I don't have time to reply to all of that but no it's not for the good of other people because if the elderly and sick are already vaccinated then they're fine. Vaccinated people can still catch and transmit covid so you're no different than me at all in that respect so that most certainly does not make me a selfish git. It makes me a logical one. It's only going to reduce severity of symptoms for anyone vaccinated who catches covid and since they could catch it from you or any vaccinated person just the same then it's down to pure choice whether someone wants to take their chances of never catching covid or getting it and recovering with their own immune system minus any almost government forced vaccine.
10000 cases a day that don't require hospitization doesn't burden any health system. I don't have time to attach VAERs reports but your claim of no ill effects is complete bs as there are lots. As for telling me I should take a flu shot when I've never got the flu I fail to see the logic there. No one should take anything they don't need. Some people have crap immune systems and catch everything so they can take it if that's the case for peace of mind. Not for me thanks.
Your notion of me supposedly not in the affected age group so fuck everyone else is the typical pro vaccine failed argument and yet you called me childish. It's not a case of fuck everyone else since the elderly/vulnerable are almost all vaccinated in most countries so chances of anyone else getting seriously sick or dying are very slim but feel free to keep up with the wrong notion that people like me are saying fuck everyone else which is completely untrue. I'm all for elderly or those with underlying conditions being safe but once they are then no one else needs these. Good that your trial is ongoing btw but real vaccines have years of testing for long term effects. They can't predict long term side effects in mere months and that's a fact.
Just to add, I'm glad you have no side effects but many won't be as lucky. And many will continue to have zero from taking no vaccine. To add further, I have friends taking steroids for years and roids get a bad rep but are safe when done sensibly and there's a ton of information online about usage and safety for years and years on roids and yet they're not going near covid vaccines. That says a lot about lack of trust in long term studies on covid vaccines, namely cos there are NO long term studies. It's a lottery/gamble/whatever you want to call it.
I can only speak of here in the US, where I live about 60-70% of the populace is fully vaccinated.
There is no vaccine that is 100 % guaranteed and as mentioned, with varying immune system reactions, people take their risks, which is why some, including ironically enough many in the health care profession that I know, normally don't take flu shots or other vaccinations. Personally, I rarely took vaccinations in the past, one of the reasons is what I think is a healthy(no pun intended) skepticism of excessive medication/drug use here in the States. Doctors tend to treat symptoms, and good nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle in many cases help a person cope better than a bucket load of prescription drugs, which is unfortunately the AMA's MO for healthcare here. The contempt of many in the medical community here have for anything homeopathic or natural, including say, acupuncture (which I do) is palpable. There is billions of dollars in lucre involved in this complicated subject, including pharmaceutical lobbying.
I may take the shingles shot this year, simply because I've had chicken pox in the past, and seeing friends/family get shingles (including my wife) I DO NOT want to ever get shingles, period. It's one of the most painful things from what others tell me. My wife doesn't ever take the flu shot, however while some years I do, this last year I didn't and well since I kept away from most people quite frankly I didn't see the point.
What I'm trying to say is it's not always a cut and dry, black and white, binary stance . Because someone takes the vaccine doesn't mean they are lemmings who disregards the potential dangers and on the other side those who don't take the vaccines doesn't mean they are ignorant of science and completely anti-medicine/vaxers. However, I do have contempt for those who refused to wear masks, social distance and take the vaccine for simply POLITICAL reasons, ----because it's obvious in those cases political agendas deliberately trumped public health/safety. Every day/week we get updates, more data, more numbers so as of now I have no issue with people who weigh their options and decide not to vaccinate as long as they continue to follow protocols in their communities.
As far as COVID, I think anyone would be disingenuous as to claim it's been the status quo as far as other flu outbreaks in our lifetime. This has been different. I will say this, from all sides, not always intentionally there's been a whole slew of misinformation, botched policies, etc, etc which has made the muddled mess we have know. Statistical evidence shows that NOT putting on masks and social distancing increased infections and hospitalizations, sometimes tragically so, while at the same time yes, the death rate was far lower for most of the population. Yet I have no patience for those who at this point claim COVID was just "another flu" and the threat was overblown.
NOBODY really knew how this was all going to pan out...while some strict shutdowns appeared not be that effective in stemming the surges (with economic repercussions that strained the system in other ways) as the same time the cavalier attitude in some countries such as Brazil as far as safety protocols was disastrous.
So I took the vaccination because of employment and family and travel considerations, it was the best choice for me, as well as my wife. We researched our options, and yes, with limited test data took our chances and took one of the the vaccines. (in our area there were 3 available) If it doesn't pan out, we pay the consequences of our decisions but pretty much everything you do in life has weighted risk. Which is why I will never mountain climb K-2.