Russia Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Thanks Teddy, that was very well said by an Irishman, although I guess everything could be labeled as propaganda.;)

Considering the state of Russia when he first came in power, Putin made a lot of positive things for Russians. You know how many Russians died in the WW2 and any country that experienced such tragic and devastating effects is not keen of stirring up another war. That was one thing that Bosnian Serbs told everybody: "do you realize what a war is and what destruction it will bring? It's better to negotiate for a longer time than light up a match in such a sensitive area." Did they listen? Of course not. With all the provocations on Russia's border, I am impressed by his restrain. If Putin were anything like the old guard Russian (communist) leaders, the war on a large scale would have been started a long time ago. But so far he is managing to balance all sides, somehow, his internal problems, including economy, and international relations. But how far can anybody be pushed before they snap?

THERE is a writer -- a famous one from the past that best describes what really amounts to the ANGL0-AMERICAN strategy that has been around for 400 years or more - if before the american existence -- regarding russia or slavin nations in particular but by the 'west" also regarding 'others' intended for ''colonization" really.

i forget which famous figure tht was:

"do everything to DEMONIZE someone and you can do everything you wish".

THAT -- in effect is what all that has happened for centuries about.

''RUSSIANS are barbaric..russians are backward..those easterners are ungovernable - they need to be civilized -- by US..."

"they are a threat to peace" they are marauders ..they are hordes, they are subhuman...they torture and massacre people...they are tyrannical...they are heathens...they are imperialistic..they are stealing and cheating..they can't be trusted...we don't know their true motives -- untrustworthy....inscrutable...

meaning THROW ALL THE WORDS to ''describe"

and PROJECT what are in reality ONE'S OWN sins and MOTIVES -- and attach them ONLY to ''the other" and THAT gives JUSTIFICATION for anything, anything at all one wishes to do ...

after all ''those russians are beneath us" ..."we might as well do something about it"...

such as ?

take their land -- it needs better managers - US.
'teach them HOW to behave" -- ''they need democracy and reform under US"

they refuse? oh - they're RUSSIANS AND HEATHENS AND SAVAGES ...we might as well BOMB them..and ''liberate" siberia -- and liberate chechnya - and liberate anothe rprovince...

the TEST CASE TO APPLY THIS ''method" - was of course SERBIA.

which was then TRANSFERRED and applied to LIBYA, SYRIA, etc..ON how to ''slice up russia (a country) into smaller manageable pieces"

as ''prescribed" by zbigniew brzezinski

BUT HIMSELF is also just a ''student of history" starting from an OLDER polish theorist in the 20 th century - who ALSO learned IT from the British geopolitical theorist -- HAROLD MAC KINDER...

whose OWN ideas towards russia and eurasia control (which included the resulting OPIUM WARS against china -) -

was ..tada:

"who rules the eastern borders (eastern europe) rules the heartland"
"who rules the heartland (russia) rules the world island"
''who rules the world island (eurasia) rules the world".

NOW take a good look at all the ''wetsern//american angl0-nato" centuries of ''movement'

PUT points on the board...and then anyone can argue whther or not that is incorrect to conclude.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
see the WORST nightmare really for both america and britain as ''world influence" is this.:

that EURASIA becomes INTEGRATED. THAT is the worst , worst nightmare..

that is why EASTERN EUROPE at all costs MUST be a separation between the ''eastern heathen" russia from the 'civilized west'

and prevent GERMANY from integrating with russia...and to do that -- germany MUST be under complete american control - and rule over a europe tha tis ALSO ''eu'' AS IT WAS ORIGINALLY designed BY the USA , CIA in the 1950's -- as part of the 'reconstruction" --

"to keep germany DOWN - KEEP RUSSIA OUT -- AND KEEP EUROPE IN" under the american-anglo - influence...which of course today is basically 'AMERICAN" -

BUT AS A CULTURAL , economic/[political war against eurasia has aLWAYS BEEN there for over 400 hundred years...

anyone that tries to explain THAT away better explain all the ''shipping lanes" of the navies outside china's shores, the vietnam war...the DRUG war using opium and cocaine southeast asia, central asia - under supervision by the ''special ops and cia" that the countries THEMSELVES know are american operations

inherited FROM the same kind of strategy the British used against china...

there iS NOTHING ''imaginative about that' -- it's right there in FULL CONTINUITY.

