What a match. What a battle. You're right the people are getting their money's worth, Teddy!
Happy for Juan, but still disappointed for Rafa, who dug really deep in this one. I didn't believe he'd have that much left today. A lot of heart. I hope Del Potro gets the gold.
definitely ANDY will be a VERY tall order to take down in a best of five ..Happy for DP, battled the nerves at the end, but going to be tough to recover and play a best of 5.
Rafa says: " It was a good match, good level of tennis and all I can say is congratulations to Del Potro.
I try my best, I give my best 'til the last ball but that's like this. I'm very satisfied by what I did the whole week. Tomorrow is another day and I'm going to try to be ready for it"
Words and thoughts of a Great Champion
And your fans know what you have done Rafa and thats why we can be so proud of you![]()
definitely ANDY will be a VERY tall order to take down in a best of five ..
let's see what they bring out tomorrow
i can NOT wait!!!!
can we somehow JUMP OFF the planet and PUSH it to turn 24 hours ahead? lol!!
Whatever happens tomorrow, and provided their respective wrists hold up, I think this Games has been excellent for Rafa and for Juan Martin, as a way to springboard their come-backs. I don't think any old tournament would have done it like this. They have both played with passion and guts, because it was the Olympics. Wertheim said he thinks their match today was the best of the year so far. And whatever we think about tennis in the OGs, the players take it very much to heart. :heart:
Actually, fully-rested, I would favor JMDP, for the way he's been playing this week, over Murray who has been wobbly and cranky in a few of his matches. However, Delpo will be by far the more fatigued. And if he were to win it, he would have done it beating Djokovic, Nadal and Murray. That would be something, but he is just the guy. I really thought Rafa would have too little left today to make much of a match of it, but he left it all on the court. I'm sure Del Potro will tomorrow, so we'll see. Obviously, he'll have to have a great serving day, and hope to get it done in 4 at most. I love Andy, but he's got his Olympic Gold. It would be great for Juan Martin to win it all. It wouldn't make up for the Majors he's probably missed out on, but would go some way, I'd think. Either way, he should go home very, very proud, and energized for the rest of the season.VERY tall order. Even if DP was fully rested I'd favor Andy right now, he is definitely playing the best tennis of anyone over the course of the past 3 months. DP will have tons of adrenaline and hopefully that gives him enough pep in his step over a best of 5. For Murray he has had some major ups and downs this week but blasting through Kei today is a good sign for him. I think Murray in 3 or 4 is the most likely result but hopefully I'm wrong.
I hope Muzz remember tomorrow when Delpo insulted his mother, sorry but that was unacceptable
i listend closely to the exchange.
and i think yhou are WRONG in citing delpotro for ''unacceptable behavior:.
the reason is this --:
teh SEQUENCE of events and how it started and for what reason.
1) andy did not like a shot delpo sent at him -- a body shot - at close quarters...
2) at their seats -- andy MADE THE INITIATIVE to speak directly TO del potro..about that shot andy did not like
3) del potro responded "you are always the same "...''like your mother".
4) andy responds ''you are gonna speak about my mother again?"
IT IS understandable to be upset when someone speaks about ''my mother' ...
but the REAL point of contention is not what del potro verbalized about what HE thinks about ''andy's mother' -- saying "just like your mother" .
the point is - ANDY INITIATED THE EXCHANGE -- which WAS ITSELF AGAINST ANY RULES - - UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR...which prompted del potro to respond with ''you are always the same..." and andy kept talking and basically provoking del potro -- who -- 3-5 seconds continuing to hear andy goad del potro some more...
THEN added "...always the same..just like your mother' PERHAPS TO also DIG at andy.
but here is the question -- AGAIN -- who started THIS altercation?
it is ANDY.
WHAT WAS THE NATURE of his initiating it - speaking directly to del potro that players are NEVER supposed to do?\
we come to the gist of it all -- the reason for the altercation initiated BY ANDY..
THE BODY SHOT that andy did not like from del potro.
the like andre agassi and sampras did it to each other ...and that was it.
on TWO COUNTS -- it was actually andy that crossed the line:
SPEAKING TO HIS OPPONENT - ND GOADING HIM TO RESPOND -- in fct andy phrased his comments in the form of QUESTIONS -- INTENDED to elicit a RESPONSE.
AND THEN COMPLAINING ABOUT THE BODY SHOT - which is a legitimate shot.
