Syria Terror Links

US President Barack Obama has just given the Pentagon orders to assassinate commanders of the Al Nusra terror network in Syria. American media reports over the weekend say the new urgency arises from US intelligence fears that al Qaeda-affiliated groups are preparing to mount terror attacks against Western targets from strongholds in Syria.

The purported US «kill list» will be acted on through drone strikes and «intelligence assets». The latter refers, presumably, to US special forces that are already operating in northern Syria alongside Turkish military.

Last week, a similar announcement was carried in the British press, which reported that elite British SAS troops had received orders to kill up to 200 jihadi volunteers from Britain who are suspected to be active in Syria (and Iraq). Again, the same rationale was invoked as in the latest American plan. That the assassination program was to pre-empt terror attacks rebounding on Western states.

A British defense official was quoted as saying that the mission could be the most important ever undertaken by the SAS in its entire 75-year history. «The hunt is on», said the official, «to take out some very bad people».

Significantly, too, the British SAS kill operations in Syria are reportedly being carried out as part of a «multinational effort». That suggests that the Pentagon’s initiative reported this weekend in being coordinated with the British.

However, there is something decidedly odd about this sudden determination by the Americans and British to eliminate terrorists in Syria.

Since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011, US, British and other NATO forces have shown meagre success in delivering on official claims of combating al Qaeda-linked terror groups, such as Islamic State (IS, ISIS or Daesh) and Jabhat al Nusra (also known as Jabhat al Fatal al Sham).

A straightforward explanation for this apparent anomaly is that the US and its NATO allies are in reality covertly working with these terror networks as proxies for regime change against the Assad government – a longtime ally of Russia and Iran. What Washington refers to as «moderate rebels» whom it supports are in reality serving as conduits for arms and funds to the known terror groups. In this context, the terror groups have been Western assets in the regime-change war. Therefore, there has been no incentive to liquidate these assets – until now that is. Why now is the telling question.

The recent ceasefire debacles in the battleground northern city of Aleppo have demonstrated a systematic Western terror link. The failure by Washington to deliver on its commitment to separate so-called moderates from extremists is clear evidence that the alleged dichotomy is a hoax. The plain fact is that the US-backed «rebels» are fully integrated with the terror groups. That is, the US and its allies are sponsors of terrorism in Syria.

This has led to the reasonable charge by the Russian government that the US is supporting al Nusra, despite the latter being an internationally proscribed terrorist organization at the heart of the so-called American «war on terror». That charge has been corroborated by claims made by Nusra commanders who say that they have been receiving covert weapons supplies from the Americans. It is also substantiated by recent finds of US weaponry among terrorist dens that have been over-run by the Syrian Arab Army.

So, the question is: what is this latest urgency from the Pentagon to wipe out Nusra's leadership in Syria really about?

First, let’s note that the implied precision of terrorist «kill lists» that the Americans and British are suddenly working on seems incongruous given that these NATO powers have up to now apparently been unable to furnish Russia with coordinates for extremist bases in Syria.

The Russian Ministry of Defense disclosed last week that the Americans have not provided a single scrap of information on the location of terrorist groups in Syria. The US was obliged to share intelligence on extremist positions as part of the ceasefire plans resolved in September by Secretary of State John Kerry and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

That then marks a seeming curious shift. From not being able to provide any intelligence on terror groups, now we are told in a different context that the US and its British counterpart are urgently moving ahead to carry out decapitation strikes on Nusra and ISIS commanders.

On the British side, reports said that a kill list of hundreds of British jihadis had been drawn up by the intelligence services of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ. Why wasn’t this information shared before with Russia, as part of the Kerry-Lavrov accord?

Timing is also another telling factor. Obama’s announced order to the Pentagon to ramp up assassination of Nusra leaders comes in the wake of the shock presidential election victory for Donald Trump. Trump’s election last week was an outcome that completely blindsided the White House and the Washington establishment, who thought that Democrat rival Hillary Clinton was a safe bet.

The abrupt US impetus to neutralize Nusra cadres also comes as the Russian navy flotilla takes up position in the Mediterranean off Syria. The flotilla is led by the aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, along with destroyers equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles. The naval formation has been described as the biggest Russian deployment since the end of the Cold War 25 years ago. It will greatly enhance Russia’s air power which already has over the past year transformed the Syrian war into an eminent defeat for the Western-backed insurgents.

Now that nearly three weeks of Russia’s unilateral cessation in air strikes on terror targets in Syria has elapsed to no avail for a surrender by the insurgents, it is anticipated that Russian air power and Syrian forces on the ground are readying for a final, decisive offensive to vanquish the Western-backed proxy war.