THE CLASSIC ''divid and rule" strategy..

we even see it right now in the USA'S attempt to carve out a ''piece" of syria behind the ''support for kurdish independence" to force syria into ''federation" -- and then more ''/regime change" more 'spread of democracy" bit by bit...

as opposed to the INTEGRATION OF EURASIA that has been the real destiny of the eurasian continent for centuries...

in short WHICH IS THE ALIEN INVADING OCCUPIER in the eurasian entity?

it is none other than the islanders of britain and america.

sorry to say it -- BUT THEIR HISTORY proves it.

and lands are jus tpawns in that strategy which of course relies on

DEMONIZING those very lands to justify their ''liberation, democratization and civilizing"


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Thanks Teddy, that was very well said by an Irishman, although I guess everything could be labeled as propaganda.;)

Considering the state of Russia when he first came in power, Putin made a lot of positive things for Russians. You know how many Russians died in the WW2 and any country that experienced such tragic and devastating effects is not keen of stirring up another war. That was one thing that Bosnian Serbs told everybody: "do you realize what a war is and what destruction it will bring? It's better to negotiate for a longer time than light up a match in such a sensitive area." Did they listen? Of course not. With all the provocations on Russia's border, I am impressed by his restrain. If Putin were anything like the old guard Russian (communist) leaders, the war on a large scale would have been started a long time ago. But so far he is managing to balance all sides, somehow, his internal problems, including economy, and international relations. But how far can anybody be pushed before they snap?
what is common in the experience of serbia --the ONE country and people in europe that are traditionally the closest to their russian cousins? apart from the eastern ukrainians?
and the ukraine itself?

that they are both being 'detached" from their common roots with their russian cousins.WE CAN then see clearly why - in breaking up yugoslavia -- the real purpose was to ''demonstrate" to the world - that the ANGLO-AMERICAN ''west" to whom the REST OF ''EUROPE" ARE just vassal states, including germany as the ''european power and whip master over the rest with its economic power" --

that the ''west" under america/'nato - can be POUNDED mercilessly (such as clinton did using rigged excuses about milosevic and serbian war crimes ONLY) -

nd a demonstration to RUSSIA tha t''you can't do anything about it so you better KNEEL".

LIKE A SHAMING OF A KIND -- to show the world and the slavic world

"you are heathens -- like the native indians - and we SHALL be your masters".

BUT russia not only survived the NEAR decapitation imposed in the 1990's -- PUTIN rose up to restore ''czarist russia' - and PRESERVE that that tradition of slavic, eastern culture and independence and SERVE AS A MODEL of resistance to the REST of the world, it actually rose up to being a world power again...and THA Tis the biggest no no to the american empire...

and as the russian philosophers put it:

"russia and the slavic world are a COMPLETELY different , self-contained world FROM the anglo-american-western european world...a COMPLETELY different way of looking at the world".

THAT is the great sin of russia and the ''loyal slavs" - for REFUSING to KNEEL.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I recall the incident at Pristina Airport where the American commander ordered the British to take the place by force from a small Russian force that had been sent as a token play by Moscow (Russia was on the bones of it's arse at that point in time)... The British officer Mike Jackson refused the order and ended up sharing a bottle of whisky with the Russian General.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I recall the incident at Pristina Airport where the American commander ordered the British to take the place by force from a small Russian force that had been sent as a token play by Moscow (Russia was on the bones of it's arse at that point in time)... The British officer Mike Jackson refused the order and ended up sharing a bottle of whisky with the Russian General.

THAT WAS the 1990's , wasn't that ?
concocted by BILL CLINTON. zbigniew brzezinski (as a ''grand old wise man"from the carter administration who wrote his 'seminal' bible of american imperial attack on russia "as ussr" "THE GRAND CHESSBOARD")
and of course clinton's madelein albright...

