The point of the thread is not whether he can equal Rafa's slam count, but surpass Roger's. I think if Rafa doesn't score another one this year, and Nole doesn't get injured, that it is inevitable he'll at least tie Nadal. Folks are gaming how viable Djokovic is, and for how long, as he'll likely have to go a ways beyond 30 to get 6 more. I'm replying to the argument that he's many matches behind Nadal, and that his style of play is less punitive on the body. He has caught up to Rafa, in "tennis years." But he is very fit and flexible, which should give him more time. I still say it's unlikely that he wins the next 5 or 6 Majors in succession. Therefore, he'll have to buck the odds, post 30, to pass Federer.