Who cheated for years? LOL I thought this super fabulous performance enhancing drug (which wasn't even tested, nobody is sure how it enhances the performance and in what dosage, they don't know how long it stays in the system) was banned only at the beginning of this year.

So why was not Lepchenko punished as she failed 4 tests this year for the same drug? What happened with Serena's "panic" attack when she wouldn't let a tester into her house? They all have good reasons, right. But Maria and Troicki (who was excused to give his blood sample until the following day by a testing doctor because he was ill) have no considerations like Lepchenko and Serena?
Maria is successful, rich, blond, but also a proud Russian so that was a big no-no for this pro western organization that calls itself international. And how can anybody say they were not targeted when they almost banned all of their athletes from the Olympic games, even the ones that never tested positive for anything. They did ban the whole Paralympic team from competing in the competition that these disadvantaged athletes live for and it is a shining moment in their otherwise tough living conditions. It was so sad that I am surprised nobody was outraged at that decision.
On the other hand a lot of American track and field athletes, current and past, tested positive but nobody has any notions to ban them all. At the end of the day, they can just claim TUEs and all is well.