
Apr 22, 2013
It’s very fascinating why they don’t, though. Partly I’d say it’s ideological blindness - they’re so conditioned to think of the other side as being evil Nazis and bigots, that they can’t imagine why they should ever listen to them. And they’re the ‘compassionate’ ones, right? So they definitely will never see that they’re wrong and the ‘Nazis’ are right. Or even that compassion can be shown by the ‘Nazis’, and most especially they will never see that they’re not the compassionate ones at all. Even remotely.

And as well there’s what you’re saying, their warped ideas about equality. Their dishonest position on diversity. And their far from inclusive policies of inclusion. That they can’t see all this is probably the most interesting and a scary part of it all…
it's ironic, because one of the tropes in modern society is that there has always been a flaw in the way young boys are brought up. That they're socialised to be aggressive and that this is somehow a bad thing. The reality is that boys are aggressive because of their nature. The process of their development is to help them learn to channel this aggression in ways that benefit society. Sadly the real problem is how girls are responding to modern society, given the way they are brought up. I don't believe there's anything wrong with the way girls are developed into young women. I think the issue is the intersection of their development and modern society. While boys are conditioned to find solutions, girls are taught to have expectations about what society owes them. This is why so many in this generation, boys and girls, believe in equity. It's no longer about finding solutions for yourself, now it's about what society owes you. Include boys in this as well, because of what I see as the feminisation of boys. This only started to happen when the percentage of men in teaching positions fell dramatically. I'm honestly not sure how we recover from this.

But the bottom line is that if you're sitting there thinking society owes you something, you're less capable of understanding reality and what you need to do - for yourself - to achieve on your own terms

If people don't understand what I mean consider this new trend, that can be observed on Tiktok where young girls when asked what their dating preferences are, will talk about the three 6's : six ft tall; six figure salary; six inch you know what. And as far as they're concerned that's perfectly reasonable, even though less than 5% of the male population matches that. Whereas if a man says he just doesn't want a girl to be fat, those same girls will scream that he's being fatphobic. Never mind the fact that being fat is a choice. Being less that 6ft tall, or having less than 6 inches is not changeable. That's the batshit crazy world we live in
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Apr 14, 2013
it's ironic, because one of the tropes in modern society is that there has always been a flaw in the way young boys are brought up. That they're socialised to be aggressive and that this is somehow a bad thing. The reality is that boys are aggressive because of their nature. The process of their development is to help them learn to channel this aggression in ways that benefit society. Sadly the real problem is how girls are responding to modern society, given the way they are brought up. I don't believe there's anything wrong with the way girls are developed into young women. I think the issue is the intersection of their development and modern society. While boys are conditioned to find solutions, girls are taught to have expectations about what society owes them. This is why so many in this generation, boys and girls, believe in equity. It's no longer about finding solutions for yourself, now it's about what society owes you. Include boys in this as well, because of what I see as the feminisation of boys. This only started to happen when the percentage of men in teaching positions fell dramatically. I'm honestly not sure how we recover from this.

But the bottom line is that if you're sitting there thinking society owes you something, you're less capable of understanding reality and what you need to do - for yourself - to achieve on your own terms

If people don't understand what I mean consider this new trend, that can be observed on Tiktok where young girls when asked what their dating preferences are, will talk about the three 6's : six ft tall; six figure salary; six inch you know what. And as far as they're concerned that's perfectly reasonable, even though less than 5% of the male population matches that. Whereas if a man says he just doesn't want a girl to be fat, those same girls will scream that he's being fatphobic. Never mind the fact that being fat is a choice. Being less that 6ft tall, or having less than 6 inches is not changeable. That's the batshit crazy world we live in
One of the most compelling arguments Douglas Murray has made against the modern SJW blue-rinse activist mob is that so-called social justice movements have no idea that they’re like a train that reached its station years ago - but just kept going anyway, as if they hadn’t yet reached it. So now they’re a runaway movement fighting battles where there’s no battles left to fight.

They’re out of control, in other words, and now their innate hatred is causing them to try to dismantle the only society in history where successful attempts have been made to include everyone, and make everyone equal.

Here’s the kicker. The real cultural Marxist root to this is that the working class have let them down by not bringing about the revolution so they’re using other identity groups to bring that revolution about. Their revolution is against the west, the most successful and fair society in history, and they’re doing this under the pretence of bringing justice against the white, patriarchal, capitalistic, blah blah boring, list of villains.