President-elect Trump has stated on several occasions his approval of Russian and Syrian anti-terror efforts, unlike the Obama administration, which has sought to hamper them by accusing Moscow and Damascus of «war crimes» against civilians. Russia has rejected those claims as false. It points to recent initiatives to set up humanitarian corridors in Aleppo as evidence that it is trying to minimize civilian casualties. It is the US-backed militants who have sabotaged the humanitarian efforts.

In any case, Trump’s accession to the White House can be expected to give Russia a freer hand to bring the Syrian war to a close. And as noted, increased Russian military forces appear to be poised for this final push.

This is perhaps where the real significance of the latest Pentagon and British terrorist kill program is evinced. If we accept the plausible and proven premise that the Americans and their NATO allies have been covertly funding, arming and directing jihadi terror proxies, then one can expect that there is plenty of evidence within the terrorist ranks of such state-sponsoring criminal connections.

As Russian and Syrian forces eradicate the terrorist remnants one can anticipate that a trove of highly indicting information will be uncovered that grievously imputes Washington, London, Paris and others in Syria’s dirty war. Among the finds too will be hundreds of Nusra and other terrorist operatives who may be willing to testify as to who their handlers were. A huge can of worms awaits to be prized open.

To pre-empt such devastating evidence of Western culpability in waging a covert criminal war in Syria, the Pentagon and its British partner appear to be dispatching their elite troops to perform a little bit of «house cleaning». That cleaning may involve whacking jihadis who know too much.

No wonder the British official said it could the most important mission for the SAS in its 75-year history. Washington and London’s neck is on the line.

Tags: Al Qaeda Syria UK US


Trump’s Worrisome Neo-Con «Brain Trust»

Wayne MADSEN | 15.11.2016

Can Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’?

Michael Jabara CARLEY | 15.11.2016

President-Elect Trump: First Steps to Shape Syria Policy

Alex GORKA | 15.11.2016

Former editor and writer for major news media organizations. He has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages

all articles
Wayne MADSEN | 15.11.2016


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Voices from Syria Refute Western Propaganda: US-NATO Supported Terrorists Involved in Countless Atrocities
By Mark Taliano

Jad Nasrlives in Syria. He’s 29, and he has a Master’s in English literature. He sometimes uses his considerable talents by serving as translator for high Syrian dignitaries, such as the Grand Mufti.

He also has the scar from a bullet wound in his chest, and he receives death threats. He explains that terrorists shot him because they didn’t want to hear the truth. Presumably, the terrorists prefer their own version of the “truth”, as dictated by Wahhabi – supporting al Jazeera and Safa TV… as well as all mainstream media messaging promulgated by the West.

Jad’s story is not pleasant, and it highlights what Syrians have to endure on a daily basis. He says that his brother was kidnapped last year, and that the terrorists tortured him and destroyed his knees. Now he can’t walk. He also told me that his cousin, who was serving in the Syrian Arab Army, lost his leg when Wahhabi suicide bombers attacked his military vehicle. Another cousin was kidnapped in 2012, and remains in captivity.

The terrorists have a talent for kidnapping. Nasr explained that in one operation, they used false flag tactics to capture tanks, and ultimately to capture thousands of Syrian soldiers at Douma, Syria.

The terrorists also like to showcase their defensive tactics. One of their favorites is to use captives as human shields. Nasr’s testimony and video evidence demonstrate kidnapped individuals being put in cages, and used as human shields in town squares. Needless to say, when the terrorists occupy towns or parts of towns and cities, they are necessarily using human captives as shields, and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) takes tremendous risks by fighting house to house, as they do.

Whereas the U.S, for example, carpet bombed Falluja in Iraq, the SAA, doesn’t have that “luxury” since it avoids killing Syrian civilians at all costs.

The terrorists control occupied territories with unspeakable barbarism. A witness to the massacre at Adra described the scene in these words:

The rebels began to attack the government centers, and attacked the police station—where all the policemen were killed after only a brief clash because of the large numbers of the attackers. They (the attackers) then headed to the checkpoint located on the edge of the city before moving to the clinic, where they slaughtered one from the medical staff and put his head in the popular market. They then dragged his body in front of townspeople who gathered to see what was happening. Bakery workers who resisted their machinery being taken away were roasted in their own oven. Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic Front fighters went from house to house with a list of names and none of those taken away then has been seen since.’

When the Syrian army would try to enter Adra the Jihadists would throw women and children from the 20,000 people it captured off the top floors in front of the army.”

Nasr also discussed the lies propagated by imperialists, and believed by multitudes. He says that for the first three weeks of the so-called “revolution”, police and security personnel were ordered to not carry guns. It was during this time that 15 of Nasr’s friends were killed by so-called “peaceful protestors”.

