Q. What was going on between you and the umpire at the beginning of the third set? Did you not hear the overrule and the score until Love 40? Do you feel he should have told you more clearly what was going on?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I was right there on top of the bounce. I thought, Oh, it was going to go in. Net cord, maybe out. I thought it was out.
I heard something, but I wasn't sure. I looked at him. There's nothing. Then I checked out Stan, if he was going to challenge. There was nothing. So then I heard, Breakpoint, Love 40. I was like, Hold on, it's 15 30. I would have played my points totally different than 15 Love, so forth.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it that he wouldn't ask me more clearly because it was clearly a very close call. I still don't know if it was in or out.
I just don't quite understand how he cannot be louder. At Love 15, if he tells the score, it would probably be too late anyway. He would have said, Oh, yeah, now you got to challenge, you smart guy. I would have lost it there anyway.
But in the moment, just to assume, you know, I think is not good enough, to be quite honest. I'm not blaming him. But I remember hearing something, but not loud enough for me that it was actually an overrule, I guess. That's how it went for me.