What on Earth is going on in the world today? It's gone mad


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
shawnbm said:
Very very very few criminal priests were covered up by a bishop and would only apply to cases since around 2002--which are very few. As the john Jay report found, about three to four percent of North American clergy (which included deacons, nuns/sisters and monks/brothers) were credibly charged with improprieties and the overwhelming majority of such cases arise in the 1960-1990 period of time. Especially back in the sixties and seventies, it was thought this was a mental disorder that could be treated through the therapy and medications, as well as pastorally. Not even the local law enforcement back then were aggressive in prosecuting these crimes then. Since the vast majority were ephebophilia cases and not true pedophilia, the feeling was that this was mostly teenaged-cleric homosexuality or deviant men preying on teenaged girls (still common in high schools today, unfortunately). So, this scandal is vastly different than terrorism by certain Islamic groups. Deviance is present in the clergy of all religions, in schools and mostly in the home.

To put my original post in context, I'll just say I was playing the devil's advocate to a degree BUT I think you are underestimating the figures in any event. Criminal priests are only those deemed to have committed offences in a court of law. It's highly likely that the real figures were much higher, and a lot greater pre-2002. The catholic church made some serious errors of judgement in how many of these priests were dealt with. You've alluded to that in your comment about pastoral and law enforcement in the 70s

I'm not going to go into what is classed as "true pedophilia" but just nutshell my argument as a person in a position of power totally abusing the privileges and responsibility they have been given.

The post was largely a response to "protestant preachers (heretics) embarrassing christianity"... people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
1972Murat said:
The answer is nobody can prove what you are asking without a shadow of a doubt , just like you cannot prove anything about your religion without the shadow of a doubt, as long as the term "interpretation" exists.

Murat, you are asking two different questions at once: 1) whether you think religion is valid (which you don't), or 2) whether you can say that a religion has defined beliefs. Religions absolutely do have dogmas and set rules. On an individual level, there may be a million different possible interpretations, but organized religion is about defined concepts. I can tell you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, whether an action accords with Catholic teaching or not by what's in the Catechism.

1972Murat said:
For example, as I have written this before, the concept of jihad is mentioned multiple times in the Quran, and over 1.5 billion Muslims see it a certain way, but the people you cite above see it in a different way. Why? Because no matter what kind of central figure you have for a religion, people will draw their own conclusions from what they read.

Islam is about much more than just random people picking up the Qu'ran and speculating on what different verses mean. There are more texts and there is much more tradition to Islam than that. There are the Hadiths, there is the biography of Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq, and there are centuries of scholarship and jurisprudence. Islam is not just some comic book based on the Qu'ran.

1972Murat said:
Just like your understanding of Genesis is much different form the "young earth" creationists. The text is the same, right? Can you prove , without the shadow of a doubt, your understanding of Genesis is correct?

Absolutely, with something called scholarship, which has been mostly dead since at least 1950.

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
calitennis127 said:
1972Murat said:
Just like your understanding of Genesis is much different form the "young earth" creationists. The text is the same, right? Can you prove , without the shadow of a doubt, your understanding of Genesis is correct?

Absolutely, with something called scholarship, which has been mostly dead since at least 1950.

In that case you have no idea what "proof" is. Someone's ideas about something that was translated (probably subjectively) from a text written about something that took place (not really) centuries ago can NEVER be proof. It can only be an opinion, and you may or may not choose to believe it.

Let me tell you about proof. Go to a rooftop, about 20 stories high. Jump. You WILL hit the ground every time. That is gravity. It is not someone's opinion of it. Ignore it at your own peril. Or Newton's third law of motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It is not an opinion.

You have religious dogma and faith disguised as knowledge. They are neither knowledge nor proof.

So "scholarship" decided a dead human being recovered from it 3 days later, like it is some kind of cold? I am sorry when I say I will pass...BUT, I am willing to change my position if you can show me solid proof, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that a dead human being came back to life. Remember though, FAITH is not knowledge.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Murat, you refuse to stay on topic, but very quickly, let me ask you one question:

Was Galileo right about the planetary orbits being circular? He told the Catholic leadership that they were irrational and unscientific for refusing to acknowledge it.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
I completely understand what you wrote above, britbox. It was and is a travesty no matter how you slice it.

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
calitennis127 said:
Murat, you refuse to stay on topic, but very quickly, let me ask you one question:

Was Galileo right about the planetary orbits being circular? He told the Catholic leadership that they were irrational and unscientific for refusing to acknowledge it.

