2015 Slam Challenge! Wimbledon Edition

El Dude

Apr 14, 2013
Riotbeard said:
Dude, you missed me! I participated! See my predictions on page one of this thread. I think I tied for second with 24 points.

Whoops, sorry - I thought you did but compiled that while I was camping and snuck out to a coffee shop for an hour to watch Roger lose :(.

kskate2 said:
Hey Dude, how can Bounce It and I be late when the first ball wasn't struck until Mon June 29 around 6:40 A.M. EST?

Sorry kskate2, my bad. For some reason I thought you both were. I fixed it.

Bounce It !!

Club Member
Feb 4, 2014
El Dude said:
Riotbeard said:
Dude, you missed me! I participated! See my predictions on page one of this thread. I think I tied for second with 24 points.

Whoops, sorry - I thought you did but compiled that while I was camping and snuck out to a coffee shop for an hour to watch Roger lose :(.

kskate2 said:
Hey Dude, how can Bounce It and I be late when the first ball wasn't struck until Mon June 29 around 6:40 A.M. EST?

Sorry kskate2, my bad. For some reason I thought you both were. I fixed it.

Mahalo for the correction

Bounce It !!

Club Member
Feb 4, 2014
El Dude said:
Bounce It !! said:
El Dude said:
No one picked Gasquet.

This is definitely the tightest Slam Challenge on record. There's only one contestant who scored in single digits and most are in the 20-25 range, depending upon Sunday's result.

I'm seeing 21 pts max for several folks, no one in in the 22-25 range, unless I'm missing something. With Nole and Fed winning the SF, and no one having picked Gasquet for anything, there is 1 point available for Muzz as QF winner, and max 20 pts for Fed/Novak depending on how you picked them and who wins, for a total of 21 points, (12+8+1). If you picked Nole to Win and Fed as DH, won't matter who wins, max 20 pts; Points will be less if you picked Novak as F or SF with Fed as DH, and Fed or Novak wins.

Maybe I'm missing something, as I'm often wrong, but seldom in doubt.

As always, more will be revealed...

Well remember that everyone who picked Novak and Roger as the W and DH will get at least 20 points just for those two - 12 for the W and 8 for F; these folks already have their point totals. Then the SF are 3 and the QF are 1, so you've got some people who get one SF and two QF, which equals 25 total.

The people whose totals are uncertain are those who picked Andy to win. We're just waiting to see if they get 8 or 12 points for Roger, depending upon the results tomorrow.

I'll take yours as an example. You picked Novak to win and Roger as the DH, so those points are set - regardless of the outcome you get 20 points. Then you picked Andy as the Finalist; he made it to the SF so you get 3 points. Then you have Stan as the SF; he made it to the QF, so you get 1 point. 20 + 3 + 1 = 24. But then you were late with your picks, so you get a -3, so a total of 21.
I think I have found the point of misunderstanding that has been confusing to me. According to the Rules we pick W/F, 2 SF, 4 QF. I understood the rules to mean we pick the 2 SF that Win, and the 4 QF that Win, so Andy would draw 1 pt not 3, Stan would not get a point. My thoughts were that if we were picking those that made the SF/QF we would be picking 4-SF and the 8-QF.

However, if we add the W/F to the 2-SF we then have the 4 SF picks, and if we add the W/F with the 2-SF, and the 4-QF picks we have the eight. With the DH/WC we get 2 extra picks as well.

I just never understood it that way, until now. As I said above, "'I'm often wrong. but seldom in doubt" ;-)

Two thoughts on why the results were so close, 1) the young guns are still shooting blanks, Kei. Milos, Grigor; and 2) inconsistent results from the veterans, Rafa, Stan, Jo Willie, Le Monf, & Stan.

If the goal is to open things up with the Slam Challenge, I'd suggest we pick 8 QF, 4 SF and W/F, with the DH/WC, where you could pick 16 different entries. Leaves more room for options, and few more points for the unexpected. Just a thought.

Mahalo for running the Challenge El Dude