This report is corroborated by peace activist Janice Kortright who writes:

The media lies about Syria…have been absolute…and I think media heads should face trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity for the one-sided false narrative they’ve been spreading since the Syrian War began. Even earlier…throughout the entire “Arab Spring” orchestrated by the west using “jihadists” (paid mercenaries, criminals and brain-washed radicals) to create a “New Middle East” dedicated to western dominance and control over natural resources.

This soldier, whom we interviewed in Damascus, is a personal hero and friend. A friend to whom I’ve entrusted my life and would again any time anywhere.

He was one of the soldiers in Daraa in March 2011 (where and when the violence in Syria began). This is his account and matchs several others’ first hand accounts of events there.

The life of a Syrian soldier is so hard. A terrorist paid by the US or Saudi or Qatar makes about $300 or $400 a month. A Syrian soldier receives 1/10th of that. They fight an enemy that is often inhuman. I know of one soldier who was cut to pieces while his terrorist captors had his father on the phone listening to the torturous death of his son.

FALSE: The Syrian war began when President Assad brutally put down peaceful protests.

TRUE: The Syrian War was planned in earnest by the US since 2005. The Syrian soldiers and police were not even allowed to carry weapons until the “peaceful protesters” had slaughtered several hundreds of police and soldiers.

Kortright interviewed a Syrian soldier who described the soldiers’ (unarmed) and fatal encounters with the initial, externally-orchestrated uprisings, in these words:

Soldier: I don’t know, we didn’t see them face to face. My best friend was shot, so I felt anger and sadness. I felt anger because we were ambushed in this way and all we had was batons, we couldn’t defend ourselves. We had to run, they were shooting us like birds. And the demonstrators blocked all the entrances leading to us, so no ambulances was able to reach us whatsoever, at that point. I carried my best friend and what matters for us now is to protect him and protect ourselves until we get to safety. While we were running, we were seeing our friends the civil police, how they were being killed in front of us, or shot at.

Similarly, investigative reporter Rick Sterling debunks the propaganda that “Assad kills his own people” in his description of the initial, seven police were killed. Two weeks later there was a massacre of 60 security forces in Deraa.”

These same “peaceful protestors” were the spearhead of the Western-orchestrated “regime change” operations, wherein the Muslim Brotherhood and foreign operatives played central roles. The “Arab Spring” was a foreign intelligence operation from the beginning.

Recent estimates suggest that terrorists from about 100 countries are currently infesting Syria. This, coupled with the legal interventions of the “Axis of resistance”, and the illegal war crimes of NATO and its allies, means that the dirty war on Syria is increasingly a world war.

Those of us who still believe the war lies are enabling imperialists who are pushing us towards the unthinkable.

The following text is an updated and expanded version of:

Voices from Syria: “The US-Supported Terrorists Control Occupied Territories with Unspeakable Barbarism”


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
ALL WARS end up punishing civilians.

the TERRORISTS CREATED AND BROUGHT BY THE USA - and its allies CAUSED the civilians to be so disrupted in their lives -- NO MATTER how the likes of brokenshoelace APING the western LINE OF ''assad caused it - he must go" -- say --

and the russians are WIPING OUT the terrorism scourge in syria -- area by area . las the SYRIAN ARMY now goes street by street to take them out...

and brokenshoelace COMPLAINS that the russian bombs might hit civilians that TERRRORISTS OF THE USA HAVE KIDNAPPED AND HELD HOSTAGE AND USE AS HUMAN SHIELDS...

make your choice BROKENSHOELACE...

are you interested in syria's taking BACK it terroritory FROM TERRORISTS OR NOT?

IF YOU SAY YES -- IT includes civilians who will die if that is what it takes to DESTROY the terrorists who haved HOSTAGED them in their neighborhoods...and won't let them ESCAPE after the russians offered SEVERAL times to let terrorists stop and WON'T.

IF YOU SAY OTHERWISE -- ONLY one conclusion is left

it is YOU that cares LITTLE for civilians and only want the SHINING WHITE KNIGHT USA AND ALLIES TO CARVE UP SYRIA

for YOUR unstated ingterests or sentiments. and THAT means


LMAO, this post should absolutely be given in an English 101 class to perfectly highlight every logical fallacy there is, including the laughable conclusion.

Not even worth responding to but put a smile on my face.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013

List of massacres during the Syrian Civil War. Note how many of them in the first few years were carried out by Assad's forces way before ISIS was a factor. Refugees were fleeing the country as early as 2011, about 3 years before ISIS. I wonder who pushed them out.

I repeatedly say I absolutely want Assad's forces to prevail because he's clearly the lesser of the two evils, but to try and white knight him is ignorant and borderline stupid.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
When you play with fire, you can expect to get burned. After a few months of unrest, wasn't Assad the one who was willing to give in somewhat and proposed a meeting to discuss the issues with different opposition groups, to which the gentlemen never bothered to show up in 2011. Isn't this correct? But where is the fun in negotiating, when arms dealings are so lucrative and perhaps with the help of others I can be my own boss. So what did you expect him to do? Just say, go ahead, here is my ammunition, here is the land that you want, I'll just sit and watch? And didn't they just a month of so ago had a cease fire and advised anybody who wanted to stop fighting to leave Aleppo, or to let women and children go?

