Magnus is going for it with f4. I don't care for the move much, black is landing a knight on c5 and I don't think white has too much of an attack here.
Time trouble got the best of him. Nxe6+ was a nice shot but one that Karjakin would've easily seen if he had more time. I don't think it was necessarily time trouble that got Carlsen in trouble, I think he is pressing way too much.
engines say this position is equal. But if white can't get rid of that passer surely it's a problem. Unless Magnus can find some sort of mating net which doesn't look likely. That bishop of his is stuck protecting his king
Carlsen loses, wow. That was an atrocious game from him, that's what happens when you try to overextend and don't accept a draw. a2, qxa2, ng4+ followed by Qg1 and he's toast.
Now it gets extremely interesting. It is always extremely difficult to beat someone who only needs to draw. Magnus has 4 games to do it which is a decent amount of tries but the fact that he now HAS to be extremely aggressive leaves him open to losing again.
I have to say, even though I want Magnus to win this thing, Sergey's strategy is working really well. Carlsen is either frustrated or panicking. Either way kudos
Carlsen played that game like he was down a point and it was the last game of the match. Extremely bizarre. I've seen him lose games like that a bunch over the years (pressing too hard when he should take the draw) but obviously those haven't come during a world championship match.