1. this is trivial: 2πR = 2*3.14*0.7Gm. Hardly anyone cares about that number cause no one "circles" the sun to experience that. For all astronomical calculations, 2R (diameter) is used. Similarly trivial are 3 after we know 2, and 7 after we know 6, so I don't bother with 3 and 7.
2. can be answered, in identical way we answered the diameter of the sun, after we know the distance to the moon. I'll answer together with the related question 5.
4. Speed is distance/time. In case of Earth orbital speed, the distance is 2πa, where a is "astronomical unit" or the distance to the sun equal 150Gm (that we are going to find out in 5), and time is 1year = 365*24*3600sec. So v = 2π*150Gm/(365*24*3600)sec = 30km/sec
5. Here we are talking about distance measuring in astronomy. Universal astronomical measuring tool is the observation of parallax: Due to parallax, foreground objects displace on the distant background when observer changes position
Astronomical Parallax can be
- diurnal (due to Earth spinning) when an observer changes position every 12h by 2R (where R is Earth radius)
- annual (due to Earth circling the sun) when an observer changes position every 6months by 2a (where a is an astronomical unit)
First, you measure short distances, like a distance to the moon, using diurnal parallax. If you know the earth radius (from 6 below), and observe moon diurnal parallax of about 1 degree (a very large value for a star gazer!), you can calculate the distance as about 380Mm.
Then you can e.g. check the angle between moon and sun when moon is at 1st or 3rd phase precisely (thus forming a right angle with the sun. Knowing a distance to the moon (calculated from diurnal parallax), you can calculate the distance to the sun by resolving the right triangle. However, this method may be inaccurate because the sun-moon-earth triangle is very elongated (moon-sun angle of interest will be close to 90degrees, something like 89.5) and not stopping at that value, because earth goes in between sun and moon during a full moon phase, and the angle in question grows above 90 degrees. The more accurate measure is by triangulation between sun-earth-venus triangle, provided you know the distance to venus. The triangle is not much elongated, and more importantly, It is possible to pinpoint the moment when the right triangle is formed, when venus is at the
greatest elongation i.e. the farthest from the sun venus can appear in the sky. That moment can be pinpointed because the angle between sun and venus does not grow beyond 90 degrees, i.e.: the earth does never enter between venus and sun. This is described with some pictures for example here:
It is mentioned therein, that the distance between venus and earth that we need to know, can be obtained using radar (by measuring a time of the electromagnetic echo traveling at speed 2c). Well, people did not know radar before The Battle of Britain in 1940 (and radars were not powerful yet sensitive enough to use in astronomy until 1960) yet astronomers knew most distances in the solar system before that. They used diurnal parallax measure to track the distance to venus as venus traveled towards earth while tracking the sun-venus angle up to the
greatest elongation.
Anticipating that you next ask how we measure the distance to the stars, the answer is: with annual parallax. This parallax is really a wonderful measuring tool. Have you heard of an astronomical unit of distance called "parsec"? It's a short of "
parallax angle of 1
second". So, it's a distance, that a displacement of 1 astronomical unit (distance to the sun subject of this point) creates a parallax angle of one second (1/3600 of degree). You can calculate 1 parsec to be 3.086e+16 metres or 3.262 light-years (LY). The distance to the closest star was measured using annual parallax as a bit over 1 parsec. So the parallax angle of that star is a bit less than 1 sec. We have measured the distances to the stars up to some 1000 LY away using the best telescopes, while more recently Hobble telescope measured up to 10,000 LY.
6. This is the basic distance we have to know to start measuring anything in astronomy, including all of the above. There are several methods, but most of them are calculation of the earth surface curvature, e.g. by rising to a known altitude above the sea level and observing the distance of the horizon or by how much the known objects are "hidden" below the horizon line. One of the methods is shown here:
U can also measure the difference in sun rays angle at two different locations, if you have two synchronised observers at the same time, as Eratosthenes did more than 2000y ago:
Earth radius is about 6.37Mm, yielding the circumference of 40Mm (a better known number for "early" applications).