But this is the topic you picked man, asking for proof without a shadow of a doubt about one thing or the other about certain religious fanatics... I answered I could not, and asked you in return if you can prove without the shadow of a doubt if Jesus died and came back from the dead after three days . I am waiting for that one.

We talked about Galileo before. He worked with the science that was available to him at the time. If he lived today, he would change his position. Science does that. Are you willing to change your position about a person dying for 3 days and coming back later on as if nothing happened Cali ? Or is it just a matter of faith and you do not have any burden of proof?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
britbox said:
calitennis127 said:
1972Murat said:
I am just wondering how that worked out for Christianity in your opinion, and do you believe anyone other than Catholics are "false" Christians?

On doctrinal grounds, absolutely. Karl Keating in particular has done some great work in responding to the Protestant heretics today who embarrass Christians as a whole (like your Tennessee dino-museum preachers).

But murat, I am still waiting for the answer to a question that you dodge over and over. How can you prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the likes of Choudary or Boko Haram are bad Muslims or fase Muslims or heretical Muslims? You and Broken have done nothing to prove that.

Are catholic priests who engaged in rampant child abuse an embarrassment to christianity in your opinion? If so, why was a lot of it covered up by the catholic church? Why didn't doctrinal values come into play when many of those crimes were covered up and some of these priests were simply moved to another parish?

I appreciate the funny mudslinging comeback, Britbox, but you have entirely missed the point. By touting the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, I am not saying that all Catholics - including the leading cardinals - behave virtuously. As I have already remarked, I have dealt with Catholics who are scumbags. But that is besides the point.

To go with your clergy abuse comparison, let me retort with this: there is nothing in the doctrine of the Catholic Church or in the example of Christ which justified sexual misconduct toward teenagers or children (and as shawnbm pointed out, the vast majority of such cases involved a teenager, not a 5-year-old like the caricature would have it). The sexually abusive priests could not justify their malfeasance by appealing to what the Church teaches or what Christ did. The likes of Boko Haram, on the other hand, can indeed point to tenets of Islamic law and the example of Muhammad to pull off some of what they do.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Broken_Shoelace said:
calitennis127 said:
1972Murat said:
I am just wondering how that worked out for Christianity in your opinion, and do you believe anyone other than Catholics are "false" Christians?

On doctrinal grounds, absolutely. Karl Keating in particular has done some great work in responding to the Protestant heretics today who embarrass Christians as a whole (like your Tennessee dino-museum preachers).

But murat, I am still waiting for the answer to a question that you dodge over and over. How can you prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the likes of Choudary or Boko Haram are bad Muslims or fase Muslims or heretical Muslims? You and Broken have done nothing to prove that.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt? I can't. Beyond "reasonable doubt"? I absolutely can.

Show me anywhere in Islam that condones the killing of children and massacring women by the hundreds within any context.

Sure, there is a verse in the Qu'ran that some jihadis and sheikhs have used for just this purpose, 2:217:

"People ask you about fighting in the holy month. Say: “Fighting in it is an awesome sin, but barring people from the Way of Allah, disbelieving in Him, and denying entry into the Holy Mosque and expelling its inmates from it232 are more awesome acts in the sight of Allah; and persecution is even more heinous than killing.” They will not cease fighting against you till they turn you from your religion if they can.233 (So remember well) that whoever from amongst you turns away from his religion and dies in the state of unbelief their work will go to waste in this world and in the Next. They are destined for the Fire and it is there that they will abide."

Some jihadist groups have used that line to argue that because the U.S. or Israel are oppressing Muslims (which Israel especially has), they are justified in doing just about anything in retaliation - hence, London, Madrid, 9/11, Beslan, and on and on and on.

Broken_Shoelace said:
Show me anywhere in the Quran that sanctions the killing of other Muslims unless it's anything related to the death penalty.

Just did, and I would also add that many Sunnis (particularly the Wahhabis) don't see Shiites as real Muslims.

Broken_Shoelace said:
In fact, Quran 6:151 says: “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.”

I have not once denied that Islam has its redeeming elements that are highly moral and noble. I am not like a silly atheist who says it is all worthless or corrupting.

Broken_Shoelace said:
I mean, I seriously don't understand what proof do you want?

