Yes, but, you can sit around smoking cigars and drinking whisky at some reasonable rate and not challenge your health, overmuch, or your job performance. Professional athletes tax their bodies at a level that is not comparable. They likely get injured more often than you do, stumbling around the entertainment center. They have to negotiate those injuries, their doctors' recommendations, and the WADA regulations against x-number of options. It's a funny remark, but not worth anyone taking it to heart, versus what professional athletes face, and why drugs and interventions would be legally and necessarily involved. Their bodies are heavily taxed. Everything from injury-relief to allergy-relief is scrutinized. There is a reason for TUE's, and I don't think they should be immediately considered a WADA conspiracy. (Not that you said that.)
what i find funny as i silently watch the remarks cropping up is this:
most of you seemed to have NO PROBLEM with issuing condemnation of a RUSSKIE maria sharapova or were something found about NOLE the SLAV...
especially when it's because "wada discovered" them...
now that it HITS MANY FAVORITE WESTERN IDOLS -- IT IS somehow ''excusable"...for such players (which include MY tennis gods, like rafa and serena) - that there are so MANY of them on drugs for which a SHARAPOVA or DJOKOVIC OR TROICKI
would be or have been crucified like they were the biggest mafioso on earth...
it is fascinating to show how the double standards REALLY crawl out of the walls...
once agian -- i repeate -- as i had warned in JANUARY when everone jumped on MARIA'S CASE -- with all kinds of STRICTURES as to why she was GUILTY FOR ''CHEATING"
this was NEVER ABOUT PLAYERS taking medication or PED -- or whatever it is they need or want to enhance their careers...
it WAS ALWAYS ABOUT WADA and its us-uk-canada-western controlled system of judgment and ''penalties" that are used for POLITICAL reasons towards russia, and any country deemed INSUFFICIENTLY OBEDIENT to the western imperial paradigm
such as 'russia must be isolated"
THEREFORE -- include ts sports...just as sanctions , etc. etc. etc..
some of you need to face yourselves in the mirror as to how easily you are finding excuses or poo--pooing favorites for much the SAME finractions -- AND REPEATEDLY SO -- that were SECRETLY KEPT from the pulbic in WADA'S ''Permit'' issuances
that you yourselves or much of the western audience would not be caught giving the same ''allowances" towards someone named MARIA sharapova -- or if it were nole, or some slavic person -- that you so READILY GIVE to the nadal's, williamses, murray,s etc. etc. etc. when they or were they ever found out to have been given dispensations DENIED to someone such as maria for example or nole.