GameSetAndMath said:
Surgery was in 2013 fall. We can give him a pass for some time due to it, but this is a much
longer drought. He needs to win at least one 1000 event this year (forget about GS) to prove
that he is in the mix of contenders (and preferably by beating at least one of the big 3 along
the way).
Murray did not start training 100% again until just beore us open 2014. and you're not goiing to get back to where you were pre-surgery after one training sesssion. but murray looks much better physcially this year. i don't think you can use that as ecuse any more. but i woudl ask: an excuse for what? [not beating prime djokovic on a slwoer surdce yersterday? as i mentioned in another thread, murray's NEVEr done that - ever. i'm not sure what people are expceting from him.] what is this 'drought' that you speak of, in comparison to murray's level and abillity rhrougth his career, including with lendl?
[you say he needs to win a masters, and ideally beat the big 3 to do so. murray won 1 masters evetn under lendl. just one! and that was miami 2013, where he didn't havet o pkay
any of the big 3 to do so.]
what about murray's performaces at indian wells under lendl?
2012 - lost in the 2nd round ot GArcia lopez.
2013 - los tin the qfs ot del potro.
2014 (not long before split with lendl annouced) - lst in 4th round to raonic.
so actually, murray has done better at iw under mauresom than he ever did under lendl. again, what do people expcet from him?
and going back further:
iw 2011 - lost in 2nd round to young.
iw 2010 - lost in qfs to soderling
so this was actually murray's most uscucessful iw since 2009, and his best at any masters evetn since miami 2013. he won that event - but didn't have to beat
any of hte big 3 to do so. and that was the ONLY masters evernt he won even when working with lendl.
what sld people expcct from him, given his level and ability thgoughr otu his carrer? in my opnio, wining against non-big 3 plyers , and having occcasioanl wins over hte big 3 if they're underpefrmaing - espcially likely on fastr surfaces. that's all i excpet, becude that's all he's veer done.
he needs the big 3 to underpefrom becaue they're beeter. i'm goinf to end with a quote form el dude form the prviosu murray therad, becaue i think it sums it up pretty well:
It is rather interesting how people continue to speak of Andy Murray as if something is "wrong" with him, as if his performance is a far-cry from his ability. As I see it, his performance perfectly matches his ability level. If you look at his record since he broke through in 2008, he's got the 4th best overall numbers; I'd say that is very accurate for his ability level - that he's been "the best of the rest" after the Big Three.