What I want is a centralized authority tasked with interpreting the Islamic scriptures which clearly defines doctrine in the way that the Catholic Church does on the basis of the Bible and the early Christian writings.

Like I have said over and over, you can be an entirely moral and wonderful person as a Muslim, using noble examples of conduct from Muhammad and the gentle verses of the Qu'ran as your moral modus operandi. I do not deny this. But you can also turn to the ugly parts of Muhammad's life and use his actions in those moments as justification for being a very different way, and you can also turn to the Qu'ranic verses and hadiths that justify violent jihad. Without a centralized authority that defines doctrine, you can't say that the jihadis are wrong.

Broken_Shoelace said:
So, would it be possible to find verses in the Quran that refer to the killing of non-muslims in a Jihadi context? Absolutely. Do I agree with them? Absolutely not.

Wonderful, now who is the final arbiter within Islam between your ilk and the myriad jihadist groups who invoke those verses as justification for their terrorist acts?

Broken_Shoelace said:
Are these verses meant to be applied in any context and somehow permit the massacring of 12 journalists? That's the "reasonable doubt" part. And anyone who would objectively assess it should know better.

And perhaps if you were Caliph and you had an army of like-minded scholars behind you, then we could call groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram heretics who have truly perverted the meaning of Islam and that other real Muslims could stand up in opposition to.

Let me make this simple here: if tomorrow ISIS and Boko Haram converted to Catholicism but continued to inflict the same terrorist atrocities, I could declare that they are not really Catholic/Christian by invoking a) Christian doctrine as explicated in the Catechism and other sources, and b) the example of Christ's life.

Can Muslims do that with whatever generalized doctrines they have, or by turning to the example of Muhammad? I'm afraid not.

All they can do is find a couple pleasant verses in the Qu'ran that they prefer (or claim to prefer in the case of liars like the head honchos of CAIR) to the unfriendly ones, and nothing gets resolved. I've been hearing this now for 15 years. Every time there is an Islamic terrorist act, someone (such as George Bush) trots out a verse from the Qu'ran that sounds heartwarming (like the one part of 5:32). This gets us nowhere because there is no final arbiter.

And then, there is also the principle of abrogation, whereby the peaceful verses of Muhammad's early life were superseded in importance by the later warlord verses.

Broken_Shoelace said:
By the way, can you prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that anything you're practicing/preaching is the way to go? Can you prove god exists? The answer is no. Nobody can.

That is an entirely different conversation we can have at another time. Let's try to just stay on topic of what an organized prominent religion sets as its defined core teachings.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
A couple of good articles and blogs, not western media originated:

About Russophobia and terrorism


"little" US military budget:


Foreign fighters in Ukraine:


It looks more and more like these crises all over the world are not going to go away any time soon.:nono


Apr 14, 2013
Where do you all land on the Benedict Cumberbatch controversy? Basically, he said something like "coloured person" instead of "person of colour", something like this, and the Twitteratti exploded into an orgasm of outrage. It gets difficult to keep up with political correctness, what you can and can't say. The guy was being sympathetic and these tools still had to lean on him.

You can prolly guess what side I come down on... :snicker


Apr 14, 2013
:laydownlaughing :lolz: :clap :clap

That's exactly where I land in it, but he knows how to say it! :laydownlaughing


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Billie said:
A couple of good articles and blogs, not western media originated:

About Russophobia and terrorism


"little" US military budget:


Foreign fighters in Ukraine:


It looks more and more like these crises all over the world are not going to go away any time soon.:nono

Love antiwar.com - one of my favorite sites.


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Yes, me too Cali, I am glad that sites like antiwar.com exist.

Since the situation in Ukraine resembles to what I went through in my own country, it is natural that I am interested in it and unfortunately I agree with this blogger and I don't think that this ceasefire will last long, if at all. And unfortunately no peace for these poor people:


If only these politicians cared about regular folks, they would never instigate warfare, armament of others, provocations and other ugly stuff.:nono


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Donetsk and Lugansk are basically lost for the Ukraine as a state. The only solution is federalism and autonomy. The natives won't forgive the Ukrainian army in a hurry.

I don't expect the ceasefire to hold very long. Selected militias on both sides have said they are going to ignore it. There will be more of the same, and the western media will blame Russia and the Russians will blame the west.

A dose of realpolitik is needed here fast. Federalism and autonomy for Donetsk and Lugansk, acceptance of the annexation of the Crimea and the west to foot the bill for a bankrupt Kiev.