"it's so UNFAIR !! That ONE country has all that territory and those resources. something ought to be done about it!! what's the use of this magnificent army of ours if you ca't use it?"

do people REALLY need to know more?
people have to wait until entire countries (ukrainefor insance after US state department's Nuland and PRYATT gave out ''chocloate cookies" with their phone conversation scheming, literally, WHICH PERSONS to put in the ''democractic" government - with "fuck EU...WE do what we want"?) ..are destroyed? in order to say

oh - yea -- it IS THEusa THAT IS THE AGGRESSOR nation ?
HOW MANY MORE of the at least 50 countries the USA has invaded over the decades since world war 2 DO PEOPLE NEED To understand and admit it is the USA responsible , DIRECTLY -- for what the world sees today in chaos and war ?

in any case -- limiting on russia only:
what was it a russian commander in charge of protecting the border with ukraine said -- upon hearing in 2014 or before when the ''new ukrainians" of the USA bragged about "we will BURN moscow to the ground...we will KILL ALL russians?" (these are actualy statements by leaders, u know, like yulia timoschenko, yetsanyuk -- and THESE are the ''moderates" lol)- ?
russian commander chuckled at the reports:


"well -- they might be able to enter -- we have a very long border from north to south, after all -- but i can tell you one thing -- they will NEVER get out alive..
"those that attempt to conquer russia need to remember one thing about us for a thousand years that many have tried, -- if at all invaders who provoke us to make war in our territory manage to take control of our institutions, cities and towns and installations -- we WILL make sure NOTHING will ever work..and we will draw them deep into russia so that they will never be heard of again".

"we russians -- LOVE life, we love music, art, poetry, singing, we love to drink and eat, we love good food and comforts, we love to build beautiful things of wonder...we love friendship and lloyalty...we love our land and nature around us...BUT IF ANY of these that we love are threatened or taken away...we are ALSO VERY, VERY GOOD AT KILLING AND DESTROYING".


MORE RECENTLY -- alarmed as they are at the increasing NATO massing right to their doorsteps whil being accused of ''aggression and expansion" - a general said this:

"i know our ministers and highest levels keep trying to offer cooperation on the basis of respect -- but NATO AND THE USA and the west simply will not listen despite our best efforts -- and we have followed every agreement strictly ...the time has arrived when we must say it is now pointless to trust them and that they have no intention of stopping what is centuries of attempts to conquer russia and make us submit -- it will never happen...and once it starts because of what they keep they have nowhere else to go , their bankers and warmongers , but to try to conquer for the americans they seem to operate on the assumption or belief that like in world war 2 they can not be reached? wars they create in other continents?

''just like before -- we will just have to remind them again what happens to everyone else that tried".

BRITISH GENERAL - the legendary MONTGOMERY once quipped:

"there are 3 rules of war"
1) never march on moscow
2) never march on moscow
3) follow the previous 2 rules

BEFORE him -- OTTO von BISMARCK OF the prussian empire
"do not provoke the russian bear ".

did people know that one of Russia's missiles of nukes can WIPE OUT ALL OF FRANCE in a single strike flying at supersonic speed while changing course that is practically impossible to hit at present technology by the west -- in nder less than 15 minutes?

think about that.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

you will notice of course tha tNATO CHIEFS ARE ALWAYS americans?
that alone ought to tell ALL europeans WHOSE service they really are putting themselves as TARGET PRACTICE for russia in retaliation.

as zbigniew brzezinski -- whose ideas of encirclement of russia for eventual ''carving out of russia into smaller manageable pieces we control and with it all of eurasia". -- also put it :

that in the aftermath of a total war and 'everything else fails - and we can not control russia "...

"we are protected by two oceans anyway" ...

can YOU BELIEVE that kind of EVIL thinking? as if billions of people - comrpising europe, asia, middle east -- for the purpose of taking down russia -- to control eurasia...

are merely matters of calculation?

and people say ''russian threat? and ''evil russians/"

gimme a break!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I recall the incident at Pristina Airport where the American commander ordered the British to take the place by force from a small Russian force that had been sent as a token play by Moscow (Russia was on the bones of it's arse at that point in time)... The British officer Mike Jackson refused the order and ended up sharing a bottle of whisky with the Russian General.

a seldom reported fact of history is this:

teh SERBIANS from before world war 2 actuallyBEGGED the british, french, italians, germans to help them as russia already was -- to DEFEND europe from the ottoman turks -- BECAUSE serbia was the PERFECT location for incursion into the heart of europe? and NONE from the west answered...because to the west - who were in CAHOOTS with the turks were more obsessed with taking down the orthodox christian ''west and slavs".

