The fact that people try to switch the narratives cracks me up too. The initial conversation was about volleys, not serve and volley, but sometimes people want to be so right that the point gets lost in the "arguing." The fact that Federer considers himself an aggressive baseliner seals the deal for me, no matter how many stats people try to use, and then, only in the four majors although they play all year? Not convinced. That type of data would have to be all-inclusive, not cherry picked, IMO.
I hate to address you directly (as you ask me no to do it) but you are spreading miss information, so I have no choice.
@masterclass did not "cherry pick" data, he got a sample. We all should thank him that he spent his time to do it in order for all of us have a better informed discussion. Why he got a sample? To begin with, maybe simply there is no data of all matches, and second, it takes quite an effort to analyze them all. There is a thing called statistics that allows you to infer results of populations out of samples. They use it in elections, for example, and the maximum error should around 3%, if done honestly or competently, as all elections in the world bar the last American one show.
The good thing about data is that it often surprises you. When I compiled the (small) data of this AUS OPEN, I was quite sure Nadal´s number were a bit lower. They were quite good, indeed.
Back to Masterclass" sample... Is it a good one? Hell it is... he chose majors (exactly the highest stake), at the later rounds, where you are playing against better adversaries. So you can safely bet that Federer´s overall statistics are probably way better than that. As yourself has observed the obvious fact that he would attack more against lower ranked players.
I have no problem with non-mainstream claims, but the least you can do is to give some reasoning to them. It is appalling, offensive and completely disrespectful to -- while not bringing no argument to the table -- ignore and dismiss the DATA someone else compiles just because it does not fit your argument.
If you want to make a valid point, you should discuss what those "net points" really mean. They are not necessarily only volleys. But I guess that is the best data we can get.