Always politicizing, Ms Teddy, eh? Fine, everyone has their motivation. Mine would be more sentimental, I guess, so no less biased. For me, Andy has been the least decorated of the Big 4, but there was a Big 4 for a reason. He was the most pressured by his home-country press, and still he came good on the Gold medal in London, and the Wimbledon after a 77 year drought for a British man. I like that he's gritty, talented, self-effacing, and because he seems to be seizing his moment.
i definitely agree that ANDY of the FOUR has been under the greatest pressure FROM ''his country" -- this is correct.
nole did not have to deal with a 'past greatness to live up to" in tennis terms as andy has had to go through -- with the legacy of FRED PERRY -- THE dearth of GS and wimbledon titles for britain after that history of great players - and the long, long wait...
and andy - imo -- NEVER deserved to have to go through that. and he is great in HIS own as a result. THAT'S also why i like him a lot.
i am sentimental too , that way. and nobody could be happier than when i saw him win his first USO and then -- more importantly his WIMBLEDON.
TO ME -- THAT was truly an emotional moment as a FAN of tennis and for wishing that the HOME of the 'greatest tournament"
the 'CATHEDRAL OF TENNIS" AS pete sampras once called wimbledon --
SHOULD have a BRITISH champion again. IT IS RIGHT.
BUT i must add that THAT ''pressure" can NOT be as great or surpass that for NOLE or any SERBIAN --
Who represent a small country -- under FIERCE , VICIOUS assault - to this very day -- for their VERY EXISTENCE as a CULTURE and as a UNIQUE people -- SLAVIC , ORTHODOX people who are some of the OLDEST peoples in the region spanning europe and asia...
in the assault by the WESTERN empire...
and so the PRESSURE on NOLE and ANY serbian is greater for the very fact that EVERY win they must make as tennis players from a country not much known before for the sport -- having hd to deal with MORE important matters of existence than JUST tennis --
for they - in their titles represent what nole saide:
"i want to show the world a different Serbia -- a Serbia that is not what the west has painted us to be".
and oh my goodness -- they are GLORIOUS people!
u see - moxie -- SERBIANS -- for having been vilified as ''those inferior SLAVS" so common to the WEST -- and to the point of DESTROYING their country by the likes of YOUR IRISH AMERICAN HILLARY AND BILLIE AND WESLEY CLARKE and their ilk...
are -- an allegory for what the USA RACIST empire does or has tone to ITS own colored folks...
such as blacks who MUST prove themselves many, many, many times over that whites do NOT have to be asked to do!!
SERBIANS - SLAVS -- to the 'west" -- are THAT equivalent --
they are REQUIRED to prove themselves 0 over and over and over -- AS IF they have NO right to be respected IN THEIR OWN RIGHT as peoples and cultures..
who -- in fact possess cultures FAR RICHER AND DEEPER than the self-appointed ''master races" of the WEST. ..and who possess SPIRITUALITY of self -- and connection ''with the divine"
than the west can ever demonstrate...