TODAY -- what is the west whining and whining about if NOT the ottomans?
and WHO is - again -- putting turkey in its place - if NOT THE RUSSIANS?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
this is one FUNNY russian cartoon>


"g'mornin' we're john mccain and john kerry ..we're here with 5 million soldiers..
now ...surrender, Russian"...

''oh go screw your mother..."
''now where was i supposed to bury all of you?"



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

THAT THINGIE they did to yugoslavia - serbia --the wonder child of UNCLE SAM'S ''heroic" General Wesley Clarke...mad madeleine albright, clinton --which really was their way of showing the world ...

1) and showing russia ''nah, nah,nah...see this LITTLE serbia cousins of yours? we can do anything we want with it because we CAN -- and You can't do a damn thing about it".
2) show EUROPE and all WHO is THEIR boss -- uncle sam.

3) show the WORLD -- ''tha'ts just for starters...we WILL redesign and reshape the world as we see fit - we ARE the exceptional nation ".


mind you Britbox -- it appears that as of now -- the PENTAGON rules YOUR UK as to its ''UFO sightings" other words -- UK reports TO washington...amazing arrogance of uncle sam - i tell you.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
THAT THINGIE they did to yugoslavia - serbia --the wonder child of UNCLE SAM'S ''heroic" General Wesley Clarke...mad madeleine albright, clinton --which really was their way of showing the world ...

1) and showing russia ''nah, nah,nah...see this LITTLE serbia cousins of yours? we can do anything we want with it because we CAN -- and You can't do a damn thing about it".
2) show EUROPE and all WHO is THEIR boss -- uncle sam.

3) show the WORLD -- ''tha'ts just for starters...we WILL redesign and reshape the world as we see fit - we ARE the exceptional nation ".


mind you Britbox -- it appears that as of now -- the PENTAGON rules YOUR UK as to its ''UFO sightings" other words -- UK reports TO washington...amazing arrogance of uncle sam - i tell you.

Speaking of Clark, I just read this earlier today, check this one out:


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Speaking of Clark, I just read this earlier today, check this one out:

see? we -- at least those of us PAYING ATTENTION -- AND CERTAINLY the ones most affected with such INJUSTICE -- your serbian people...

it was ALWAYS THE SAME OLD ANGLO-SAXON AMERICAN plunder and pillage - ESPECIALLY towards the HUGE ASIAN LANDMASS starting WITH the balkans and slavic lands and then ON to russia where all those riches await!!

BIDEN -- son became chairman or boardmember of the privatized national agricultural land of UKRAINE!
THEY INSERTED carpet-bagger american with ''western ukrainian heritage" whatever her name is -- as ''TREASURY SECRETARY" OF ukraine by a ''quick double citizenship" scheme...who RESIGNED after being unable to ''manage" what amounts to a FAILED STATE...

from the moment the americans plundered it with civil war -- to create chaos and PUSH IT towards russia - JUST LIKE they have done with your country...

that's the ''grand master plan" of Brzezinski -- who got it from HIS mentors in poland -- general PILSUDSKI (THE polish author of ''those INFERIOR ORIENTAL slavs -- russians who dont' deserve that land")

who SHARED the same ideology as the BRITISH 19TH century geopolitical theorist and ADVISER to the CROWN --

"who rules the eastern borders rules the Heartland - russia-
who rules the Heartland - rules the world island - eurasia
who rules the world islan - rules the world"

"'for it is in the world island that the greatest riches lay and the greatest richest population and cultural resources to be ruled".

that -is the grand ''master plan" -- always has been and IS THE REAL source of ''terrorism" CREATED by the divisive project - pitting cultures against one another

devised BY the anglo-american empires that has been going on for centuries!

lol. so i am sure you saw that CARTOON i posted elsehwere?

KERRY AND MCCAIN? telling that russian peasant '''we are here with 5 million soldiers -- surrender -- russian"?!!!


just substitute arabs, muslims, indians, pakistanis, chinese, vietnamese, filipinos, koreans north or south, central asian, kazakhs, tajiks, kyrgyz, serbians, ukrainians, baltics, greeks, turks, iranians,,,thai, cambodians, ...

and RUSSIANS -- and we get ourselves the TOTAL picture as it always has been..