IF del potro then responded back with something, ANYTHING that andy said ''it's unacceptable" ''he talking about mymother"
it's andy.
inreality -- it was ANDY who was the ''behavioral aggressor" - andHE is the one that crossed the line:
initiating an exchange with his opponet because he didn't like the SHOT THAT IS LEGITIMATE form his opponent.WHATEVER HE GOT FROM DEL POTRO
ANDY -- LOOKED FOR A ''FIGHT' -- AND HE GOT IT from delpo.
if andy didn't LIKE the response of del po -- andy should NEVER have gone looking for a fight about a legitimate shot.1
in other words ANDY GOT WHAT HE DESERVED from del potro.
it has nothing to do with ''someone insulting someone else's mother|
\every one does that ;;
"son of a bitch" \
whatever...they are part of exchanges when quarrels and fights begin.
but the fundamental question remains - WHO STARTED IT?
IT WAS ANDY -- AND THEREFORE HE - HE - HAD NO ROOM OR JUSTIFICATION TO COMPLAIN ABOUT WHAT HE GOT afterhe looked for a fight, because that CLEARLY was what he was trying to gt del potro into..
for what reason? a SHOT ANDY DIDN'T LIKE|?
that body shots are legitimate? he GOES IN THERE IN A TENNIS MATCH -- has one of the richest arsenals of tennis shots --
he is going to COMPLAIN and PICK AND CHOOSE what shots his opponent may NOT bring against him?
that -- THAT in itself was unprofessional and unsportsmanlike.
it's not complicated -- and you were wrong inassessing this.
unless i am wrong in what i see and heard and the sequence of the exchagne and for what reason it BEGAN AND FROM WHOM..
It doesn't matter who started the fight, he never had to mention his mother, period
I know that Delpo is for some of you a "good guy" and Muzz a "bad one" but I don't think it's that way. Do you know why Delpo don't have a good relation with the others Argentine players? do you know that a few years ego he said something very incovinient about Rafa? of course this is nothing to do with today result but I always think that Delpo is not so nice like some people think
actually --- it DOES matter who started it.
this IS A professional match in which it is always clear tha tplayers - at minimum do NOT engage each other at all...unless it was clearly out of simply expressing genuine admiration - such as after a match, theycan talk, or clearly everyone understands they are teasing each other or whatever...
but in a situation in which someone can be judged by anyone - a viewer, an umpire, an official, as being ''inappropriate" -- such as in a fight - a verbal one in this case --
that has NO place in a professional exchange that , by the game rules should be confined TO BALL PLAYING ONLY -
thne something like this MATTERS as to who initiated the exchange that has no place in the match - AT ALL.
that is the bottom line.
whatever delpo\s other relations with others - as you cited -- by your own measure - is irrelevantin judging delpo HERE in THIS instance.
it is the same as saying NADAL is too testy during a match because berdych once made him angry in davis cup and that ''berdych' has a history of such things:. "
well -- in the CASE OF ''past history" ANDY TOO has a history of mouthing off - with umpires, being testy, and THAT too could be cited as ''annoying to the opponent, or testing or psyching out the opponent".
so -- arguments about ''past behavior or pattern of behavior" goes BOTH ways for delpo which you cited -- as for ANDY which i am citing.
but confining it to this example..the sequence, chronology of events IS central to the whole issue.
that's what is done when a jury considers a case -- they test every single chronological order..
what is the material to examine for that and only THAT event - a murder, a theft, a rape,
who did what at what time for what reason? and THEN you find out the facts.
and the facts here -- not the opinion about ''what delpo relates like with others" -- (which can also be said about how ''andy relates on matches" --
are all important.
so - again:
it is central - the question of who initiated the altercation - and for what reason so that
a delpo response came back at andy.
in short -- if andy doens't LIKE certainshots from his opponent he SHOULD NOT PLAY. he cannot pick and choose which shot comes so thtat he can hit it back nicely.
second -- if andy doesn't LIKE what delpo sent back in response - about andy's mother - because delpo said "...just like.....your mother"...
whatever delpo implied --
which itiself is actually anINSULT to his opponent as if to say delpo was making a cheap shot --
but cheap shot or not -- it is legitimate.
if EDBERG did not like MICHAEL CHANG'S underhand SERVE that turned the tide against edberg in FO 1990 - EDBERG had the dignity to just take it- and indeed lose the championship.
he did not engage incomplaining and directing his complaint at his opponent for a shot he didn't expect.
that is the correct way - by the rules of the game -
and this is the correct way to line up the REAL cause of the response of delpo which andy didn't like some more -- on top of not liking the legitimate shot.
in short also - andy murray BITCHED abotu a shot and then BITCHED about delpo's response...
if that was in the STREETS of RIO and andy tried THAT on someone -- he'd get BEATEN UP -- not just told "this for your momma - who's gonna be my bitch".
he is LUCKY it was just in a match in which it was HE that was being unprofessional towards his opponent .