The blatant gender stuff you mentioned there is all part of it really, isn’t it? Boys can’t be boys, girls can be vengeful and malicious towards men who do them no wrong. It’s all part of the dismantling of things..
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Apr 22, 2013
One of the most compelling arguments Douglas Murray has made against the modern SJW blue-rinse activist mob is that so-called social justice movements have no idea that they’re like a train that reached its station years ago - but just kept going anyway, as if they hadn’t yet reached it. So now they’re a runaway movement fighting battles where there’s no battles left to fight.

They’re out of control, in other words, and now their innate hatred is causing them to try to dismantle the only society in history where successful attempts have been made to include everyone, and make everyone equal.

Here’s the kicker. The real cultural Marxist root to this is that the working class have let them down by not bringing about the revolution so they’re using other identity groups to bring that revolution about. Their revolution is against the west, the most successful and fair society in history, and they’re doing this under the pretence of bringing justice against the white, patriarchal, capitalistic, blah blah boring, list of villains.

The blatant gender stuff you mentioned there is all part of it really, isn’t it? Boys can’t be boys, girls can be vengeful and malicious towards men who do them no wrong. It’s all part of the dismantling of things..
yup. All part of the same thing. It's not just boys can't be boys, and girls can be as malicious as they want. It's pick whatever so called victimised group, they are permitted to discriminate against the victimiser group. Or at least that's what the ideology says. I think this is slowly starting to change. There's the case of the teacher in Texas who was wilfully racist and homophobic, and she assumed that it was ok because she's a black woman. She got fired thankfully. More of that please!



Apr 22, 2013
Well done to Bernstein’s children for fighting back against the PC BS criticisms of Bradley Cooper. :clap:

Leonard Bernstein’s Family Respond After Backlash To Bradley Cooper Wearing Prosthetic Nose To Play Jewish Composer
I love the response! And I loathe this new wokery that tries to limit the roles that actors can play. It's funny when it's the other way...they completely rewrite characters to fit whatever identity group they want to advocate.

I do however find it amusing in one way. Doesn't this open the door to legitimising blackface in film?
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
One of the most compelling arguments Douglas Murray has made against the modern SJW blue-rinse activist mob is that so-called social justice movements have no idea that they’re like a train that reached its station years ago - but just kept going anyway, as if they hadn’t yet reached it. So now they’re a runaway movement fighting battles where there’s no battles left to fight.

They’re out of control, in other words, and now their innate hatred is causing them to try to dismantle the only society in history where successful attempts have been made to include everyone, and make everyone equal.

I’ve also heard Murray make this point, and I think he’s spot on. I can’t remember if he mentioned this, but I think at least part of the problem is not just the runaway momentum of the movement, but also the money they have brought in. Organizations are created to fight certain issues, but when they win, they have two choices: celebrate the victory and move on, or keep going to ensure the continuation of making money.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I hope this kind of blatant BS will eventually put a stop to this craziness. I don’t understand why women aren’t absolutely outraged by this? Maybe they need to boycott these sports until the situation has been fixed. I know that would be a HUGE sacrifice to the women who have trained years, even decades, only to stand on the sidelines.

I see that weightlifter or the swimmer — both breaking “women’s” records — and wonder what would happen in the reverse? What if a short, thin woman transitioned to male, then decided to play rugby? It would be discriminatory not to let him be part of the team, under these new rules, yet it would also clearly be akin to manslaughter to allow it. In the end, a female-to-male would not be allowed to compete, but a male-to-female would be allowed on the women’s rugby team — and become the greatest ever in the history of women’s rugby.
Is it fair to say that women aren't pushing back? There is push-back in swimming, for sure. (Riley Gaines, notably.) And, let's face it, power-lifting isn't a major sport, but there IS push-back. Women are walking out of competitions.