EXCEPT FOR ONE THING...............

that same EURASIA -- particularly the rich, rich lands - starting from even the balkans all the way to the pacific -- and down to the indian ocean and straights of mallacca in the indonesian archipelago

just happen to have HAD ENOUGH OF IT.

some countries or regions are MORE vocal and will NOT hesitate to show extreme violence in that resistance -- others are more ''polite" and will mince=- words such as the southeast asians do...

but -- the SAME STORY is already happening

EURASIA -- from TURKEY - AND HOPEFULLY SERBIA -- across russia to the pacific i sALREADY being constructed with russias and china's and now iran's leadership

to TAKE CONTROL of eurasia AWAY from the FOREIGNERS outside of the eurasian supercontinent --

the anglo-merican empire..


and there is REALLY nothing they can do to STOP IT!! the highspeed rails as well as the new maritime silk roads of asia and eurasia are already building apace

and ther eISN'T much the USA CAN do to stop it

except THREATEN -- and if it TRIES to ''bomb" with nukes? or resort to the ultaimte of HIGH SEAS PIRACY with its ''carrier fleets?"

BOY -- the USA homeland is IN FOR A SURPRISE they wish they never


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
this story is about a DAGESTAN Republic of Russia - which is in the southern region in the Caucasus - often referred to as the 'soft underbelly of russia" - where many are of Muslim faith Russians. and some are of course radicalized by who else but the wahhabi saudi/qatar allies of ''democratic USA" ..

the story is about a russian dagestani muslim young father who with his brother as security and police border patrol were captured in the forest by radicalized fellow muslim russians -- but rather than betray their country Russia and their faith - chose to die in the hands of the radicals who would betray their country and their faith...

note: russia is comprised of at least 84 nationalities and ethnicities..




Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Speaking of Clark, I just read this earlier today, check this one out:

see? what ELSE was it ever ? it was always about 2 things:

1) land and territory and resources -- and the natives do not matter -- they are just inconveniently born there..on ''land and riches" that these western imperialists already assume is rightfully theirs. that applies across the globe...

2) a way to create trouble in the very area -- from the balkans which is a BOTTLENECK - AND striaight line from the north to separate poland, baltics, ukraine, "into the west" - and right down to the line of the shores of the mediterranean...

ALL as a western ''enclave" while ALSO ensuring the prevention of TRUE free- flow of trade, relations that ALREADY existed long before there was any ''west" -- from the far east -- all the way to the end of eurasia in portugal and down to africa.

THAT is the real story here -

the WESTERN EMPIRE -- basically today centered around the Angl0-american ''view" - that also has continental europe in servitude to the american ''version" --

trying to RULE ASIA which is really everything from where russia sits and the mediterranean ends in the easter coasts of syria .-lebanon, israel - -- all the way to the pacific...

and of course its NATURAL trade routes down to africa.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

1) THE 1990'S IMF/WORLD BANK/USA neoliberal plunder and pillage of russia by REWRITING russian laws - including its constitution accordingt o american dictates (jeffrey sachs, clinton adminsitration ''prescriptions" --many still in effect today, including a ''private' central bank tied to western dictates)
2) the economic hitmen -- privatizing of russian resources to be controlled by western interests, enforcing ''international standards" contracts for russian resources leaving practically nothing to russia in earnings -- putin started with this point -- from 2001 to shred the contracts ..
3) the 'stab in the back" attack on russian ethnics in Georgia as prelude to NATO/USA occupation of historic russian her 'soft underbelly".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

unlike Emperor obama or his ''ministers" and

no wonder obama NEVER appears with putin one on one in public on UNrehearsed meetings. lol.

as PUTIN responded to an interviewer "what is it like dealing with obama and the americans? (this AFTER obama's putdowns of putin "he's like that schoolboy with a chewing gum at the back of the class that no one likes")

"it is like playing chess with a pigeon;;
first it knocks down the pieces..
\then it defecates on the board..
then it struts around like it just won the game".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
he was supposed to go and help celebrate the blessing of a newly opened russian orthodox church and commemorate russian literature..

apparently LITTLE NAPOLEON tried to make a name for himself to 'meet putin' and got a last minute order from his washignton masters...NO OTHER reason.


should europe achieve the NATURAL thing to do -- as part of eurasia and closer to russia THAN to the USA -- become integrated with russia and the rest of eurasia that extends all the way to china and japan ..

and SHOULD japan, philippines, etc...ALSO do the same towards the supercontinent...

and TOGETHER in a 'common market' AND common security -- especially against TERRORISM and chaos --


that's right -- the self-proclaimed ''leader of ASIA -- USA".



