Multiple Major Winner
JesuslookslikeBorg. said:does he stop there ? hitler didn't with Germany in 1936 with sudetanland (??) didn't stop there though did it, then it was "oh look..a lot of Austrians are german speaking so lets have austria under the Nazi wing as well" and then...britbox said:JesuslookslikeBorg. said:...anyone up for a bit of Global Thermonuclear War ?. :huh::speechless:
Won't happen here. Not enough in it for the west.
Russia will take the Crimea one way or another. They are in the box seat already. They've got the naval base at Sevastopol. It's their warm water dock - no way will that be relinquished under any circumstances.
They have a navy in the Crimea and boots already on the ground. No way the west would even contemplate trying to push them out by force. They'll just fund the opposition to be a thorn in the side.
If the Russians push out into other regions then it might be game changer, but Putin won't be interested in Kiev or the western regions. He picks battles he knows he can win... Crimea is low hanging fruit.
why stop with crimea ?..Russia could take the rest of Ukraine, and Russia have already invaded crimea and the west has done nothing..oh wait though, Obama was thinking about boycotting a g20 summit in Russia in june :lolz: :nono (oh nice one barak, that should bring putin to heel)
what can the west do apart from wittering on with feeble meaningless statements ?, all they have got is.....nuclear missiles.
we do nothing or what ?, do we say withdraw from Ukraine or we will.................:emperor:
Crimea is a bit different from the rest of the Ukraine - the population has a Russian majority... it was part of the Russian Empire for hundreds of years before it was given to the Ukraine as a "gift" to mark some anniversary in the 1950s. Of course, at the time, Ukraine was under Soviet Control, so it didn't really seem to have that much significance.
When the Soviet Union split up - the Ukraine and the west were apparently amazed that the Russians didn't ask for the Crimea. Yeltsin was probably on his fifth vodka bottle of the day when he signed the deal.
Russia might not even need to annexe the Crimea officially... as long as they control it.
With regard to the Western Ukraine, Kiev... they won't bother. The interim Ukranian government has picked up a $80 billion debt. The Russians won't want any part of picking up that tab.
The only people who could bail out the Ukranian government (and they are flat broke) are the west/IMF. If you saw the conditions they wanted to impose on the Ukraine when they asked for a loan before the troubles (massively cutting costs... including heating subsidies to the general population, rise in taxes... etc)... you'll get the gist that the Ukranian demonstrators/insurgents will fall into the "be careful what you wish for" camp... things are going to get a whole lot worse for them... not better. They also owe the Russians billions in gas bills. I'd hazard a guess the Russians will use that as a major playing card or at worst cut them off.
Russia doesn't need to push deep into the Ukraine - just secure the the Crimea (possibly another couple of Russian dominated areas in the east)... apart from that it will sit back and watch the remainder of the country implode.
The only thing the Ukraine could cause problems with for the Russians are the gas pipelines running through the county. However, seeing as half of Europe get most of their gas from the Russians, they aren't going to get any backing for instigating that scenario.
Russia is well known for producing great chess grandmasters.... and Putin is inches away from check mate.