nobody said Fed is a saint, but his MTO is minimal compared to Rafa thus opinions are formed. MTO is different when you do it before your opponent serves for the match, surely you must admit that you tried to cloud the issue by saying Fed did it at end of set.....very backhanded actually, you should be better than this (are you?). It is all relative really and that's the crux of it, one has done it worse so it gets pointed out. No conspiracy, its all straight observation by all fans. you flatter yourself by saying some internet warriors can affect the reputation of an all time great, laughable to say the least.
Must be a reason that fellow players rate Fed's sportsmanship way higher than Rafa? i mean Fed has smashed racquet while Rafa hasn't, players don't really care if you look nice and behave well, priority (when they vote) is how fair they think you are.
"Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors."
First thing is fairness, doesn't matter if you never even uttered a bad word. Most important is you play fair.