For the record, it was high glucose levels. That's sugar. Cough Drop, indeed. You're going to accuse me of defending Cilic because he's playing Roger, but I have said this for a long time, on both DT and TF: what the ITF bought was that Cilic took an electrolyte drink of some kind, and it had something he wasn't supposed to take. I'm not saying that's the answer, but it's not implausible, as it may have, in fact, been bought over the counter. My bone to pick is that you are always so convinced about the ones you choose to be convinced about, and completely head in the sand, when it suits you. Didn't you defend Troicki, who, at the same approximate time, refused a test and got banned? But why? I understand that the ITF hasn't given anyone reason to trust them. But fans who are so sure that they know what goes down I find equally suspect in their motivations. Unlike you, I've never cared much for Cilic, and I have no reason to defend him. But for those who express so much outrage about some players, and claim so much moral rectitude, and then ignore similar situations about others...well, I find that hard to square. It's a guessing game for all of us, and the ITF had better soon learn to make it less so.