BOTH ITS ARMY AND ''security" RACKET WHICH IS what it is - -and its ECONOMY

will be DWARFED by EURASIA -- and its outlying islands close by.
IN both cases what is WRONG in the picture?

the OUTSIDER -- USA claims dominion over a super continent and its outlying islands - from the british isles to the japanes, philippines indonesian isles.etc..--


what does ONE call somethign like that? an ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER.

it is THAT simple.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Russian 'Train Surfers' Risk Their Lives for a Unique Thrill
John Hall (Daily Mail) 15 hours ago | 755 7
Russian teenagers are risking their lives in a deadly new craze - surfing fast moving inter city trains.

It has become a common sight in the capital Moscow to see the youngsters - usually sporting distinctive ski goggles and masks - clinging to the back of underground trains to hitch a free ride.

But some thrill seekers are now taking the craze to new heights - mounting the roofs and standing between carriages of St Petersburg-bound locomotives travelling up to 155mph.

At risk: A Russian teenager risks his life by hanging off the edge of a speeding train as it races through the countryside near Moscow

A teenager risks his life by hanging off of a speeding St Petersburg-bound train as it races through the countryside near Moscow

Anonymous: The Russian teenagers usually sport distinctive ski goggles and masks as they race risk their lives clinging to the trains

Sunset: It has become a common sight near the capital Moscow to see the youngsters clinging to the back of fast-moving trains

Alexander Nomernoy, 18, who regularly risks his life riding the inter city trains, said: 'Even the first time riding a train in this way was not scary. I wouldn't call it extreme in the slightest.'

The brazen group of train surfers can be seen waving at the camera in footage as they lie on the roof, clinging on by holding metal jutting from the train's roof.

Some even dangle themselves off the side of the carriage as the locomotive gathers pace.

Other clips show them sneaking in between carriages at stations before the trains pull away.

And despite regular reports in Russian media of youths being electrocuted and killed following mishaps, the thrill seekers refuse to stop their dangerous hobby.

Youth cult: The brazen group of train surfers can be seen gesturing at the camera in footage as they cling on to the train

Some thrill seekers are now taking the craze to new heights, standing between carriages of 155mph St Petersburg-bound locomotives

A Russian teenager wears a distinctive blue ski jacket and a black ski mask and goggles as he clings to an intercity train

This Russian teenager clings a carriage as he sits only inches from the floor as the train hits speeds of up to 155mph

Speaking of his hobby Mr Nomernoy said: 'I got interested after seeing a TV broadcast about a guy who died train surfing in Moscow underground. I wondered, how is it possible at all to do that?

'Then once when the underground was full of people and I just couldn't get into the train. I needed to get home ASAP, so I decided to give it a try...I jumped on to the back of the train and held on.'

More often than not the train surfers go completely undetected, slipping away before authorities know they are even there.

'I actually like riding the long distance trains. It is more dangerous in terms of coming into contact with police to ride the underground - more chances to get caught,' Mr Nomernoy said.

'I have tried many different ways of surfing - trams, trolleybuses, buses, underground trains roof and back...I would love to ride the underground train in different cities,' he added.

Masked: A Russian teenager films himself riding on the roof of a train as it races through the countryside near Moscow

A Russian teenager gives the thumbs up as he hitches a ride on a train. Many young Russian men have killed in similar stunts

Not spotted: More often than not the train surfers go completely undetected, slipping away before authorities know they are even there


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
PUTIN'S receiving of the NEW Ambassadors from different coun tries to russia.
and added his congratulations to trump and USA. and addressing the relation of russia with each of the nations in attendance ...

i just also like that awesome palace room, spendor...
