Chris Koziarz
Masters Champion
I 1000% disagree
Wow! Umpire abuse on par with the worst episodes by Kyrgios...
Uhmm, maybe Med didn't reach Kyrgios' level yet. Do we remember how Kyrgios was fined something like $40k+ and banned from the tour for few months? And sport phycologists have been sitting on him... That episode looks like a thing of the distant past: Kyrgios appears to have grown out of it.
Med is about the same age as Kyrgios but didn't grow out of his tantrums yet. If he's as smart as Kyrgios (certain people describe him as "intelligent") he should eventually grow out. Otherwise, IMO he does not deserve being #1 he is about to become soon.
We shall see how high penalty the tour officials will impose. And how Med develops: will he stay "immature" like Maccy, or will he grow up like Kyrgios.