I do wonder why Federer fans are quiet regarding about the speed of the court today?
I don't know about everyone else. But it does feel like most of the talk about the slow grass from the first week has abated. I mentioned it once or twice. But I always accepted that grass is grass. It's certainly slower now than it was in the 90s. But even if it's the slowest it's ever been this year, it's still grass. It's still gonna be fairly low bouncing. It still takes a different game. At least slightly. Fed has done that better than Nadal today.
In this particular matchup, the grass gives Fed an advantage for sure. But even if you were to say it doesn't give him that much of an advantage, you at least have to say that simply the fact that it's not on clay removes that advantage for Nadal. And the match is always gonna be closer at that point. We've seen Rafa win a few matches over Fed at the AO on slower hard courts. But Fed still got one there eventually. But it's still always gonna be that Rafa has less of an advantage off of clay.