People flee any region where there is fighting. Everybody should know that. Even when they bomb the "dictators" civilians die and they flee or are just collateral damage as well. And people are often caught up and used as shield and as leverage. They start shooting from a heavily populated areas and then the other side comes back with 100x more hell. This is the normal form of warfare for years.

I don't think that either Teddy or I are trying to white knight him, we are just pointing out the bias towards that situation and the one in Iraq, or Libya or Yemen and how western media reports it. I understand that there are rulers with iron fist, but frankly some regions need that, otherwise you get chaos when different smaller groups fight not only others but between themselves. And if by any chance they win, you get what is Libya now. And the hate just goes up and up and up and is hard to stop.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
When you play with fire, you can expect to get burned. After a few months of unrest, wasn't Assad the one who was willing to give in somewhat and proposed a meeting to discuss the issues with different opposition groups, to which the gentlemen never bothered to show up in 2011.

Wasn't Assad who started the violence and slaughtering to begin with though?

I don't believe in collateral damage. Tell that to the families of the victims. Otherwise, we can equally blame that any innocents the US ends up killing now in Syria are collateral damage. I don't believe in that either.

I just can't take killing easily. The moment we do is the moment when we're losing part of our humanity.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
And by the way, make no mistake about it, both Assad forces and ISIS have explicitly targeted civilians. It is not merely an issue of collateral damage. There's documented evidence of that.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Wasn't Assad who started the violence and slaughtering to begin with though?

I don't believe in collateral damage. Tell that to the families of the victims. Otherwise, we can equally blame that any innocents the US ends up killing now in Syria are collateral damage. I don't believe in that either.

I just can't take killing easily. The moment we do is the moment when we're losing part of our humanity.

I agree on the last part for sure... the reporting does have a huge bias in the west though just through the language used...

i.e. Mosul - is a liberation... Collateral Damage is reported as ISIS using human shields. The attack on Aleppo - is reported as a slaughter by the butchers and indiscriminate killing of the innocent. Language can be very powerful.

The start of the war is also disputed. The Syrian government always claimed there were infiltrators in the initial protests and the initial deaths included state policemen - I think some of that may be true ( A similar tactic has been used in most of the colour revolutions), but even so, the Assad response was way over the top - he admitted those mistakes himself in an interview.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
The start of the war is also disputed. The Syrian government always claimed there were infiltrators in the initial protests and the initial deaths included state policemen - I think some of that may be true ( A similar tactic has been used in most of the colour revolutions), but even so, the Assad response was way over the top - he admitted those mistakes himself in an interview.

Oh I have no doubt it is true. It's the oldest trick in the book.

Notice I have never taken sides in the Syrian war because pretty much every involved party has committed so many atrocities. But that's what makes it so offensive when any of the involved parties is getting white knighted, let alone Assad, whose family has a history of blood-lust and dictatorship.

I understand the details may not be common knowledge in the West though.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
And by the way, make no mistake about it, both Assad forces and ISIS have explicitly targeted civilians. It is not merely an issue of collateral damage. There's documented evidence of that.


the trouble with such claims is NO DOCUMENTS.

CLAIM does NOT equate with DOCUMENTATION if people say they are documented...

either in actual reports that are verifiable and dependable.

the WESTERN MSM is proven by articles everywhere -- just go to internet , tht's what it is for -- to learn --

that when MSM say ''five hospitals in aleppo were targeted and destroyed by russians and SYRIAN ARMY" -- WHERE are those hospitals? since when? nd they produce NOTHING. hoping that the 'accusations stick as ''evidence".

or 'ASSAD used chemical weapons on civilians" -- which turn out to have been the terrorists who someho got their hands on them -- and based on far too simple formulas of everyday chemcicals that at the ver least a STATE actor is unlikely to use ..but the PHRASE ''ASSAD USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS" IS soooooooooooooooo ''convincing" ..

or that russians ''targeted civilians" in aleppo and bombed them"

for 29 days without a single shred of evidence that the russians FLEW ANYTHING over the area and when asked to show PROOF ..while russians SHOW satellite images of american DRONES in the very area a ''girl's school ws bombed by russians" at the EXACT time claimed to be a 'russian war crime"...with NEATLY ''destroyed" room which should NOT have by every expert assessm,ent have remained curiously INTACT from an AERIAL bombing , except for a conveniently placed explosion HOLE IN the center of the room....

STATE department say "it's a secret but we know" ..well SHOW THE PROOF.