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Well done to Bernstein’s children for fighting back against the PC BS criticisms of Bradley Cooper. :clap:

Leonard Bernstein’s Family Respond After Backlash To Bradley Cooper Wearing Prosthetic Nose To Play Jewish Composer
I wondered if this would make it over here. I almost posted it myself. I can give you some inside intel. I know the Bernstein kids, especially one, and I know that Bradley Cooper has long been involved in this project. Like 2-3 years. Another friend, associated with our mutual friend, and the Bernstein Foundation gave Bradley Cooper exclusive access to a lot of recordings of Bernstein's voice. This was way before Spielberg was involved. Cooper wasn't "cast" in this film. It was his baby. I actually understood that he was going to direct it. Point being, it was a labor of love and great effort for Bradley Cooper to take on Leonard Bernstein, a towering figure, at least in US music of the late-20th Century. He's been working on it for years. With the support of the Bernstein family. They fully, and playfully admit that Lennie had a big nose. Is is "Jewface" for Cooper to wear a prosthetic nose? Do you have to be Jewish to play Leonard Bernstein? Does it make Cooper a lesser actor to resort to a fake nose? Nicole Kidman wore a prosthetic nose to better approximate Virginia Woolf, and she won the Oscar for it.
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
I wondered if this would make it over here. I almost posted it myself. I can give you some inside intel. I know the Bernstein kids, especially one, and I know that Bradley Cooper has long been involved in this project. Like 2-3 years. Another friend, associated with our mutual friend, and the Bernstein Foundation gave Bradley Cooper exclusive access to a lot of recordings of Bernstein's voice. This was way before Spielberg was involved. Cooper wasn't "cast" in this film. It was his baby. I actually understood that he was going to direct it. Point being, it was a labor of love and great effort for Bradley Cooper to take on Leonard Bernstein, a towering figure, at least in US music of the late-20th Century. He's been working on it for years. With the support of the Bernstein family. They fully, and playfully admit that Lennie had a big nose. Is is "Jewface" for Cooper to wear a prosthetic nose? Do you have to be Jewish to play Leonard Bernstein? Does it make Cooper a lesser actor to resort to a fake nose? Nicole Kidman wore a prosthetic nose to better approximate Virginia Woolf, and she won the Oscar for it.
That’s fantastic! I can’t wait to see it.

It’s a perfect analogy to mention Nicole Kidman in The Hours. Renee Zellweger also had a somewhat prosthetic nose as Judy Garland. Sean Penn as Harvey Milk. They all won Oscars and deserved them.

And, no, someone doesn’t have to be Jewish to play a Jew, nor gay/lesbian to play a gay man or lesbian, nor blind to play a blind person. The actor/actress who will do the best performance is the one who should play the part. I have ZERO PROBLEMS with Sean Penn as Milk. In fact, I think he did an incredible job.
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Apr 14, 2013
Is it fair to say that women aren't pushing back? There is push-back in swimming, for sure. (Riley Gaines, notably.) And, let's face it, power-lifting isn't a major sport, but there IS push-back. Women are walking out of competitions.

Riley Gaines is incredibly brave. Her appearance at the senate hearing might be a watershed moment in teaching women that trans activism is not only trying to erase them, but that women need to stand together on this, and not be bullied by the far left.

The Democrats in the hearing naturally opposed her. She was abused in the media by trans activists and of course she’s been mislabelled as being a transphobe.

There was a hilarious moment when a “queer human rights” activist claimed that Serena would beat men handily. This is unfortunately indicative on the grip on reality the left has these days, when it comes to gender.

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Apr 14, 2013
And, no, someone doesn’t have to be Jewish to play a Jew, nor gay/lesbian to play a gay man or lesbian, nor blind to play a blind person. The actor/actress who will do the best performance is the one who should play the part. I have ZERO PROBLEMS with Sean Penn as Milk. In fact, I think he did an incredible job.
The only thing I’d say in this is to do with the question of authenticity. As an Irish person who cringes at American films and dramas when there have an American play an Irish person, I think an effort should be made to find an Irish actor if it helps the film be better.

I’ve no issue with Americans butchering our accents other than that it comes across as being inauthentic and damages the film, or TV show. This isn’t a post only about Irish accents. It could apply in the opposite direction too. I suppose it’s really to do with bad acting. But we’ve become so used to realism in films that suspended belief is more difficult at times when it’s obvious the actor/actress aren’t believable in the role..
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
The only thing I’d say in this is to do with the question of authenticity. As an Irish person who cringes at American films and dramas when there have an American play an Irish person, I think an effort should be made to find an Irish actor if it helps the film be better.

I’ve no issue with Americans butchering our accents other than that it comes across as being inauthentic and damages the film, or TV show. This isn’t a post only about Irish accents. It could apply in the opposite direction too. I suppose it’s really to do with bad acting. But we’ve become so used to realism in films that suspended belief is more difficult at times when it’s obvious the actor/actress aren’t believable in the role..
I think this has more to do with how notoriously terrible Americans, in general, are with foreign accents, vs. the other way round — Europeans, in general, are excellent at portraying Americans.
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Apr 14, 2013
I think this has more to do with how notoriously terrible Americans, in general, are with foreign accents, vs. the other way round — Europeans, in general, are excellent at portraying Americans.
You think so? I wouldn’t know, for example, if Hugh Laurie’s accent in House is good. It sounds ‘American’ but I wouldn’t know if it is. Just on a sidenote, I remember Pierce Brosnan had to ‘put on’ an Irish accent and it was dreadful.

Pierce Brosnan is Irish.. :slap:
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
You think so? I wouldn’t know, for example, if Hugh Laurie’s accent in House is good. It sounds ‘American’ but I wouldn’t know if it is. Just on a sidenote, I remember Pierce Brosnan had to ‘put on’ an Irish accent and it was dreadful.

Pierce Brosnan is Irish.. :slap:
It’s pretty rare to find an English-speaking European who is terrible at an American accent, especially if they’re going for a neutral one, vs. trying to sound like a New Yorker or Bostonian. I‘ve heard Europeans discuss how difficult the American “R“ sounds are for them, but they learn them anyway.
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Apr 22, 2013
That’s fantastic! I can’t wait to see it.

It’s a perfect analogy to mention Nicole Kidman in The Hours. Renee Zellweger also had a somewhat prosthetic nose as Judy Garland. Sean Penn as Harvey Milk. They all won Oscars and deserved them.

And, no, someone doesn’t have to be Jewish to play a Jew, nor gay/lesbian to play a gay man or lesbian, nor blind to play a blind person. The actor/actress who will do the best performance is the one who should play the part. I have ZERO PROBLEMS with Sean Penn as Milk. In fact, I think he did an incredible job.
nor should there be an issue with a black person playing a white person or vice versa. It's acting. It's entertainment. The reason for doing it would clearly not be the same as it would have been in the 30s and 40s, so folks need to get over it. They should try cancelling Tropic Thunder or Soul Man. I dare them!
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
nor should there be an issue with a black person playing a white person or vice versa. It's acting. It's entertainment. The reason for doing it would clearly not be the same as it would have been in the 30s and 40s, so folks need to get over it. They should try cancelling Tropic Thunder or Soul Man. I dare them!
I keep waiting for the PC mob to go after Tropic Thunder. I‘m somewhat surprised they haven’t already.
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Apr 14, 2013
I keep waiting for the PC mob to go after Tropic Thunder. I‘m somewhat surprised they haven’t already.
Sometimes there's people who are too big to cancel, so their transgression is selectively ignored. I imagine Robert Downey jr falls into that category. And sometimes the left circle their wagons, like when the Vacuous Boy Prince of Canada was rumbled countless times for wearing blackface. If he was a conservative, he'd be doomed to being labelled a racist and hounded by crazy activists, but he got a free pass...


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
nor should there be an issue with a black person playing a white person or vice versa. It's acting. It's entertainment. The reason for doing it would clearly not be the same as it would have been in the 30s and 40s, so folks need to get over it. They should try cancelling Tropic Thunder or Soul Man. I dare them!
I think it depends on the role and context. If they were making a film on Malcolm X or Martin Luther King and gave the role to Peter Dinklage, I'd imagine there would be uproar. Historical context comes into it.


Apr 22, 2013
I think it depends on the role and context. If they were making a film on Malcolm X or Martin Luther King and gave the role to Peter Dinklage, I'd imagine there would be uproar. Historical context comes into it.
I think that's fair. Certainly if the performance isn't great, questions would have to be asked... and answered. I just hate the idea of it being automatically excluded. That strikes me as wrong
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think that's fair. Certainly if the performance isn't great, questions would have to be asked... and answered. I just hate the idea of it being automatically excluded. That strikes me as wrong
Agree with fictional stories... it gives free license. Non-fiction should be more accurately portrayed.